
Managed to write the next chapter, might take longer with the next just warning you, by the way watch for offensive language

No one pov

"Kenny!"Levi chucks his blade right at him, but Kenny uses one of his long guns to deflect it and aim it right at Levi. "boom!" Levi uses his cloak as a shield and quickly looks around before running off. A bullet was just mere seconds away from Levi, but he jumped, slide down the roof, and used his gear to fly himself out of there.

"Those Gunshots?" The soldier was moving the wagon exclaimed as two of Kenny's men swing over to them. "Are we being attacked or what?!" Eren shrieked, questioning the soldier as he replied. "Just Stay down! Hiyah!" He makes the horse go faster as on of the hooks pierces through the roof of the wagon and ripping it, revealing Eren, Latina and Historia.

Eren and Historia look over as Eren goes to grab the gun beside him. And Latina gets ready to defend the cart, but One of Kenny's men shoots a tranquilizer at Latina and Historia's necks, making them faint as Eren widened his eyes. "Latina! Historia!" Then, a tranquilizer his Eren too as he looks at his neck before fainting onto Latina's body.

"Eren!" The soldier yelled until his face was met with a bullet and was flown off the wagon. A girl sat herself on the wagon and made the horse go faster until the sound of ODM gear was heard.

She turns around to see Levi chasing after him until three more of Kenny's troops come to him.

His eyes widened as he used the hooks of his gear to the ground. He pulls himself down as the three shoot their bullets. 'Shit! They predicted hour every damn movement!' Levi thought as he continued to dodge and escape the three, who continued to shoot their bullets at him.He stares at them until he sees a shadow of Kenny aiming his guns at him. Kenny shoots his bullets, but Levi dodges them and jumps into an alley way. 'Of all people... why the hell would you work with the Mps?!' The three men from before caught up to Levi and continued to shoot their bullets at him again, but Levi kept on dodging them and avoiding them.

He then flew himself inside a bar, causing him to land on the bar counter. Everyone stared at him with their mouth's dropped and their eye's widened while the bar attender was sweating furiously and shaking. One man eating with his friend, dropped one of his sausages in shock "It's Levi... of the Scouts!" One pointed out as Levi sat himself up, blood dripping down his forehead as the bar attender shrieked. "Make yourself at home, Sir!"

Just outside the building, Kenny landed on the ground, facing the building in front of him. "Ready or not." Levi grits his teeth as a sudden though of worry comes in his head. 'Shit... If this keeps up, I'll lose my team, Eren, Latina and Historia.' He wipes the blood off his eye before he becomes alert when he hears Kenny speak.

"its the damnedest thing! I seem to be smellin a rat in this fine establishment ..." Kenny begins to make his way towards the bar doors, "Come on out, little rodent..." He jumps in, yelling. "The sheriff is here! And I aim to exterminate all the vermin I can find. Bang! Bang!" Kenny exclaimed, stomping his feet every time he said the word, the same man who was eating dropped his sausage again in shock

Levi was hiding under the counter while the bar attender continued shaking. "Eek!" Kenny groaned and began to yell. "Oh, come on! You here or not?!" Then finally, Levi spoke. "Right here, Kenny. been a while. I really thought you'd Be dead by now, what with all the MPs you were butcherin,But now you're great friends,huh?"

"Yeah, we'll, Adults do plenty of things kids like you can't understand." Kenny replied, "oh right, my mistake. You're s'posed to be an adult now, but you're still such a runt it's hard to tell. Heh. Always hoped that I might get to see you in action someday. I can't say I'm disappointed, either. Seems you still remember every trick I talk to ya. but didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat?" A clicking sound went off from his gun "Cause if I had, you know that wherever you run, Find a bullet waiting."

Kenny then grabs the nearest chair, continuing to talk. "Hey, Levi..." He chucks the chair at the drinks so hard, that the chair breaks along with the beverages. "You must've become a scout for a reason.And I think I know what that is.We were forced to survive in that little hellhole. Giving everything we had just to stay alive.So when we found out just how big the world really was, you can bet it hurt like hell.."Kenny grabs another chair. "We found something we Enjoyed doing. It's just that simple. Every man needs himself a hobby. Maybe the only source of fulfilment you'll ever find in this wretched world." Levi furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh, I see. Is that why you blew off my peoples heads, then? cause it's filling?" He goes to grab a bottle turn it to see Kenny's reflection as Kenny answers. "Yup... To achieve my gran goals, I'll kill as many as get in my way. And You're no different. You kill too when it benefits you."

