Between Storms

Alright, heads up that this chapter is a little Leo-centric, but I would advise reading it anyways cause it's important to the plot.  Enjoy!

Taurus noticed Pisces walking into the living room, and turning on the TV. It flickered to life, and a TV weatherman was saying "...massive storm coming to the area..."

"Huh," frowned Pisces.

"What is it?" asked Cancer, glancing up from her book.

"This isn't the channel I left it on," he explained. "I don't think anyone else has used it since then."

"Weird," noted Taurus, without looking up from her book. Wierd, but not the weirdest.

Gemini looked up, alarmed. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" asked Cancer, a little apprehensive.

"The TV," explained Gemini, with a concerned expression on his face. "In this kind of story there is only one reason for a TV to be featured."

"And that is...?"


Taurus glanced up. "What?"

"I'm serious!" protested Gemini. "The only reason for a TV to be talking about a storm coming to the area is if it's going to be featured in the upcoming plot arc!"

Taurus stared for a second. Then, she said "That's genius."

"Hey, thanks."

"I love that, dude."

Gemini jumped to his feet. "Foreshadowed means forewarned means forarmed! I'm heading out to the store to go buy lots of ice cream. Taurus, wanna come?"

"Ice cream? Of course!" Taurus climbed off the couch and she and Gemini walked off.

"Are they being serious?" frowned Cancer.

"No idea," shrugged Pisces, flicking to the PBS channel where they were showing a special on aquariums.


Gemini could possibly have been right, because it was one heck of a storm. That night the wind was howling like some kind of howly-thing, and trees were swaying back and forth, limbs falling all over the yard. Fortunately no one was outside when it hit because Virgo forced everyone to come inside once he got a phone alert (although there was a close call with Aries involving some kind of pole-vaulting competition). No one really slept that night, the sounds of the wind, the rain, the lightning, and tree limbs falling like rain were more than enough to keep anyone from falling asleep. More than a few people were convinced that some of the windows on the downstairs floor had broken open, but were too nervous to go down and check.

When the morning finally came, however, the house was intact. The yard was littered with branches and the powerlines were down, but there was no structural damage. So, weirdly enough after that kind of night, they had to go to school.

Three days pass...


"Leo," whispered Gemini.

Leo blinked his eyes open. The teacher was drawing something on the board that looked like a potato but was probably supposed to be a hexagon, judging by the fact that they were studying polygons. But then, who knew?

"How long was I asleep?" whispered Leo.

"Nearly an hour," whispered Gemini.

Good, that meant school was almost over, in about ten minutes. It was a long day. A friday too. Leo was more than ready to go home, relax, maybe take a nap for a minute or two...


Leo snapped awake as the bell rang, and tripped out of his chair. Laughing, Gemini helped him up again. "Dude, you fell asleep again? That's got to be a record!"

"Sorry," Leo grinned sheepishly, and yawned. "Might go for a third on the bus."

"Well don't miss your stop," chuckled Gemini. "I have track, so I won't be able to wake you up."

Leo shuddered. "I can't believe you guys meet on Fridays."

Gemini made a face. "Yeah, it's pretty inhuman."

They split up in the halls, and Leo made his way towards the bus stop. Maybe he could bully Aquarius into making sure he didn't miss the bus. He'd ask Aries too, but she'd probably find it funny if he missed the stop. He laughed, as he walked outside towards the bus.

"Leo!" Leo turned around to see Aquarius running up to him. "Leo!" gasped Aquarius, stopping to catch his breath. "Leo, I need your help."

"I'll need legos," Leo said immediately. "Lots of them."

Aquarius snorted, and said "Sure, help me out and you can have all the legos you can dream of."

Leo smirked. "I think you're underestimating just how many legos I can dream of. So what do you need help with?"

Aquarius hesitated, and said "Scorpio hasn't been to school for three days."

"Okay, and?" asked Leo. This was by no means the first time Scorpio had skipped out on school for a period of time.

"Three days," said Aquarius.

Leo shrugged. "She was gone for a week last month."

"No, that's not what I mean. That huge storm was three days ago."

Leo looked up and frowned. "Wait, what are you saying? What does that have to do with anything?"

