
After my expulsion, it's been hectic for weeks.

Azami is the new director for Totsuki and Erina's been trapped in a cage thanks to him.

I've been hearing from Hisako, who's been my informant, had told me that she was no longer needed as Erina's associate and was casted aside.

Hearing this enraged me and I never wanted to kill a man so much in my life, if not Erina's own father.

Like, how pathetic did he have to be to come back and take control of the school just because his ideology isn't good enough for everyone.

Also, for the record, Hisako had been giving me some info about the guy and she showed me a screenshot of a text from Azami. What's even worse was that he was texting a 12 year old girl!

How did he talk to her? It's better if anyone found out for themselves!

I refuse to believe that this guy admitted to having a millimeter defeater in front of everyone who's seen this, let alone a fucking minor!

Azami, you saying that you're not that big and saying you know how to satisfy a girl clearly states that you don't know how to satisfy a girl. If you hooked up with a lesbian, she'd be under the impression you're playing bumper cars with each other's pussies!

When this is all said and done you're Azami being forced out of Totsuki and be arrested for assault and battery, it's gonna be like the end of the Saw movie where they say "game over" because it's gonna be GGs from there.

Anyways, when I was brought to the school to understand what being expelled by this piece of shit meant, I was hoping for the worst.

When I walked in the school, there were these guards with suits and shades that looks like it's straight out of a Men In Black movie.

They even had this badge on their chest saying "Central" and I have a feeling we're about to find out what it meant.

Also, I've seen a lot of newspapers talking about my expulsion and what I "did" to Azami. Seriously, this guy's even worse than I thought. He's such a Karen.

When I was brought to his office, he had the most delusional smile I've ever seen.

Azami: こんにちは、あなたの名前。 (Hello, Y/N.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Azami: 座ってください。 (Come sit down.)

And I did, but I didn't want to listen to whatever bullshit he's gonna be spitting because I thought I saw a fly near his mouth the last time I heard him talk.

Azami: ですから、あなたが上司にしたことのために、ここで学ぶことはもう許可されないことを知っています. 私たちトツキは、他者への暴力を許しません。 ここでそれを許すことはできません。 (So, you know that you will not be allowed to learn here anymore because of what you've done to your superiors. We at Totsuki do not allow violence against others. We cannot let that happen here.)

You're right, we should be killing you instead.

Azami: これがあなたの追放の条件です。うまくいけば、あなたは理解してくれるでしょう。 (Here are the conditions of your expulsion and hopefully you'll understand.)

He then gave me a paper of the conditions that he payed out for me as they were:

- You cannot be allowed to see or be near Erina ever again.
- "Kaze Ni Nare" is now owned by the school.
- If seen on sight, the cops will arrive to arrest you.
- Anything you accomplish will not matter to the school anymore.
- Y/N L/N is no longer allowed to live at Polar Star Dormitory

Are you fucking kidding me? I have no place to go!

Y/N: 他に住む場所はないぞ、クソ野郎! (I have nowhere else to live, you son of a bitch!)

Azami: 私はディーン・アザミの方が好きです。 (I'd prefer Dean Azami.)

Y/N: あなたは私をエリナから遠ざけようとすることができますが、彼女と私はあなたがこれまでにないほど彼女に近づきます! (You can try to keep me away from Erina, but she and I are more close than you'll ever be to her!)

Azami: 私は彼女に、正しい人に適した適切な種類の料理を選択する方法を教えました。 それに問題がある場合は、残念です。 変わることはありません。 (I taught her how to choose the right type of cuisine that's suitable for the correct people and that is how it's going be. If you have a problem with it, then too bad. It's not going to change.)

Y/N: 家族の歴史からカレンのお尻を消さないのと同じです。 どうですか、この「ディーン・アザミ」、このバカ野郎。 (Same with un-erasing your Karen ass from your family's history. How about this, "Dean Azami", you stupid sack of shit?)

I stood up and looked into his eyes with no fear. I was not intimidated by his cocky expression as I smiled myself.

Y/N: 戦争に行きたい? 戦争したい? (You wanna go to war? You want a war?)

He was smirking with such delusion that I was going to say the last thing that made him try to second guess himself down the road...

Y/N: あなたは1つを得るつもりです! (You're gonna get one!)

I threw the papers at him and walked out the school as I was ready to go to war with Azami and his stooge army that he calls "Central" as I rode my motorcycle back to the Dorm where I had no problem letting everyone know that this war is gonna get started, but the first thing I gotta plan on doing is getting my girlfriend out of that cage.

(A/N: Play this song now.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As I went up the stairs to think about my future, I saw that everyone had been concerned about me, including my roommates. They kinda know what's going on inside my head.

I love Erina so much and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to see her again.

As I went to my room, I closed my eyes, and I felt a tear down the side of my face. From what I know, this school isn't the same as it used to be.

Now, there are so many groups being demolished, the students have no place to go to when they need something to do after school. It's just sad that Azami is wanting to tear down what makes Totsuki great with his own narcissism and entitlement.

