
(Okay, this character or fusion doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Shadikal15. This is just my interpretation of what Christ would do and what his powers would be. This picture of this fusion is in this link.


Strange being
Fused Conduit of Ascension
Exceedingly strange creature

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Conduit fusion
Gender: Male
Height: 12 feet
Weight: Exceedingly heavy

(Oddly depressed moaning)-Christ

Christ is a fusion of Infected, the Conduit of Destruction, and Alpha, the Conduit of Change, becoming the Conduit of Ascension. Because of this, he is one of the strongest fusions to ever be made.


(Again, this belongs to Shadikal15)

This extremely bizarre fusion takes on the appearance of a tall white figure with no arms or legs. There is what seems to be a sort of whole, or secondary mouth, that is on the 'neck' of the fusion. On the main face of Christ, he is shown to be permanently smiling, with one right white eye and one empty black socket. In between the eyes, there is what seems to be a purple gem of some sort with a face inside of it. He is also shown to be extremely tall, tall enough to surpass the height of 100, but is outclass but Warlock at his tallest height.


Christ, despite his bizarre appearance, is not that much of an aggressive entity. In spite of what he seems to be, he is a very gentle giant that acts similar to a child. Due to the fusion giving him some form of constant pain, Christ cannot stop crying. But in spite of this, Christ is very friendly, as long as the person that stands before him is friendly to him back. However, if he is up against a person that is aggressive, Christ will demonstrate some of the traits that the Infected comportment possesses, in which he'll become cold, brutal, sadistic, and chaotic, taking pleasure in the pain he inflicts in tormenting others. And when that happens, it is a very frightening sight to behold, especially since his unchanging smile, both in his normal face and in the face in the gem, will be the very last thing that the aggressor will ever see.

Powers and Abilities:

Multiverse Travel: Christ has a weird ability in which he can sunk into the ground and appear into another Multiverse, as well as in a different AU. He can also limit this power to simply going to other AUs and not the Multiverses.

Unearthly Shriek: Christ, whenever he is distressed, is capable of unleashing a shriek that is so loud that he can cause an extremely dangerous form of dementia to any and all sort of beings. The only entities that can resist this sort of power are other Conduits.

Eyes of Seething Animosity: Christ can force an opponent to have 2 Eyes of Animosity that can severely weaken a person's power.

Wisp Gem: The gem and face on the forehead will at times fire a beam that is condensed from Wisps, being much more stronger than the usual Wisps. He can also adjust the firepower of the Wisp beam, from a small one that can destroy a universe to a big one that can destroy a Multiverse.

God Crasher: Christ can rush and ran at a person with immense force, allowing him to kill lesser beings with a single hit, and can break their guard to beings stronger, with the power alone being able to destroy a single Multiverse without trouble, or can cause immense damage to a reality.

Cannibalism: Christ can eat a person, and when he does, he is able to gain the power of a person, but the power is amplified to a much greater degree than ever before.

Agony Blasters: Christ possesses blasters that are capable of not only absorbing HP, but also draining it from the opponent. He can even use it on an AU in order to heal either an ally of his or another AU that he likes.

Rabid Bone: Christ has the power to collect bones and retrieve them from anywhere in the field, as well as on the opponent's side, and can infect them with a sort of disease, after which he can fire them at the opponents.

Mind Torment: Christ is capable of driving a person mad with his powers, making them become emotionally unstable and making them lose their sense of self, sometimes to the point where they will rip their souls out of their bodies, and destroy it, which in turn looks themselves gruesomely.

Determination Beam: This can be fired from the second mouth, in which a beam of DT will be fired at the opponent, and will infuse the DT inside of them in order to make them melt from the sheer amount of Determination that they are injected with.

Extensive Length: Christ can expand his body, allowing him to change his height. This is his more limited way of moving around.

Unbreakable Flame: Christ, combining the Unrivaled Defense and the Flame Transmission power, is able to make a flame aura that renders him completely invulnerable by any known means, and even hurt anyone that tries to hit him. However, he cannot do it all over his body and can only do it on most parts of it, leaving some exposed spots that are vulnerable.

Damnation: Christ can put them into a purgatory-like dimension, in which he can force the person to wonder around inside the realm, forever being lost and mentally being consumed by the insanity, with them even hurting themselves to try and get out of the dimension, but the dimension will force them to heal, putting them into a fate that is worse then death.

Conduit of Ascension:

Christ is the Conduit of Ascension, a fusion of the Conduit of Change and the Conduit of Destruction. With this, he is capable of ascending on power to possibly limitless heights.

