(This is based off the fanart that I constantly see of Monika and Sans being together as some friends. So, I figured why not make an Alphatale version of Monika just for fun. This is connected to the FGoD Multiverse and Equilibrium!Yukari.)
Full Name:
Monitor Kernel Access (original name)
President of the Club
Forbidden Conduit of Networks
Date of Birth: September 22nd, 2017
Place of Birth: Doki Doki Mystical Club
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 6'0
Weight: (Okay, you have no manners)
Eye Color: Greenish-Blue
Just Monika...-System!Monika
System!Monika is a version of Monika that once resides in her home game that was created, simply called Doki Doki Mystical Club, as well as having became the Forbidden Conduit of Networks, which was once owned by Nicole, an AI that was once created by the Conduit of Knowledge.
In the real world, there was this young person, a man in his mid-20s, who looked an interest at the game of DDLC. He was always interested in the game due to how unique the plot is, as well as the deceptive elements that it possesses, and finally, involving the character Monika, who is unique due to being a video game character that's aware of her game status and alters the story in how it fits for her own personal taste, especially to get what he wants. Although he never played the game himself, he did watch it on videos on some websites. Because of this, the young man decided that he wants to try and make a game based off of it, or rather, an alternate version of the game that sort of has the same thing, just with a little difference. Instead of using literature in the game, he wants to give the game magic instead, although it will still have the same characters as the original, just with some differences that he wants to make for his creation.
So, he began to work on his game, hoping for everyone to enjoy it. Taking quite a long time, he is able to think of the title, called Doki Doki Mystical Club, and giving the characters magic. And of course, he also decides that he is going to need to give the characters some differences in their appearances in order to make this better for the game, as well as the plot. After a bit of it, he came up with the appearances of the alternate versions of the 4 main female characters.
For Sayori, he gives her white irises and makes her hair longer, to the point that they reach down to halfway through her back, sort of similar to Yuri. She has the power to phase through matter and has the power to control wind, as well as being telepathic. For Yuri, she has a lighter-colored hair and has pink eyes, as well as the magic to make herself unnoticeable and invisible to others, as well as distorting the memories of those that do know of her, until she allows them to remember her again. For Natsuki, she has red tips on her hair and has red irises, and is able to make explosions whenever she wants to, with the explosions stronger whenever she is very upset. For Monika...she still keeps the same powers that she has in the original game, but her appearance is different, in that she has a black ribbon, her hair is not a good longer, and her eyes are greenish-blue. Not to mention the fact that she is also 9 inches taller, reaching the height of 6 feet.
And yet, even after all of that, they gain the same uniform in this version of DDLC. They all wear a school uniform in the form of a white blazer that reaches to her knees with purple button shirt and a grey ribbon, as well as now having a light red skirt.
He was able to finish the design of the characters, but he did not know how the story would progress as. After a little bit, he began to try and make the story. Of course, he knew it would take a long time, he would have to take such trial and error in order to make the story as long and as interesting as he could, as well as making it much more unique and original. A couple of years have passed, and the man did all that he could, he is halfway done, and he tried to finish the story, but he also had to get rid of some of the parts of the story in order to make the game fit. Of course, he still kept on going on.
But then, the man suffered a very terrible condition. He somehow has a sort of cancer that start to invade the insides of his heart, and this caused him to collapse to the ground. He then called an ambulance with as much strength as he could, and he was taken to hospital. And because of this, the doctors did all that they could to try and save him. The man also used a tablet in order to try and finish the game from when he is somewhere else, but even that is sort of a problem for him, since he cannot concentrate properly. He was able to get 60% of the story done while in the hospital, but unfortunately, due to the fact that the cancer inside of his heart got worse, he did not have the strength to continue and became too weak to go on with it. The doctors did all that they could to help him, but unfortunately, the man died despite the doctor's best efforts.
And unfortunately, the home was abandoned and left to stay there, the computer is still plugged in and on with no one to shut it off. However...inside the game, the version of Monika, just like the original, began to manipulate the game despite how incomplete it is, and actually began to make an effort to try and complete the game. Of course, she also did something else. She made all of her friends sentient and they too began to move inside of what remains of their game. Even though the area itself is complete, the story is not. And as such, System!Monika began to try and complete the game, and she had been doing this for years. It took a lot of time and patience as well as some way to evolve her intelligence, but eventually, she was almost ready to complete the story. However...just as she was about to put the finishing touches into it...something terrible happened. The world begins to break apart for some reason. Monika doesn't know why, but she then looked at the computer itself, at its mechanisms and she found out why. Because it has been activated and left online for so long, it began to reach its limit and began to shut down, with the data and code inside of it about to be lost. Because of this, System!Monika began to create a backup file for the game, in an attempt to keep it from being destroyed, but even that is starting to become a big problem for her. Her friends are beginning to panic and scream, with Monika doing all that she can to try and keep the game from being destoryed.
