𝟎𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞
❝So do I remind you of someone you never met?
A lonely silhouette.
And do I remind you of somewhere you wanna be
So far out of reach?
Oh I wish you'd open up for me, cause I wanna know you
Shinedown – Amaryllis
"Hey, uh, I know this is on short notice, but Dani is insisting on living with you guys, I'm sorry if that's a problem for you both."
"Oh, no, we will love having her around."
"Thanks, Lor."
"What brought this up?"
"She really wants to know what it'll be like living with you two for a change."
"How's Rory doing?"
"She's good. She'll explode when I tell her the news. Hey, how long is Dani going to stay with us?"
"Oh, okay."
Three Days Later...
"Hey, I don't know if I have said this yet, but thanks for taking Dani in on such short notice. My parents have arranged for Dani to attend Chilton alongside Rory. So, can you pick up her school stuff for her, please? She'll be under Danielle Hayden-Gilmore."
"Yeah, sure, no problem."
"Thanks, Lore."
"No problem, Christopher."
"How's Rory doing, by the way?"
"She's off the walls when she found out that Dani will be attending Chilton with her. She's making plans on what to do."
A Day Later...
"Hey, thanks again for taking Dani in."
"You keep saying that."
"I know, but I'm really appreciating you for it."
"Okay, Chris."
"I know I said that Dani had insisted on living with you, but the truth is..."
"She had been through a terrible ordeal."
"Please tell me—"
"No! Not that! It's just...it's her story to tell when she's ready to tell you."
"Oh, okay."
"Believe me, if that happened to her, I'll be in jail for murder."
"You, me, and Rory too."
Two Days Later...
"She should be at the train station at one in the afternoon."
"Okay. Rory wants to get there so she can meet Dani after she gets off the train."
"That sounds like Rory."
"I know. She's been talking nonstop about the plans that she has."
"That sounds like a good idea for Dani. Take her mind off of things."
"What exactly happened to her again?"
"I would love to tell you so can prepare for it, but I've been told by her therapist that it's something that she should tell, so no one can pressure her into talking when she's not ready."
"How bad was this thing that happened?"
"I hope you can handle nightmares."
"Chris, I'm raising a teenager."
"Me too, Lor, me too."
"I can handle anything."
"Can you handle the idea of her having blonde hair and a tattoo?"
"Bye, Lorelai."
Dear Craig,
I am fine, thanks for asking.
Also, I got your letter.
You aren't getting rid of me that easily, you little piece of shit.
You're stuck with me forever, bitch.
How are you doing, by the way. I hope that you are fine and feeling better.
You know about my decision about moving in with my mother and sister.
Sometimes I can't believe I decided to do this.
I'm not sure how I feel about my decision. I wanted to see them so I can feel close to them, after what happened, but I'm scared that they'll have their own thing going and I'm just an intruder. I mean, Dad and I had our own thing going and it would've felt weird if Rory just happened to visit us.
I can't wait for you to meet my mom and Rory whenever you get out. I just know that they're going to love you.
Hell, I can't wait to see you again.
I miss you.
I love you,
"Do you think she'll play golf when she gets to Chilton?" asked Rory. "I'll think she'll be great at it. She was always a bit sporty."
"I think she's playing field hockey," said Lorelai.
"That sucks," said Rory and shrugged. "I think she'll love Luke and his food. I think she'll find Mrs. Kim amusing. Ooh, I can't wait for her to meet Dean. She'll like Lane. Maybe—"
"Honey, I think she'll want to get settled first before you overwhelm her," Lorelai said to Rory.
"Oh sorry," said Rory.
"Besides, she's been here before," Lorelai said.
"Yeah, for a few days before she takes off with Dad," Rory grumbled.
"Look, I'm sorry, but it was easier for Dani to live with Christopher and his parents, while I took you to live with me and my parents. And in some ways, it was. I didn't like how you were separated for most of your lives, but now she's coming to live with us," Lorelai said.
"I know," said Rory.
"Indefinitely," Lorelai clarified.
"I know," replied Rory.
"And you're going to give her a big hug when you see her," said Lorelai.
"Yes," said Rory.
It was weird waiting for her mother and sister. It felt like she didn't know her own family, which in a way, Dani didn't. The only people she knew were her dad and her paternal grandparents, while she didn't know her maternal grandparents. She was sure that she met them only a handful of times.
It was getting cold, something that she wasn't really used to, considering she lived in California. She zipped up her parka and called her dad to tell him that she made it to the train station, before she sat on a bench with two suitcases and her backpack that she decorated with pins.
She pulled at her thermal leggings that she wore with a black denim skirt.
