Chapter 7
Morning came around; everyone besides Naruto was heading off the bridge.
"Ok, I leave Naruto in your hands," Kakashi said. "He pushed his body to the limit, overdoing it as usual, so he may not be able to move today at all."
"What about you?" Tsunami asked. "You're still recovering yourself."
"Why? Do I look wobbly?" Kakashi asked. "I'll be okay.
"Come on," Tazuna ordered. "Let's go." Team 7 and Tazuna made their way to the bridge. They all fell into shock to see all the workers had been taken out.
"Hold on. What the heck is this?" Tazuna demanded. "What happened? Someone was here. Someone got to them." A mist started to form like it did when Zabuza first arrived.
"Sasuke, Sakura, Kat, get ready," Kakashi ordered. They surrounded the bridge builder, taking out kunai. "I knew he was still alive. He just couldn't wait for round two."
"Kakashi-sensei, it's Zabuza, isn't it?" Sakura asked. "This is his Hidden Mist Jutsu."
"Sorry, I kept you waiting, Kakashi," Zabuza apologized, he didn't care to reveal himself yet. "I see you've still got those brats with you. That one's still trembling. Pitiful." Sasuke let out a gasp as Zabuza clones formed all around them.
"Heh," Sasuke smirked, this threw Zabuza off. "I'm trembling with excitement."
"Go on, Sasuke," Kakashi allowed as he looked at him. Zabuza slashed forward, and Sasuke easily took out the water clones.
"Ooh, so you could see they were water clones, huh?" Zabuza asked. "The brat's improving. Looks like you've got a rival, Haku." The two revealed themselves.
"So it seems," Haku agreed.
"Well, well, so Kat and I had it right," Kakashi said. "It was all an act."
"An act?" Tazuna asked.
"With a cute little mask," Kakashi added.
"Huh?" Sakura gaped.
"Big phone," Katsumi stated.
"Ha," Sasuke grunted.
"So I guess all that about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was just a bunch of bull," Tazuna gathered.
"They look pretty chummy to me," Katsumi observed.
"I'd say they've been pulling scams like that for a long time," Kakashi added.
"He's got some nerve, facing us again after that trick," Sakura said.
"And hiding behind a mask," Kakashi acknowledged. "Who does he think he's fooling?"
"Ahm," Sakura coughed. "Speak for yourself, Sensei."
"That's it," Sasuke declared. "I'm taking him out." Sakura gasped. " Who does he think he's fooling, hiding behind that mask like some sort of clown?"
"Sasuke, you're so cool," Sakura gushed. Katsumi looked over to see Kakashi in a gloomy state. Haku spun in a vortex, aiming straight for Sasuke.
"What's this?" Sasuke asked, he readied his kunai with a smile. Seconds later, Sasuke and Haku threw Senbon and Kunai at each other.
"Sakura, Kat, cover Tazuna and stay close to me," Kakashi ordered. Both girls jumped to cover Tazuna more. "Let Sasuke handle this." They watched the two spin around each other, clashing weapons again.
"We want the bridge builder, not you," Haku informed. "If you back down, I won't have to kill you."
"Save it," Sasuke smirked.
"You're making a mistake," Haku warned. "You won't be able to keep up with my speed. I've gained two key advantages."
"Yeah?" Sasuke asked. "What are they?"
"First, we're surrounded by water," Haku pointed out. "Second. I've blocked one of your hands. Therefore you only have one free hand to defend yourself." Haku held up a hand sign, he started to do more signs. "Secret Jutsu, 1,00 Needles of Death." He stopped his foot; the water rose up high, transforming into 1,000 needles.
"Sasuke!" Sakura called out. The Needles all shot down, both jumped out before the attack could hit. Haku jumped further back as Sasuke threw numerous shuriken.
Sasuke appeared right behind Haku. "You're not as fast as you think. From this point on, you'll be the one defending my attacks." They continued to swing at each other, and Sasuke managed to send Haku flying with a kick. "Thought you were quicker, huh? Now, what else are you wrong about?"
"You made a big mistake insulting these ninja and calling them brats," Kakashi warned. "That's just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke's attitude. And he's the best young fighter of the Hidden Leaf Village. And Sakura here is our sharpest mind."
"Heh-heh-heh!" Sakura gushed.
"And Katsumi here is a bit of a wild card, you do not want to get caught in her jutsu if she loses control," Kakashi stated.
"Hm," Katsumi grunted.
"And last but not least, our number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja is Naruto Uzumaki," Kakashi finished.
Zabuza started laughing. "Hmph. Haku, if we keep going like this, we'll be the victims instead of them. Get on with it."
"Right," Haku responded as he got to his feet. Large amounts of chakra started to come off the boy.
"What's that?" Sasuke asked.
"I'm sorry it's come to this," Haku apologized.
"The air, so cold," Katsumi noted as Haku held up a sign. The water rose, and ice mirrors formed all around Sasuke and Haku.
"An ice user like you Kat," Sakura noted; Katsumi nodded.
"Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Haku announced.
"What is that?" Kakashi asked. "How does it work?" Katsumi and Sakura gasped as Haku slipped his body into one of the mirrors.