"Yeah..." A gun was quickly placed on the counter and Levi pulled the trigger. Kenny used the chair as a shield before he was thrown outside to the floor, his hat falling in his face as his troops gasped. One of the troops aimed their guns, but one yelled. "Wait! It's the Captain..." In the bar, Levi sits himself up on the counter, thanking the bar attender. "Thanks for the help, Old Man."He tosses the gun to his hands and runs out to the nearest window, breaking it. One of Kenny's men who was near the window began to shoot his bullets at Levi, which he was surrounded by smoke. Once the smoke cleared up, the man gasped, only to see a chair in Levi's place. "Huh? A chair?!"

Levi came out of the bar and used his hook on the man as he landed over to the other roof"damn! Fire!" . Two men rush over to fire at him, but Levi used the man from his hook as a defense to push through, He throws the body away and brings out his blade, slices the two in one


Sasha lands on a roof and exclaims, "I hear shooting!" Connie turns to her quickly as she point to her right. "From there!" Connie carefully listened as everyone else in the group did too. "I-I heard Close to a dozen shots!" Sasha screamed again. "Do you think that they run into some trouble?" Jean asked. "It seems likely." mikasa replied, Jean turned to her as she went and explained.

"The Captain Gave us a message.. as of now, it's not just Titans. We're fighting humans, too." Everyone had their eyes widen except for Mikasa as Jean uttered. "Huh? You don't mean...?"Then, drake and Mikasa flew off as Jean called out to them. "Hey!"

One of the Military Police, Nile, turns to the sound of ODM gear and sees drake and Mikasa. "Are they running a training exercise?" He assumes. A soldier walks by and calls out to Nile. "Commander. You're needed to check some papers."

Back with Kenny, a girl walks over to him, calling out to him. "Captain. You Finally beat the dust or what?" Kenny grabs his hat from his face, replying. "What a dumb question.How would I answer if I was dead, caven?" Kenny chuckled while inside the bartender was sobbing while a woman was comforting him "Brat got me good." Kenny chuckled "I forgot that bar owners are allowed to keep guns to protect themselves. looks like the runs grew up more than I figured. "

"That's lovely, sir." The girl replied as Kenny placed his hat on his head. "Like hell. The boy is a thorn in my ass!" He retorted, " my dream is slipping further and further away..."Now, the group was using their gear.

Connie looks down to see three unconscious people in a wagon. Latina, Historia and Eren. "Look! There they are!" He exclaimed as Armin looks down. They then see Levi going after the wagon. "Captain levi !" Armin exclaimed.

Levi looks behind him to see Kenny's men aiming a gun at him, making Jean shriek. "the hell is that?!" The guy fires, but misses Levi as he uses his hooks on him, which makes it pierce through his chest, flies him closer, and Levi slices him. Jean, drake and Mikasa watch as Levi looks over to see his team."follow the wagon!" He ordered them. "right!" As the group started to chase the wagon, the two troops look over and quickly before the girl makes the horse go faster. "Listen up! These soldiers were trained to fight other people.They've already taken out free of. Ours. If you hesitate for so much as a second, you'll be dead.. The moment you see an opening, go for the kill" Levi informed, making some part of the group gasp. "If we're gonna get those two back, you can't hesitate! If you get the chance, you kill! Got it?!"

"yes sir"

Mikasa and drake reply, making Jean stare at them with wide eyes. Levi then bounces off of a market's roof and uses his hook to latch onto a man. Levi throws him off before turning over to the group. "Armin, Secure the wagon with jean! We'll keep you two covered!" He orders."Uh-Sir!"

"he killed him..." Jean muttered. "Come on!" Armin yelled as he flew down to the wagon. Jean follows and the two land on the wagon, making the girl turn around and aim her gun at them, but drake comes swooping down and kneeing the girl in the face, causing her to fall on the wagon and groan.

A blade was merely inches away from her face as blood dripped down her mouth and nose. "Don't move!" Jean yelled, clearly nervous as he tried to seem threatening. His hand shook as the girl narrowed his eyes at him, wiped the blood of her face, and began to stand. "Stop." The girl swung her gun at the blade, making it fly off somewhere.