I stepped inside my room and I was feeling so many different emotions, happy, angry, sad, any kind of emotion that comes to mind. I really didn't know what to think as all the memories I've made in this place started coming full circle. I really loved this place as these people accepted me for who I am.

When I moved here to Japan with my mom, I didn't feel comfortable because the research I did is that the country don't really care about foreigners, or gaijin as they called my mom and I.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to showcase our talent and our work ethic towards Gin and the school, but ever since my mom died, I was doing what I can to honor her legacy and show how hard we worked to make it another day.

As I walked into my room, I went by the table at the window, looked at a photo of my mom and I, and I just wanted to cry because I love this place. I'd die for it, and I would die a happy man, knowing that I made this much of an impact in this form and this school.

I know the students would miss me, including my friends here at Polar Star, mostly because of how they treated me with respect and how friendly they were.

With Erina, she and I had different views on cooking because we were different races, but we found the one thing that made us fall in love with each other, food.

What I mean is that we have different tastes of food and sometimes we have the same palate, but other than that, the passion for food is what keeps us together. Erina may not like what I cook, but she respects my passion and will to cook.

As I looked out the window, looking at the building that Erina is trapped inside in, I really wanted to break her out and bring her here at the dorm. I would do it because I love her that much and I would kill to see her again.

She's my girl, and I would do whatever I can to make her happy. Even if she wants me to stop cooking, I would do it just to make time for her. Me making her happy puts a smile on my face because she's that special in my eyes.

Anyway, as I looked out the window towards her building a couple miles away, I was still thinking about all the times I've spent with her. I was really distraught that I won't get to see her again, but what I didn't know was that a couple days later, it was going to be absolute madness.

~Later That Night~

I was woken up a tap on my window on the outside, and I was wondering what was going on.

Then, I looked out my window and I saw that it was Hisako, Ryo, and Alice, standing outside the window and she was throwing pebbles at the glass!

She must've not notice me because when I opened the window, a pebble hit my head!

Y/N: Ow!

Alice: おお! ごめん、君の名は! (Oh! Sorry, Y/N!)

Y/N: ここで何をしているの? 今、夜だということに気がつきませんか? (What are you guys doing here? Don't you notice that it's night right now?)

Alice: ええ、でもエリナは私たちの助けが必要です! 一緒に来てください! (Yeah, but Erina needs our help! We need you to come with us!)

Y/N: それはなぜですか? (Why's that?)

Hisako: あなたは彼女の彼氏だから! それは理にかなっている! あなたは彼女を愛していますよね? (Because you're her boyfriend! It makes sense! You love her, don't you?)

Y/N: ええ、でもどうやって彼女をそこから連れ出すの? (Yeah, but how are we gonna get her outta there?)

Alice: 一緒に来てください。途中で説明します! (Just come with us, and we'll explain on the way!)

Y/N: 聞いたことがありませんか? 私は追放され、エリナの近くにいることはできません。 あなたのおじは、アリス、私が二度と彼女の近くにいるつもりはないことを明らかにしました. (Haven't you heard? I'm expelled, I can't be anywhere near Erina. Your uncle made it clear, Alice, there's no way I'm gonna be near her again.)

Alice: あなたと同じように彼を追い出したいと言ったらどうしますか! (What if I told you I want him out as well as you do!)

Y/N: あなたは本当に彼を出したいですか? (You really want him out?)

Alice: 永久に。 とにかく、彼は大叔父ではありませんでした。 彼の食べ物に対する哲学は私にも感情的に影響を与えました. 私のいとこより悪くはないにしても、なぜ私は彼のリーダーシップの下にいたいのですか? ほら、追放のせいで負けるかもしれないけど、トツキでの君の遺産が終わったわけじゃないよ! 完了に近づいていません! ここに残って追放を嘆くか、私たちと一緒にエリナを刑務所から出して、この学校の遺産のために戦うか。 どっちだろう? (For good. He wasn't a great uncle, anyway. His philosophy on food affected me emotionally as well, if not worse than my cousin, why would I want to be under his leadership? Look, you may be defeated because of your expulsion, but that doesn't mean your legacy at Totsuki is over! Not even near close to being done! You have two choices, Y/N, stay here and moan about your expulsion, or you can come with us, get Erina out of that prison, and fight for the legacy of this school. Which one is it gonna be?)

Alice telling me all this was making me question my motives for the school and I really want my legacy to be left behind at the school, but after some time thinking about it, I had to relent.

Y/N: ジャケットもらおう! (Let me get a jacket!)

I immediately closed the window, found a hoodie, and sneakily went out the front door, making sure no one noticed me.

Once that was done, the four of us walked over to Erina's place, where she was a prisoner by that piece of shit of a father. If I had a shotgun, I'd be going rogue in that mansion, killing anyone in my way, just to rescue Erina, but it's not like the movies where that actually happens.

Instead, we're gonna break her out however Alice was doing it.

Speaking of whom, I actually start to respect her more, considering that she may be a whackadoodle at times, but she deeply cares about the school, if not her own family, and that I can admire about Alice.