Novice: Christ is capable of increasing and ascending his power by the amount of people present, such as being able to increase his power by 10 times the amount when there are 10 people present.

Advanced Beginner: Christ, at this stage can ascend above what he thought was never possible, being able to ascend layers of reality, but only if he knows that he can ascend past them in a way such as this.

Competent: At this level of power, Christ gains Self Transcendence, being able to constantly grow and rise in power and overcome his constant limits.

Proficient: Christ is able Ascend past his own limitations and own personal boundaries, being able to climb higher and higher on top of the stack of realities, even being able to climb to the the top of the Eden Orb without much issue.

Master: At this level of power, Christ can utilize his power to nearly the full extent, capable of Eternal Transcendence, allowing him to continuously rise in power without control, even being able to transcend the concepts of Good and Evil, Monster and Human, even being able to Ascend past the concept of Christ, and being able to gain new abilities when that happens.

Full-Fledged Conduit: At the peak of his power, Christ is capable of Almighty Ascension. In this form, Christ is virtually Omnipotent and is continuously rising up in power, being able to do whatever he wants and whatever he desires.

Judge Being:

The fusion of the Judge and Black Being form. At the peak of his distress, Christ can cover himself and detaches from the ground, as souls from other Multiverses join in to increase his power even more than ever before, gaining far greater power then both Black Being and the Judge form. He also gains 4 pairs of arms that can extend and wrap around other Multiverses, with the main body being as large as the Empire State Building.

Wisp Gem: The power of the wisp has increased far greater than ever before, now being able to destroy multiple Multiverses at once and can cause damage to a reality.

Determination Jaws: Judge Being possesses jaws that are infused with DT, with the jaws as hot to the touch as well as being as sharp of 100, if not more so. He can bite with the force strong enough eat through realign and go to the reality above it (such as eating the main reality of the multiverses, and make a hole in it to go into the MainFrame), and can also fire a beam of Detetmination that is strong enough to destroy almost anything. 

Bravery: Judge Being can make an aura so potent that it can ignite lesser beings and make them erupt in flames. The flames being so strong that they cannot be extinguished. Other Conduits or entities comparable to Christ's power can resist the flames.

Justice: The souls of Justice, when activated, can fire billions of blasts at a time, allowing him to destroy multiple beings at once.

Kindness: The souls of Kindness constantly heal Judge Being whenever he is badly damaged by something.

Patience: Judge Being, with the power of Patience, is capable of slowing down time to an extent that it seems to come to a crawl, although this is limited only to his perception.

Integrity: Judge Being possesses a powerful gravity effect to those that get caught in his radius, allowing him to crush them and kill them effortlessly.

Perseverance: Judge Being is capable of piercing through defenses without any issue, allowing him to hit a person regardless of what sort of shield they make or what defense that they put up.

Rainbow Wisp Beam: This move allows Judge Being to fire a wisp beam that is infused with all of the Souls that power him. The Wisp beam is so powerful that it can destroy multiple Multiverses at once, with 7 being the main limit. The beam can also follow and lock onto the target so that the target being hit by this is guaranteed.

Soul Flare: Judge Being's last resort attack, in which he can fire all of the souls, both the normal souls and the Wisps, in order to destroy a bunch of Multiverses at the same time. However, doing this will power Judge Being down back to Christ.

Corrupt Being:

This transformation is a more 'corrupted' version of the Judge Being, where hatred and cruelty powers this form. The wisps and the souls now becomes black, with either of these attacks being powerful enough to burn and destroy anything. The Corrupt Being's form is now no longer made of a black matter. Now it is made of black flames that cannot be physically touched by any means. And because of this, magical attacks are required in order to try and hit it, but even that is a problem, since the black flames reduce damage.


As both Conduits need to be at the same level of power and not have a weaker Conduit Soul, perhaps reflecting on a Conduit's Mastery, this means that Alpha had to train his powers in order to become the same level as Infected, which is Competent level, which is what would allow the fusion to happen in the first place.

Due to them being a fusion of 2 Conduits, Christ cannot defuse until the next cycle beings, meaning that Alpha and Infected will be forced to stay fuse until the current cycle comes to an end.

This fusion is one of the strongest Conduit fusions to ever exist, with the God Conduit, the fusion of Life and Death, being the only one that can possibly match it.

It's possible that Alpha and Infected in canon are capable of achieving this form, but if they are aware of Conduit fusion is unknown.

It is unknown what happens to the consciousness of Infected and Alpha when the both of them fuse, that is if they even exist after fusing.

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