Jean falls on the wagon and was met with a gun to his face. His eyes widen as drake comes flying in, holding his blades while calling his name. "Jean!"Then, the sound of a bullet being fired was heard.


At the Capital Mitras, the men from before continue to talk to each other, now seated in chairs, a few meters away from the King. "its a shame nothing came of our chat with Erwin, or his woman ." One of the men said.

"We're No closer to finding eren jaeger, Latina romanoff and historia, At this rate, all of our actions against the scout regiment will prove to be for nothing."

"True." Another said. "So, do we know what kind of information they might have gotten out of Pastor Nick?" Another shook his head. "No helping it. If Our questions get specific, will risk giving them information they didn't have in the first place." Another says. "No, what they Learned is irrelevant. All that matters now is what they tried to learn. The Charter of humanity is clear on this. Will deal with them as the law dictates..."

There was a brief silence before the sound of a door opening can be heard. A man comes in and hands a note to one of them as he reads it. "This is from Lord Reiss." He informs. Before reading it more and turning to the King. "He's captured Eren, Latina and Historia. And He's going to take direct action against Erwin And the scout regiment. He requires no assistance at this time."

"Thats last of it." Nile tells Erwin, who's in the barracks as Nile continues to say. "If you want any of your personal effects returned, ask for them later." Erwin turns to him. "No, that's fine. What if you have a moment, I'd like to talk."

"I'm not really in the mood to reminisce about old times." Nile retorted. "Why are you so cold, Nile? We were like brothers backing up days as Cadets." Erwin reminded, only to receive silence from him. "Quite soon, this tiny world of ours will be changed.." He also says. "Will that change bring hope or despair? Can we trust the crown with the future of humanity? Who should decide? Who has the right? Who will you trust, Nile?" Nile rolls a sweat. "Erwin, tell me... What are you planning to do?" Erwin lights a match and lights the candle, answering. "I'll make a Gamble, same as always."

Somewhere, Armin is throwing up over the water stream with Mikasa and drake beside him for comfort. He pants heavily as drake places a hand on his back. "What's it like this for you?" He asks them, making the the girl and guy slightly widen their eyes as drake lets go of him

Armin's eyes were widened, tears rolling down his cheek, he goes to wipe his eyes, uttering. "I'm Sorry..." They shake their heads. "It's ok." The girl reassure him, but he kept on apologizing. "I'm Sorry...I..."

Earlier when the gun shot was fired, Jean watches the girl fall off the cart and looks over to see Armin holding a gun. Drake pulls himself back as she watches the body roll while Levi flies over. He then notices three more troops of Kenny's fly over as he shouts. "Shit! Armin! Jean!"Jean just stares up ahead, mortified at what just happened as Levi comes over and grabs him while Sasha goes to grab Armin. The troops land in the wagon and fire at the group behind them as drake dodges the bullets and lands on the ground.

Then, two more troops fly past her. Mikasa goes to chase after them, but Levi stops her from doing so. "Let em go! We're running on fumes!" He states, " NO," but mikasa struggles in his grasps before yelling out a name. "Eren!" Drake just stood their paralysed, what was on the ground, was a purple hair ribbon, with golden coloured highlights on the end, Latina's hair ribbon

Now later, it's evening. The group are in the factory from before, along with Reiner, bertholt, Ymir, lizzy, mike and Zane, lizzy wasn't talking, instead, holding her sisters hair ribbon, while her hands were trembling, while Ymir was comforting her the best she could, even though she wasn't doing good either considering her girls were taken

Armin stares at the lantern with wide eyes as Levi looks at him and questions. "What's wrong? Did all this filth kill your appetite?" Armin shook his head. "No..." He looks over at Jean and says. "Jean, there's something I don't understand..."

"What's that?"

"When I turned around to save you... that woman already has her gun to your head. It's, funny... how could I have the shot before she did?" Jean looks away from Armin. The memory of girl flashes in his eyes. She was giving him a sad look while aiming the gun at him. "I don't know..."