Alice then explained how we were going to break Erina out and that's me climbing up to the balcony to get her attention and we help her down.

Once I was helped up to the balcony, I had to say her name, to get her attention.

Y/N: Erina. Erina!

She looked at me through the window with a shocked look on her face and she had to open the window door.

Erina: Y/N.

When we stared at each other for a while, she was tearing up and she lunged at me, engulfing me in a very big hug and it felt like she wanted to cry, because of how scared she was of being with her father again.

Alice: ねえ、私たちは彼女を連れ出すかどうか! (Hey, are we getting her out or not!)

Erina: What is going on, Y/N?

Y/N: We're breaking you outta here.

Erina: But you are expelled. You're not allowed to see me.

Y/N: They're gonna have to drag me away if they think I'm gonna leave this school. Come on, let's get you the hell outta dodge.

Once we brought her down, we ran as fast as we could until we all ran out of breath, about a couple miles from that house.

Alice: ま、ここまでくれば、フォローされる心配はないですよね? (Well, if we made it this far, we don't have to worry about having been followed, right?)

Y/N: 彼らが私たちについてきたなら、私は私の手で話しま​​しょう。 (If they have followed us, I'm gonna let my hands do the talking.)

Ryo: 私はあなたと一緒に参加しています。 (I'm joining in with you.)

We fist bumped as Erina had to ask...

Erina: Y/N, why are you doing this?

Y/N: Believe me, I wish I was the one who came up with this plan, but I'll let Alice explain. どうぞ。 (Go ahead.)

Alice: ひさこちゃんが死にそうな顔をしていたので、どうしたのか聞いてみました。 その時、あざみおじさんがずっと前にあなたにしたことを繰り返そうとしていることに気づきましたが、私たちは一人で来たくはなかったので、あなたの名前を得るために北極星に行かなければなりませんでした. 私は彼があなたを追い出したいと思っていることを知っています. あざみおじさんがあなたに何をしたか、お母さんとお父さんが教えてくれたので知っています。 (I saw Hisako-chan looking like she was about to die, so I asked her what was wrong. That's when I realized, Uncle Azami is trying to repeat what he did to you a long time ago, but we didn't want to come alone, so we had to go to Polar Star to get Y/N. I just know he would want to get you out. I also know what Uncle Azami did to you because mom and dad told me about it.)

Hisako: 父もそれについて話してくれました。 (My father spoke to me about it as well.)

Alice: 私はあなたにそれらすべての手紙を書きましたが、それでもあなたは一度も私に返事をくれませんでした. (I wrote you all those letters, and yet, you never wrote me back once.)

Y/N: えりなを責めないで。 (Don't blame Erina.)

Alice: は? (Huh?)

Y/N: 私が知る限り、彼はそれらの手紙をズタズタに引き裂いて、エリナに返信する機会を与えることができなかった. (From what I know, he could've torn those letters to shreds and not give Erina a chance to reply.)

Alice: 知っている。 だから、今度はあざみおじさんには手を出さない。 逃げるだけ! こういう時、最近の女の子はそうしてる。 (I know. That's why I won't let Uncle Azami get away with it this time. Just run away! That's what girls these days do at a time like this.)

Erina: 逃げる? でも父に逆らえなかった―― (Run away? But I couldn't go against Father—)

Y/N: Oh, fuck "father"! That prick's been torturing you with his ideology! Why would you wanna go back? You wanna be a slave to his system, or do you wanna fight for the legacy for this school? Right now, those are the two options, Erina. Which one is gonna be?

Erina must've known how pissed I was at Azami and his ideas of getting her under his influence, but I don't blame her. She must've been tortured like this all her life and she wanted out because after some time thinking about it...

Erina: After what he's done the last couple of weeks, and early on in my life, I have to fight.

Y/N: Good, because the last thing you wanna do is one be a follower of his, like that one scene in SpongeBob where everyone had the Chum Bucket hat on.

Alice: 問題は、エリナがどこに滞在するかです。 (The question is, where is Erina going to stay?)

Y/N: 北極星。 学校から十分離れていて、あざみはそこで彼女を見つけることができません. たとえ彼がそうしても、私たちは戦わずして倒れるわけではありません。 (Polar Star. It's far enough away from the school, and Azami won't find her there. Even if he does, we're not going down without a fight.)

Erina: That's not where I would go!

Y/N: I know, Erina, but in this situation, we don't have a choice here—

Then, it started raining as it was pouring with no avail!

Y/N: Oh, this has got to be a joke!

Alice: 北極星を見つけて雨から抜け出しましょう! (Let's find Polar Star and get out of the rain!)

We ran back towards the dorm as Erina held my hand, and we walked back, trying to get inside and we did. Even when it was raining, I had to take my jacket off and put it on Erina so she doesn't get too wet.

Plus, although I've seen her boobs a couple times now, it's just best if I covered them up so no one can be disturbed or some shit when they walk by.

Alice and Ryo were leaving soon after, but we exchanged numbers in case we had to find out some information about what's going to happen next now that Azami is in charge, but the next couple days? It was gonna be even worse.

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