FiaDD, Mr. Erratum, Ask/Scenario

-Start Ask/Scenario-

Koykoy_ONLY - Heya! 'Tis me again. I just wanted to ask, are we allowed to ask for something twice? If so, I have another thing to ask of you... I commented this in FiaDD and I really want to know what you think will occur if ever it happens: What if Mr.Erratum hunts Killer's parents down from wherever they may be (without anyone knowing, of course) then just shows up one day-- either at school during lunch or at Killer's doorsteps-- with adoption papers in hand?

- You can ask more then once, I don't mind! Right now I am only doing some when I want a break from my big stories and I am choosing them mostly at random. But I do plan to get to everyone eventually. I also have plans for Killer, so don't worry about that. I cant give anything away yet, because you know, spoilers. In any case, on to the ask/scenario! -

Killer was worried.

Mr. Erratum hasn't been to school in a week. No one knew where he was or why he hasn't came in yet. The teachers had no idea, none of the students had no idea where he was, he said nothing about it, and the Principle just said that Mr. Erratum had asked for a week off for a family emergency. The sewing then left without a word.

Some teachers even found out where he lived, going to check up on him. No one was home. His neighbor Ms. Berry, the old sewing teacher, was watching his two babybones for him while gone. After being asked, she stated she had no idea where he went off to, only that he said he would be back as soon as he can with a surprise for all his kids. She wasn't worried nor were the kids, they trusted that Mr. Erratum would come home safe and sound sooner rather then later.

But that doesn't change the fact that no one knows where Mr. Erratum is at, or what he is doing. Just that he counted it as a family emergency.

So, Killer felt justified in feeling very worried for his beloved teacher.

And it wasn't just him. All of Mr. Erratum's students were worried along with the teachers. Even other students who don't have Mr. Erratum were worried for the broken yet loving teacher. Killer honestly thinks that Mr. Nightmare is close to having a breakdown if Mr. Erratum doesn't come back sooner rather then later. The history teacher has been looking so down and frantic that his own kids were close to making him stay home for his own health.

So, here Killer was. Sitting in the cafeteria in a corner table, alone on a Monday, picking at his moldy sandwich. His parents haven't been home in two months, and the last time they only came home to pick up more clothes before leaving. His food supplies was starting to run low, meaning that he had to make due with what he had as there was no money left. He would have to wait two more weeks before one of his parents sent him some money to get food. 

Other teens sat with their friends, talking up a storm and laughing all around him. More then a few with worried faces and talking seriously with one another. While Killer could sit with the other students in Mr. Erratum's class, as they would welcome him, he didn't want to. They weren't his friends really, only connected because of their teacher. Teachers walked around, keeping a eye on the students. Mr. Nightmare being watched closely by Mr. Ink and Coach Error.


Everyone jolted, surprised gasps sounded out. The surprised gasps soon turning into delighted screams.


Killer jolted, blinking in shock before grinning wildly. Mr. Erratum had just busted into the cafeteria from the side doors that lead outside. But, Killer's smile fell a bit in concern, he wasn't smiling. In fact, he looked serious and slightly grim, a gleam of a Monster on a mission in his eyes.

Students and even teachers ran up to the tall dark skeleton. Killer frowned sadly, keeping to his seat. He would never be able to get through the crowed, nor would it matter. Picking at his moldy sandwich once more, depressing thoughts in his head, his head shot up once more once he heard more then one person asking where Mr. Erratum was going.

Killer's SOUL pounded when he saw Mr. Erratum determinedly walking through the crowed, not answering any of their questions or stopping. The sewing teacher's multicolored eyes on him.

Soon, the teacher was standing across the small table in front of him. Looking down at Killer, Mr. Erratum ask one thing as he sat down a huge stack of official looking papers in front of him.

"DO yOU wanT mE TO siGn tHEm?"

It took a moment for Killer to look down at the papers, not understanding what was going on and in shock that Mr. Erratum came to him of all the students. Everyone gathered around the table, forming a circle yet still giving them a bit of space. More then one student filming everything with their phone, and some teachers glancing at one another in confusion and slight worry. Mr. Ink even holding onto Mr. Nightmare's arm to stop him form doing or saying anything at the moment.

Looking down, all Killer needed was to read one word before his head snapped back up to look into Mr. Erratum's serious eyes.


"B-But my parents..." Killer stammered out numbly, not believing what was in front of him. 

"ArE noT fiT tO bE paRENtS." Mr. Erratum stated bluntly. More then one student and all the teachers eyes widening as they realized what was going on. "iT tOOK mE soME TimE tO finD tHEM bOTh. BuT i DiD. oNE wAS iN ChINA, tHE oTHEr iN GeRmanY." Mr. Erratum frowned harshly. "thEY COuLDn'T anSWER mE ANY QuEsTIOnS abOUT YOU. yOUR oWN mOthER coULDn'T EVEn TeLL mE whaT yOU lOOk likE." Mr. Erratum glanced to the stack of papers on the table. "i...TalKEd wiTH THEM aftER QuEstiONinG thEM, tO sEE iF thEY couLD bE bEttER paRENtS tO yOU. i GoT tHEM TO SIGn tHE papERs, hAnDInG yOU oVER - aLL paRENTaL RigHTS - tO whoEvER siGnS thE doTTEd lINE."

"Y...You..." Killer's eyes were now watering, just staring up at his favorite teacher. The one who he saw as....