" you shot first because she hesitated." Levi stated. "It's simple." Jean looks down, apologising. "I'm sorry wouldn't've had to save me If I'd just done my job"

"I know what it is..." Armin spoke softly. "The woman i shot back there... I bet she was a really kind person. She must've had a lot more human empathy than I ever did. I pulled that triggered so easily... Without a thought... I'm..." Levi looked at him again.

"a killer, and now that your hands have been soaked in blood, The person you want to swear it's gone for good." Mikasa sends him a look and exclaims. "Why would you say that?"

" and you shouldn't regret it for one second." Levi added on. "Because if you'd chosen to keep your hands clean, jean Would be a corpse on a cart right now" Silence.

The man who was tied up before listens and glares at them as Levi continues on. "I'll tell you why you pulled the trigger... Because your comrade was about to die. Armin... everyone on your squad survived today. Because you got blood on your hands. Thank you"

Armin just looks down at the lantern as Jean glances at his captain and spoke. "Captain Levi, I...Uh..I thought it was wrong For us to fight of the humans, Sir... I thought it was wrong that you'd order us to do it. I mean, we became soldiers to protect people. But now, I see that I was in the wrong, sir... next time, I swear I'll shoot"

"I never said anything about who was right or wrong."Jean looks at him. "My more high ground is shot to hell." Levi admits. "I have no idea who is in the right at this point?" Jean just stares at him until Levi stood up on the crate he was sitting. "Now then... I think it's time we heard what our guest has to say" He says, referring to the tied up man.

Levi undoes the piece of fabric around the man's mouth, and the guy immediately starts begging, "Mercy, please. I'm just an old man that used to move cargo. I didn't want to-"

"I've met this one before," Mikasa cuts the man off while sauntering over,The memory of when Latina threatened the man to move his wagon during the attack on trost came back to her. "He seemed to be a prominent merchant."The man gasps, and Levi nods.

"Yeah, I know him. Dimo Reeves, right?"Dimo huffs and looks to the side. "This damn job was forced on us by the Military Police, and now that we've completely botched it, they'll plunder the Reeves Company for everything it's worth. First, they'll kill me, and then they'll set up accidents for all my employees, my dumb son too."

"So you're just going to accept that?" Lizzy scoff, and the man looks over at her with a small gasp, she was not happy and wasn't taking excuses."She's got a point. There's a reason Trost recovered from that Titan attack. It's largely because of jobs and money brought in by the Reeves Company. Tell me, if your company we're to disappear, how many would survive the coming winter?" Levi questions the man."So what? You want me to join you?" Dimo inquires."We just need to know where Eren, Latina and Historia are. If you're in contact with the MPs, I think I have a plan."

"And can you give me your word that the people of Trost won't end up starving to death?"Levi takes a knee in front of Dimo and looks at him blankly. "I can't guarantee it. That said, I believe they'll have a better chance with us than without."

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" Dimo asks, and Levi looks at the rest of us."Gather around. This is the plan..."


Graysons pov

"Hey! How'd you find em anyway?" A Military Police asks, as him and other members of the Police were in wagons and on horses. "They found me, I promised there was that I'd cooperate,And for some reason they believed me." Dimo, who was with them, explained.

Then, the wagon stopped. One of the Military Police men poked his head out the wagon and raised a brow. "Are we there?" He was only met with a gun to his face by Jean as the group had surrounded the wagon. Just as he was about to go inform the other one, he was hit in the face by the end of the gun.

"Sorry, gents, that's how it is," Dimo says, and I put my gun away and drag the man I just knocked out out of the wagon, Reiner takes the guy from me and carries him away, and I follow behind him. We enter the building, and I watch as Mike carries one of the men down some steps with Levi following behind him. "What are they going to do?" Marco whispers, and I frown."Listen, this is going to be an interrogation that involves torture. It will sound like someone is getting murdered. If you can't handle it, step outside because I can promise you it's going to disturb you," I explain before walking over to the top of the steps.

