Let's get this started
After the Ink bros meet Angel, they were having a normal day when they still remember for their journey.
Comment: Aww~ that was Bendy's first kiss?~
With blushing bendy and Boris
Boris: Yeah go easy on him he's still a virgin
Blushing bendy turns to Boris as he winks and scolds him
Bendy: B-Boris behave!
Comment: Hi Bendy, I made some treats for you and your little bro and a bag full of cookies 🍪 if you get hungry for your travel, and uh can I hug you guys before you go it's because you're so cool.
Cute panda hugs the bros and they smiled.
Bendy:Meh thanks kid
Boris: Wow thanks!
Comment: Hi bendy! I'm nurse Skydra the Dutch angel dragon! I bring a pouch of medicine and a first aid kit for your travel. Good luck you guys!
Cue bendy kissing the Dutch angel dragon and flirting with her.
Bendy:Do you have an inhaler? Cause you took my breath away .
Boris: Bro pls
Bendy is now running away from Cuphead who was chasing him
Cuphead: where you going with those tiny feet of yours?
Bendy fell and cuphead laughs the sight of it
Cuphead:HA you clumsy little shit (that what he said in the comic)
When cuphead was close to bendy he asked
Cuphead: Any last words?
But bendy got sick again and cuphead looked question look as like he doesn't know what bendy was doing or more like his condition is doing to him.
Cuphead: H-Hey what's what are you doing? It's pretty disgusting knock it off!
But bendy illness was getting worse by any minute
Bendy: please m-my b-b...bag I need s-something ease the pain.....
Poor bendy and cuphead said
Cuphead: What? You really expect me to.
But bendy! condition was getting worse to worser as bendy couldn't stand it the pain. But cuphead wasn't doing anything but look disturbed till someone showed up and it was angel.
Angel: BENDY!
Angel bends down and sees the ill bendy and place his head on her lap and give him comfort but cuphead looks at the girl surprised it was like almost he never seen a girl but not just any girl a pretty one before.
Angel: Bendy, it's okay I'm here. We have to get you to Boris.
Then angel looks at cuphead and the 2 look at each other eyes but cuphead eventually give in and throws the bag to the ground.
Cuphead: UGH, So annoying! Here, take it! We'll continue this some other time, when you're not crying like a little bitch!
Comment: BENDY!!!! Oh my god!! Are you okey?!?! Where's Boris?!?! WHAT HAPPENED!??!?!?!?!
With Boris and Mugman they were playing cards aka gold fish.
Mugman: You have any ducks
Boris: Go fish!
Cuphead:WHY you good for nothing! You're playing with him?
They turn to see cuphead with a scolding look while he's carrying bendy and Angel was walking besides them no holding bendy bag.
Boris: BENDY! And Angel?
Angel: Hi Boris.
Boris give a wave but holds bendy and angel came close with the ink bros till mugman said something.
Mugman: Oh, it's you *he points at Angel* You're the girl with pretty voice weren't you?
The four froze and look surprised.
Angel: I ummm Yeah I'm that girl.
Mugman: Sweet, I knew a voice like that would be belong to someone like you, miss you're very-
Cuphead: Here you go! He started pissing me off with his whining! How am I supposed to enjoy beating the shit out of him if he's already in pain?!
Cuphead grabs mugman by the handle.
Cuphead: Come on you worthless shit!
Mugman: Ow ow ow
Comment: OMG!!! Boris, is bendy Ok?
Boris: heh of course he is! That mean guy actually really helped even if he wasn't very nice about it
Angel: Don't worry about him Boris we have to get bendy someplace safe and I have to get back with my friends, see you around Boris.
Boris: I'll see you around Angel.
Comment: Hey cuphead, why did you help them?
With cuphead and mugman who are camping
Cuphead: It's our duty to get rid of them so we're stickin to that! Nothing else is gonna kill them except us! Even that girl.
Mugman: He hehehe, Dude you said "Duty"
Cuphead: Pfff- Yeah I totally did!
Comment: Why is it your job to get rid of them? Who's making you?
Cuphead: None of your business creepy voice in my head.
Comment: You guys are terrible people Just because of your selfishness, so many people are dying because of you
Cuphead: Don't make me sympathize with people I don't know it was either them or us! We only care about surviving!
Comment: "We"? Why do you always say that? Do you think your brother agree with you?
Cuphead: Of course he always agrees with me!
Mugman: it's true he's the smartest
Now introducing Mickey Mouse and his gang and his brother Oswald the lucky rabbit and his 420 kids and their traveling little circus show
And the reason why Oswald is sad because his wife Ortensia died from the illness that bendy has now leaving Oswald to be mute, never sleeps, eats, drinks or even smile. And the one thing he cares about is his 420 kids and Athena, Lorise (who looks like Ortensia but they remain close), Angie and Angel who Oswald see them as their daughters.
