Lord of Ice
Lord of Lightning
Frosty Thunder
Lord of Force
Gabriel's Equal
Brother (By Gabriel)
The Jötnar Lord
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: TransVoid
Species: Being
Gender: Male
Height: 945
Weight: 16,000 tons
Eye Color: Frosty/Electric Blue
I am the guardian of this void, alongside Gabriel, my brother in my arm, the King of this Void. The thunder and frost shall coat the Void into a sanctuary that shall protect all. But you...may you feel it's wrath.-Magni.
Magni is a TransVoid Being, and is one of the most powerful entities of all time, matching the power of Gabriel himself.
Long before the Transvoid was bound to the Book of Eyes, A entity known as, the Host, was said to have created the atoms to the stars and is known widely as being responsible for the Transvoid's birth. After it was done, the Host suddenly dissapeared, some say he died while others believe he fell to the darkest part of the Transvoid. Many eons would pass, until the first breeding Mother would be born and give birth to the first plague of beings, they were born without names and wouldn't have them for much longer. The beings were relentless and killed everything and consumed more, soon however the breeding Mother would grow worrisome of her children destroying everything so in response she birthed an Angel to take care of them, the first of many to purge the beings due to their negligence. The Angel slaughtered the beings and soon would be the first Angel and the last, the breeding mother would then give birth to a whole new horde of beings this batch that are much better then the first.
Once the Last breeding Mother passed away, Beings came to be the norm as millions upon millions filled the Transvoid, but due to the lack of rule, the Angels put themselves on top of everyone and made it know they deserved respect and if not given it they would slaughter Beings by the thousands. Beings became oppressed by the Angels and were forced to follow their every whim and demand, many even being forced to breed with Angels. Of course, only the best were allowed such a privilege.
However, during the Angel's rule, right under their nose was growing one of the many big families of the Transvoid, the Squid family, a small being only know as Malesgrow began to form and breed with a human from a stray planet and form a large family, and as it grew, so did their knowledge and soon found themselves ascending to a higher plane. The eldest of the squid family would go on to start their own branches while the youngest would remain close to their father. Once the Angels grew wind of the Squid family, they wiped out as many as they could, even killing the mother and abandoning one of the eldest children away in a different world entirely.
After a horrible couple of years went by before the well known Demon horde was born, they were said to have been caused and formed due to nature trying to balance itself out, but one thing is for sure is that two demons were born during that time that completely demolished the Angel's control over the Transvoid. One of which would be the ones that would be the one to rule the Demons and fight back against the Angels themselves. His name, is Gabriel.
Born from a fire so hot, Gabriel had arose and became the strongest Demon, as well as their leader. Now with a desire to free the TransVoid from the clutches of the Angels, Gabriel took charge as their king, and, along with his Sister, Helatory, lead into a war against the Angels, and the Demons fought to gain their freedom. The battle was very catastrophic, as all of the TransVoid are able to feel the strength and might of the 2 Species, one with the desire for liberation and freedom, which the Demons want, while the other side, the Angels, want to keep their rule and their conquest, wanting to be given the respect that they deserve, and thus, because of the fight, the Angels grew desperate, and the leader ordered the angels to go and find some more entities for her to breed with. The TransVoid Angels agreed, as they flied into the air, and they fled the battle, in order to try and forcefully breed with the other Beings. But the TransVoid Demons, although they did a similar tactic, that is with each other, as yet don't want to forcefully breed with the other TransVoid Beings against their will. So they bred with each other, in order to grow in numbers, as well as in their strengths. The 2 sides fought for many eons, and the Angels are growing more and more desperate, and so are the demons. But despite this, the Demons refuse to go down and do what the Angels do, and will fight for the freedom of the TrasnVoid. The Angels, however, need more in numbers, and thus, a group are sent to go and find a group of powerful TransVoid Beings to forcefully mate against their will. They agreed, and they left. And thus...the war raged on...and the Angels believed that they would be able to win, or so...they assumed, when the same group of Angels came back an hour later, and they were under attack. The leader of the Angels turned around, and behind them, are a group of colossal entities, a bit more larger than the TransVoid Demons and Angels, and they are capable of manipulating ice. The largest of which, as well as the most powerful, however, manipulated both Ice and Lighting.
These entities...they are formed in a similar manner to Gabriel and his kin. During the war, there was a powerful storm that somehow existed inside of the TrasnVoid, a storm that is so powerful that all of existence face severe disasters. But the storm that almost always comes is...cold snow. A snow so cold that it made entities out of it. These entities were formed from the ice and frost that are extremely cold, and have the power to manipulate ice. However, the coldest ice, which would form the leader, was struck by the strongest lighting, and repeatedly shocked it, until it grew into an entity of its own, in which it stopped, leading to the creation of a new race that has never been seen before, until now.
