

Evolving Squid
Eve's Strongest Child
The Heir of All
MalesGrow's Granddaughter
Ten's Daughter
Eve's Daughter
Evolving Goddess
Squid Goddess

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Polothorn/Unknown Being
Gender: Female
Height: 25'5
Weight: 110,000 Megatons
Eye Color: Black (Right) Turquoise (Left)

This character takes place in the same Multiverse that Ethereal!Ten No Kami resides in.

Evolution is a very fascinating, yet very powerful and dangerous concept to be inherited to someone such as me.-Auxesia

Auxesia is an extremely powerful entity in her own right, and is one of the strongest Polothorns in all of existence. She is the daughter of Ethereal!Ten No Kami, Daughter of MalesGrow, and Eve, the Mother of All, who is also the future mother of Abyss!Sans within Abysstale.


Ten No Kami had been with the Astral Mother for such a very long time. She has been the one that will always help her in being able to bring back Alphatale. As the Astral Mother had been the very first person that is very kind to her, and all that Ten No Kami know in her whole life is cruelty, she decides to aid the Astral Mother, her sons, and the survivors of Alphatale, but only because she wants to repay the Astral Mother for being kind to her, and is able to give her a perfect understanding of right and wrong. Of course, Ten No Kami had to do many bad stuff along with the Astral Mother in order to accomplish this, such as control and destroy AUs, take their code, all in an effort to bring back Alpjatale, and most of them were from people that did not deserve it. Because of this, Ten No Kami felt nothing more than a sense of guilt, which she never thought that she is able to feel, due to the fact that this is her first time feeling an emotion as deep as that. And yet, despite feeling such an emotion, she continues on and does what she does in order to bring back the AU that's lost. She cannot stop, even if she wants to, in order to bring back the world without measure inside of the Multiverse itself.

However, during one her missile, Ten No Kami, who had been with the group, had been separated from each other, due to something happening to the Astral Mother's sons, both blood and adoptive, and she does not know why that is the case. Because of this, Ten tries to find them, but she than found that they had disappeared, as there is not a single trace of them left. So, in response to this, she makes it her personal desire to try and find him by any means necessary, while also needing to put on hind the work of trying to restore Alphatale. After all, she can't do it without them. She searches and goes around for as many AUs as she can, around the Multiverse as she can, but to no avail. She can feel through her connection, and while they are still around, for some unknown reason, they feel like they are going all over the place. And it is really confusing Ten No Kami. But despite this, she does not give up in finding them.

But than, one day, after 99.9 years, or a century, of trying to find the Alphatale group, where she than went inside of a random AU, she encountered a strange female, that resembles a human, but Ten could sense amazing power from her. Not as strong as the Astral Mother's powers, as well as her sons, but it is still very strong, nonetheless, and is even appearing to continuously grow stronger by the passing minute. And she also appears to have been hurt in a fight of some sort. So, using her power, she held her hand out, and was able to close the wounds all over her body. When that happened, the female was then able to wake up. When the female awoke, she looks up and sees the large, giant form of Ten No Kami staring down at her. At first, the female was horrified, but Ten reassures her that she is not here to attack her. The female looks up, but then, she sees that Ten is lowering her hand, and the female, realizing that Ten is trying to raise her up, lowers her guard, as she then slowly, but cautiously, walks up to the hand, before Ten No Kami raises it up, and move her hand far away a little bit, and she introduces herself as Ten No Kami, before asking for the female her name. The female calls herself Eve, the Mother of All, and claims to have a Soul of Evolution. This made Ten intrigued, as she now knows why Eve's power is continuously growing, but decides to not talk about that, as both Eve and Ten No Kami began to discuss each other about their backstories, with Eve doing it first, and then, Ten discussing her backstory, about MakesGrow and her friendship with the Astral Mother, and their goals in bringing back Alphatale. Eve, of course, was horrified, and calls Ten out on the fact that what she and her allies are doing is wrong. Ten agrees, knowing that it is, but the Astral Mother loves her AU and her subjects so much, and thus, desires to bring them back, and Ten only joined in because the Astral Mothet was kind to her, in that all Ten knew in her life was cruelty, due to her father. And because of this, she wants to return the favor to the Astral Mother by helping her resurrect her AU, no matter what, Althing Ten admits that she does not take any pleasure in killing them and ripping happy endings away, but she wants to help the Astral Mother, no matter what.

