[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dan:it's been over a year since we defeated gundalia in the battle for neathia and the sacred orb once we returned to earth and rebuilt a mega Bakugan interspace the number of people accessing it from around the world totally exploded the Grand Prix tournament attracted hundreds of new battlers and Bakugan and the crowd was going wild of course drago and I are back in action along with our pals marucho and his new partner tristar and shun who's rocking battle arena with taylean also our old friend Yn with his partner utopia the blood of new battlers mean we're up against some crazy serious competition now challenged by team anubias and team sellon as we go head to head for the top spot the stakes are high for the battle brawlers this is Bakugan battle brawlers like you've never see before
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Drago and Dan defeated two brawlers
Announcer:attention everyone breaking news from arena G brush off his latest victory here comes the Bakugan interspace newest star battler still undefeated he's racing up the charts and closing in on number one Dan kuso welcome to leader of team anubias he's furious he's mysterious he's anubias
Dan:he's doesn't look so tuff
Yn:don't be to confident I've seen a few of his battles he has skills
Marucho:hey check it out
The group look at the screen to see another battle was over as it was sellon that won the match
Announcer:excitement of equal proportion comes to us from area e where the leader of team sellon the beautiful sellon herself has taken out her opponent with tremendous skill with the support of her fierce and formidable teammates Chris and soon team sellon will surely become a force to be reckoned with
Yn:Sellon is skilled to if any of us battle anubias or sellon be careful and cautious
The brawlers leave the arena as they see the battle board Dan first,anubias second,sellon third,shun fourth,Yn fifth,marucho sixth
Marucho:looks like Dan still sitting pretty on top of the board
Tristar:that should be us up there marucho what you say drago want to dance
Drago:maybe another time tristar
Dan:shun and taylean have won all their matches so as Yn and utopia
Shun:it's important for a battler to always be honing their skills Dan
Marucho:anubias and sellon are closing in on you quickly Dan I knew they're newbies but you shouldn't underestimate them they've got fearsome skills and hungry to be on top of
Dan:yeah whatever it's going to take more than a couple hungry noobs to take me and drago down
Ben:your going to eat those words kuso you got the guts to be that cocky to my face
Marucho:hey aren't you from-
Yn:team anubias so you had the courage to show yourself
Robin:I guess we should feel pretty flattered guys
Jack:yeah the brawlers remember us
Ben:well pretty soon no one's going to remember them because they'll all to busy cheering the new champs team anubias enjoy your top ranking while it lasts kuso because it won't be-
Anubias:take it easy Ben save your aggression for the arena
Yn:anubias you show himself the leader is here in all his glory
Anubias:be sarcastic as you want ln but your not strong enough to face me
Yn:if I'm not reading the board correctly I'm top five I all I need to do is face you and sellon and I'll be second rank not you
Anubias:nice to meet you Dan I'm a huge fan
Dan:oh yeah-
Yn:Dan don't let him in your head besides drago already battled he needs rest so what what you say anubias you wanna battle tomorrow or one of your goons want to be in the ring against me and utopia
Ben:I'll take you on tomorrow
Yn:then it's a match tomorrow
Anubias:let's go
Anubias and his team leaves as Dan and others leave interspace and arrive back to earth
Marucho:things sure have changed since Bakugan interspace been open source I thought we're making it a free world by turning it into the administration duties over to the automated computer system I wanted to open interspace to millions of new battlers but instead-
Shun:it turned into a lawless land
Marucho:that's a bit harsh I think
Marucho:to be honest I think the results have been mostly good battlers like anubias and sellon are great additions to the tournaments but on the other hand they're a lot of weirdo's like that Dylan creep
Yn:maybe you to update interspace so creeps like Dylan don't come in without a reason
Marucho:maybe buts not like the old days when Dan and I first meet the Bakugan who came up with the battle rules
Yn:yeah but those were back then rules this is different rules and the damage is real no hologram damage or limiters to the brawlers that can't be damaged only the Bakugan can
Shun:in order to grow everything must evolve it is the natural path of regression
Dan:you've been reading to many fortune cookies people are flocking to Bakugan interspace because it rocks it is simple as that guys
Marucho:yeah your right you always cheer me up Dan
Dan:that's my job
Marucho:and your totally awesome at it
Dan:I know right
Time skip
At night in the kuso house
Dan was having a nightmare of person in gold armor with red lines on its chest and green lines on its helmet and behind the person with the knight armor was a Bakugan that look crazy
???:you know what I want give it to me Dan kuso if you won't hand it over then I'll crush you and take it myself
Dan wakes up
Drago:it's okay Dan it's just a bad dream
Dan:yeah I'm so sick of those stupid things I know sounds dumb but it feels so real it's creepy the darkness the freak masked dude I wish I knew what he wanted
Drago:I wonder your dreams are connected to the vision I had during the battle today that the reason I missed the shot earlier
Dan:man maybe we can figure this out buddy tell me what you saw in your vision
The next day
Back in interspace
Marucho:whoa hold on that can't be right
The screen shows Ben from team anubias vs Yn ln
Marucho:Yn battling Ben today
Tristar:the big dude is ticked from yesterday off at how Yn can defeat team anubias so Ben challenge Yn to a battle
Marucho:that sounds like a really bad idea
Dan:I say it's perfect in of Yn battles Yn never lost a single battle or any life force that's how good Yn is
Shun:I agree we can see how good this team anubias is
Marucho:yeah you guys are right I dont know what I was think that would be a bad idea
Team anubias pov
Anubias:who do you think you are buddy ln was supposed to be mine
Ben:I'm a battler to
Anubias:what you say
Ben:why should you get to have all the fun and leave the rest of us to only battle the weak
Anubias:take these
Anubias gives been darkness Horridian and pyrus bolcannon
Anubias:if your battling ln you need those to win
Ben,jack,Robin leave as Dylan was watching them in secret
Dylan:let's see if I can make this battle a little more interesting
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