"They're mirrors," Sasuke noted as multiple Hakus appeared around him. Kakashi started to run forward; Zabuza stopped him.
"If you enter this fight, you fight me," Zabuza warned. "Your boy has no chance against that jutsu. He's finished."
"Now we'll begin," Haku announced. "And I'll show you what speed really means."
"Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted as Sasuke started to get sliced up by needles.
"Sasuke!" Sakura shouted as his kunai landed at Sakura's feet, Katsumi started to do hand signs of her own.
"Just try and help him, and I'll kill the other three in a heartbeat," Zabuza warned.
"I'm sorry," Sakura apologized. "I can't stay with you. Forgive me."
"I understand," Tazuna admitted. "Go now."
"Sakura," Katsumi breathed as the pink hair girl picked up the kunai, she ran forward.
Sakura jumped up. "Take this!" She threw the kunai, just for it to get caught by Haku. "He caught it!" Shuriken flew out, hitting Hakua as Sasuke fell to his elbows. "Who is it?'
"He should've thought this through more," Katsumi stated as they saw an explosion.
"Number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja," Haku recalled.
The smoke cleared revealing none other than the ninja they left at Tazuna's house. "Naruto Uzumaki is here. Yeah. Believe it! Ha! Now that I'm here, everything will be alright."
"Naruto!" Katsumi cheered.
"You know how in stories, the hero usually shows up at the last minute and then kicks butt?" Naruto asked as he played he shook his arm. "Well, that's what I'm going to do right now!" He pointed at Haku and Zabuza. "Believe it!"
" Alright! You're history!" Naruto declared. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
"No!" Kakashi shouted as Zabuza threw shuriken. "Naruto! Move!" Suddenly, Katsumi appeared in front of Naruto and formed an ice shield on her hands, as Haku canceled out the shuriken with his needles. Everyone gasped. "Kat!" He glanced back to see that another Katsumi was still by Tazuna.
"They didn't get him," Sakura noted.
"Their weapons canceled each other out. Amazing," Tazuna complimented. "Now, that's what I call lucky, I think."
"What are you doing, Naruto?" Sakura demanded. "Are you crazy?"
"You can't freeze when a weapon is thrown at you," Katsumi said as she looked at Naruto, letting go of her ice shield.
"This is a battle, not a talent show!" Kakashi scolded. "Don't let your opponent see your jutsu." Naruto whimpered a bit. "The shinobi's art is deception. Always keep the enemy guessing. Even when executing a single jutsu, one must distract their opponent's attention, catch them off balance, and outmaneuver them. You just turned yourself into a human target when you enter a battle like that! You could've ended up dead if Kat didn't step in." Naruto started screaming.
"I'm sorry!" Naruto screamed even more as he put his hands on his head. "I was just trying to rescue everybody!"
"But there's another mystery here," Kakashi admitted as Katsumi went over to Sasuke, entering the ice mirror dome.
"You alright?" Katsumi asked in a whisper kneeling beside him.
"Yeah," Sasuke nodded. "You left Sakura by herself."
"Sakura is a full-fledged ninja, she can handle it," Katsumi said. "Have more faith in her."
"Haku, what are you doing?" Zabuza demanded.
Haku stood up more. "Zabuza, this boy, let me fight him my own way. Please."
"Bring it on!" Naruto grunted, the two faced each other.
"Hm," Zabuza grunted with a smile, looking down. "So you want me to leave this to you? Is that it, Haku?" The boy remained soft. "As usual, you're too soft."
"Forgive me," Haku said as Sasuke got to his feet a bit.
"I'm warning you!" Naruto shouted. "One way or another, I'm going to rip off that mask and take you apart!"
Zabuza stepped in front of Kakashi. "Don't even think about it. You know the score, Kakashi. If you go after Haku, I go after the bridge builder. " The tension grew. "Relax Kakashi, sit back, and enjoy the show. Let's see how they do, one on one."
"That mask and your bogus story!" Naruto started. "You were with Zabuza all along! You think you can get away with a stunt like that?"
"I'm sorry," Haku apologized as he lowered his head a bit. "But as your sensei said, deceiving your opponent, catching them off guard that is the art of the shinobi. Please don't take it personally." Sasuke threw a kunai through ice mirror spaces, and Haku easily dodged.
Naruto looked over to see Katsumi kneeling by Sasuke. "Sasuke?"
"I haven't forgotten about you," Haku said. "Not for an instant." He looked at Sasuke. "Some warriors accept defeat gracefully. They know when they are beaten. Others do not. So be it. Let us finish our battle then. To the death!" He started to walk back into the ice mirrors.
"Wha--" Naruto began. "Hey! Where are you going?"
"It's alright, Naruto," Haku assured. "We'll have our fight next." He rippled back into to fight.
"Stay alert," Sasuke warned Katsumi. "He's a more advanced ice user than you, and don't get careless like Naruto."
"Hm," Katsumi nodded.
"I'm behind you," Haku said as he appeared behind them, holding up needles. They looked back as multiple Haku showed up. Katsumi did a few hand signs, she swipe her foot behind, and a wall office appeared in front of her and Sasuke, they both got cut up by the needles, and the ice wall got destroyed.