Aquarius hesitated again. "I guess... I don't know, I'm getting the feeling she's in some kind of trouble. She hasn't answered any of my texts and usually she does if I spam her enough. It's... not like her."

"So what are you suggesting?" asked Leo, somewhat warily. He didn't buy that Scorpio was in trouble- that wasn't the kind of thing that happened to her- but Aquarius did have a point about her not answering her texts being weird.

"I think we should go looking for her," said Aquarius, and Leo laughed, making Aquarius put on a somewhat annoyed expression. "What? I'm just a little concerned."

"You're concerned about Scorpio?" snorted Leo. "I'd be more concerned about myself if I were to go looking for Scorpio."

Aquarius smirked. "You're scared of Scorpio?"

"No, I just think she could take you," countered Leo.

"You beat her in an arm wrestle and I could definately take you," pointed out Aquarius.

"Okay," shrugged Leo. "Want to arm wrestle?"

"Sure," shrugged Aquarius. They climbed onto the bus, sat down on the seat, and linked their arms on top of Aquarius's backpack. Leo immediately body slammed Aquarius off the seat.

"Dude!" gasped Aquarius, climbing back up as the bus roared to life. "Why are you like this?"

Leo smirked, flexing his arms. "I'm just that fabulous."

"In that case I should have won," retorted Aquarius, but then turned serious again. "So, normally I would be minding my own beeswax, but, like, have you been watching the weather?"


"There's another ridiculously large storm coming through tonight," said Aquarius, half-laughing. "And I figure if I'm wrong the worst that happens is Scorpio thinks I'm even more of a loser, and if I'm right and she really is in trouble and we don't do anything... you know, I'd like to be on the safe side for this one. I know she's probably fine. So are you with me or no?"

Leo sighed. "Are you going to do this even if I say no?" he asked.

"I mean, yeah, probably," shrugged Aquarius.

"Fine, I'll just go and make sure she doesn't beat you up," smirked Leo.

"You're right, once she looks at your face she'll drop dead," nodded Aquarius.

"From its fabulousness."

"From its ugliness."

"From your ugliness."

"Okay can we get back to the point?"


"Alright," said Aquarius. "So the only thing we know about where Scorpio lives is that it's in a place called Manchire complex."

Leo blinked. "How do we know that?"

"Oh, remember when we had to give a report on where we lived for speech?" asked Aquarius. "Two weeks ago? Scorpio said her place was in Manchire complex."

"Wait, how do you remember this?"

Aquarius winced. "I got a detention that class and had to grade five or six of the reports. I know the exact adress of Kevin, Amelia, Brad, and Dana too."

"Ouch," winced Leo, and then his eyes lit up. "Hey if you know Brad's address we could get back at him for that time he tried to lock me in the bathroom- okay, not the time. Please continue."

"So the other thing we know about Scorpio is that she rides this bus," continued Aquarius, "And that she gets off on a stop after ours. There's two stops left so if we each take one and then look around for Manchire complex, one of us will see it and be able to, I dunno, ask the desk person if we can call her appartment or something."

"Wait," said Leo, "Are you suggesting we 'split up and search the appartment'? That never works! You're practically begging for one of us to get offed by an axe murderer!"

"We'll be fine as long as no one says 'Phew that was a close one'," dismissed Aquarius.

"Fair enough," shrugged Leo, and looked up as the bus pulled up to their normal stop.

Cancer glanced at the pair. "Guys, this is our stop?" Note to self: Cancer will wake me up if I fall asleep on the bus.

"We're meeting a couple of FBI agents," said Aquarius. "Don't tell anyone."

"Alright," smiled Cancer. "See you guys later."

"Wait," frowned Leo. "Why didn't you want Cancer knowing?"

"Why didn't I... oh," laughed Aquarius. "I didn't even think of that. That's just my go to answer whenever someone asks me where I'm going."

"Fair," shrugged Leo agian. The bus jerked into motion. It was weird how quiet the bus was without Aries screwing with Virgo in the back.

"So when one of us finds Scorpio and narrowly escapes being brutally murdered, what do we do?" asked Leo.

Aquarius shrugged. "Just text and then we both go home and eat lots of ice cream."

"I love this plan."

The bus screeched to a halt again, and Aquarius got up. "Alright, I'll look around here, see you later, try not to make an idiot of yourself in public."

