
Agrippina (Ah-grih-pee-na) - fictional Greek cook in the Aurelian household

Aprilis (Ae-pril-lis) - the 4th month in the Roman calendar

Atrium (Ae-tree-um) - central room of a Roman house; equivalent to our modern-day living room

Aurelia (Ae-rill-leah) - fictional mistress and friend of Enid

Aurelius (Aer-rill-lee-is) - the fictional senator and father of Aurelia

Augustus (Uh-gust-is) - the fictional brother of Aurelia

Auxiliary (Auhx-ill-ler-ee) - volunteer legionaries who were not Roman citizens by birth

Avia (Ah-vee-ah) - Latin for 'grandmother'

Boudicca (Bow-dish-ah) - British chieftainess who raised a failed rebellion against Rome around 60-61 A.D.

Brenyn (Bren-nin) - fictional daughter of Boudicca

Brynmor (Brin-more) - fictional brother of Enid

Bulla (Bull-lah) - a type of necklace with a pouch that contained charms, worn by ancient Roman children as a type of protection from evil spirits

Caligo sanguis (Cah-lig-oh sang-oo-is) - Latin for 'blood mist'

Caradoc (Care-ah-doc) - fictional harper in Enid's village

Castrum (Cast-trum) - plot of land used as a military camp

Cena (Sen-nah) - Latin for 'dinner'

Centurion (Sen-ter-ee-un) - a commander of a group of around one hundred legionaries. Senior centurions commanded cohorts or took senior staff roles in their legion. Centurions were also found in the Roman navy.

Chaplet (Chap-let) - a garland or wreath worn on a person's head

Christiani (Chrish-tee-an-ee) - Latin insult for 'followers of the Way' or 'followers of Christ'; from it comes our modern word, 'Christian'

Christus (Chrees-tus) - Latin for 'Christ'; means 'chosen one' or 'Messiah'

Culina/Culinae (Cuh-leen-ah/ae) - Roman kitchen(s)

Dewch yma (Deh-o-ch [guttural ch sound like the gh in ugh] yih-ma) - Welsh (a Celtic tongue in the Brythonic family of languages) for 'come here'

Dennis (Den-nis) - fictional steward in the Aurelian household

Dos (Dawhs) - Roman word for dowry

Durovernum Cantiacorum (Dero-ver-num Kant-ee-ah-core-um) - a town and hillfort in Roman Britain (modern-day Canterbury in Kent)

Dw i'n caru chdi/dw i'n caru chdi, hefyd (Doo een car-ee ch-[wet gh sound as in ugh]-dee heh-vid) - Welsh phrase meaning 'I love you' or 'I love you too'

Enid (Ee-nid) - fictional British slave girl

Esquiline Hill (Es-quill-line Hill) - one of seven hills in the city of Rome; was the location of the villas of Rome's wealthier citizens

Februaris (Feb-rue-air-is) - the 12th month in the Roman calendar

Ffionn (Fee-on) - fictional brother of Enid

Filias (Fill-ee-as) - Latin for 'girls'

Flammeum (Flah-may-oom) - Roman bridal veil, named for its flame colour

Fy nghariad (Vee nn-har-ee-ad) - Welsh for 'my sweetheart'

Gaius Suetonius Paulinus (Guy-is Sue-tone-ee-is Paul-lin-is) - a Roman general and governor of Britannia, best known as the commander who defeated the rebellion of Boudicca.

Gratias tibi (Grah-tee-as tee-bee) - Latin for 'thank you'

Gwyn ap Nudd (Gwin app Nudth) - king of the fae folk and ruler of the underworld in Welsh mythology, said to roam the skies at night with his wild pack of demons known as the Wild Hunt

Honoria (On-nor-ree-ah) - the fictional wife of Aurelius

Hypogeum (High-podge-ee-um) - the name for the area beneath the Colosseum

Ilar (Ill-ar) - fictional brother of Enid

Intrabit (Inn-trah-bit) - Latin for 'enter'

Ioan (Yo-in) - fictional father of Enid and chieftain of the village

Ita (Ee-tah) - Latin for 'yes'

Julia Laelia Maxima (Jew-lee-ah Lay-lee-ah Max-ih-mah) - fictional sister of Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

Justus Julius Septimius (Just-is Jew-lee-is Sept-tih-mee-is) - fictional nephew of Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

Lares (Lar-is) - a Roman guardian deity that protected the Roman household

Legatus (Leg-gate-is) - the highest ranking officer in a Roman legion

Legio IX Hispana (Ledge-ee-oh Hiss-pan-nah) - the Ninth Iberian Legion

Legionary (Liege-on-air-ee) - a professional heavy infantryman of the Roman army

Lucius Justus Septimius (Loo-shee-is Just-is Sept-tih-mee-is) - fictional son of Justus

Mabon (Mah-bon) - mid-harvest festival from Welsh mythology

Marcella (Mar-sell-uh) - Enid's slavehood name

Martius (Marsh-ee-us) - the 1st month of the Roman calendar

Mater (Mah-ter) - Latin for 'mother'

Mea (May-ah) - Latin for 'my' (feminine form)

Milites Medici (Mill-ih-tis Meh-dee-see) - Roman military doctor

Mulsum (Mull-sum) - a popular wine and honey mixture

Nepos (Nay-poss) - Latin for 'grandson'

Pater (Pah-ter) - Latin for 'father'

Peristylium (Pear-is-stye-lee-um) - private Roman garden

Populi (Pop-you-lee) - Latin for 'people'

Quaestor (Kay-stor) - a public official in Ancient Rome

Quintus Petillius Cerialis (Quin-tis Pet-till-lee-is Kare-ee-ah-lis) - a Roman general and administrator who served in Britain during Boudicca's rebellion; he was the legate of Legio IX Hispania

Rufus Quintus Septimius (Roo-fis Kwin-tis Sept-i-mee-is) - fictional grandson of Julia and cousin of Lucius

Servii (Sair-vee) - the class of slaves

Sesterces (Ses-ter-seas) - Roman coin worth about $2; plural form is sestertii

Solea (Sole-ee-ah) - sandals worn only in the house

Stola (Stole-ah) - similar to the toga, it was worn by women. Above the girdle, upwards it was open at the sides and fastened at the shoulders. It was worn over the tunic, which made the main dress of everyone in the Roman Empire

Tablinum (Tab-lin-um) - the office of the man of the house

Telyn (Tay-lin) - fictional sweetheart of Enid

Tullia (Tool-lee-ah) - fictional cook in the Septimius household

Toga praetexta (Toh-gah prey-text-tah) - a tunic bordered by purple; worn by the children of upper classes until youths reached manhood and girls were married off

Valdete (Val-det-ae) - Latin form of farewell

Venta Icenorum (Vent-tah Ice-sen-nor-um) - a Roman fort-town in the area of the tribal Iceni; now modern-day Caistor St. Edmund in Norfolk, England

Vexillatio (Vex-ill-ah-tee-oh) - a detachment of a Roman legion formed as a temporary task force created by the Roman army of the Principate. It was named from the standard carried by legionary detachments, the vexillum (plural vexilla), which bore the emblem and name of the parent legio

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