Eve could tell that she really does not want this, and even felt sympathetic due to what Ten had gone through that had made her cruel, and thus, she decides to have Ten stay with her for a temporary amount of time. Although she knows she can't help her, she can at least give her a friend to be with, since her friends are now gone and she can't find them.

Ten and Eve are continues to stay with each other, and then, once the year came bro pass, which is 100 years, Ten became curious, and asks Eve if she is able to use her powers to make a child for the both of them. This made Eve confused, as to why she wants to make that. Ten claims thar she is very curious to know what a child would be like if she has inherited the essences of both, with her Cosmic Essence and her Evolution Cells. The Mother of All was a little unsure, but nevertheless, she insists, and both Ten and Eve mated with their power, with Ten impregnating the Mother of All. And when they did finished, Eve waits, as her stomach began to grow bigger, due to the Egg of Eve making the child within her.

And finally, after what must have been 9 months, the child is finally born. And the instant that Eve gave birth to her, the child had already grown so powerful that she is even stronger than Eve, but is still weaker compared to Ten, her stronger than the Astral Mother. In fact, the birth of the child nearly killed Eve, but even so, she is able to survive. Ten looks down, and thinking of the name for her child, and after a little bit, she decides to make her daughter, Auxesia.

Years came by, as Auxesia grew up with both Eve and Ten No Kami, learning her powers, the ideals of both of her parents, and even gained the attitude and personalities of the both of them. But in spite of this, she does not become evil, and instead, became neutral. She grew, both in power and her physical size, until she became a foot taller than Ten No Kami. And after a very long time of being with them, being with Ten No Kami and Eve for 50 years, Auxesia was now ready to go into the outside world, and says goodbye to them, as Ten finally sensed her friends and the Astral Mother much more clearly, in which she says goodbye to Eve, and Eve does the same thing. Auxesia watches as Ten leaves, and she also said goodbye to Auxesia, and after looking at Eve, she smiled, telling her she can go now, and that they will see each other someday. Auxesia looks around for a little bit, before picking her mother up, and holding her close to her face, and nuzzles onto her, which is Auxesia's way of hugging and embracing Eve. The Mother of All smiled, happy to see her daughter embrace her, even if it is in such a weird way, and thus, when she puts Eve down, she turns around and left , as she wanders around the AUs, around the Multiverse, and even the Realities, as she became powerful enough to travel to them.


Auxesia has the combined appearances of both of her mothers. She has inherited both the white hair of Eve and Ten No Kami, her white hair is going down past her hips, and possesses white skin which she has inherited from Ten No Kami. Above her head is a Halo that's made of Evolution Cells, shaped into DNA Shapes, with the Halo also glowing Turquoise. She appears to be wearing a white dress of some sort, similar to the ones that Eve wear, except that they stop at the hips as well. The dress also appears to have Semi-Detached Sleeves, with the wrists of the sleeve ending in the blue color, and the straps are on the shoulders of Auxesia, while the dress also exposes a bit of her chest at the upper part. She also has a choker that is around her neck, which is 2 white lines on between a dark blue line in the middle, and on the front of the choker, a Turquoise Circular Jewel is seen at the front to the choker, and on the right side of her head, is a flower, the same type that her mother Eve has, only it is big enough to be seen on her head. Her right eye is complete black, just like her mother. But on the left, although the eye ball is black, she now has a Turquoise Iris, and the DNA Symbol that is below her left eye, which she inherited from Ten No Kami, is also Turquoise, and it's now a marking, and not stitched.

Her lower half, in place of where her legs would be, are dark grey tentacles that are light turquoise at the inside. On top the dark grey part of the tentacles, in the middle of the dark parts themselves, there's Turquoise DNA Markings, starting from the top of the Tentacles, which are at the hips, to going down to the tips of the tentacles at the bottom. She is also one foot taller then Ten.


Auxesia has a rather complicated personality which she possesses, due to her parents being unique opposites to each other. Like her mother, Eve, she is very kind and caring, and does all she can to help other people. She has an immense love towards all living things, and even animals, due to the fact that she is very interested in seeing them grow and develop on their own, becoming more unique as time and age goes on over the generations. She is someone that is willing to let evolution take its course, and allow the organism to become more powerful on their own. However, like her other mother, Ten No Kami, Auxesia is snobby and prideful and has no problem addressing authority, and to those that she is enemies against, Auxesia has no resolve and no sympathy and could even be compared to an emotionless husk at times, and will even take pleasure in the suffering that she is able to dish out to them. She also has inherited her perfectionist nature, but despite this, she tries her best to be very good.