"You mean a fabulous," countered Leo.

"I'm going to ignore the bad grammar on that because-"

"Kid are you getting off or not?" demanded the bus driver. Aquarius dashed off the bus, and Leo watched him turn around a bit before walking off in search of Manchire appartments.

The bus was a lot quieter without people on it. It was weird, thought Leo, especially for him. He could barely think of a time he'd been out doing something without Gemini or Aquarius. The bus seemed a lot smaller without them around, and the world outside the bus somehow seemed darker. Then he blinked. It was darker. Clouds were starting to form in the sky for the storm later that night.

The bus screeched to a halt, and the bus driver yelled "Last stop!" Leo and the other two kids got off. It was easily the smallest stop, and Leo could see why; they weren't in a residential neighborhood, the bus had curved back away from the woods and reservation land near the mansion, and back into the more urban parts of town closer to the city. There were a bunch of brick office buildings, but not really any neighborhoods. If Manchire complex was here, it was the only appartment building around.

Leo groaned with the prospect of having to search for the place. Why did I agree to this? He didn't have any idea where it was, or what direction it was in...

No wait, he did. The other two kids on the bus were both heading in the same direction. In this part of town, they probably lived there too. He walked after them, but kind of behind because he didn't want them to think he was some kind of stalker. Although maybe he was a stalker, poking his nose into Scorpio's private business. But... she wasn't answering her texts. She'd been missing three days. Maybe there was something going on.

Leo pulled out his phone. He had to see for himself. Maybe she really was just ignoring Aquarius.

Leo: Hi Scorpio.

He waited.

Leo: This is kind of important


Leo: Like, actual important, and not that time Aquarius tried to get you to buy him ice cream.

No answer. Something more drastic would have to be tried.

Leo: Scorpio, I'm pregnant and you're the father.

She really wasn't answering. There really was something going on. She hadn't insulted him, called him an idiot, or blocked him.

Leo: Fine! I see how it is! I don't need you in my life anyways!

Leo put his phone away, and looked up. The two kids ahead were climbing up the stairs into a building called Manchire Complex. It looked a lot like the other buildings in the area, greyish and looking a little saggy in the overcast light. Leo grinned. Bingo.

After waiting a reasonable amount of time so as not to seem like a stalker, Leo jogged up the steps and walked inside. It had a reception desk and then an elevator, with a desk person doing whatever desk people did. She looked up when she saw him come in. "Can I help you?"

"Hi," said Leo. "I'm looking for... uh, a friend. We haven't seen her in a few days and we're a little worried."

"What's her name?" smiled the lady. "I can call her room."

"Scorpio, uh... Scorpinn." He thought that was Scorpio's last name. "Her parents liked alliteration."

The lady frowned and started looking through the binder on the desk. "And you say she lives here?"

"I... yeah, she does." He leaned over and looked at the book, but nothing jumped out, and for the first time he felt a little concerned. He'd thought maybe she wouldn't be home, but this?

She shook her head. "I'm afraid we don't have a Scorpio here. Are you sure that's not a nickname?"

"No, it's definately her name," said Leo, frowning. "Did she live here recently? Did she leave?"

The lady shook her head. "I've worked here for five years and I've never heard of a Scorpio."

Leo stepped back a little. Scorpio had never been to Manchire appartments. Scorpio had lied in her speech class presentation. For some reason that was what stuck in his head. You can do that without getting caught?

"Alright, thank you for your help, M'am," said Leo, and walked out of the building without waiting for her to answer.

Leo walked down and then sat on the steps. Okay, so what now? He'd found Manchire complex, but no Scorpio. For the first time he was starting to feel a little worried. Something was going on with Scorpio, and they had no way of finding out what. Why is it that this is so hard? Why is it that we don't know where she lives? We're the zodiacs! We're supposed to know about each other!

Leo pulled out his phone.

Leo: Aquarius

Aquarius: Did you find her?!

Leo: No, sorry, something else

Aquarius: what?

Leo: Scorpio should come live with us

Aquarius: Dude I've been saying that for weeks

Leo: I mean like we're all zodiacs here

Aquarius: Dude exactly!

Aquarius: We'll bully her into living with us

Leo: Yeah we'll relentlessly act like idiots until she either gives in or murders you

Aquarius: Wait why me?