The leader of this race, he is known, as Magni, and the race that he rules, are known as the TransVoid Jötnar, for they are Giants formed from Ice. When they were born, they were peaceful and made a village in a section of the TransVoid, but the Angels came and attacked them. So they fought back, and forced them away. But Magni, he ventured into the outside, and witnessed the war, and he realizes what the Angels had been doing. And since they now know of this place, they are going to try and conquer it. So, in the realization of what will happen, Magni gathered the Jötnar, the ones that are willi by to fight, and they stormed into the battlefield, in order to aid the TransVoid in trying to win the everlasting war.
Gabriel, seeing that Magni desires to keep his part of the TransVoid safe, convinces Magni for join forces with him, and Magni agreed, forming an alliance between the TransVoid Demons and the TransVoid Jötnar. Their combined mind being so strong, they are able to force the Angels back, and overpower them, and thus, as they killed countless angels, they made the Angels flee and go into hiding. But the leader of the Angels, however, refuses to be taken down, and fights against both Gabriel and Magni, in order to try and win against them, despite the odds that she is aware of. Magni and Gabriel, also charged at the leader. As the Demons and the Jötnar see that their rulers are about to fight against the leader of the Angels, they all stayed out of it, stepped back, and let their rulers combat against the enemy.
The Angel did all she could to fight against both Gabriel and Magni, and admittedly, she fought valiantly, and fought with bravery and skill, but in the end, it mattered not, as Gabriel pierced his Trident into her chest, making her collapse into the ground, before Magni than raised his hand, and summoned Lightning down from the sky, as he annihilated the Angel, killing her, and finally turning her into nothing more than ash. At least, the deed was done, the TransVoid Angels are finally gone, the entire TransVoid now no longer oppressed by their rule. The Angels and Jötnar celebrated, as they are able to gain their freedom for all of the TransVoid Beings that have been oppressed for such a long time. But even they know that the Angels will return someday. And thus, Magni promises that he and the Jötnar will return to help them, but if they want, they can visit their realm to be with them. Gabriel, happy at this new sense of friendship, agrees, as both Gabriel and Magni shook each other's hands.
And thus, the bond between the Demons and the Jötnar are born, as while the Demons are willing to fight, they fight for freedom, and the Jötnar desire nothing more than to be at peace with themselves. A bond of fire and ice, but one where the fire and the ice can be together. Gabriel and Magni, they are the closest to each other, as they both desire the same thing, to live free oboes, and both have honorable and respectful personalities. They both consider each other akin to brothers, and thus, they both worked together in order to make sure that the TransVoid is safe, even as Gabriel is the one that leads it, the one that rules the Void, but a very benevolent and very just ruler, as well as one of mercy and respect. But even so, it changes nothing, as Gabriel and Magni are forever brothers in each other's arms.
As he is the strongest of the TransVoid Jötnar, Magni is the largest of his kind, not to mention one of the largest TransVoid Beings to ever be born. He is shown to wear black leather pants secured by an armored loincloth, as well as some armor at the stomach. He has icy blue skin, is very fit and muscular in build, as well as some armored gauntlets and brown boots. His hair is shown to be made of electricity, although the hair acts wavy as an ocean instead of sparking like lightning. He also is shown to have blue eyes, and they are said to be as cold as the ice and as piercing as lightning when he is enraged, and has an expression that looks serious and ruthless. But despite this, Magni is truly a caring person and is genuinely shown to possess a smiling face, even though it looks as though it is a smile that is meant to look down on others. He is also shown to have a crown on top of his head, a crown that is made of ice, but glows due to the electricity inside of it.
Magni is shown to be a rather peaceful and kind entity, one of the merciful and respectful in existence. He is said to be so similar to Gabriel, who possesses the same level of respect and kindness as Magni. He is shown to be extremely brave, as he is someone that is willing to risk his own life to fight against and entity that is stronger than him, and refuses to sacrifice innocent lives, even if it is for the greater good, and will refuse to let people commit such an action. He is also one that tries to see the best in other people, and offers them mercy in order to get them to redeem and change themselves for the better, and is also very wise, giving people words of advice in order to make them feel encouraged to help them become far more better people, and to improve those that desire redemption.
But despite this, even Magni knows that there are some people that can never be redeemed, and will stick to the evil side, no matter what. And thus, if he knows that a person is irredeemable, he will dispatch them no matter what, and is said to be filled with a rage that freezes even the people in their place, due to the fact that they are afraid of the rage that is being present within him. He is also very ruthless and relentless, as he will fight until the battle is over, and will make sure that he will win no matter what. However, even when he desires to kill someone, he will fight with honor, and will give the opponent he is facing a chance to fight back, although this will not stop him from trying to make sure that the opponent is defeated, no matter what happens.