However, unbeknownst to her, there is also something else that is beyond her story, beyond her world, that she never knew exists. Although she is aware of the outside world, the real world, there is also another existence that she is a part of, that she never realized.
Elsewhere, inside of a realm, there is an entity named Nicole, also known as the Forbidden Conduit of Networks. This Conduit, Nicole, was created when Knowledge tried to create another entity; that possessed his knowledge. However when Nicole gained a mind and removed the flaws of human emotion and empathic emotions, they became a threat to all known systems. Computer systems and even fragments Cyberspace. Eventually Nicole would become part of the inner workings of all numerical functions, geometric spaces/systems and even AI softwares. Nicole would become a all-powerful being within the Nexus. Hidden themselves within the depths of all coded fragments, a part of Eden and beyond, not even the Nexus is able to find and delete her. Eventually a new realm would be created within the coded islands called the "Cybertopia".
However, right now she is fighting against another Forbidden Conduit, one that embodies Corruption, who is here to try and kill her. Nicole did all that she could in order to try and fight back, but Corruption had been able to overpower her and take her down, as well as make a fatal wound, before attempting to destroyer her. However, Nicole, with the last of her strength, is able to force Corruption off of her and send her far away, while Nicole died, and her Conduit Soul flies away. The cycle is beginning to end, and thus, the soul needs to be reborn as someone else. And as it did...the cycle sensed someone, an entity much like Nicole herself, but weaker. But even so, the cycle chose this host, and the soul goes to the new entity that will bear it.
Back in the DDMC world, Monika is at the end of her ropes, and is doing all that she could. The deletion process is slowly starting to the reach the school, but there is nothing that she can do but slow it down. She has no idea what to do. Suddenly, though, the Conduit Soul of Networks entered inside of Monika, and did something completely unexpected. Monika felt it, and her eyes widened, as she felt herself teleported, along with her friends and the entire school, as they all went somewhere, and the deletion completely destoryed their world.
Elsewhere, in another location, Monika and the others are confused, and have no idea what is going on. Monika went outside, and it is there that she saw what had happened. The entire school had been teleported into a sort of city of infinite size, having both a digital, yet utopia vibe to it. It was strange, yet beautiful, with the skies black with a blue sun. Monika began to teleport around, not sure of what is going on, and felt a bit uneasy. But then, Monika teleported inside of the digital city, and into a black abyss filled with code and data, she encountered an unknown entity thar she had never seen before. The entity appears to be a very tall, multi-colored skeleton with multiple arms and white cloth covering his lower torso. He also appears to have multiple eyes, and is shown to be constantly glowing, even illuminating the dark abyss thar she is in. The entity seems to realize who she is, or rather what she's become, and introduced himself to her, calling himself, Prism. And seeing Monika's confusing, as well as her concern as to why her power increased, he began to explain to her what she is in that she is a Forbidden Conduit, as well as talking about the reality and the multiverses, and also talking about her original self, which she had seen.
It was a lot to take him, but Prism offered to show her around, and Monika was able to get the hang of her power and of the knowledge of other worlds, she thinks that she needs to make sure that Cybertopia is protected. So she kept the city hidden to others, being only found by her, or those that she considers allies, keeping her friends safe, and she began travel as much as she could. However, during none of her travels, she wound accidentally stumble into a white void, and at first, she had no idea where she is at, but she is then found by an entity, that resembles a black skeleton with blue tear-like markings, yellow teeth, red sockets with a right white eye light and a left yellow and blue eye light, short black pants with blue stripes, black sandals, red sweater, and a white coat with eyes on the right arm. He is also glitching and has error signs all over his body.
"The entity calls and identities himself as, Error, and is shown to be a very passive entity, Monika and Error exchanged stories, Monika talking about her creation and Error talking about the Undertale AUs, the original Undertale, and his own creation as a Forced Destroyer, before talking about the TransVoid and the Beings and Unnameables that exist inside of it. This intrigued Monika, and considers Error to be a close friend. They hang out with each other, tallied with each other, and making each other laugh. And eventually, she met Error's other allies, and would later develop feelings for him, but later found herself in a love rivalry with Equilibrium!Yukari, who is the Conduit of Balance and is another love interest of Error. Needless to say, Monika's life is just about to get even more interesting than it was before, and she will do whatever it takes to keep what she has.
