
(Takes place in the outcome in which Error404 survives the cycle, and Yukari became the Conduit of Balance, as well as becoming Righteous!Error's love interest.)

Full name: Ran Yakumo


Kitsune Shikigami
Yukari's Shikigami
Gap Demoness' Servant
Bio-Conduit of Command
Gap Yokai's Most Loyal Servant

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Alpha Project AU

Species: Kitsune (Vessel) Shikigami
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Yellow

The will that I follow...I follow the will of my creator, just as the ones that are bound to me, follow my will.-Queen!Ran

Queen!Ran is a Shikigami that is created by Yukari Yakumo sometime in the past, who then uses the body of a 9 Tailed Kitsune Yokai as a vessel to use. She is the strongest Shikigami of Yukari, as well as being the Bio-Conduit of Command.


During Equlibrium!Yukari's existence, during her time of living for 7,000 years, she knows that she is constantly forced to move from place to place, and realizes that she cannot be everywhere at the same time, even with her Boundary Manipulation. And because of this, she goes around searching for an answer for an answer to this solution in how she is that she is able to find a way to do it, but unfortunately, there is no luck in it. That is until she reads some stories, and learns about the Shikigami, which are spirits that a person of immense power can control. Because of this, she decides to go and get a Shikigami for her to have to aid her. But the question is how she can get one. She did a little bit of thinking, and then, an idea dawned onto her. She can make a Shikigami for her to use, and even further, she can make it a Conduit Soul during her creation so that they can be much more stronger then before. But that will require materials for her to use and the fact that she does not know how to make such a soul. Plus, she is only at Advanced Beginner Level and is not that strong when it comes to the use of her Conduit Soul yet, so she needs to make a soul somehow, and although she has seen the memories of a skeleton called King Multiverse in how he gained his, she has to steer from scratch to make them.

As such, she began to look around for an answer, inside of the MainFrame, so that she knows what to do and how to do it. She knows how to make a Shikigami, for she has the materials needed, but she needs to learn how to make a Conduit Soul and merge it with the Shikigami's existence, which has not been given sentience or thought. But as she goes around, looking for an answer, she is met with the arrival of an unknown entity, one of whom that can control Nexus within existence, and they are now inside of the MainFrame itself, with the other being a TransVoid Being that resemble a demon, and they then turn to take notice of Yukari herself.

The TransVoid Being, who goes by the name of Gabriel, and the MainFrame entity called Loading, met with Yukari Yakumo, and are surprised to see the current Conduit of Balance, due to the fact that they've heard that a new bearer was here, they just didn't expect meeting her here. The 2 Forbidden Conduits and Yukari spoke to one another and exchanged stories with each other, before Yukari decides to talk about why she is here, revealing that she is trying to make a Shikigami for her to control, as well as make a Conduit Soul for said Shikigami. This surprised both Gabriel and Networks, as they did not expect the Conduit of Balance, out of all people, to decide in making this. They decided to help her, as they are introduced to see if they can do it, but warns her of the other Conduit's wrath if they know of this, since a Bio-Conduit, as it is called, is said to be a taboo, along with the Forbidden Conduits. Yukari agrees, as she decides to not get involved with the other normal Conduits if they know about her servant's existence. And so, all 3 of them got to work, as the MainFrame Failsafe and TransVoid Being, both of whom combining the Nexus and the Cosmic Essence in order to make a nearly-complete Conduit Soul, with Gabriel using his own power and Loading using the NullVoid, where the Nexus is at its most pure and more powerful, before Gabriel had then took the concept of Command into the core of the Bio-Conduit Soul, with Yukari using spiritual energy to make a shikigami, as well as combine it with the code of the MainFrame, and gives the Bio-Conduit Soul into the formless being.