Even though she is very ruthless and has some dark sides of her personality, she does all that she can to be a very kind and caring person, which is genuine, and she wants nothing more than to make friends. She has made some genuine friends, and even has met with her half-brother, Abyss, who she loves immensely and would be very protective of. She also looks up to both of her mothers, due to their ideals, and the fact that they had raised her in the entire life that she had with them, until she decided to leave them, but in spite of all of this, she still loves both of her parents. She also inherited Ten No Kami's temper, but thanks to Eve, she is able to regain control over it and remains calm, even she. She is angry. She is also manipulative, and when when sadistic, she will still speak in a kind, motherly tone.


God's Will: With this Power, She is able to kill and or eradicate all life-related or similar to what code an AU is based on. This includes code similar to them and offspring and relatives included. This ability can also reach out to sister Aus as well. And has complete control of everything that resonates within where they roam and resonate. This doesn't work on Error404.

Au Cinder: Cinder to Cinder, This ability is able to destroy all Aus that isn't grounded to their inspiring AU. This also means that all code fragments that have the inspired AU's code or code related to such code will be erased.

4-Banme no ishiki: I can See You

The Bond: The Bond is a power that is given to beings that have experienced true enlightenment, have met an unfortunate demise or that just have a part in them unequal to any. When the gift is given it's usually given without true aware some even being able to live their entire lives never knowing about it. The Bond is a turquoise DNA, it takes apart of the host body that is either empty or no longer has purpose and burrows there. from there the gift supplies them with intense durability, Ever-lasting life, and Evolution-like essence that enables them to never truly die unless a being of more strength than Auxesia kills them. The Bond, although great, is also sign of control, Either it be willing or not, Auxesia has control over being with said Bond, although she can also allow them to be in control of themselves.

Tentacles: Auxesia's Tentacles are large and are big enough to dwarf a sky scrapper. Auxesia's tentacles have the abilities to wipe out all code that they have made and any code related to it. The tentacles also make for great tools of destruction for any caught in their grip are immediately destroyed by the atom, and if not then are transformed into an Amalgamation of void and AU code.

Polothorn Regeneration: Due to her unique physiology, Auxesia has the ability to regenerate from any and all sorts of wounds that are given to her. She can even regenerate from having her head decapitated.

Evolving Awareness: Auxesia can evolve her consciousness to reach a new level of sapience/sentience, understanding and level of knowledge and possibly much more, allowing her to reach any level/stage of mental evolution from lowest to the highest and everywhere else in-between ie normal, higher, cosmic, psycho-potent, buddhaic plane and possibly even unimind. She can also grow in awareness of the understanding of the different Multiverses, how they work, and how they are made.

Evolcompetence: Auxesia is constantly evolving her mind to be able to think of any possible plan for herself. When she is in a fight, she's able to think of any possible way to manage the situation, allowing her to deal with whatever is being thrown at her, with her constantly evolving knowledge being able to give her what he needs in order to deal with.

Matter Manipulation-Science-Magic Manipulation: Auxesia has the power to manipulate Matter and Science-Magic together or separately. Auxesia, through Matter Manipulation, is able to transform and revamp the composition of an object from solid, to liquid, to gas, change its size from microscopic to building-sized, or disfigure and reassemble an object's matter into another form, and is able to use this power to fill up the volume of the Multiverse, and is even able to manipulate planets with this power, as well as being able to destroy Matter. Through the use of Science-Magic Manipulation, Auxesia is able to manipulate science and magic, how they interact/go together, how compatible they are, the results of science and magic going together, from how technology works with magic and how chemicals are altered by magic, etc.

Life Creation: Auxesia is able to use her power to create entities with life, regardless of it is organic or inorganic, such as when she is able to create a turquoise smoke entity.

Sentience Granting: Auxesia is able to grant the ability to think to non-sentient beings, such as when she is able to give the Turquoise Smoke entity the ability to think, which caused the entity to question the existence that it suddenly has.

Cell Control: Auxesia has the ability to control and manipulate Evolution Cells in anyway that she desires. She can even control any being that possess Evolution Cells inside of their body, almost like possession, including making liquid claws and any sort of weapon that she can think of.

