Alexandrea's P.O.V
After the continuous teasing about his choice of boxers, I decided to stop so we both fell into a comfortable silence and continued staring at the waves. I preferred him like this, when he is not being rude or a dick. I smiled as I remembered when my grandma and I used to come here. She would sit beside me and I would rest my head on her shoulder while her arm wrapped around me. I never told her what her son usually does to me but she notices my scars and I tell her that they are due to my clumsiness. She would tell me that I shouldn't keep my emotions to myself for too long and I would just smile at her. She was never sick, she was hale and healthy but one morning she never woke up. I cried so much but I knew deep in me that no matter the number of times I cry, she is not coming back so life just goes on.
"You changed your shampoo?" He suddenly asked and I snapped my head towards him.
"What?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Did you change your shampoo? You smell like candy instead of vanilla" he stated and I hung my mouth open.
"Yeah, I did" I said and looked away from him.
"Good. I never liked vanilla anyways" he shrugged. What? Eli likes Vanilla....
"Well I like Vanilla" I muttered and there was silence not even sure if he heard me or not. I continued thinking about the fun days with my grandma and how much I miss her.
"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked with furrowed eyebrows as he stared at the continuously overlapping waves.
"My grandma" I smiled sadly and he looked at me. "I miss her so much"
"Where did she go?" He asked.
"Heaven" I muttered and he nodded.
"Oh! It's okay to let it all out you know. You shouldn't just keep all your emotions to yourself, we are all human" he said and returned his gaze back to the waves as I stared at him.
"What did you just say?" I asked, stunned that he voiced out my grandma's words.
"Huh?" He asked and looked at me.
"My grandma used to tell me that" I said in a quiet voice and stared at the wet sand.
"Well that's creepy" he said and I rolled my eyes at him playfully. Suddenly he stood up and dusted his sweats. I looked at him in confusion wondering what he was about to do.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Letting it all out" he said and looked ahead and started yelling "Fuck this world!!!"
"You're crazy" I shook my head at him and he rolled his eyes.
"C'mon just try it. It helps" he said as he pulled me up by my arm. I sighed and stood up as well dusting my sweats.
"I hate you!!!!!" He yelled again and the sound of the waves was louder than his own. I looked at him and decided to give it a try.
"This world is shit!!!!" I yelled and honestly, I did feel good.
"Yeah, you don't deserve awesome people like us!!!!" Nick yelled in agreement.
"I hate the way my life is!!!!!" I yelled.
" I hate the choices I have to make!!!!" He yelled as he cleched his fists.
"I hate the way I get judgmental looks because of my scars!!!!" I yelled as tears begin to gather at the corner of my eyes. We we're both carried away with our thoughts that we just let out the overwhelming emotions.
"I hate you dad!!!!" I whimpered."I hate you so fucking much!!!!"
" I hate you mom!!!! I hate you dad!!!" He yelled getting angrier by the second. "Why did you have to leave us??!!!"
"I miss you Grandma!!! I miss you so much it hurts" I cried and yelled.
"I hate you so much!! Why did you leave us to an old woman who could barely take care of herself!!!! Why did you give her so much responsibilities!!!!" He yelled. I felt a drop of water on my cheek and I ignored it and I felt another soon it was raining. I looked at Nick wide eyed and realized his eyes were bloodshot.
"It's raining" I yelled over the sound of the wave and the rain.
"I'm aware! We have to go!" He said and quickly wiped his cheeks.
"Were you crying too?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Mind your fucking business" he growled and jogged towards his car as I stood on the spot. And he's back to his normal self, I thought and started jogging towards my car as well. I got inside and rolled up all the windows then turned the heater on. We were laughing a while ago, so what the hell crawled up his pants?
I sighed and started driving home as I put on the radio, there were no songs but just discussions and arguments about sports. I parked at my drive way and glanced at the time, 3:43am.
Atleast I can sleep now, I thought as I got out of my car and headed upstairs feeling tired from all the yelling and screaming at the beach. My throat felt sore and my muscles felt worn out. I dropped my key on the desk and snuggled up on the bed. As I laid on the bed, I thought about what Nick was screaming about. Why does he hate his parents? What choice did he make? I could help but wonder if that's why he's always so rude.
I picked up my phone and checked if Eli texted back but there was nothing. While I was checking, I noticed a phone number I don't remember storing. Confused, I checked it and it was stored with 'The hot as fuck dude'. I decided to call tge number so I'll know who it is. I put it on speaker and waited as it kept on ringing, the person didn't pick it so I called again. It rang again and the person picked this time.
"Hello" I said to the phone.
"What?" A familiar voice said through the phone and I felt stupid for not knowing who it was immediately I saw the name.
"Nick?" I said and he hung up on me. Stupid idiot!
I changed the name to 'Dickolas' and stored it in his number before plugging my phone to it's charger. I snuggled up further into bed and let unconsciousness take over me.