The formless entity, which Yukari named as, Ran Yakumo, possesses immense power, but she needs to become even stronger if she wants to truly have a full Shikigami servant. So she decides to find a vessel for her to use, which can be a permanent body for her. And luckily, Yukari Yakumo was able to find one, which is an extremely powerful 9-Tailed Kitsune that is extremely powerful, but also dangerous, due to the fact that it is out of control and insane. Seeing this, Yukari decides to take the chance and face off against the Yokai, fighting against it as much as she could, but does the best to not hurt it, but the Kitsune is not getting tired. However, she would later find an opening, and sends Ran Yakumo into the Kitsune, which it then took over and permanently began to possess. After a little while, Ran Yakumo has completely taken over the body of the Kitsune, and her power grew even more then before, now becoming a true Shikigami for her to use and side alongside with her creator, Yukari.

Ran and Yukari worked side by side, but Ran them began to do most of the work, due to Yukari making her own work in watching over her AU in order to see how it is that the AU is doing and nothing unusual going on. Ran also began to join in figures and began to practice with his Bio-Conduit Soul in order to become strong enough as she is. And eventually, she would own a Shikigami of her own, named Chen, who is a sort of nekomata Shikigami, who's soul she bound to. Although she commands her, she allows her to act free.

At some point in the past, Ran Yakumo would be with Yukari to see Prism, the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, and when she sees him, she and Yukari traveled to the Eden Orb to another Alphaverse, where the Alphatale brothers reside in, and it is here that she sees that, with the Conduit Soul that she has, she has a much more bigger role to play.


Ran Yakumo is a Shikigami using the physical body of a Kitsune. In her current form, due to possessing an extremely powerful Kitsune, she is shown to be almost as tall as Yukari, only shorter by a few inches, having 9 yellow tails coming out from being, as well as possessing long yellow hair that is half as long as Yukari's hair, and yellow eyes, with cat ears coming out from the head. She wears what appears to be the combination of an outfit worn by a priestess and a queen, with the clothes behind red, purple, and white and a veil on the top of her head that covers her ears to an extent, as well as covering her eyes which makes a shadow on it, with her eyes even glowing a little bit to have a mysterious theme to Ran.


Ran Yakumo is a Shikigami that possesses a sense of responsibility, always making sure that she watches over the Alpha Hotel AU whenever her master is away, and the fact that she also keeps her home clean whenever she is gone, although Yukari is responsible enough to try and not make that much of a mess. She is very loyal to her, as she will do whatever she asks with every little question, with the only time that she feels like she needs to question her master are when they are dealing with something that she has no idea if she and Yukari are able to go against.

She is also shown to be a motherly figure if some sort, as she takes care of Chen, a Shikigami that she owns, and makes sure that she is okay, as well as do all that she can to make sure that she does not get into a mess of some sort. Ran is shown to be very serious whenever she is in conflicts, never toying with her opponents, and does all that she can in order to defeat them, and thus, she will make sure that the victory will be hers for the taking. She is someone that, although will take failure with dignity, refuses to keep on losing, and will get stronger for her master so that she is able to be able to keep herself from losing.

But when in the presence of Bio-Conduit King Multiverse, who has sensed changed into a truly just and kind king, Ran developed a sense of attraction to him, due to the fact that, like herself, King Multiverse is a creation and servant of a Conduit, not to mention being a Bio-Conduit herself, and because of this, she is shown to love him deeply, with King Multiverse, despite his uncertainty, does all that he can to return Ran's love, which she appreciates deeply, and Ran is always shown to be with King Multiverse, always trying all she can to hang out with him.

Powers and Abilities:

Kitsune Flames: Ran can manipulate flames, due to the vessel that she is using, which is amplified by her Bio-Conduit Soul. She would fire them as projectiles, either as fireballs, which allow her to counter the power of King Multiverse's Chains of Judgement, or being able to attack and counter by channeling fire from her tails into a ring of flames, soon her tails a bit, before firing it, with a single ring of fire matching the power of the King's Blaster.

Spiritual Teleport: Ran Yakumo is able to teleport to whatever place that she desires to go to, being able to teleport to any Multiverse she decides to go to, without any problem whatsoever, with the only one being that she needs to know where she goes to.