Eye Beam: This beam that shoots from Auxesia's left eye can devastate and destroy whole Multiverses reducing them to absolute ash and oblivion

Eternal Evolution: Due to being the daughter of Eve, The Mother of All, Auxesia is able to evolve without stopping, growing past any and all obstacles, limitations, restrictions, opponents, and environments, regardless of their current status, enabling them to evolve endlessly and infinitely with no limit or restriction to quantity and quality of her evolution, leaving Auxesia's body in a constant state of evolution and growth. Auxesia will continue to evolve regardless of her internal and external condition and status. Her progress is continuous, even when they have transcended every limitation, opponent, etc.

Telekinesis: Auxesia is able to manipulate objects with her mind, and even once moved a couple of Multiverses into whatever positions that she desires for them to be in.

Telepathy: Auxesia is capable of interacting to other entities with her mind, and thus, she can see the memories of other entities that she is looking at, or she can communicate and speak inside of their minds without needing to talk verbally to whoever it is she's speaking to.

Portal Creation: Auxesia is able to use her power to make portals into different levels of Reality. She can even use her portals to suck any individual so that she can trap them into a reality that she has decided to have them inside.

Flight: Auxesia is able to fly, or hover into the air, so that she does not get in the way of those grounded.

Kin Connection: Auxesia is able to be connected to those that are of her blood and essence, such as with Eve and Ten No Kami, as she is able to remain connected with them, even when she is far away. Auxesia is able to feel connections of those that are either from another Multiverse, or are simply half of her blood, such as Apollo, Heimdall, and Abyss!Sans.

Consumption: A power she inherited from Ten No Kami and practiced for a very long time with her mother, Auxesia is able to absorb anything and everything in order to permanently increase her strength, which includes AUs and Multiverses in order to gain more power than ever before.

Conjoined Body: Auxesia's entire body is that of a eternal consumption, allowing for her to absorb anyone and anything that makes contact with her body. And like Ten No Kami, she can shut off this power anytime she desires to.


Ethereal! Ten No Kami: One of Auxesia's Mothers, Ten No Kami and Auxesia care deeply for each other immensely. Although they had gotten into their fair share of fights, they still care deeply for one another and do all that they can to make each other happy. Ten No Kami taught her the concepts of creation and to be able to use her powers, as well as being able to create and control the life that she can make. And even though she decided to go on her own to live her own life, she still loves her parent, just as much as she loves her other mother, Eve.

Eve, The Mother of All: An entity with the Soul of Evolution, she is the second mother of Auxesia. Although Auxesia can be stressed and even can yell at her mother, Eve is very patient and has a calming aura that can affect Auxesia and make her much more reasonable then before, and thus, is able to help her temper her emotions and make her be more amiable to reasoning. She also taught her how beautiful life can be and the interests of Evolution, born natural and selective, and thus, Auxesia is shown to immensely love her mother Eve, and she never changed that love, even when she left to somewhere.

MalesGrow: The Grandfather of Auxesia, he became aware of her existence when Rock saw her with Ten No Kami as a small child, and MalesGrow hopes to come out of the TransVoid so that she can consume his own granddaughter. And thus, Ten No Kami is doing all that she can to hide her daughter from MalesGrow's presence, so that she can be safe. Auxesia, on the other hand, fears her father, and since moving on her own, she decides to try and stay as far away and hidden from her grandfather as she can, so that she does not get consumed by him, and to be safe.

Gaia, The Mother Nature: Although Auxesia has not met Gaia, Eve has discussed about her history with her aunt, and because of this, Auxesia clearly does not like Gaia, due to being so blind to her plants and her hatred to mortals thar she refuses to see the little remaining goodness inside of their souls.

Zero: The sister of Ten No Kami from an alternate Alphaverse, which in turns, technically makes Zero Auxesia's uncle. Zero gets along with his niece and even haves some fun being with her, and is able to spend a lot of good times with someone that is from a good counterpart of his sister.

Abyss!Sans: Her half brother on Eve's Side, Auxesia became very happy to see her younger brother, even making her own variation of a hug when she firsts meets him, using her hands to pick him up and than squishing her against her cheek, as she nuzzles her cheeks into Abyss' body, which made Abyss embarrassed, but nonetheless loved her half-sister immensely. They will both get along, and Auxesia will even stay next to Abyss whenever she has the chance.

Apollo: Her Half-Sibling on Ten No Kami's side, although she has never met Apollo, she does know of his existence, and desires to find him, but has no idea where Apollo is, nor Apollo's Location. But that will not stop her, as she will find Apollo, no matter what.