"i alREaDY sEE yOU AS onE oF mINE, AS onE oF mY kIDS." Mr. Erratum smiled gently down at Killer, making his SOUL flutter. "tHIS woULD jUST mAKE IT moRE oFFIcaL. BUt iT'S yOUR CHoiCE. YOU cAn GET sOMEONE ElsE TO siGN iF you WAnT tO-"

Before Killer even knew what he was doing, he was up and jumping over the table, right into Mr. Erratum's arms. "YES!"

Mr. Erratum caught him and held him close. Killer looked up, tears of joy falling down his face. "Yes! I-I always saw you as my Dad, as my parent!" Killer sniffed, tears not stopping as Mr. Erratum looked down at him with a smile. "I..I want you to be my Dad!"

Mr. Erratum chuckled, hugging and holding him close with one arm, his free hand coming up to rub the top of his head. "i'M GlAD soN." Killer felt something in him move and break, forming something new. Mr. Erratum's eyes went wide before he laughed. "yOU haVE SomE EnCHanTINg EyEs thERE mY SOn."

"Wha..." Killer glanced around, stilling when he caught his reaction in the window. A pair of sparkling blue eyes looked back at him.

"noW, TO SiGN anD TaKE yOU hOME." Mr. Erratum brightly stated with a grin. "yOU havE TO mEET yoUR liTTle bRotHERs. i pRomiSEd yOU aLL a SuRpRisE WhEN i GOT baCK. yOU goT yOUR'S. noW tIMe TO suRpRisE thE lITTle TErRORs wiTH thEIR nEW biG bRothER."

Killer looked away from his reflection, seeing all the shocked, happy, and some even crying students and teachers, to look up at his Father. His Dad. His Papa. 

His parent.

"I'd love that Dad!" Killer grinned so wide, his smile over took his face. His eyes sparkling like the stars themselves. "....I love you Dad."

Mr. Erratum chuckled warmly, patting Killer's back. "i loVE yOU ToO SOn."

One student who took a video of the whole thing posted it up online for all to see.

It got over a million views on the first day.

The next day, Killer Miscalculation came into school side-by-side with his Father, Erratum Miscalculation, brand new clothes one, a new lunch box and backpack on, and looking happier then ever.

Killer glanced up to Mr-no, his Dad. "Y-You don't have to walk me to school D-Dad..." Killer glanced off to the side. "I...I could have taken the bus. And you don't have to walk me to class either...You're busy after all, and I'm old enough."

"i DON't havE tO, bUt i WanT tO." His Dad smirked, softly rubbing the top of his head. "anD yOU'LL alWaYS bE yOUnG tO ME. NOW mY OldEsT SON, TimE TO shoW yOU oFF. i thOUgHt i WouLD havE tO WaiT yEaRS bEfoRE i CouLD do thIS." Before Killer could even open his mouth, his Dad pointed to Mr. Ink with a smirk on his face. "mY kID iS GOInG TO bE bEttER tHEn yOUR'S! hE gETS bEttER GRaDES. anD juST lOOk aT hIM - iSn'T hE juST tHAT goOD loOKinG."

Most kids would be embarrassed.

Killer wasn't most kids.

Killer laughed and cried in joy as his Dad started bragging about him to every single teacher and worker while he walked him to class.

All his dreams and wishes have come true.

"SON?" Killer blinked away the tears, looking up at his Dad, who was looking down at him in worry, offering his hand. "WhaT'S wRonG?"

"Nothing Dad." Killer wetly laughed, taking the hand and not letting go. "I'm just so happy."

"oH." His Dad tilted his head before smiling down at him, leading him by his hand now. "thAT's ALL i WanTEd yOU TO BE anYWaY."

If anyone noticed how happy Killer was, and how he cried a little, when he was called 'Mr. Miscalculation' by the teachers in class, no one said anything.

"Man, Erratum!" Error huffed, slapping Erratum's back in the teacher's lounge where all the teachers were at the moment. "Make all us teachers look bad!" The PE teacher then snorts. "Planning to adopt one of the teacher's kids next?" He jokes aloud, making all the other teachers laugh along besides Erratum.

"iF anYoNE oF yOU WeRE TReaTInG yOUR kID bADlY, THEn yES." Erratum stated bluntly, looking very serious and grim. "i hAVE plANS aT tHE reaDy iF thAT haPPEns. lUckIlY foR yOU aLL, NonE oF yoUR kIDS lOOk aBuSEd iN anY WaY..." Erratum suddenly grins. It was a nice grin. "i WouLD kEEP iT tHAT WaY."

More then one teacher shivered in fear and denied ever hurting their kid.

Error backed away slowly from the sewing teacher in terror.

Nightmare gulped, flushed bright purple, and refused to look at his incredulously looking brother, who was just staring at him.

"noW tHAT WE havE hAD thIS nICe ChaT," Erratum smirked, getting up and walking to leave the room. "i hAVE tO gET mY soN SO thaT WE caN go hoME togEtHER. WE havE a lOT oF thINGs TO Do afTER aLL."

It was silent when Erratum left, the door shutting behind him.

Then Cross spoke up, asking a question that made more then one teacher pale and gulp with realization.

"If that's his idea of a chat...then what's his idea of a talk?" Cross asked aloud, glancing around with horrified eyes. "A...Are Killer's old parents even alive?"

Many questions about the whole adoption went unanswered, but that was okay.

Erratum had  trouble and spent a lot of time to put into finding Killer's parents, but it was okay.

Seeing Killer laugh so freely and be so loved was worth it.

That's all Erratum could ask for.

That's all any parent could ask for.

-End Ask-

Okay, I'm going to be honest. I meant to end it a long time ago. But then I just kept adding more and more until it became this long and big. Not regretting it though.

I hope you all enjoyed this scenario/ask!

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