Comment: If Goofy brings the food supplies, does he eats some of them along the way "secretly"?
Mickey and Donald give him a question look and scold look as for Athena and Angie with Lorise laughs about this situation.
Goofy: N-No
Lorise: It's okay goofy we all get hungry sometimes.
Comment: So....Oswald, how are you feeling now? Do you have any dream? Or a hope?
One of Oswald kids: Papa doesn't talk sorry!
Comment: Does daddy nod his head little one
One of Oswald kids: Only to us and Uncle Mickey right papa?
When Oswald didn't respond the little child turn to his dad and feels sad.
One of Oswald kids: Right papa!?
Oswald nodded
Comment: Has Mickey ever tried to cheer up Oswald?
Mickey: Trust me I've tried everything it's like he doesn't even see me. I was able to bring happiness to a lot of people but, I can't bring even a single smile to my brother.
Comment: Aww, Mickey! You've tried you best, and that's good enough So you should be happy about it! *Hugs Mickey*
Mickey: Aww Gosh! Thanks a bunch! It's alright thought, I still think it's only a matter of time before things get back to normal.
Angie: Hey, Mickey can you help me and the girls with something?
Mickey: Coming Angie.
Comment: Donald did you at least try anything to make Oswald happy? If not you're a lazy person.
Donald: The loss of Ortensia was sad for all of us, but I believe there's something called "moving on"! We have a Job that centers around spreading happiness "and getting money for it of course"! And he's not help us with his angsty mood....such a drag
Angel: Donald that's not nice
Donald: Ahhhhh, Oh hello Angel.
Angel: Hey if it was daisy in that situation would you be willing to do something for daisy but it'll be all too late for because the illness is a disease.
Donald: Don't you dare bringing daisy into this
Angel: Well it's reality for everyone, Oswald lost his wife because of that disease and you suggest him to move on! Oh wow the great Donald Duck thinks that way.
As the argument goes on Mickey, Angie, Athena and Lorise check out to see what's going on till they say Angel and Donald fighting.
Donald: Kid, look I know you feel bad for Oswald but this is about him being better and moving on with his life!
Angel: I know that! But sometimes I wish that I-
Donald hugs Angel and they both embraced and see the gang.
Donald: Anyways, we should all be ready for the show tonight.
Angel: You guys have fun and Oh girls I want you four to meet 2 people I guess you know Bendy and Boris.
Athena: I'm m-meeting the bendy
Angie: *Gasp* THE WOLF
Lorise: Ohhh I wonder what there like
As the girls walk away and got ready Mickey stays there and comes up to Angel
Mickey: Kid, I wanna let you know that there's an opportunity for you to sing in there
Angel: Mickey you know I can't I've got loads of things in my mind to think about and
Mickey shuts Angel up and gets her by the waist and walks while taking her
Mickey: Because Yes, I want you to perform out there with your friends.
Angel: Ahhhh
There we are performing outside and we see Boris looking at the performance in excitement while angel see them she waves at them, bendy and Boris saw angel and waved back till bendy saw Athena and Athena looks at Bendy, while Boris saw Angie and Angie saw Boris it was love at first sight for them.
After the show.
Comment: After the show Boris tried to get an autograph from the mouse didn't he?
Angel: Hey Bendy, Boris I'll like you 2 meet my friends, this is Angie, Athena, and Lorise, girls this is Bendy and Boris
Angie: Oh hey Bendy, Hi Boris
Athena: H-Hi boys
Lorise: Hello
When bendy looks at Athena he turns pink and his heart pounded and ask.
Bendy: Is Athena single
Athena blushes
Angie, Lorise: WHAT THE
Angel:*Mind: Did he really just ask that*
Boris:*Mind: Typical Bendy*
When Angie sees Boris with his cute self
Angie: Aww how cute is your brother *she runs to Boris and pets him* Aww who's a good boy, who's a good boy
Bendy: Uhh Angie you know that
Athena: Get used to it, Angie loves dogs
Boris was standing there blushing while Angie pets him like a dog as Boris tail wags like crazy.
Lorise: If you're both here to see Mickey, let us take you to him
With Mickey wiping his self off from the sweat.
Mickey: Oh boy! That was quite the show you guys.
Lorise: Hey Mickey we have some friends who want to meet ya.
Boris: M-M-Mr Mickey? I-I've b-been....A-Always a f-fan of y-you ever since I was small and I was wondering if if I
Bendy: He wants your autograph dude!
Athena, Lorise, Angie and Angel: (*Mind: Awww Boris is sooo cute*)
Comment: Did Boris get the autograph from Mickey? :3
Mickey: Sure thing kid what's your name?