"Good morning class, I'm Mr Tom and I'll be your new Psychology teacher" a short bald man said excitedly as groans could be heard across the class. I sunk down further in my seat as felt my stomach twist, I shut my eyes in pain and opened them back. It's been one week since the sudden conclusion of our chat from Eli and since Nick and I yelled out our frustrations at the beach. As usual, Nick was sitting behind me in class, Eli was there seats away from me and Eddy was two seats away from Eli. Zoey was sitting beside Eddy and Bex with Luke we're having geometry.
"Now I'd like to know your names starting from you" he pointed at a curly headed guy wearing glasses at the sitting at the front by the right of the class.
"I'm Blake" he stood up and said while the teacher nodded. Blake sat down Mr Tom and pointed to the girl sitting behind Blake as she stood up and said her name as well.
You see, I woke up happy and smiling until shampoo got in my eye then I slipped and fell while in the bathroom. As if that wasn't enough, the hairband that Nick have me the other night cut while I was putting my hair in a ponytail so I had to use a string of my hair then my strawberry decided to start when I was already dressed so I had to change. Today is just bad luck for me because, I'm sitting in front of Nick who is ignoring me and Eli who has been acting weird.
"Young lady, your turn" Mr Tom said and I felt another pain my stomach as I hissed. I groaned quietly and stood up to introduce myself.
"Alexandrea Dwayne" I grumbled out and sat down as he nodded.
"Nicholas Hunter" Nick said without standing up and Mr Tom shook his head at him in disapproval but ignored him and asked for the name of the person on the next row.
"Hey! are you okay?" Nick nudged me and I nodded without facing him.
The rest of the class just consisted of introductions and soon we were rushing to the next class which was Chemistry. Well, I didn't rush because of the pain in my stomach so I gathered my book slowly and headed for my locker. I put my notes and took the notes for the next class. I got to chemistry class and sat down beside Bex.
"Hey bubblegum! Guess what?" She beamed as I sat beside her.
"What?" I grumbled and she frowned at me.
"What's wrong with you? You're grumpier than usual" she noticed and I rolled my eyes at her.
"I'm not grumpy" I protested .
"Wait? Is it strawberry week already?" She asked.
"Yes" I hissed clutching my stomach. The cramps are the worst parts of my strawberry week.
"Why did you come to school? You know you have bad cramps and mood swings" she frowned at me and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Whatever, just tell me what you wanted to say" I said getting angry.
"And the mood swings starts" she mumbled. "Anyway Luke asked me on a date and I'm going tonight" she giggled and I smiled at her.
"I'm happy for you" I said and groaned in pain again.
"You don't look too good, may w you should go to the nurse" she suggested and I scanned her outfit.
"There's no need for that" I said and she frowned at me.
"Morning class" Mr Lin's cheerful voice boomed cutting Bex off.
"Morning sir" we all chorused.
"How was your weekend? I trust it was good. I hope you've been reading because....." He continued preaching and I became lost in my thoughts as the I felt a knot explode in my stomach causing me to bite my lip in pain.
A paper hit the back of my head and I frowned when I saw that it was from Eli's table. I looked at him and he smiled then pointed to the paper which was on the ground. I glanced at teacher and he was too busy preaching to notice so I quickly took it off the ground and opened it's folds.
Hey! Sorry about the way I've been since last week. Let me make it up to you on Friday night? 7:00. I'll pick you up? Please
I blushed as I finished reading it. My strawberry goes on for a week which means more cramps and mood swings for me but I like him and I don't want to let them opportunity waste. So I turned the back of the paper and wrote my decision.
I folded it neatly and threw it back to him. He unfolded it as his eyes scanned the paper and his face broke into a grin. I smiled at him and went back to thinking of the foods I'll like to have right now. The class has started but the teacher is not teaching yet, he's still advising us. Immediately the bell was rung, I ran out of the class, dropped my books in my locker and went to the bathroom.
I stood in front of the mirror leaning on the wash hand basin. I scanned my outfit slowly suddenly disliking it and groaned when I felt another cramp in my stomach.
"Alex?" Zoey voice echoed from beside me and I looked at her.
"Hey! Zoey!" I said excitedly and she smiled back.
"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
"Yup. Just cramps" I said and sh nodded.
"Take care" she said and I felt another pain hit me. "I think you need to see the nurse" she said worriedly.
"No!" I snapped and left the bathroom.
School went on and soon everyone was rushing home. The sun was extra bright and hot today. I just felt anger surging through me and are at anyone that looked at me wrongly. Blame it on the mood swings.
I waited for Bex and got in my car as I saw her jogging towards me. Luke has been discharged but he's still at home. She got in to her car as well and we departed after she gave me several worried looks.
I got home, parked my car in the driveway and dragged myself inside. My mom was still at work so I closed the locked the door after entering and went straight to the kitchen. I made myself pasta and finished it then took ice cream from the freezer and up to my room. I stripped from my clothes, took a shower and laid on my stomach on the bed. I took my phone and scrolled through it then six messages rushed in. Four from Bex and two from Eli so I checked Bex's own first
Bexy💋💕:Hey cupcakes! Are you okay? Should I cancel the date and come over?