" yo Grayson" I heard a familiar voice from the trees " who's that?" Marco asked worried, bet he though it was an enemy " it's all good, I know the guy, Wait here" I said walking over to where the voice was " Hey little man, up here" I looked up and saw one face I was happy to see " joel! What you doing here?" I asked, Who I was happy to see him, but it could've risked the MPs following him and bringing them here " sorry kid but I found something shocking you need to see, I wouldn't recommend it but you might wanna show your superiors" he said which I raised an brow " what do you mean I shouldn't look at it?" I asked " Just saying it's something you don't wanna look at, but hey I can't stop you, but just as a warning, I wouldn't show Drake or your new friend Zane" he said, slipping his hood back on "See you later man" he then took off

I was confused as hell because he never spoke like that before, so I just walked back over to the guys "Grayson who was that?" Reiner asked " Don't worry he's a friend, if you've heard of the Creed guild, you know we have nothing to worry about, Since the only thing they do is piss off the military police, besides I was raised in that guild" I explained, Then held up the letter "He just came by to deliver this, and recommended that I should look at it, but he said I could if I wanted"

" are you?" Ymir asked " It sounds important so yes, what the hell is he talking-" as I opened the letter and saw what was written, Immediately cut myself off, what I saw in the letter was unbelievable " Grayson are you alright?" Bertholt asked, I just shook my head and marched inside " where you going?!" Ymir called out " I need to find hanji, morbilt and captain Levi, now!" I yelled, running inside

I ran past the guys, Ignoring their calls and ran down the stairs, just then I heard hanji voice

The door to the room slams open, and I look over my shoulder as Hange bursts into the room with Moblit behind her. "I made it! You haven't finished yet, have you?!" she shouts, and Levi frowns."No, I haven't even gotten my feet wet," Levi tells her, and she storms over and joins my side, staring at the man in front of us."Sannes, I'm only a novice at human torture but while I lack experience, I plan to give this job my all!"

"Hold on!" Sannes exclaims, and my eyes flicker up to the blindfold I put on him, sweat making the edges stick to his face. "At least tell me what you want! Who the hell tortures someone without asking questions?!"I look to my side at Levi who's walked over. "You and Mike didn't question him before starting the interrogation?" I cock an eyebrow."Oh yeah, I guess we should've," he says monotonously before looking at Sannes. "We do have some questions. Where were Eren, Latina  and Historia taken? What do you want with Historia? And what is the Reiss family?"

" come on! Can't you see that we're in a time crunch here?"She then uses the pliers on one of Sannes' nails, making him scream in agony while the group are upstairs, hearing the screams.

No ones pov

Everyone was seated except for Mikasa as Jean says. "Here we go again..." Sasha then added. "The Screams seem a lot louder than they were when the captain did it"

"I know it's to save our friends, but.. it's still makes me sick." Connie uttered. Armin stares down at his lap, then saying. "Let's face the facts... We're criminals now." Everyone looks at him as he continues to say.

"Our last enemy wanted to eat us. We don't have an excuse like that for killing these people. It's just that there views are different. No. It's just that they're in another group. And for that, we'll take their lives..."

"Armin..."  Mikasa called out as he just kept on talking. "We're not good people. Not anymore. At least"

" hey, did any of you see Graysons face when he ran through here" Reiner asked, catching the groups attention " yeah...we called out his name, but he just ran past, down the stairs" jean said " but the look on his face..."


While the group were talking, Grayson burst into the room like the devil was in his tail, charging down the stairs like a man on a mission " Grayson-!" Jeans eye widened when he saw the terrified look on his face

Flashback end

Graysons pov

I continued to waiting outside the door, while listening to the conversation with Hanji, Levi, and Moblit, and Sannes. "Sorry, I Don't have your knack for peeling nails. Just how many did you have to rip off to get so good at it?"

"More than I could keep track of. Within these cramped walls, war has never broken out, and I can tell you why. It's because we of the Interior First Squad dirtied our hands to protect the King's peace. That teacher too smart for his own good. That stupid couple who tried to fly. A whore who fucked the wrong man. No matter how they beg or plead, we erased them to protect humanity!" He yelled

"You should be on your knees thanking me! In all my years, I've never seen anyone take such pleasure from human suffering as you all! You're all monsters..." he whispers while panting, trying to catch his breath still, "but I'm determined to face you without fear. Do what you will for I... I have my faith, and I believe in the King and in peace within these Walls. I believe that every last one of my wretched deeds was justified, but to think that it'd hurt this much... If you're going to torture me to death.get on with it. That sounds like a fitting end for this blood-stained life."