Her paternal grandparents and dad had given her a debit card, with an undisclosed amount of money in a bank account, in case she needed it. She decided that she'll use it to get some more clothes. Her dad and paternal grandparents may be rich, but her dad thought it'll be better to live modestly.
She spotted her sister and mother coming in. Her mother looked glamorous while her sister looked like she was trying to keep from bouncing on her feet.
Dani got up from the bench and headed towards her family. Rory and Lorelai seemed confused.
"Mom? Rory?" asked Dani when she got there.
Rory's eyes widened.
"Wow, your dad wasn't kidding when he said you dyed your hair blonde," said Lorelai, looking at the blonde color.
"It's shorter too," said Rory, grabbing a lock of Dani's hair.
"Yeah," Dani replied softly.
"Is this all you packed?" asked Lorelai, taking a suitcase and eyeing the other suitcase that Rory grabbed.
"There are some clothes in my backpack," Dani said, holding her backpack.
They went outside and headed towards the jeep.
"How are you doing?" Lorelai asked.
"Could be worse," said Dani. "Could be better, but I doubt it." She stuck her backpack in the backseat of the jeep.
"Do you want some coffee?" Lorelai asked as they put Dani's suitcase in the backseat.
"Sure," replied Dani as Rory put her suitcase in the backseat.
"Are you hungry? Do you want to stop by Luke's?" asked Lorelai. She was concerned over the change in Dani and whatever traumatic thing she experienced that she had to wait for Dani to talk about. She really wanted to know what happened, but she knew that Christopher had a point on not pushing for the truth. She also wanted to see this tattoo that Dani had, but maybe her youngest daughter will show her later.
Rory dragged Dani, by her arm, into Luke's Diner. "Luke, look, it's my sister, Dani."
Luke looked at Dani, taking in their similar appearances. "Ah, so this is the twin that I kept hearing about but never saw. I always pictured you as a brunette whenever they talked about you."
"I dyed my hair blonde two weeks ago," Dani said quietly.
Luke nodded, "Ah."
Dani wasn't sure how she felt about Luke yet.
Luke asked, "So, what brings you to Stars Hollow?"
"Ah, just wanted to live with my sister and mother for a change of pace," replied Dani.
Luke asked, "How long do you plan on staying?" Luke asked.
Dani paused. She wasn't sure, so she said, "Indefinitely."
"I say leave next week. Before they sink their claws in you," replied Luke. "What do you two want to eat?"
"I'll just take some fries and coffee," Dani said. "I already ate on the train."
"I see they already got their claws into you," said Luke. writing down their orders.
Lorelai came in the diner and sat down next to Dani. "I see you already met Dani."
Luke told Lorelai, "I see that you already got your claws into her.
Dani can see that they seemed into each other.
"That's my girl," said Lorelai, giving Dani a smile. She spoke to Luke, "Coffee too."
"Can we make this to go?" Rory said, "I want to show Dani around town."
"Sure," said Luke, leaving.
Lorelai asked, "So, Dani, what do you think so far?" asked Lorelai.
Dani was pretty sure she knew what Lorelai was referring, "He's grumpy and gruff, but he has a nice ass." Dani looked at Luke's butt.
Rory laughed.
"I meant the town," said Lorelai.
"It seems...quaint," Dani replied.
Rory showed Dani around the town. There had been a very intimidating woman by the name of Miss Patty, who was very interested in the "twin that's been mentioned but never seen."
Eventually, they got to the outside of Doose's Market.
"Come on, Dean works here," said Rory. She led Dani in the market.
Honestly, it was very cozy inside.
Rory groaned.
"What?" asked Dani, confused by Rory's groan. "Is he not working today?"
"No, I see Taylor," said Rory sounding displeased. "He owns the store and he's talking to Dean."
Taylor was wearing a cardigan and was talking to a tall, lanky boy, that must've been Dean.
Rory started walking down the aisles and passed Dani a bag of chips.
Dani was confused, "Am I supposed to bludgeon Taylor with this?"
Rory seemed confused, "No. We're just waiting for Taylor to get done talking to Dean."
After a moment of browsing, Rory grabbed Dani's arm and made her move over to Dean.
Rory said, "Dean, this is my sister, Dani."
"Danielle," Dani clarified.
Dean shook Dani's hand, "Hey."
Dani was a little confused by the handshake, but said, "Hey," back.
"I thought you were a brunette." Dean said, looking at Dani's hair, "Judging from old pictures from when you and Rory were younger."
"Well, I just recently dyed my hair," Dani responded. "It's finally nice meeting the guy that my sister is head over ass in love with."
