Chapter 20
I just woke up from a good ass nap, now it was time to get the kids bathed and dressed for dinner at Jasper's parents house.
I started with Jewel, when I was finished giving her a bath I dressed her in some sky blue shorts, a navy blue and white Jordan shirt, navy blue and white Jordans, and a jean jacket.
I sat her at my vanity to start her hair, I parted it down the middle and put it into two ponytails with navy, sky blue, and white hair bows. I put her on a matching necklace and kissed her cheek; "all done baby girl"
"Tank you TeeTee" she smiled and checked herself out in the mirror.
"I look so pwetty" she cheesed. "Take pic?" She asked as she held up her IPad.
"Yes I will take your picture as soon as we get outside." She nodded and left to go play in her room until it was time for us to go.
Next was JJ, I walked into his room and Jasper had just finished getting him dressed. He dressed him similar to Jewel, he wore white pants, a white, navy, and light blue polo shirt, with some light blue Jordans.
"Thank you baby" I smiled at Jasper. "You look handsome JJ"
"Thank you TeeTee"
"I'm gonna go ahead and get dressed. What time are we leaving?" I asked.
Jasper looked at his watch; "it's going on 2, we have to be to dinner by 6 so I guess like 4?"
"Okay" I walked into our room and headed to the shower. I showered for about 30 minutes, cleaning my body with my Lavender body wash, stepped out, dried off, then oiled my body.
I sat at the vanity and started on my hair. There wasn't much to do, I parted it down the middle and ran through flat iron through it a couple of times. I decided to go without make up today so that they could see my natural face and not a cake face.
I was nervous as shit. I started to fake sick today so I couldn't go but imma suck it up cause mama ain't raise no hoe.
I got the chance to see them at the wedding but we didn't have the opportunity to properly meet because Jasper didn't want to take over Jason's shine. I spoke with Mani about how it was for her meeting them for the first time and she pretty much said it was cool.
She really didn't get the chance to meet their dad because he was active in running his organization so he was rarely home, making Jason Jasper's father figure for years.
"You ready?" Jas asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Almost I just need to get dressed" I answered as I turned to face him.
He was wearing a white shirt with M&M's on it, a red, black and blue wind breaker with some dark jeans. With his dreads pulled back into a ponytail. "You look nice" I stated.
"Thank you" he said as he kissed my forehead.
I blushed; "let me get dressed"
I went into the closet and got dressed in some white ripped jeans, a royal blue Champion crew neck and some red Jordan's to match the logo. I put on my gold necklace, earrings, and made sure to put on my ring.
"Okay I'm ready, we can head out now" I replied exiting the bathroom.
My stomach began to get butterflies; "what's wrong?" Jasper asked furrowing his eyebrow. I guess he noticed my nervousness.
"I'm nervous Jasper, I don't wanna do this" I pouted. "What if they don't like me?"
"Why wouldn't they? You're perfect" he shrugged.
I smiled; "you think so?"
"I know so" he kissed my forehead.
"JJ and Jewel come on" Jasper spoke loud enough for them to hear him. They came out of JJ's room and headed down the stairs ahead of us. We all walked towards the garage as Jasper disarmed and rearmed the alarm.
"Before we go, I told Jewel I would take her picture. Come on y'all, I wanna send y'all buga boo parents some pictures" I said to the kids.
Jasper laughed at my statement and headed towards my Tesla since we were driving it today. I snapped pictures of the kids to send to Mani and Jason.
Once I was finished we headed towards the car, Jasper opened the door for me as JJ opened the door for Jewel.
The ride to his parents house was for the most part quiet besides JJ and Jewel laughing at whatever they were watching on their IPads. It took about 45 minutes for us to arrive at their home.
When we pulled up I was speechless. Now I know why Jason and Jasper had good taste in homes, this house was immaculate.
I took deep breaths as I said a silent prayer that they would accept me. Jasper opened the doors for everyone and we all headed towards the front door. He used his key to gain entrance; "Ma, Pops, it's me" he shouted.
Why he so loud?
"Boy don't be yelling in my house like that" a beautiful light skin woman said as she stood at the top of the stairs. She was petite with long hair parted down the middle with curls at the ends. She wore black fitted pants with a long tan jacket.
"Ggrraannddmmaa" the kids yelled as they ran up the stairs towards her.
"Hi my babies! I missed you!" She cooed as she squatted and hugged them tightly. I stood to the side playing with my fingers as I silently prayed for bravery.
"It's okay, she's nicer than she looks" Jasper whispered to me. I giggled.
"Son you can't come give your ole lady a hug?" She spoke as she descended the stairs.
"Hey mama, how are you?" He replied as he walked and engulfed her into a bear hug.
She smacked his back; "What I tell you about that boy" she laughed. "This must be Ms. Kiari?" She asked as she walked towards me.
"Yes ma'am" I replied as I reached my hand out to shake hers.
"Girl if you don't give me a hug" she scolded as she wrapped her arms around me hugging me tightly. "I'm Anastasia, you can call me Stasi or mama, whichever one you prefer. It's nice to finally meet you, Jasper and Jason talk about you so much I feel like I know you"
I smiled; "I hope it was good things" I replied as we headed towards the living room.