Yokai Barrier: A move thar she she was able to create all by herself, she is capable of being able to move multiple poeple, allies and enemies inside of an artificial space without causing harm to the outside world, with it only breaking when a person stronger then her, such as Yukari Yakumo, being able to destroy it with her sheer power alone.

Leyline: Being a Shikigami in the body of a Kitsune, coupled with the power of the Bio-Conduit Soul, Ran Yakumo has access to all of the immense spiritual power flowing throughout it, giving her a limitless power for her to use in her command.

Power Transference: Ran is able to transfer a fraction of her power to those that have been able to bond with him, such as Chen, in order to make her much stronger then before.

Tampering Resistance: Ran Yakumo possesses the power to resist having her existence being tampered with in any sort of way, allowing for her to maintain her existence in her usual way.

Altering Disguise: Ran Yakumo is able to disguise herself either in a full human form or in a Fox Form that has 9 Tails still present, in order to look as harmless and as convincing as she can be such.

Mathematics Bending: Ran Yakumo is able to  "control" math equations and numbers in the same sense that one would control a shikigami.

Yokai Illusions: Ran Yakumo is able to cast illusions to those that get caught in it,  with the illusions themselves being horrific to the point that most will go max with insanity and may even become catatonic from seeing it. Only entities stronger then her or have a mentally powerful will can shrug off these effects.

Mental Senses: Ran Yakumo, due to being a Shikigami created by Yukari, combined with a Bio-Conduit Soul, can control the world through the mental layer of reality, which moves alongside the spirit and determines the emotions of all living beings. But her power is far more greater and developed then other Yokai that can possses such a power.


FOX GODDESS: This form was able to be achieved when she use her own rage to empower herself, as well as drawing code of the MainFrame in order to make herself much stronger then before. In this form, her hair turns white, she gains facial markings resembling that of scratches, and she possesses red eyes. In this form, she is able to become so strong she outclasses Yukari in her base form, and can handle the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form to an extent before being defeated. While she doesn't gain new powers, she does gain a lot of enhancements in her powers, such as her flames being much more hotter then before. But there is a few new power that she gains from doing this.

Kitsune Claws: Ran Yakumo now possesses sharp claws on her fingers, which allows her to cut and strike at anyone that dares get close to him. The claws are infused with MainFrame Code, and are very sharp.

Multiverse FoxFire Storm: Ran Yakumo's strongest power as the Fox Goddess, in which she is able to conjure hero a fire twister so large and powerful that it can burn nearby AUs without even trying much. The power of the Firestorm is so immense that it can even deflect the power of the MainFrame Cannon that King Multiverse can use himself.

Bio-Conduit of Command:

Ran Yakumo, ever since her creation, is given the Bio-Conduit Soul of Command, created by Yukari Yakumo, due to aid of the Nexus and Cosmic Essence Conduits, which are Networks and Space and Time, who were able to make that for her. Thanks to that, she is command the very nature of reality herself in her own ways, similar yet different compared to what King Multiverse can do when he uses his Bio-Conduit Soul.

Novice: At this level of power, Ran is able to simply make others do what she orders then to do.

Advanced Beginner: At this level of mastery, Ran possesses Command Inducement, allowing for her to command other beings by giving them orders to do her bidding no matter what the person thinks or feels. She can also bound a person's soul to her own, in order to permanently control them, which she only did with Chen.

Competent Level (Currently at this Level): Ran, at this stage, is able to manipulate reality to a certain extent, being able to utilize Order Manipulation in order to affect reality so that everything can work in an orderly way, going beyond Omniversal Scale. She also possesses Supreme Voice and Hypnotic Voice in order to manipulate the one that she speaks too.

Proficient: At this level, Ran is capable of manipulating objects in anywhere she desires, as well as animate entities into whatever she wants to make.

