Chapter Three- My Life Sucks

Rey was not having it, maybe this job was ready to be done with.

After only 4 days she wanted to give up . She knew she needed to get money and gave benefits .

She was getting her Belle wig on , she and Hux were about to do a Gaston and Belle shift for two hours .

True she liked Belle and she didn't mind Hux but it was those fucking kids ; who whine and ask stupid questions .


It seemed like her day couldn't get worse , when they told her "You're going to be Ariel in a tail on the parade float !"

She was about 20 feet in the air , on some stupid little seat and had a thin cord holding onto her , in a mesh colored top with holes about and two purple little plastic shells.

Her wig had tons of pins in it so that she couldn't lose her wig from up in the air .

She was buckled in and the music began , she watched as all the dancers for her number walked out of the gates and then her float started .

She began to wear a fake smile and wave at the people in the crowds ; blowing kisses , waving , smiling , posing for pictures .

When the parade was halfway , around the Alice and Wonderland ride she felt the heat rise and the sun beat down on her .

She was in a tight uncomfortable costume and now she was sweating like a fucking lit in a middle of a God damn parade .

She kissed to the little girls dressed up and even waved at the teenagers who Disney bounded as them.

When the parade was finally over she jumped out of her costume and then walked to the bathroom to wipe off all the dumb sweat.

"Kenobi !" She heard and turned to see her manger.

"Hi Mikta " she said .

"You're on tonight ... Elsa in the Paint the Night parade " he said .

"I just finished a parade and I did the Belle shift for two hours -"

"Yeah but now you are gonna do that..." he said and walked off .

She flipped him off as he walked away and sighed. She was so fucking done , she was gonna put in her two weeks notice tomorrow morning and never look back .

After squeezing back into the stupid Elsa dress with all the dumb lights and light up wig she stood on her float with her Anna .

"Hi... in Jessika"

"Rey... nice to meet you" they shook hands .

They began the parade at 10 pm and she wanted to yawn the entire time . She was almost blinded by the amount of lights that were around them.

In front of her she could see the princesses and the princes . Dancing together with their music softly .

She much rather be doing that then stuck up on the fucking ice shit thing .

The parade ended and the heat was crazy intense , it was September for fucks sake .

She got out of her costume and wiped off as much of the sweat and makeup as she could and brushed her down for the pin curls it had been it , slipping on her flower dress and grabbing ahold her bag .

She ran out the employ doors and took the quickest shuttle to the employ parking lot.

Rey walked to her little beat up car and unlocked the door , throwing her bag in and taking her own seat.

She started the car and nothing happened "come on!" She groaned and tried it again.

After the third try it came on and then suddenly began to flicker , then boom ! It was dead ! Fucking dead .

Rey groaned and grabbed her phone , googling the bus route to her apartment.

She made her way in the dark heat to the bus stood which had no benches or coverings and stood there , fireworks ending and her arms holding her elbows .

"My life fucking sucks ... and I'm sure it couldn't get worse" she sighed as the bus she was trying to catch drove past her .

A crack of light and roar of thunder ... she looked up and water began to fall onto her .

Soaking her chestnut hair and makeup free face .

She began to shiver as she waited for her bus , all she had to do was get on the bus and go home .

Rey sighed and looked down to her feet and broke down. She fell to the floor , bag clutched and her arms holding her self .

Her tears rolled out of her eyes , this was officially the worst fucking day of her life .

She was suppose to be getting married , she was suppose to be on her honeymoon in Hawaii, but no ... her asshole of a fiancé stood her up at the alter , after she quit her job to move with him to New York , he broke up with her for her maid of honor ... and they were on her honeymoon.

The rain stopped and she looked up . A black umbrella and a tall guy standing over her .

"Are you okay?" He asked .

She sniffled and stumbled up . "Just fine "

"You're crying ... it's raining and you missed your bus" he noticed.

"How do you know I missed my bus ?" She asked.

"Because your bus just drove past you and you didn't look up" he said .

"Fuck!" She yelled angrily and stomped her open toed sandled foot on the damp floor .

"Never thought I'd hear a Disney princess curse " he said.

"What ? How do you know I'm a a princess ?" She asked.

"Easy... you were playing Elsa during tonight's parade ... saw you without your wig but costume ... I played Prince Eric in the parade" he said .

"Oh" she sighed . "I'm Rey"

"Ben ... nice to meet you"

"You too" she shrugged and chattered her teeth in the cold , wind blowing and rain still pouring .

"Here" he said and took his jacket off , handing it to her .

"No you don't have to do that -"

"It's not problem"

"Really I -" the bus then pulled up.
"I should go ... thanks Ben ... for the umbrella ... see you around" she said and walked onto the bus.

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