Dean chuckled, "Isn't the saying head over heels?"
Dani shrugged it off, "Yes, but I prefer making up my own sayings. It might catch on eventually."
Dean asked, "So, uh, why did you decide to dye your hair?"
Oh. That question.
Dani shrugged because he didn't ask for her story, so she said, "I thought I needed a change."
"We should get going," Rory told Dean. "You're working and I have to introduce Dani to Lane."
"I think I should go home and unpack," Dani told Rory. "Maybe tomorrow or you can have Lane come over."
"No," said Rory. "I have to show you off to everyone before you decide take off again."
Dani looked at Rory, because it wasn't exactly her fault she lived with Christopher. Also, Craig lived in California, and he was her best friend, after all.
Dean asked, "How long are you staying anyway?"
"I'm not entirely sure yet," Dani answered, feeling overwhelmed with the questions and stares already. "I really need to go." She headed outside the market, but she ran into a man entering the store. "Sorry."
She hurried out of the market, not even hearing his response.
Dani found herself back in Luke's Diner, along with the bag of chips that she had most likely stolen in her haste to get away from the questions.
Luke poured her a cup of coffee, "The questions and stares get to you?"
"Yeah," Dani admitted.
"Everyone here could learn to mind their own business," Luke stated.
Dani chuckled as she messed with her pinky ring.
"There you are," Rory said as she came in, looking a little confused, but mostly breathless.
"Here I am," Dani replied, taking a drink of coffee. Great, now I have Rock You Like a Hurricane stuck in my head.
Rory sat down next to Dani at the counter, "What happened?"
"Got overwhelmed that's all," Dani replied with a shrug. She took another scalding drink of coffee.
"Well, we better get going," Rory told Dani. "It's getting late, and Mom will be wondering where we're at."
Dani wondered where they were supposed to go in this tiny ass town in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. "Okay."
Rory paid for the coffee, "Thanks for looking after Dani, Luke."
Luke clearly didn't understand why Rory was thanking him, but he said, "You're welcome."
Together, Dani and Rory headed 'home'.
Dinner consisted of eating pizza in the living room watching TV while Rory and Lorelai made up their own dialog.
It made Dani miss Craig more because it was something that they did together, but it was horror movies and somehow, they turned the horror movies into a comedy.
After that, Dani went up to her room to unpack. Her room was tiny. She suspected that the room used to be an office.
She looked at the picture on the wall and decided to remove it and put up a picture of her and Craig together. There. It looked better.
She was unloading some books when there was a knock on the door. She turned to see Lorelai standing there in the doorway.
"Yes?" asked Dani, confused. She stuck her letter writing notebooks on the table that was supposed to be her desk for the next...whenever.
She stuck her school notebooks next to the letter writing notebooks.
Dani looked at Lorelai, who was just watching on her, "What's up?"
"Nothing, just wanting to check in on you," Lorelai replied. "See how you're doing, that's all."
"I'm doing fine," Dani replied. Well, as fine as one could be.
"Your dad told me you got a tattoo," Lorelai said. "I want to see it."
Dani pulled up the right sleeve on her long-sleeve shirt and showed Lorelai the tattoo on her inner forearm.
Dani smiled, "My best friend, Craig, has a matching one on his left wrist, but the ghost is holding a cat, because he loves cats. I love coffee, so..."
"Dani, you know, friendship doesn't last forever like tattoos do," Lorelai said.
"I know that, but tattoos do fade eventually," Dani replied. "And besides, Craig and I are stuck with each other forever."
Lorelai looked at the picture that Dani hung up, "That Craig?"
Dani smiled, looking at the picture, and then back at Lorelai "Yup. You'll love him. He's a riot."
Lorelai shifted, "Are you in love with him?"
Dani was a little grossed out, "What? No. He's my best friend."
"You know, Chris and I said the same thing," Lorelai pointed out.
"That's what Dad said, but Craig and I talked about it, and no, we are not madly in love with each other," Dani pointed out. "I love him platonically. He feels the same way. Besides, he's not interested in dating or sex."
Lorelai started, "Dani."
"Mom, I know the difference between platonic love and romantic love," Dani replied. "And I know I platonically love Craig."
"Okay, okay," Lorelai replied. "I'll just..." She left the room, closing the door behind.
Dani took a letter writing notebook, opened it to a clean page and started writing.
Dear Craig,
My mom thought I was madly in love with you because she and my dad were when they were teenagers.
I had to set her straight.
I am not madly in love with you.
Besides that, if I woke every day to see you pour milk into the bowl first and then the cereal, you'll end up leaving the house in a body bag.
I miss you.
I love you,
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