"Sasuke!" Sakura shouted.
"Kat!" Naruto shouted.
They were both on the ground, Katsumi noticed that none of her vital spots.
"About what you said earlier," Katsumi said, Sasuke looked at her. "I understand more now."
"Sasuke, Naruto, Katsumi, think!" Kakashi ordered. "You need to attack from the outside and from the inside at the same time!"
'Brilliant advice,' Katsumi thought as she looked at all the mirrors.
"Hey!" Naruto exclaimed, Sasuke and Katsumi both jumped to see that Naruto was next to them. " I snuck in here to save you both!"
"Aah!" Sasuke and Katsumi sounded.
"Pretty cool move, huh, Sasuke and Kat?" Naruto asked.
"Uh," Sasuke groaned angrily.
"Naruto, you were supposed to stay on the outside," Katsumi informed.
"Why?" Naruto asked as he tilted his head.
"Uh," Sakura huffed.
"Naruto, you sneak up on your enemy, not your ally," Kakashi informed as he lowered his head.
"Unh. You are a complete loser!" Sasuke shouted as he lost it. You're a shinobi. Think carefully before you move."
" What the heck's your problem?" Naruto complained loudly. "You should thank me for coming here to help you!
"Naruto, if all three of us are inside here--" Katsumi began to explain.
"Forget!" Sasuke shouted as he looked away. "I've had it with your mistakes!"
"And I've had it with your attitude!" Naruto shouted back. "Believe it!"
"That's it," Sasuke declared as he got to his feet. "I'm going to destroy these mirrors right now." He started to do hand signs. "Fire-Style."
"Hey!" Naruto shouted. "What attack are you using?"
"These mirrors are made of ice," Sasuke started to explain. "So how do you destroy ice? Figure it out. Fireball jutsu!" Sasuke shot out the fire, it barely melted the ice mirrors.
"That didn't do anything at all!" Naruto shouted as he got to his feet.
"You'll need much more heat than that to melt this ice," Haku said as Katsumi got to her feet. Sasuke grunted as Haku prepared to attack.
"Sasuke," Katsumi whispered.
"What?" Sasuke asked as he didn't dare take his eyes off the mirrors.
"Show me the hand signs for the fireball jutsu," Katsumi requested.
"You heard what he said," Sasuke said. "That ice won't melt easily." Before Katsumi could say her piece, all three got shredded by needles, landing on their backs.
"Where is he?" Naruto asked, quickly sitting up. "Where's the needle attacking from? Are they clones?" He got to his feet. "We've got to find the real one? Which one is it?"
"Look into every mirror as hard as you like," Haku began. "You'll never learn the secret."
"Oh, yeah?" Naruto asked. "Shadow clone jutsu!"
"No, don't!" Sasuke shouted as multiple Naruto's showed up. They immediately started to attack the mirrors.
"You've got 100 mirrors, then 100 of me will smash them all," Naruto explained. "Then I'll find where you really are."
"Show me the signs, Sasuke," Katsumi requested. "Now, while Haku is distracted."
"Horse, serpent, ram, boar, horse, tiger," Sasuke answered as his eyes watched the fight. "A jutsu like this takes up a ton of chakra."
"I'll be alright," Katsumi assured him. "The amount of chakra I have is the main reason I normally lose control, remember?" She had a slight smile and Sasuke gasped.
" What makes you think your fire will be any different?" Sasuke asked.
"Because it is different," Katsumi answered.
"Ahh!" Naruto shouted, all his clones disappeared, and Katsumi held out her arms to catch him.
"These mirrors only reflect my image, allowing me to transport myself at light speed," Haku explained as Katsumi put Naruto on the ground. "Through my eyes, you appear to be moving in slow motion."
"I knew it!" Kakashi shouted. "It's a bloodline trait, Kekki Genkai."
Zabuza started laughing.
"Kekkei Genkai? What is it?" Sakura asked looking at Kakashi.
"It's like my Sharingan," Kakashi answered. "You can't learn it. It has to be in your blood, in your genetic code passed down from generation to generation within a single clan.
"But that means--" Sakura began.
"Yes," Kakashi confirmed. "Even I can't copy that jutsu. There's no way to destroy it and no way to stop him."
"I couldn't break through," Naruto said with his head down.
"Huh?" Katsumi asked.
"So what?" Naruto asked. "He's not gonna stop me. I'm not giving up, and I'm not gonna lose here. Cause I have a dream, and no one's going to take it away from me. Some day, I'll be respected in my village. That's my dream, to be the greatest Hokage!"
"Dreams?" Haku asked. There was a long silence. "It was not my desire to be a shinobi. It's painful. I don't want to kill you. But if you advance, I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace the shinobi way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This bridge will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream just as you fight for yours. Please do not blame me. I fight for someone who is precious to me. I live for him, and I face death for him, so that his dream may become a reality. That is my dream. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a shinobi and take your lives." Smirks formed all of the faces of the ones trapped in the ice mirror jutsu.
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