Heimdall: Her Half-Brother from another Multiverse, when another Ten No Kami had been forced upon by a Dark God that desires to end all of existence, Heimdall and Auxesia met for the first time when he went into the Alpha Timeline. They both got along very well, even if Auxesia and Heimdall came from different Multiverses, their Ten No Kami's different in terms of personality, and they each had 2 different parents.

Tint: A creation and son of her mother, when she used Ink's paint to create him, Tint and Auxesia get along very well, due to the fact that they are both related to good people, although Ink really isn't good at all, and although Tint can't feel, he does enjoy Auxesia's presence. And when he does feel when near a member of his kin, he gets to show just how happy he is when he gets to be with her.

Rock: The partner and host of MalesGrow, Auxesia finds him annoying, due to his loud and annoying personality. Because of this, she would often times send him away into an unknown reality, and if in a fight with him, she would simply use one of her tentacles to smack him as far away as possible.

Righteous!Error (FGoD): Error has met Auxesia before in the past. They both met when Auxesia had entered the Anti-Void. Error reveals that he knows Ten No Kami, which made both him and Auxesia talk about each other's birth and purposes, as well as how they grew up. Like Ten, Auxesia is obsessive over Error, and in fact, she is much more obsessive than even Ten herself, and because of this, she often spends time with Error and shows that she is willing to have Error stay with her for very long periods at a time, but she also fell for him due to his regard towards the lives of others within the Multiverse, and the fact that he is very kind to her, even though there's no reason to be so.

Hollow!Ink (FGoD): In contrast to her bond with Error, she hates Ink immensely, due to the fact that he never truly cared abut anyone, and took an Unnameable Soul without regarding the consequences. He has even consumed innocent AUs without care, and even shows himself to be selfish, even more so than Auxesia herself, despite the fact that she cares deeply for the lives that exist in these AUs. However, she cannot deal with him, as she needs to do whatever it takes to make sure she's hidden from her Grandfather.

Anomaly!Core: The Forbidden Conduit of Reality, as well as a version of Core!Frisk, she senses that Auxesia is a very good person at heart, and thus, allows her to enter the Alpha Timeline, where she can make some new friends without any worry.

Mes and Conduit!Cell: Alternate versions of her half-brother, Auxesia is a little bit weirded out at what she is seeing, but nonetheless, she treats them just like her younger half-brother, with the exception of the protecting part and the part of desiring to stay near her brother.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, as well as the Rainbow God, Auxesia managed to encountered him at one point in the past, and is able to strike a conversation with him. Ten No Kami is aware of Prism, and thus, told her daughter to be kind to him whenever they meet him, as Prism could either be one of her biggest allies/friends, or he can be become one of her worst enemies, and thus, Auxesia decides to keep Prism's existence a secret from anyone else.


Auxesia is far more stronger than Ten No Kami, and is able evolve to the point where not even Ten No Kami's consumption can help her keep up with Auxesia's Evolution.

Abyss and Auxesia's bond is extremely close, and Auxesia has even conversed with Papyrus, the Half-Brother of Abyss, and while she does not get along with him as closely as Abyss!Sans, she does bond with him nonetheless.

Although she has grown powerful enough to surpass almost all of her family members, she cannot surpass Heimdall, Zero and MalesGrow, due to the fact that they have Eternal Transcendence.

She is also aware of one of her other relatives, who is simply called 92, and 92 has an odd connection with Error404, the superior and boss of Error.

Although Auxesia is very obsessive to Error, she is very considerate towards his feelings and thus, she does all that she can to be less creepy to Error, but at times she just can't control herself when she's around Error.

Auxesia, from the instant of her birth, has been able to surpass Eve, due to her Polothorn Physiology, and thus, has been able to surpass her in terms of sheer might. Practice with Eve on her powers over Evolution has made her even more stronger than ever before.

Due to her Physiology, it is unknown what the effects the Evolution Cells has on the Cosmic Essence I she of her.

If the original Ten No Kami were to make Auxesia, it would be due to her forcing herself onto Eve. She will then leave the child for Eve to take care of all by herself.

Auxesia is a natural entity, meaning that she takes no sides. But despite this, she is slightly on the good side when it involves being with Abyss!Sans.

"I have also spoke to Prism on one occasion, and he gave me an extremely important form of information that I need to keep for myself. I cannot tell anyone about this. My mothers knows, but that is because she is willing to keep this a secret just as much as I do.

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