Leo: Because I can take her

Aquarius: So can I

Leo put his phone away and stood up. There was probably another Manchire complex, maybe it was called Manchire appartments or something, maybe Scorpio got the name confused. Either way, he was in the right area, and there was no sense stopping looking now.

He jogged off the steps and looked left and right. Pick a direction. Right seemed like a good way, after all, he'd come from the left.

He walked down the street. Manchire complex was squashed into a line of buildings with a bunch of alleyways running between them. The thin dark kind you see in spy movies. Maybe it woule be fun to come here with Gemini and Aquarius and get a bunch of sunglasses and trenchcoats or something... focus, Leo.

He jogged across the street, there weren't a ton of cars. The alleys on this side of the street were a little wider. These ones would be better for filming a spy movie, you'd have more room for the cameras. He peered down as he walked past, trying to figure which would be the best for the filming, and started back as someone moved in the alley.

Scorpio moved in the alley.

Leo stared. It was gone, he'd seen Scorpio's face for a moment at the end, but it was gone. It probably wasn't Scorpio, it was probably some random person and he was going to look like an idiot, and if he went maybe he was going to look like an idiot, and if he didn't go maybe Scorpio was in trouble and he had just let her go. Leo started down the alley.

It wasn't a long one. It came out in the back in a thin side street, and then continued across the street into another alley and because Leo didn't see Scorpio anywhere else, that was where he went.

It widened later on, one side dropping away and facing out slightly towards a narrow deserted street that didn't look much more well kept than the alley. Leo might have walked right past Scorpio if he hadn't tripped over her.

He faceplanted in the mud and jumped up, and suddenly Scorpio was there. "Holy crap!" he gasped.

Scorpio looked even more surprised. "Leo?!? What are you doing here?" she asked, shocked.

"I, uh, looking for you actually," he said. "Where did you come from? I was just walking and you weren't there..."

"You were looking for me?" frowned Scorpio, squinting at him. "Why were you looking for me?"

"Well, we hadn't seen you in a few days," he began.

"Wow, someone didn't want to go to school for a few days? Surprise! Sound the alarm!"

"You weren't answering your texts," Leo pointed out.

"You think I read your texts?" sneered Scorpio.

"You have in the past," frowned Leo.

"And I got sick of it. You're always so frigging annoying," she glared.

"It's one of my specialties," smirked Leo. "Glad to hear I do it so well. Anyways, now that we know you're not dead in a ditch or something, want to come live with us? We have a cool house. It has a pool. We play mario kart occasionally."

"I don't need your house, thanks," said Scorpio.

"Well no, but I figure it's a pretty cool house," said Leo.

"Hi, it was nice talking to you, bye Leo," said Scorpio.

Leo folded his arms. "Nice try, I'm not leaving until you agree to come live with us. And tell me how you appeared out of thin air."

"Enjoy starving," shrugged Scorpio, leaning against the wall.

Leo looked down at the place he'd tripped. It was right next to this woodpile thingy, he assumed, it was the right shape, and a tarp was covering it- "Hey! Is that a fort?" Leo walked over to the tarp, now he could see it was held in place by two garbage cans. "That's epic! Is that where you were hiding?"

"None of your frigging busniess-" started Scorpio, jumping up towards Leo, but he'd already pulled up the flap and looked inside.

He looked up at Scorpio. "Scorpio... why is there a bunch of food in here?"

Scorpio didn't meet his eyes. "I like camping."

Leo stared at the tarp house. "You live here, don't you. I was wondering why they didn't recognize your name at Manchire."

Scorpio looked up, furious. "You- you looked for me at Manchire? What the hell is your problem? It's none of your frigging business!"

"We were worried," said Leo, stepping back. "Well, Aquarius was. You weren't answering your phone, nobody had seen you since the storm, it was weird."

"News flash;" snapped Scorpio, "I'm completely fine. You're done. Get out of here."

Leo looked down at the fort- no, house. "Why weren't you answering yoru phone?"

There was a pause. "It's gone. It was pretty windy during the storm. Usually I just weather them, but this one... I'm usually set up a lot better than this, it was blowing everything around. I lost everything, and finally had to sneak into a seven eleven to stay the night. I... in the morning everything had been knocked all over the alley. I think I was able to find almost half of it." She was staring down at the tent too. "My school stuff is all gone."