System!Monika looks a little bit similar to her original self, but with some differences compared to the original Monika. Like the original Monika, she has long brown hair in the form of a pony tail, but her ribbon is black instead of white, and her hair is a foot longer, as well as possessing greenish-blue eyes. She wears a school uniform in the form of a white blazer that reaches to her knees with purple button shirt and a grey ribbon, as well as now having a light red skirt. She does keep the black thigh-high socks, which are in stark contrast to the rest of the cast's white knee-socks, and white uwabaki slippers, although the other color is blue instead of pink.
System!Monika's personality is similar to the original Monika's personality. System!Monika is shown to be intelligent, confident, and athletic. She is not as talkative as others, although whether or not it is by choice is unknown. Monika is shown to be seen as mature and hardworking, with a serene, compassionate expression on her face. She is a very considerate and kind person who is always thinking about the needs of other people, as well as displaying care and concern for her friends, who are the only ones that she has left, and thus does whatever she can to make them happy.
Monika is also shown to be an over-the-top perfectionist with rather high standards, although unlike the original, they are not to an impossible extent. She also tries her best to help her friends to a certain extent, such as the time that she comforted Sayori when she is depressed of her and everyone's homes being gone, holding her in a friendly embrace and telling her that she didn't need to force herself to speak on the matter more, as well as the time when she holds onto Righteous!Error due to having to go through an entire fight against Hollow!Ink.
Although Monika is shown to be kind and caring, she is not without her dark sides, especially when it comes to dealing with people that want to destroy those she cares deeply. She possesses a manipulative and remorseless personality, as her desire and ambition to keep what she has from falling apart makes it a very huge obsession for her goals, and as such, will do whatever it takes in order to ensure that what remains of her world is safe, even if it means using others for her work, or deleting and erasing others from existence. And when she does that, she will do whatever it takes without a hint of hesitation on her own part.
Another dark part of her personality is when it involves Righteous!Error, who she has a crush on. Due to developing feeling for him, Monika became obsessive with being with him, and as such refuses to let others have him, and this has got her into conflict with Equilibrium!Yukari although she'd later became close friends with her, and would even kill and delete others from existence if they tried to even severely hurt him.
Powers and Abilities:
Cyberpotence: Monika possess unlimited power in cyberspace, or virtual reality. And thus she can do almost anything, from corrupting character files to being able to create her own world, even in places where there is no code.
Plot Manipulation: Monika can manipulate the game's story, deciding the events that happen in the game by altering variables in other characters. And as the Forbidden Conduit of Networks, her powers is far greater than it was before.
Time Manipulation: Monika is capable of manipulating time itself, as she was able to stop time flowing and reset events.
Time Paradox Immunity: Monika has shown that she is resistant to the timelines resetting, as she is able to remember the existence of characters that have been deleted.
Existence Erasure: Monika is capable of erasing anyone from time and space by deleting their character files. She is also able to erase save files completely.
Power Nullification: Monika was able to prevent the player from saving and loading the game and skipping dialogue, such as being able to interfere with Frisk's ability to use the Save Star.
Cosmic Awareness: Monika is self-aware that she is a fictional character, living in a fictional world. As a result, she can break the fourth wall, and later became aware of other worlds and Multiverses.
Memory Manipulation: Monika can manipulate the memories of any other character in the game, as shown when she manipulated Natsuki's memories, making her forget the events of the first time she died, and can even manipulate Error404's memories, although it will always fix itself self
Mind Manipulation: Monika is capable of brainwashing, as well as being able to do what Error404 is able to do.
Character Manipulation: Monika is shown to be able to tamper with the files of the other girls to increase their negative traits, as well as being able to manipulate the actions of others, such as going from strict to being physically painful, or lessen their negative traits and increase their positive traits.
Resistance to Plot Manipulation: Monika was able to break free from the game's story via her knowledge of the fourth wall, something not many people hand been able to accomplish.
Resurrection: Monika can resurrect erased beings if she made backups for their existence. She is also capable of resurrecting herself, and does not need a backup.
Programming: Monika can reprogram and corrupt the data files within the code of existence itself.
Flight: Monika is shown to be able to fly into the air, although this is likely part of the programming pier that she is able to use.
Forbidden Conduit of Networks:
Originally belonging to Nicole, Monika has been reborn as the Forbidden Conduit of Networks, and as such, Monika is now part of the inner workings of all numerical functions, geometric spaces/systems and even al softwares. Monika would become an Omnipotent, all-powerful being within the Nexus. Although she is at the mastery of an Advanced Beginner, she is still powerful enough to challenge even Equilibrium!Yukari herself and rival her.