Bexy💋💕:Are you home yet?
Bexy💋💕:And no ice cream! It makes the cramp and mood swings worse!
Bexy💋💕: You know what? I'm coming over right now!
I rolled my eyes at her messages and replied.
Me: No! Enjoy your date! Please don't come over.
Me: And don't worry, I didn't take ice cream!
If she knew I took ice cream, I'll be dead meat. She replied immediately.
Bexy💋💕: Are you sure?
Me: Positive! Don't worry about me
Bexy💋💕:Okay, if you say so. Bye
Me: Bye
Clutching my stomach as I felt another pain, I clicked on Eli's message.
Elijerk: Hey! I'm a little impatient haha! so can the date be today? And I'm taking you to the Exquisite Restaurant so you'll wait for me there?
Elijerk: I mean If you want of course!
Me: Sure! Same time?
Elijerk: yeah!
Me: Alright! See ya
Elijerk: you too!
I put off my phone and checked the bedside clock for the time.
I bit my lip and thought of sleeping for thirty minutes. The cramps are killing me and I know I'm meant to tell Eli but I don't want to sound like I'm ignoring him that's why I agreed to it. I stood up from the bed and walked to my closet.
Something beautiful but decent.
That's what Bex always said anytime she wants to pick a dress for me. I scanned the clothes in my wardrobe and sighed in frustration unable to find a proper dress for a date. I need to look my best because this is my first date and because I want him to like me. Fuck dresses, I'm going for jeans. I decided and brought out a cute outfit.
I don't wear heels, in fact, I hate them. But I'll wear them for tonight. I'm so nervous I thought as I changed into my outfit and stood in front of the mirror. I put my hair in it's usually ponytail but instead using a string of my hair this time. I decide not to wear my heels yet to avoid any accidents. I put on makeup and nude lipstick to complete the look. I looked cake faced after I finished the makeup but it's still nice I guess. Maybe I'm trying to hard....
Nope, I'm not!
I shrugged and put a pepper spray, a bag of chips, my phone, some money and a cherry lip balm in my bag. By the time I was ready, it was 6:44pm.
I also left a note for my mom saying I went on a date. I put on my heels and took careful steps towards the door with shaking legs. I smiled as I almost got to the door and I quickened my steps a bit which made me trip and fall.
"Stupid heels" I muttered as I stood up again and successfully got outside the house. I walked to the road side and called a cab instead of taking my car because I was too lazy to drive. Arriving at the restaurant, I paid the driver and got out of the cab carefully. I made my way to the door a d I could see it was a fancy one. The doorman held out the door for me and I entered telling him a thank you. I scanned the place and I could see men in suits and women in expensive looking dresses. Maybe I should have worn a dress.... I thought as a waiter like the one in the movies appeared in front of me with his hands behind his back.
"Madam, do you have a reservation?" He asked politely and I smiled and nodded.
"Under which name?" He asked again as he brought out a book from behind his back. I furrowed my eyebrows at this. Eli didn't tell me any of this ...
" Um.. Perkins" I said and he gasped.
"I'm sorry for keeping you standing please follow me" he apologized and led me to a table as I sat down
"Thanks" I smiled and he bowed and left. Weird...
I saw the menu on the table and scanned through it. None of the things they sell here sounds familiar so I dropped it and started playing games on my phone while waiting for Eli.
An hour later, I started to feel hungry and Eli wasn't here yet. What if he bailed out on me? Or he had a second thought? . I checked my phone for any texts from him but there was none. I decided to wait longer after ordering water while the waiters gave me pitiful looks. I started having the cramps again as I groaned and bit my lip to endure the pain.
After sometime, I checked the time on my phone getting angry that he was late.
10 :02pm
"Madam,are you waiting for someone?" One of the waiters asked.
"Yes " I said frowning and the waiter nodded and left. Was I late? Did I do something wrong? Was I-
My phone started ringing and I got irritated glances from some people as it rang loudly. I realized it was Eli and decided on picking it.
"Hello!" I said to the phone.
"Hey! I'm really sorry, I can't make it. Something came up so I had to attend to it" he said and I could feel myself about to blow up.
"Okay" I said with gritted teeth and ended the call. Grabbing my bag, I stood up and left the money for the water on the table then stormed out of the restaurant.
Writer: Hello sweethearts,
How are you y'all doing? Did you like this chapter? What did you think?
Anyways, thanks so much for the reads and votes in this book. I really really appreciate them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!.
*Eli, Nick and Eddy are found at the corner of the room with hands tied to their back and socks in their mouths*
*Winks at them then faces the audience* Thank you TheStyleAwards for the breathtaking cover up there!!
Don't forget to vote comment and follow. Enjoy...
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