' yeah right, what did that have to do with me and my friends in the past asshole!' I clenched my fist

"Time for a break" levi announced and I could hear footsteps walking towards the door, it opened and they stepped out, Not closing it completely when they noticed me in the hall " Grayson? What are you doing here?" Morbilt asked, I didn't say anything, I just walked over and handed hanji the letter " you okay? your not acting like yourself" she said " I think I have an idea of how to make him talk" I said, ignoring her previous question

" and it involves a bit of manipulation on our end. I can tell you upfront that physical torture isn't going to work anymore because of the state of mind he's in, but the good thing about that is he's weak, and I know how to make him crumble."

"What do you have in mind?" Levi inquires, and I jut my thumb over to the other MP we have captured who's sitting in a different room."We use him," I say still frowning.

"You mean Ralph? Grayson what do you have planned?" Hange questions, and I stay how I am, still frowning ."Just watch and listen," I say before walking over to Ralph, crouching down and removing the strip of fabric that was keeping him mute. "All right, Ralph, time to see where your interests lie. Are you more devoted to the King or is your life of more value?"His eyes widen a fraction, and he frantically shakes his head. "N-no, don't kill me, please," he begs, and I tap his hand."So does that mean you'll help me? Or am I going to have to start prying fingernails off?"

"I... I'll help, just don't hurt me!"

"Perfect. Now listen closely," I say while grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from a drawer of the table near him and writing on it. "I'm going to write a quick script for you to follow. If you read every line as they're written and with conviction, I won't harm you in any way. Sound good?" He nods while I scrawl the rest of the note down before handing it to Hange who holds it directly in front of him as I drag him to his feet. "Fantastic. Now don't mess this up."

"Quit shovin me. It hurts"  My ears pick up on the quiet gasp that Sannes makes, and I smirk. "You really are weak, Ralph. I pried one fingernail off you, and you spilled everything. Sannes not only withstood all his fingernails getting ripped out, but he was also able to take me breaking each of his fingers."

"Like I care, he can get tortured all he wants. The guy never shuts up about peace and the King. The rest of us all hate his damn guts. Just do us a favor and kill him already."

"Hmph, well no matter what you may want me to do, I still need to confirm that what you said was true. Trust me, I've barely started interrogating him, so I'll make sure he cracks."

"Yeah? Well, knock yourself out torturing him. You got everything you wanted out of me, so why don't you lay off already?! Oh, and about my cell. It'll have a bed right?" We stop on the stairs that lead up to where my other friends are, and I slip the piece of fabric back into his mouth, so he's gagged. "Good job. That was actually rather believable," I state before looking at Moblit. "Take him back to that room we had him in. I have a feeling I've!accomplished what I wanted to."

Moblit nods, and drags Ralph away, leaving me with Hange, Mike, and Levi. "That was... brilliant, Grayson," Hange praises with a smile, and I look at the door that Sannes is behind.

"Sometimes breaking someone physically just won't work but destroying them mentally always does. To utterly ruin someone psychologically and distort their views on what they always thought was true will confuse and weaken them. It may be twisted, but it works. The thing about it is that you have to know their weaknesses which can be hard to figure out."Sannes' comment that he made before I led you guys out here was what revealed his weakness to me, and I was lucky enough that Ralph was easy to convince," I state while crossing my arms over my chest

"Now, in my opinion, we don't visit Sannes again for the rest of the night. I want to allow him time to actually comprehend the words I made Ralph read."

"I must say, you impress me, brat," Levi states."Thanks sir" I said while I turn around and make my way up the stairs. "First thing tomorrow morning, we check on Sannes."

"Never thought the day would come where a cadet tells us what to do," Mike says with a small snort, and my cheeks heat up as I realize I completely just bossed around my superiors.

I laugh nervously, turning my head away. "You'd make a good Squad Leader," Hange says."I don't have enough experience to do that yet, but thank you," I said walking up the stairs " Grayson wait!" I stopped and turned my head back to hanji " where'd this come from?" She asked, my eyes widened when she held up the letter " i'm going to be honest you're not gonna like it, but you need to know..." I said, I knew this would affect her a lot, but she has to know

As soon as I walked up the stairs, i placed my hand against the wall and let out a  sigh " Grayson?" I gasped when I heard a familiar voice, I looked up to see the guys, not lizzy, Ymir, mikasa and Sasha

" are you alright man? Your not telling us anything and now we're getting worried" zane said, I just walked up and past but my arm was grabbed " dammit Grayson will you tell us what's going on!" Drake yelled, that's when i lost it " no!" I snapped, I looked hack at their shocked face and realised what I did, I just turned my head "Seriously, what is going?" Reiner asked

" just tell us, it can't be that bad" jean said " can't be that bad?! do you wanna know what I found out! alright I'll tell you! I just received a letter from the guild! About something the mp's have been hiding..."