Leo looked up. "I don't get it, why don't you have an appartment? I had one before I moved in with Gemini. We all had them." It didn't make sense. There was nothing wrong with being homeless, but it was just so weird that Scorpio didn't have a house  when he knew for a fact that he and the others had been set up differently when they arrived.

Scorpio sighed. "My building got taken down, and I set up here."

"The town does things," said Leo. "They have shelters, and housing programs and things, Gemini had a friend who got a house through them."

"Look, I don't need any help," snapped Scorpio.

"Why didn't you come to us?" asked Leo. "I mean, there's another storm tonight, you could-"

"I don't need any frigging help!" she snapped.

"Fine, do it for us, then, we want you to move in," shrugged Leo.

"I'm not doing it," snapped Scorpio.

"We have a pool," pointed out Leo. "We also have a water slide."

"Look, I'm not going to," snarled Scoripo. "I don't want to move it. I don't like you. I don't like anyone else who lives in that house. You're all a bunch of frigging morons."

"Scorpio-" started Leo.

"I don't like any of you. I hate being in class with all of you, and every time we go off and do something I end up regreting it because you're all such losers."

Leo didn't say anything.

"I'm not doing it, for me because I don't want to have to deal with eleven people I hate any more than I already have to, and here you are, trying to force me to. Hell, I don't even know why you think I would want to move in with so many frigging retarded losers!" Scorpio hissed, and Leo punched her in the face.

It was a good punch, and it was completely unexpected. Scorpio stumbled back, and then caught her balance again and stared at Leo, completely surprised. She harded her face.

"Okay," said Leo, looking intently at Scorpio. "I want to be very clear right now. You can't talk about my friends that way. I get that you're obviously in a bad mood, and if you don't like me that's okay, but you have been doing nothing but insulting my friends for absolutely no reason, and that is not a thing I am okay with."

Scorpio's eyes narrowed. She clenched her fist and took a step towards Leo, and he got himself ready in case she was going to come at him. Then she stopped. She dropped her fists and her face went from angry to empty. And then something strange happened. "You're right," said Scorpio. "I'm sorry."

"You're fine," said Leo, and stopped, he was starting to feel a little bad now that he'd calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry I punched you. Are we cool?" Leo stuck out his hand. Please, take it.

Scorpio hesitated and then shook it.

"So are you going to move in with us?" asked Leo.

Scorpio shook her head.

"Why not?" asked Leo, scratching his head. "I mean it's literally a free house." And I know you don't hate everyone as much as you say you do.

Scorpio looked down. "You guys don't want me to move in with you."

Leo raised an eyebrow. "Clearly we do." That's what he'd been saying this whole time.

"You don't want me," said Scorpio, "I mean listen to what I was just saying."

"Okay, and?" asked Leo.

"I'm an asshole," said Scorpio.

Leo waved his hand. "So is Capricorn, you're fine."

"I litterally did my science fair project on how to blow up the school if I wanted too," she said.

"Would have won too, if the principal wasn't so biased," nodded Leo.

"I hate everyone! I hate all people!" yelled Scorpio.

"Most of them deserve it to be completely honest..."

"I hate you!" yelled Scorpio, eyes blazing again.

"Get in line," smirked Leo.

"I burned Pisces's house down!"

Leo stopped. "...wait. What?" I didn't hear that right. Did I?

Scorpio looked immediately at her feet, her face turning red. "It... it was an accident."

Leo stared. "Wait, what happened?"

Scorpio took a breath. "Okay, so... you know how I never went to the dance that night?"

"...yeah?" To be honest, he didn't. He'd been kind of distracted.

"I did show up. I left early because it sucked, but I was there."

"It kind of did suck," admitted Leo. That was overall not a great time.

Scorpio went on. "After I left, I decided to... prank ... Pisces. In a mean way. I snuck into his house and messed a few things around. Then I decided to spook him by starting a fire. In the fireplace. His flue was shut, and I didn't realize it until flames started flying everywhere..."

"Oh." So that was it, then, that was why Pisces's house burned down. It had been Scorpio the whole time.

