Ch.2 Akantha the She

(Brynn's P.O.V)

I couldn't believe it. Were my eyes deceiving me, my mind making up the image before me? The creature in front of me wore a ragged cloak that has been worn out by time. It seemed as if it was only a step away from becoming rags. The pieces of yarn hanging from it, ready to be plucked away by curious fingers. My fingers. I reached out to touch the soft looking material. It looked to be velvet, though it had a shine to it like no other cloak, or any other clothing for that matter, ever had. The color was an extreme deep black, devouring any existing light in the area. It seemed smooth, despite its ruggedness and being worn out. Just as I was about to touch it, the sleeve of the cloak extended and reached out towards me.

I froze.

A completely gloved hand slapped mine away, as if chiding a child on not to touch something. I became furious as to why I couldn't touch it. I snapped my head up ready to give whatever was stopping me my best glare, when I froze. My eyes widened and the white part expanded. My already sickly pale skin became even paler, if that's even possible. Then again, what my eyes saw shouldn't even exist, yet here I was, face to face with something only described as a monster.

The creature had no face, and a heavy black mist covered it completely. It's hood covered the rest of its head, leaving me no way to see any details. The mist gave the creature a sinister feeling, and complete and utter darkness filled the air. Even though I couldn't see its face, I knew it was grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice and Wonderland. I could just feel its eyes boring into my soul, hungry to consume it along with my very being. I don't know when it started, but I subconsciously began leaning towards the captivating beast. Surely I am to die now, right? I stilled and began to hold my breath when the monster lifted its gloved hand and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I just stared like a gaping fish, not sure of what to do. Should I scream like bloody murder, or run away as fast as Usain Bolt runs in his races? When the cloaked creature started to trace the bruises and marks on my neck that's when I decided to do both. Just as I went to go and start running like my life depended on it, because I'm 1000% sure it does, two gloved hands grabbed my hair and yanked me backwards as if I were a lifeless doll. Screaming was no longer an option either, for one of the hands covered my mouth, enabling me to scream. I was picked up and thrown over its shoulder with ease. I tried to scream again, but couldn't. I lifted one of my hands to my mouth, only to find it merged again once more.

No, this can't be happening. It's not possible. This is all a dream, I'm going to wake up any moment now. Oliver will be there and make fun of me for having such a silly dream. Mom will be making breakfast. Please, this can't be real!

By now the hot steaming tears were already flowing down my cheeks. It hurt to breathe. I was kicking my legs and punching the creatures back, but my attempts to immobile it were futile. I began to grow tired, but still continued to flail about. I finally stopped when the deep frightening voice said, "Stop or I'll kill you. I don't care if you're alive and human, you'll die anyway, so shut up and be still." And deathly still I was. I looked down with empty eyes. The long ragged cloak easily hid the legs of my capturer, but each step the heel of big black combat boots peeked out from beneath it. Who was this thing? I couldn't help but to be curious of the beast, despite my obvious fear for my life.

I didn't realize it, but at some point the forest got darker, and the sun seemed to stop existing. It got deathly cold and silent by mere seconds, and I couldn't help but shake in complete and utter fear. I really was going to die, wasn't I? We came to a halt and my head bumped into my capturers back. I rubbed my throbbing head, only to be whipped off of its back and thrown onto the ground. Me back came into contact with the freezing hard ground and I gasped for breath, the wind getting knocked out of me. I just laid on the ground with my eyes closed, fearing to open them, for the horrible sight I may see could very well be my last. After a little time has passed, I hesitantly opened my eyes only to be greeted by nothing in front of me. Only miles of dead looking trees and shrubbery could be seen for miles and miles on end. I stood up slowly, for a headache was forming and it felt like it wouldn't go away any time soon. I looked around at my surroundings, for there wasn't much to do at this point. Everything looked dead. No life could be found whatsoever. I never traveled far into the forest, it was forbidden. No one was allowed to enter it, let alone travel beyond the fence separating us, and them. Whatever they were. Now I was here, alone, and without a clue on what to do. My black dress was ripped and torn, still soaked from today's earlier rain. My stockings were ripped and uneven. Bruises were all over my legs and arms, probably from the branches scraping them on my way here. The skin on my hands were cracked and bleeding, along with other places on my tattered body. I began to walk in any direction, slowly dragging my sore feet. I looked around, but still no sign of anyone or anything. Just as I was about to stop and rest, I fell down,

And down,

And down.