My eyes were widened on what was on the letter

' one of our guys snuck into the mp's base, what he found was most shocking, loads of closed files on the missing children's case's, And what was worse was the Close case murder of victor romanoff, even though no one is found his killer or his wife's, loads of murder cases of the families are died after the children were taken were closed as well, But was more worst. But was more worst...What is these notes on power extraction on them magic's source, Latina's source, they found a location in one of these notes, we investigated and found loads of strange equipment, there were guys but we took them down, But that's not all we found... there were loads of kids that were also painfully experimented on, But they were failures, waitin to be slaughtered... thank God we found those notes otherwise they wouldn't be alive... what place we felt was most likely where you were brought to be experimented on'

I couldn't believe it, They found the place I was experimented on, not only that Latina was the source of the powers

' But we have confirmed one thing, Victor Romanoff...Was murdered by the MPs... his fellow MPs...Put up a fight to protect his family...But it wasn't enough... some MPs only showed up to where his wife body was, along where he was dying, what is sick to me the most was that he didn't even know that it was his fellow MPs that were his killers... even if he was a respected military police officer, they still murdered him'

'Oh my god...'

Flashback end

Their eyes were widened with shock " no way..." Connie muttered " You've got to be kidding me..." Reiner said, still shocked "  all those times we trained, and I wanted to be one of them..." jean muttered angry "I looked up to that man... and they killed him in cold blood..." Marco said

" are you saying...My parents...And my brother...we're murdered by..the mp's?...Please tell me you're kidding me..." zane begged " and I wanted to be an MP...thank god I didn't make it into the top 11" drake stared coldly

" I don't want to say anymore okay, I'm got what you let me go to sleep..." I said, walking past and heading to bed, I have no idea how I'm gonna sleep tonight, but what's done is done. I need to try...for Latina...

Next night

Hange opens the door to the room Sannes is in, and I cross my arms. "Ready for another day of torture, Sannes? Or have you wisened up and decided to speak?" I ask, and he lifts his head slightly."Reiss is the true Royal Family," he states, and I exchange a quick look of surprise with Mike, Levi, Hange, and Moblit before stepping into the room. "Tell us everything."

In the city

No ones pov

"So much for keeping a low profile..." Dimo mutters, as him and his son were back in Trost. He takes a puff of his cigarette as mutters again. "How long is that boy going to take?." Elegel looks around him real quick before going behind a building to relieve himself.

Dimo takes another puff from his smoke until a hand was over his mouth and a knife held against his neck. " ya know the one thing a Merchant Should never sell out of is trust"

Kenny's voice was heard as he slices Dimo's neck and drops him to the ground."Was it wise to do that without asking where Levi is?" The girl from before asked him. "He'll show up No matter what we do." Kenny said, using a cloth to wipe the blood of his blade as the girl raised a brow. "How do you know that?"

He only responded back with saying. "Because I raised him. That's how. Levi Ackermann's not one to give up the chance " Then, Kenny and the girl walk off as they didn't know, Elegel had heard and watched the whole thing. Tears fell down his cheeks as he held his mouth his hands, trying not to give away where he was or being too loud.

With the group

Hanji and Levi has told everyone about the information they just discovered. "You mean the rightful heir to the throne is... Historia?" Armin uttered as everyone was sweating and had their eyes widened. Hanji nodded. "That's correct. And based on that knowledge, where assuming that she, Latina And eren have been taken to lord reiss." Hanji turns to Moblit, who nods and places a paper against the wall, unfolding it to reveal Rod Reiss. "That's him."

Meanwhile somewhere

"Historia..." Rod opened his arms and hugged her as he went to apologize. "I can't tell you how sorry I am..." Historia's eyes widen, her breath hitches too as Eren watches, mouth gagged, and eyes slightly parted....his eyes wandered to the redhead who was still unconscious not to far away ' Latina...' his eyes then shut again

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