Pure Ice Embodiment: Magni embodies ice, having natural affinity and physiology of ice and frost. Magni has infinite and all abilities and powers based on ice. At the pinnacle, Magni is all-powerful and omnipotent over and in ice, possessing absolute and limitless control and immunity of ice, doing absolutely anything with ice.
Pure Lightning Embodiment: Magni embodies Lightning, having natural affinity and physiology of Lightning and Thunder. Magni has infinite and all abilities and powers based on lightning. At the pinnacle, Magni is all-powerful and omnipotent over and in lighting, possessing absolute and limitless control and immunity of lighting, doing absolutely anything with lighting. He is the only Jötnar that possesses the power to embody Lightning.
Precognition: The TransVoid Jötnar are able to see the future, and thus, they know of what will happen to an extent. However, Magni's precognition is far more greater and developed, and thus, can see more into the future than the rest of his kind.
Soul Control: Magni is able to manipulate souls and do anything with them, such as encase them inside of an object, or transfer them to another vessel. However, he cannot manipulate the souls of TransVoid Beings.
Magni's Sword: Magni has a sword that he can make with his own power, in order to slice and cut through anything with realities ease. Made from being molded by Ice and Lightning, it is said to be so powerful that it can match the power of Gabriel's Trident, and can even create the same feat being able to suck in all existing things and non-existing things into one singular point detonating them like a bomb with enough force to even fracture reality itself beyond repair, due to the lighting stored inside of it.
Gabriel, the Demon Prince: The Demon Prince and the Jötnar Lord are truly of the closest of friends, to the point that they are like brothers to each other. As they both have similar goals, they help manage the TransVoid, and Magni even invites Gabriel to visit his realm, which Gabriel seems to enjoy very much.
Helatory: The TransVoid Succubus, she has shown to be rather interested in Magni, and thus, desires to bed him. Magni, however, is a little bit anxious about being in the presence of Helatory, due to being Gabriel's Sister, who he does not want to offend, but is rather close to her.
Sol: The God of the Unnameables, Magni had, along with Gabriel, once rivaled Sol in the past, due to how powerful they both were at the time. Nowadays, Sol is out of existence, doing his one thing, and Magni had to watch out and not get on his bad side, due to how powerful he is, and the fact that he continues growing stronger.
MalesGrow: A TransVoid Being taking on the form of a squid with a single red eye, Magni sees him just as much of an enemy as Gabriel does, due to the fact that Magni is the most evil of the TransVoid Beings, in his desire to become an Unnameable, and even Magni knows how dangerous they are. Because of this, he, along with Gabriel, make sure that MalesGrow does not try and consume any innocent entity and Multiverse, so that they can be protected by him.
Malware: A TransVoid Being of decay, he once attacked the village that he rules, which angered Magni immensely. Now he considers making sure that he gets killed for all of his troubles, and will stop at nothing to make sure that he pays for what he has done.
Falklore: Magni has a strained and very bad relationship with him, due to the fact that he tried to attack and kill Gabriel, is friend. Because of this, when he came to his village and try to attack it, Magni stepped in and fought against him. The end result is a tie, but Magni has enough power to send him away, so that he does not get his kind killed. And thus, he watches over and makes sure that his realm is safe.
Yesmerian: Magni is friendly to Yesmerian, due to her kindness.
Omnipotent!Sans/Ares: Formally known as Ares, he is now known as Omnipotent, and is the current Holder of the Book of Eyes. Omnipotent ran into Magni, when he is fighting against MalesGrow, and Magni forced him away. Omnipotent revealed who he is and the fact that he is the current owner of the Book, before revealing his goals. Because of this, and the fact that both Omnipotent and Magni share the same enemy, they are both very close allies.
Magni is so strong that he is able to match the might of Gabriel, the Demon Prince.
Magni, along with Gabriel, has an ancient rivalry with Zarla, but Magni hates Zarla more than Gabriel does.
Magni is able to go into the Book of Minds, along with Gabriel, and lived to tell the tale.
As Magni is as strong as Gabriel, he too is capable of beating Sol, when he was O'Brien.
Magni is able to win against the Conduit of Chaos.
Unlike Gabriel, Magni desires only one wife, and is so shocked at Gabriel having so many wives that he can't comment.
Magni is also enemies with Avalon and can rival him, due to being able to use his ice to counter the flames that Avalon's made of.
Magni is the only Jötnar that has lightning hair. The rest of the Jötnar only have bendy icicles that aft is hair.
Helatory will stop at nothing to breed with Magni, much to his dismay, due to the fact that he is afraid that Gabriel will get enraged at him.
Although Falklore realizes his mistake and sees that they are truly peaceful, Magni is suspicious of his regret, and thus, does not trust him in his words being true regret.
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