Scorpio and Leo were both quiet for a moment. "Are you sure you still want me to move in with you?" Scorpio asked.

"Well... it was clearly an accident, and you feel bad about it-" Leo began.

"You don't get it, do you?" hissed Scorpio. "I hurt people. I was having a sucky day, and I decided to take it out on Pisces who hadn't done anything to me. Even if I hadn't meant to do that I was there to screw up his life. That part was no accident."

Leo was silent for a moment. Then he said "I don't care."

Scorpio blinked and looked up. "What?"

"I don't care," he shrugged, and he realized he didn't. "Everyone makes dumb mistakes. I wrote a five paragraph essay about the gettysburg address on the revolutionary war test. What matters is that you go over the unit and next time you don't spend the entire night crafting enchanted swords in minecraft." Scorpio just stared at him. "Look, you're clearly sorry, you're never going to do it again, and even if you were I wouldn't care about that either because like I said, everyone makes dumb mistakes, and they're going to keep on making them. But you can't keep beating yourself up about them. You have to tell yourself that it's okay to keep playing minecraft as long as you don't do it in the middle of midterms. You just try to do better is all."

Scorpio didn't answer, and Leo didn't say anything else. If she was going to make up her mind, he'd done everything he could and the rest was up to her.

After a long while, Scorpio said "Okay, I have to ask. How the hell did you not know which frigging war the test was on?"

Leo cringed. "Freshman year was a bad year. Let's please not talk about this."

"An entire frigging war."

"How about we not talk about this?"

There was a moment's silence. "Okay, fine," said Scorpio. "I'll do it. I'll move in, but you should know that I'm only doing it to shut you up because you know where I live now and I was never going to get a moment's peace."

"Darn straight you weren't," grinned Leo.

"Stop standing around like a moron and help me pack up my stuff," glared Scorpio. "It's about to rain."

Leo looked up, and a big fat raindrop splashed in his forehead. He yelped in surprise and Scorpio laughed. Glaring slightly, he reached down and grabbed a couple of the backpacks Scorpio had under the tarp. For a moment they just packed up the stuff in silence, but it wasn't a bad silence. There was a difference. The rain started coming down harder too, and they wrapped the backpacks in the tarp so they wouldn't get wet.

"I have to apologize to Pisces, don't I?" asked Scorpio.

"Do you?" asked Leo.

"I do," said Scorpio, and gave a sigh. "I really don't want to do this. He's not going to forget about something like this."

"Sure he is," said Leo, and he meant it. "I mean, this is Pisces we're talking about. Just tell him you like his fish and he'll love you forever."

"I do like his fish," said Scorpio. "I saw them once, we met in his room during the elemental war. It's a good aquarium. I guess liking fish is a water sign thing."

"Oh. Yeah! Yet another reason you should move in," grinned Leo. "Now we can have like elemental relay races and stuff."

"That's the lamest thing I've ever heard," glared Scorpio.

"You'll hurt my feelings," pouted Leo.


Leo hesitated, and watched Scorpio. "Permission to ask a potentially intrusive personal question?"

"Oh you're asking permission now? I feel like you've already done that today."

"I guess," he admitted. "Okay, I have to ask, were you mad at Pisces, or just vaguely pissed off in general?"

Scorpio shrugged, and didn't look at him.

Leo, shut up, said his brain, but his mouth said "Why?"

"None of your frigging business," said Scorpio.

Leo went back to packing, but then looked up again. "Did you like Pisces?" Leo, shut up!

"Nope," said Scorpio, zipping the last backpack shut. "Okay, I'll take the tarp, you call an uber or something because I'm not carrying this thing all the way to your house."

"Alright," said Leo, pulling out his phone. Then he looked up at Scorpio. "You sure you're good with this?"

She glanced at him. "Yeah, you won."

"If you're really doing this to shut me and Aquarius up, you shouldn't be doing this," he said.

She shook her head. "No, I'm good."

Leo picked up his phone and called the uber.

Leo: Dude I found her

Aquarius: Epic, is she good?

Leo: Yeah

Aquarius: Was she mad at you for looking?

Leo: Yeah

Aquarius: Crap sorry didn't mean for you to take the blame for my dumb brain. Tell her hi

Leo: Do it yourself, she's coming to live with us

Aquarius: Holy crap, what?