A dark skin, handsome man sat on the couch in a full blown suit. I took calculated steps behind Jasper; for some reason my heart rate sped up. I could literally hear it beating in my ears.
"Pppaaappppaaaa" Jewel screamed as she ran and hopped into his lap.
"Hey baby girl, how are you?"
"I good papa, how you?"
He chuckled; "I'm good baby girl"
"Good" she nodded.
"Hey papa" JJ stated as he walked up and sat next to their granddad.
"JJ, my man! Give me some!" He replied as he held his fist out. They pounded fist and then hugged one another.
"What's up old man" Jasper spoke as he to walked over and dapped him up.
"Sssoonnn" he spoke , "where you been? I kind of missed ya ass" Jasper chuckled.
"He's been with this pretty lady right here" Stasi stated as she grabbed a hold of my hand.
"And who is this?" he asked as he stood to his feet. He pretty much towered over me.
"Pops this is my fiancé Kiari" Jasper spoke as he stood on the other side of me.
"So this is the new daughter in law I've been hearing so much about?" He asked as he gestured his arms for a hug. I walked into his arms and hugged him back.
"I'm Jamison but you can call me James or Pops" he spoke.
I nodded my understanding. "Yes sir." Suddenly all of my nerves went away. They made me feel right at home. We all took seats on the couch.
"So what brings y'all by?" He asked as we all sat on the couch and the kids ran off to do whatever.
"I wanted y'all to formally meet Kiari since it's been a few weeks since I've proposed to her. I know y'all hear about her a lot but I needed to put a name and personality to that" Jasper spoke as he grabbed my hand in his.
I smiled up at him, it made me feel good inside that he had been speaking about me to his parents. This whole time I was thinking that they knew nothing about me.
"Well its a pleasure to meet you Kiari, like I said we have heard so much about you and I can tell my son really loves you because of the way his eyes light up when he talks about you" Stasi stated. "It's the same look his brother gets when he's talking about Imani and his dad use to give talking about me."
Like he was looking at her now
I smiled and nudged his shoulder. "Thank you, he truly is a great man. I've never had a man treat me the way he does so thank you guys for raising him as well as you did"
They both nodded. "Dinner is still cooking so we can chill out for a while. Kiari call your brother and cousins over, I wanna make it a family event even though Jason and Mani are still enjoying their honeymoon. There is more than enough food" Stasi spoke as she headed towards the kitchen.
"That's very thoughtful. I will call them to see if they are up to it. Jurianna, my cousin is nearing her induction date so her and her fiancé may sit this one out but I will call my brother and sister and law to see if they would like to join."
"Good, just let know so that I know how many plates to set the table with."
"Yes ma'am" I replied with a smile.
"Stasi or mama young lady" she placed her hand on her hip and wagged her finger at me.
"Ok Stasi" I laughed. I wasn't planning on calling her mama until Jasper and I got married. "Would you like some help in the kitchen?" I asked her.
"No ma'am, you are a guest."
"You sure?"
"Positive" she smiled. "Thank you"
I nodded and turned my attention to Jasper who was just staring at me. "Why are you staring" I giggled.
"I told you they'd like you" he shrugged.
"You thought we wouldn't like you?" James asked.
"Let's just say I was a nervous wreck"
"We like everyone until you give us a reason not to. As long as our sons are happy, so are we" he responded. "Now come on, let me whoop y'all tails in bowling" he raised out of he spot on the couch and headed towards the kitchen.
My eyes widened; "he mean like on a Wii or something right?" I whispered to Jasper.
He chuckled; "Nah they have a mini bowling alley in the game room."
My eyes bulged out of my head; "oh so y'all got money money?"
He burst out laughing; "girl come on" he grabbed my hand and we headed to the basement.
Once we got down stairs I noticed that this is where JJ and Jewel disappeared to. This was a kid's dream room, they were each at an arcade game playing.
"Hey TeeTee babies" I spoke as I kissed each of their cheeks.
"Hey TeeTee" they replied in unison.
"Alright amateurs lets get this game going" James spoke as he walked into the basement.
"Pops now you know I'm finna whoop ya ass right?" Jasper asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yea yea yea, it sound good" he chuckled as he entered our names into the game.
I went to chose my game ball and walked back over to the guys. "Alright y'all don't be mad when I whoop both of y'all." They both eyed me.
I laughed so hard! "Man let's play" Jasper replied as we got the game started.
Author's 📝
So the in laws like her so far 😊 idk how I really wanted this to go but I like it 🤷🏽♀️
I need some ideas on how to play out the Myles situation , so if you have thoughts PM them to me 🤞🏾
Get this chapter to 20 VOTES & I'll update again 👏🏽
If y'all do it by tonight I'll update again , if not I won't have time until Sunday 🤷🏽♀️ (if that bc I have a busy weekend 🤸🏾♀️)
Ya'll know the ddeeaall ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Go check out works by the gang 🤟🏾-pacquiana MarshaaBlount ThatGirlBlessings cantbeduped qveen__mon
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