Master: As Ran Yakumo goes to the level of Master, her Conduit Powers began to grow to then point that she is almost at the full extent of her power, and her influences began to grow. Her power being so great that she is able to utilize Subordination Manipulation, giving her influence of those she controls in order to strengthen, weaken, direct, and manipulate her targets anyway that she wishes to do. She is also capable of Mental Inducement and Mind Control, not to mention possessing an Overwhelming Influence and being able to utilize Rime Bending in order to bend and alter the laws of reality itself.

Full-Fledged Conduit: At this level of power, Ran Yakumo is at her strongest and most powerful state yet, as her full power is unleashed. At this level of power, Ran now has the power of Absolute Control, with the radius is of her power being able to spread the Ohio it the Edenverse and the Eden Tree itself, allowing for her to manipulate Alpha Reality and Meta Space-Time, use mental powers of Mind Control and Unfreedom Manipulation, and control Concepts to an extent, such as Logic Manipulation and Supernatural Dominion, making her almost on par with King Multiverse at this level of mastery with his Monarchy Soul.


Equilibrium!Yukari: The creator of Ran Yakumo, as well as her Bio-Conduit Soul, Ran is Yukari's most loyal and trusted servant. She holds in immense amount of loyalty to her, and Yukari, in return, treats her with kindness and compassion, despite seeing her as a tool.

Alpha!Chen: A Shikigami that Yukari would later own herself. Although she does control her from time to time, Ran simply let's Chan do her own thing, as she still has the mentality of a child and gives her some level of freedom. She only calls upon her when she is in need of some aid, even if it is not much

Error404: The previous barrier of the Conduit of Balance, as well as Yukari's predecessor. Ran and Error404 do possess a level of respect for one another, as well as the fact that Error404 is able to be of use to her by informing Yukari of her power while she is still young,'allowing her to become as powerful as she is able to he to this day.

Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse: The creation and puppet king of Error404, Ran and King Multiverse met, due to her coming along with Yukari and Prism to the Eden Orb that the Alphatale Brothers reside in. From the moment that Ran and King Multiverse met, they both felt a sense of understanding between them, as well as sense of closeness to one another. This would later progress to the point that both Ran and King Multiverse would then get into a relationship with one another, with Yukari even making a Gap that connects the Eden Orb that 404 resides in to the Eden Orb that Yukari and her AU resides in.

Righteous!Error: The student of Error404 and Yukari's Boyfriend. She holds a degree of trust to Righteous!Error, due to the fact that Yukari is shown to have an immense love to him, and Error, in return, holds a great degree of trust to her in return, and even supports her relationships with King Multiverse, in which 404 does not mind a single bit, as he allows King Multiverse to do what he wants.

Infected: The First Destroyer, and the Conduit of Destruction, Ran Yakumo, although hearing of how evil he was, sees that he is truly changed into a good person, due to no longer being inflicted by his bloody past, and thus, she began to put some level of trust in him, and hope to see that he will recover completely, so he can have a normal life with his brothers again.

Omnipotent!Sans: Originally, Ran had nothing but respect for Omnipotent Sans, the Conduit of Will, due to the fact that he used to care and had humanity in him, only for Alpha to reveal to her that he abandoned his path of humanity, and thus, Ran was filled with a sense of disgust for what it is that Omnipotent decided to be, for no words can describe how ashamed that she is of him for going down the path he has gone, and thus, decides that she is going to stay away from him for now on, hoping that she never meets with him against after what he's decided being.

Alpha!Sans: The First Protector of the Multiverse, as well as the Conduit of Change, Alpha and Ran Yakumo get along rather well with one another, due to the fact that unlike Omnipotent!Sans, who has decided to remove his humanity, Alpha didn't do that and decided to keep his humanity so that he can do whatever he can to make sure that everyone he cares about is safe and he remains who he is. Because of this, and the fact that he refuses to abdomen his humanity, Ran has far greater respect to Alpha then Omnipotent, and Alpha, in return, also seems to care for Ran and help her.