Leo: Yeah

Aquarius: Epic!

Leo: Yeah

Aquarius: Dude are you good? You haven't used any exclamation points this entire conversation


Aquarius: Ok phew I was afraid you ran out of chocolate or something

Leo: Thank heavens no

Aquarius: Dude tell me how it went later

Leo: Yeah, but don't repeat it

Aquarius: Why

Leo: The FBI agents will be mad

Aquarius: Oh ok I'll keep my lips sealed

Aquarius ran into the kitchen, soaked with water. "Libra!" He gasped. "Do you have enough for an extra person?"

"I do, yeah," she frowned. "Aquarius, why are you all wet? Have you been out in the rain? The storm's about to start!"

"I had FBI agents to talk to," he grinned, and then looked around. "Where do we keep the balloons?"

Libra stared. "Are we expecting someone?"

"Darn straight we are," said Aquarius, running out of the room.

"Here we are," said Leo, as the car pulled into the driveway.

"I'm not frigging blind," snapped Scorpio.

"Sorry, I forgot," apologized Leo, and snatched the tarp bundle. "Here I'll take your stuff upstairs."

"Yeah, uh," Scorpio looked down. "Look, this is weird for me and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell everyone the stuff I said."

"Sure thing," nodded Leo.


"I'm gonna tell Aquarius the deal though cause looking for you was his idea," added Leo. It was only fair.

"Fine," shrugged Scorpio, and climbed out of the car. They walked up to the house, and Scorpio opened the door.

"Hi Scorpio!" yelled Aquarius, releasing a bunch of balloons into the living room and holding a homemade cake that looked like it had been baked in 15 minutes.

Scorpio stared at the cake. "You're a frigging loser."

"Nope I'm your housemate," grinned Aquarius.

Scorpio turned around and walked back out the door. "Okay, I'm leaving."

Leo shrugged. "Fine, we're eating all of your cake."

Scorpio slid back into the house.

"Wait," interrupted Libra, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. "Is Scorpio coming to live with us?"

"Yeah," grunted Scorpio, starting to walk upstairs.

Aquarius yanked her down. "We're having dinner. It's Libra's pasta thing. You'll really like it."

Libra groaned. "It's not that good." Then she looked up and smiled. "Welcome to the mansion, Scorpio! Sorry, if I knew you were coming I'd have started getting a room ready." She glanced at Aquarius. "Maybe someone could have told me instead of trying to make a cake."

"Want a slice?" suggested Aquarius as a peace offering.

"Sure," shrugged Libra, taking one.

Libra: Guys, dinner time




Leo: Oh her phone broke

Leo: Nvm I'll just giver her mine

Leo: This is Scorpio. Thanks Pisces.

Pisces: Ayyyy

Cancer: Welcome to the house Scorpio! Good to have you.

Leo: Thanks

Aries: Ok I'm cool with it as long as you don't keep calling me "loser" every time you see me.

Leo: No promises


Saggy: I'LL HELP

Virgo: Glad you're here, Scorpio

Gemini: Dude! Welcome!

Taurus: You're gonna like Libra's pasta thing

Leo: Heh

Libra: Guys it's not that good

Gemini: Yes it is

Capricorn: I guess I should say something to acknowledge Scorpio's existence

Libra: Yes you should and that doesn't count

Capricorn: Hi Scorpio

Leo: Hi

Libra: So are you guys coming to dinner or no?

Saggy: ok ok jeez coming


Epilogue: Taurus ate 80% of the cake, but Scorpio ate enough of it to say "It's okay I guess". After narrowly escaping a tour of the house led by Gemini Leo and Aquarius, Pisces led Scorpio up to see his fish tanks and they had a conversation, which ended with Pisces giving Scorpio one of his fish and an unused aquarium, which Scorpio said she didn't need, but ended up putting right on her bed table by the window. Realizing it was going to be another stormy night, Virgo Libra and Capricorn got together to play chess, and Gemini Aries and Saggy had a game of flashlight hide and seek all over the house, and Taurus Cancer and Pisces spent the night in Pisces's room checking out the aquariums. Leo Scorpio and Aquarius, however, were tired enough that they went straight to bed and somehow they slept through all the crashing thunder, the wind, and the rain.

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