It felt like I was falling for miles, unable to grasp onto anything to stop me from continuing. I tried to scream, and this time I could. My mouth was back! Just as I was running out of breath I hit something. It was the ground. I opened my eyes, only to be back where I was. I looked up, greeting the same cloudy gray sky. I looked around, realizing I was on a bed of leaves and moss. A bed of leaves and moss? I shot up, only to be greeted by a haunting black aura. I looked and stared at the face covered by a dark mist, covering every detail on its face. The hood of the cloak covered its head. The ragged material dragged on the ground as it walked closer to me. Again, I froze in my place.

The cold glove brushed another strand of hair out of my face, and I could just feel the eyes of the creature staring deep into my soul. I felt bare and naked, weak in its presence. I tried to get up and move, but couldn't. I was glued in place against my will. I averted my eyes, unable to look it in the eyes, for I felt too weak to face the empty face with darkness looming around it. It took my chin between its index finger and thumb and said, "You fear me, like you should. Good, this'll be easier than I thought. As much as you may love it here in these little woods of mine, I believe it's time for you to go. No running away this time. Now, listen very carefully. I'm going to give you a few options, and you'll choose one. Kapeesh?" I stared at the cloaked figure in front of me, unable to form any words. I couldn't talk, I was petrified. I really didn't want to die, though it seemed inevitable. I nodded my head, my heart hammering against my chest. I was beyond afraid now, fearing I was about to hear my options on how to get tortured to death.

"Alrighty then.

Option 1: we can skip the choice crap and go straight to soul devouring. This is my personal favorite, but no one picks it for some reason...

Option 2: you can ask one question, and one question only. No double questions either, humans always think they're smart 'n shit but really they're just egotistical and retarded, so don't go thinking I won't notice. Oh, and I have the right to deny any question. Don't go getting curious about me Missy, that ain't an option for you. Now, choose."

I didn't believe my ears, I couldn't. It was going to devour my soul? I had any question I could ask? Would it be answered? I didn't know what to believe anymore, but I had to at least try. If not for me, then for Oliver. Anything for Oliver. So I asked the question that's been bothering me ever sense Oliver died.

"How did Oliver meet her?" The creature looked at me, and I could just sense the incredulous look it was giving me. The cloaked beast of a creature said, "Her? Come on now, do I look like a mind reader to you? Your gonna have to be more specific than that sweet cheeks, otherwise your question will-" I interrupted him by shouting at the top of my lungs, "Akantha! How did Oliver Winfrey, the son of Augustus Winfrey and Barbra Winfrey, know the being that went by the name Akantha?!! Tell me! Days before he died he wouldn't stop talking about her, so tell me who she is and how Oliver knew her!" I panted out of breath, shaking in anticipation of what was to come next.

I was told not to say that name, Oliver told me so, yet here I was saying it to the cloaked creature who wasn't even promising me answers. What a fool I must be, and what a fool I will die being weak as I am. When I looked back up the creature seemed to have frozen. It was still as a dead body in its coffin. Unmoving and silent. When it opened its mouth again it spoke so quietly it was barely above a whisper. "Άκανθα. How do you know that name? No human should have knowledge of that name, so why do you?" I could barely here what it was saying, but could make out the one word that has been bothering me. Akantha. So I repeated once again, "How did Oliver know Akantha?"

His answer changed my life forever. Too bad I was unaware of the consequences of it. If only I could change time and die already. What a splendid luxury that would've been . . .

And that makes chapter 2. Soo, how was it? Was it cringey, probably. I swear, the amount of times I say it will be equivalent to the amount of words in this and the last chapter combined! Also, for those who are wondering on how on Earth to say Akantha, here it is. Awe-Can-Tha. If it's too long to say in your head then just say Ana or something.

Any constructive criticism is welcomed! Please vote and comment! You're the reason I continue! Also, if you guys have any stories you'd like me to read, feel free to tell me the title of it so I can read, vote, and comment! Thanks! Bye!

Word count: 1,948

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