Boris: B-b-b-Boris!
Mickey: So you two liked the show
Bendy: Eh it was ok!
Angie: We're glad that you guys liked it
Athena: Yeah I agree with Angie on this and to newer your question yes I'm single
Comment: So you're a good singer right Mick? What got you into singing in the first place?
Mickey: Many things got me into singing but Ozzy was the first and best reason ever. He used to come up with such cute songs and sing to me when we were kids! He used to say I'm better but I disagree and there was Angel who I heard her sing and boy she got a voice of a siren.
Angel: Uhh what? When did you hear me sing Mickey
Mickey: That night when I ask you to sing in our show
Athena, Angie, Lorise, Angel, Bendy and Boris:(*mind: He didn't even hide the truth classic Mickey*)
There's a picture of Oswald singing to Mickey when they were kids
Comment: Mickey, do you miss those good old times much?
Then Mickey tears up in happiness
Mickey: (*mind: Sure do*)
Boris: M-Mr. Mickey are you alright?
Mickey: Nah I'm ok kid! Just missing some good old days!
Comment: How would Mickey and the girls except for Angel react if they found out that bendy had the ink illness just like Oswald's wife?
Kid bunny: Uncle Mickey! Uncle goofy and I are going shopping, and we're taking papa with us. You need anything?
Mickey: Just be safe and take care of your father for me ok?
Kid bunny: Ok!
Then bendy had the ink illness acting up again and it's giving Oswald PTSD and flash backs about his late wife struggling with the disease like bendy is having now.
Boris: Oh No! Bendy hang in there!
Lorise: We have to get Oswald out of here he can't see this!
Angie: Bring him over here quick!
Angel: Stay alive for us Bendy, you're gonna be ok
Oswald saw this and tears up as he remembers what happened to Ortensia as she cries in pain while having the disease.
Bunny kid: Papa!
Angel: Oswald it's okay it's okay *angel hugs Oswald as Donald shows up*
Donald: What's going on here?
Bendy screams in pain
Mickey: Not now Donald!
Comment: Oh Noes is BENDY OK?!.
As bendy illness fading away while Boris hugs him with Athena placing Bendy head on her lap and looks at him worried.
Bendy: Boris I'm s-sor
Boris: Shhh
Athena: Don't be sorry bendy you're gonna be ok, we promise!
Lorise: I'll go Angel is with Oswald and Donald I get the feeling that Oswald isn't okay.
Mickey:(*Mind: Poor kid, I sure hope he knows that he's going to lose him pretty soon*)
Comment: Saw poor Oswald. How's he holding up
Angel: Not good, shhh Oswald
Oswald is in be shivered up from the sight before as Angel comforts him and Donald holding the bunny kid and Lorise comes to Oswald and Angel aid and hugs the rabbit.
Donald: Angel's right, here I thought his condition couldn't get any worse!
The kid bunny was crying and feeling bad for his dad.
Donald: And what are you crying about? You're not becoming a wimp like your dad are you.
Kid bunny: N-No I just don't like seeing daddy cry?
Comment: Sheesh Donald! Be a bit more supportive?
Donald: Hey now I'm doing a very good job helping all these kids and if it's not enough, then at least I'm still doing a better job than their father!
Comment: Donald your not making things better by yelling I know u have trouble with it but please try to stay calm.
Donald: Ugh ok fine I'm sorry.
Comment: How's is bendy doing?
Bendy: I'm sorry I ruined your first impression Boris...
Boris: Hahaha you're so silly bendy as if i care about that right now.
Then bendy looks up at a tearful Athena as she place his head on her lap.
Athena: Bendy (she looks down at bendy as bendy looks up at Athena with tears in her eyes)
Bendy turns pink and gets worried for her
Bendy: A-aah Athena I'm sorry I made you cry please don't cry.
Athena: I'm sorry
As bendy wipes out Athena tears they were so close that Angie with Boris and Mickey are in the same room as them meanwhile Angel and Lorise came back and see Athena and Bendy about to kiss but it was ruined.
Boris: If you two are gonna make out can you please do it later
Angel, Lorise, and Angie laughed at this and Angie place herself in Boris shoulders while she laughed Boris turn pink so did Athena and Bendy.
Bendy:B-Boris behave!
Comment:What does Mickey think of all this
Boris: Thanks for everything Mr. Mickey I don't know how...
Then Mickey hugs Boris and the girls awed at this and they cried happily.
Lorise: My heart IS SOOO FULL
Mickey: I'm so sorry
To be continued and Happy thanksgiving everyone here's a picture
Sorry not this one the other one hehehe
There we go I hope y'all enjoy
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