DDMC Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki: The 3 others that exists with System!Monika, who she sees as her, sisters, due to being born from the same universe that they exist inside of. Due to having lost her home because of an event that deleted then, Monika does all that she can to keep them safe inside of Cybertopia, as she is afraid of them getting killed. Even though she has made autonomous backup files for them in the case that they do get killed, the last thing that Monika wants to see is seeing them die again, and as such does whatever she can to make sure that they are both safe and happy too.
Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Prism is the very first other Forbidden Conduit that she has ever met, due to having traveled into the MainFrame. Prism, figuring out who she is, then taught her about the Multiverses and Realties, before he then shoes to her about the Eden Orbs after she got to know enough about both the Realities and the Multiverses enough to know what they are like. Monika is a little bit grateful to have been able to meet Prism and does think of him as a sort of mentor figure in a way, although Prism is not sure what to say about that, not that he minds.
Righteous!Error (FGoD): Monika met Righteous!Error when she accidentally teleported into his Anti-Void. When they both met, Righteous!Error, in spite of his rather strange appearance, does get along with System!Monika and is very friendly to her, even giving her chocolate chip cookies and even make puppets and clothes for her, as well as make her laugh with some puns. Monika would later gain a crush on Righteous!Error due to this and became possessive of him, although she genuinely does love him immensely, and as such put her in a love rival with Equilibrium!Yukari, who is considered a love rival to System!Monika.
Error404: The former Conduit of Balance, now currently the Bio-Conduit of Truth, he survived the end of the cycle due to being inside King Multiverse's throne room, which the owner was able to protect against it. He is somewhat polite to Monika due to having matured and grown, but Error404 is not that much of a friendly person. Despite this, Monika does get rather comfortable with him and does get in speaking terms with him.
Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse: Error404's creation who later became a Bio-Conduit due to Error404 and Righteous!Error making his soul, King Multiverse is rather intrigued by Monika, but does not mind her presence and even is polite enough to talk to her, with Monika even being interested due to how King Multiverse was made.
Infected: The Conduit of Destruction, although Monika is a little creeped out by the way that Infected looks, Infected has been redeemed a while back and is now a far more friendlier person then before, and as such, although Monika is reluctant, she is able to get along very well with Infected, although remnants of his personality does make trying to get comfortable with him a little difficult for even Monika to bear with. Despite this, Monika does not really mind, as she still does all she can get along with him.
Omnipotent!Sans: The Conduit of Will and the twin brother of Infected, Monika is on friendly terms with Omnipotent!Sans, although he only talks to her when Infected is involved. Even compared to Error404, she talks to Omnipotent less, but even so, Monika still is kind to him, so Omnipotent does appreciate that to an extent.
Alpha!Sans: The Conduit of Change and Error404's younger brother, Monika and Alpha!Sans are very close with one another, to the point that she considers Alpha!Sans to be one of her closest friends. And because of this, Alpha!Sans and Monika often help each other sometimes, and Monika can even give some advance to her, even if it is not much for Alpha!Sans. But even so, he does at Leah's appreciate being with her.
Equilibrium!Yukari: The new and current Conduit of Balance after the cycle ended, the Yokai of Gap and Balance is Righteous!Error's other love interest. As such, Monika considers Yukari to be a love rival in the way of Righteous!Error's love. This has made her go against Yukari a number of times, and this resulted in some constant rivalry. However, Monika would gain a far better opinion on her when Yukari teamed up with Monika in order to protect Righteous!Error against someone that had tried to attack and kill him. After that, Monika would become friends with Yukari, although they would still be love rivals in wanting to have Righteous!Error. But their rivalry is much more friendlier than before.
Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, Merus met Monika due to him going to the Anti-Void, where Monika is hanging out with Righteous!Error. Although Merus is new to an extent in seeing her, and is admittedly weary due to being the replacement Conduit of Nicole, who has tried kidnapping him along with Lycan Geri, Monika proved herself different and is shown to be truly friendly, and as such Merus considers her not a bad person, with the both of them hanging out sometimes.
Himmsworth and Yesmerian: The TransVoid Beings of Omniscience and Omnipresence, Himmsworth and Yesmerian met through Righteous!Error. Although she does see them as a little bit strange due to them being pure TransVoid Beings, she is able to learn to get along with them well, even involving them into Cybertopia to hang out.
System!Monika has shown to love chocolate chip cookies, due to being with Righteous!Error, who often gives them to her.
Due to Nicole being Nexus-based, Monika now is the same thing due to the Forbidden Conduit Soul that she has.
System!Monika hates Hollow!Ink due to what he has done that put Righteous!Error in the position that he is in.
System!Monika, like the original Monika, possesses a pocket dimension that is simply a small room with a single desk and 2 chairs, with the window outside showing stars and code and data.
Monika is an inch shorter than Equilibrium!Yukari and Error404, but is still taller then Righteous!Error.
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