Hollow!Ink: The former student of Alpha!Sans, Ran shows nothing but disgust to him due to what it is that he has become, but knows better then to approach him, and simply does the best that he can to not get spotted by him, due to the fact that he is able to consume worlds and entities, and because of that, at the level of mastery that she is at, she refuses to go anywhere near him, very unsure of how to deal with him. Luckily, Hollow!Ink is unaware of her existence, as Righteous!Error simply told her of who he is, rather that she was able to meet him all by herself.

100: The Beast of Rage, as well as the older brother of 404 and Alpha, 100 is the most loyal son of the Astral Mother. Although he has become a bit more passive then before, she does not trust him a single bit and decides to stay away from him and not interact with him.

Warlock: Ran thinks of Warlock as an unpredictable and otherworldly entity, being extremely bizarre and chaotic in so many ways, as well as being mysterious, even when compared to Yukari, her master, which does not help by the fact that he only says his own name, and not say any sentences. The only good thing about him is that he aids Error404, Alpha, and Infected, as well as hang out with them, and because of this, Ran thinks of Warlock as a rather good entity, and admits that he is a rather silly one, due to his rather strange nature.

The Astral Mother: The mother of 100, Error404, and Alpha, Ran shows nothing but disgust and revolt towards the Astral Mother, due to the fact that she shows no remorse for what she has done, and the fact that she cares nothing but experiments and perfection. Because of this, she thinks of the Astral Mother as an extremely horrible being that cannot be redeemed or changed in any sort of way, and thus, desires nothing more then to stay away from her, as well as hope that she does not approach and see Ran herself.

The Void Empress: The alternate version of the Astral Mother, and the mother of Warlock, Infected, and Omnipotent. Her opinion on her is a bit more greater then the Astral Mother, due to the fact that she cares and that fact that she shows remorse. Because of this, Ran Yakumo and the Void Empress would often meet with one another and speak to one another, about how their day is, and joins in on how much they both hate the Astral Mother for her actions.

Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Superiority, the both of them met in the past when King Multiverse and Righteous!Error introduced him to her. Ran Yakumo almost acts like an aunt figure to him, and does all she can to take good care of him, and Merus does think of her as such a figure due to caring for him whenever his mother is not here and is busy with something.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Prism is a rather mysteries yet melancholic entity, but as he is shown to be an ally to 404 and Yukari, she gets along with him.


Ran Yakumo is second to Yukari Yakumo in terms of sheer power and strength, due to her creation.

Her Bio-Conduit Soul is extremely close to the level of power of the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy and Balance, meaning that she is almost as strong as the both of them, with even being at Competent Level, meaning that she is at the same level of strength as King Multiverse when he is at Advanced Beginner, despite the fact that she is one mastery above him.

Ran Yakumo and King Multiverse's relationship is well known by both sides, and even Righteous and Yukari supports it, much to both of their embarrassment.

Ran Yakumo, when channeling her Conduit Soul, does not need to use her power of soul bonding in order to command those weaker then her, and can control them by sheer will alone. The only downside is that she cannot hold them for a permanent amount of them in the mastery that she is in, and can only do it for a temporary amount of time, but in the process, she can increase and triple the power of those she controls for a temporary amount of time, with the exception being that she can control Chen and increase her power very immensely, due to already being in charge of her.

Ran Yakumo, unlike her original self, is able to remain in her full strength, due to the fact that she does not need moon to enhance her power, being in possession of a Conduit Soul that already gives her immense power.

Equilibrium!Yukari, using her power over Boundaries, and in combination with Queen!Ran's power when channeling her soul, is able to turn the entire Multiverse into a place unaffected by the Cycle, and because of this, if a cycle were to pass, Ran will still be alive and will not be killed by it, which is something that King Multiverse had accomplished by himself when he is able to make the throne room a safe place.

Perhaps due to Gabriel's Cosmic Essence, it allows Ran's fire powers to become more powerful then before, as it is combined with the Fox Fire that the vessel is able to do all her own.

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