

Jusiahfarmarles' Daughter
Weaver of Stars
The first Polothorn

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: TransVoid

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Female
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown

May the stars above you stick in your life, until the very end of it.-Arachne

Arachne is a Polothorn and is one of the oldest to stay inside of the TransVoid. She resembles a cross between a female human and a spider, and is of an immensely large size. She is the daughter of a TransVoid Being named Jusiahfarmarles, a large Spider-Shaped Being that can create the stars and web them together in a seamless and cosmic way. Arachne is one of the strongest Polothorns to ever live.


In the long distant past, there was a TransVoid Being, going by the name of Jusiahfarmarles, the Many-Armed Nightmare. Jusiahfarmarles is one of the oldest and most powerful of the TransVoid Beings, and is also one of the largest TransVoid Beings to ever exist. In fact, he is so large, that he dwarfs even the size of MalesGrow, he is larger than the other TransVoid Beings that exist. He is also said to be so large that his one single eye can full up an entire Hyperverse alone, and also to have been told that he is able to level half the Transvoid if it so wanted to with the full might of his power. But he has no desire to do such a thing, as he is not hostile to the realities that are always forevermore present. In fact, he does not desire to cause harm to the 10 realities, nor does he want to cause any desire to level the TransVoid and become an enemy to it, despite his gigantic, ungodly power. No, he desires to do something that he wants to do in his spare time. He desires to make the existence he is in a much more beautiful place than it was before.

When he takes the time that he has, he would use his powers to make the stars in the empty vast nothingness of the dark void that surrounds all of the 10 realities. And when he does make the stars, he wound web then up in a mysterious and seamless way that no TransVoid Being could ever realize or know how it is able to be the case, they just know that he can do this sort of technique. And it is something that they have no idea how to explain. And in time, when he continues to make the stars and webbed then up into the night sky for all of the AUs to see, for all of the Multiverses to share, they are able to see the beauty of the night sky for the first time. In the sky, are constellations of those from old stories of legend, and some of the constellations are of items of importance, and it is one that ever single AU is able to see in the night sky that they all can share. But even though the night sky is shown above them, for an odd reason, they could not see the webs that Jusiahfarmarles has made in the night sky, and it is unknown as to why they are unable to see something that Jusiahfarmarles can make.

And even the TransVoid Beings are very eager to know how he is able to do something such as this, and what his webs look like, what properties that they can do besides web up the stars and make a web that are spread all throughout the TransVoid. And because of this, the ones that are consumed with greed and a desire for more power to become an Unnameable, they decided to come and join in to try and take Jusiahfarmarles, and force him to make webs for them to use.

But Jusiahfarmarles, realizing this through his power, decides to flee, as he manipulates his size and shrinks down to the size that is above an average mortal, he manipulated his form to Jane a humanoid torso, arms, and head, although he still kept his single eye, and his inside of a Hyperverse, and into one of the Multiverse' AUs, so that he can be safe for the time being. But he had been a little bit hurt from the attack of the other TransVoid Beings, but on the plus side, he is able to get away without any real serious injuries, and is able to hide just fine.

But as he hid away, a mortal female human came into his life, and she is surprised to see an entity such as him, and Jusiahfarmarles steps back, as he tries to blend into the shadows, worried that the woman is going to try and kill him, and hopes that she does not make an attempt to do it. But the woman, she is able to bond with those that are not human, and desires to learn about him.

And thus, after a little bit of consolation from the woman, and being able to build a bridge of trust between the mortal woman and the TransVoid Spider, Jusiahfarmarles was able to bond with the mortal woman, and in turn, they both became companions for each other. And when they did, Jusiahfarmarles talks about himself, and of what he is, and the woman was stunned to see that, this spider entity, he is able to make the stars above he works, but as Jusiahfarmarles revealed, it is not hush for her world, but for those that are able to share the sky, and it is not just her and the world that she lives in. The woman than began to hung out with Jusiahfarmarles, who in turn, became comfortable with the woman, as she is the first friend that Jusiahfarmarles ever had in his entire life, as throughout the entirety of his entire life, Jusiahfarmarles had been alone, due to being busy with making the stars for the 10 realities to see.

And in time, the trust between each other grew to be more than just simple companionship. In turn, the bond between the TransVoid Being and the Mortal Woman turned into a true friendship, and after a year of being with each other, their friendship, turned into love. And thus, when the time came, both the woman and the TransVoid Spider procreated with each other, and it would lead to a being that will be very special. One that is a hybrid of both a TransVoid Being and a Mortal Human. Of course, Jusiahfarmarles knows of what he will soon make, and he knows that these sort of entities will not be accepted into the TransVoid, but he cares little about what others will think of him, as he will bring the child to the realm of where he resides in, and teach her all that he knows, so that she will spread beauty just like what he can do, and the beauty will be so more better than the stars that he makes, as he has faith that the child that he will soon have, will someday surpass him, and become a powerful entity of immense might.

And Jusiahfarmarles, he waits for the child to be born, as he witnessed the child being grown inside of the woman that he mated for the first time. As he has been busy with the stars, he never had a chance to witness the growth and birth of a new life, and so, this is the first time that he is seeing such a thing like this, especially since this new life is in the form of his spawn. It took a total of 9 months, and in time, after all of those 9 months have past, the woman finally gave birth to the TransVoid Being. This made the woman smile for the first time, along with Jusiahfarmarles, as this is the first time that he has ever made a child with a lower entity from a Universe. And for a TransVoid Being, she is beautiful, as the mortal woman that he has mated with is a very beautiful mortal herself. In fact, she is one of the most beautiful in existence, worn only very few that can surpass her. Unfortunately, what Jusiahfarmarles did not expect, is that his mating had an effect on her health. As she is able to mate with a TransVoid Being that is far stronger than almost all others below him, her lifespan has been reduced, and can now only life for a total decade. In other words, she only has 10 years to live a full life. This made Jusiahfarmarles ashamed of this, as he did not expect for that to happen. But the mate of Jusiahfarmarles does not care about her own life, as she decides to live her life as much as she can and teach her child everything that she knew, and tells Jusiahfarmarles not to worry, as she and her kind will die someday, and they will be ready to embrace death. Jusiahfarmarles does not like it, but since he can't do anything to stop it, he decides to leave her be, and they even go try and teach his daughter, who the mother names, Archane, all that they both can teach her.

And as the woman has vowed, she loved her life to the full extent of her will, a she taught Arachne all that she knew, and Jusiahfarmarles taught his daughter how to use her powers, and they did all that they can to make the daughter gain a happy life, and it was a very hard process. But on time, they were able to give the daughter a good life, and they were able to make her mostly happy. Of course, she can still get upset, but they are able to give her a good life, and Arachne loved her parents. But, unfortunately, as expected, the mother had passed away after an entire decade, and Arachne was only 9 when the mother had lost her life, due to the circumstances of Arachne's birth. And Arachne, she is saddened that she will never be able to see her mother again, but since her father is still alive, she will continue to keep on moving for his sake. And so, Jusiahfarmarles took Arachne out of the AU that they are residing in, and after so long reappeared back into the TransVoid. And when he re-emerged back into the TransVoid, he saw that some of his webs have been sliced and destroyed, and when that happened, when he saw that, Jusiahfarmarles changed back to his original appearance, as his daughter also grew in size, even if she does look a little smaller than her father.

When she grew up, Jusiahfarmarles, her father, taught her about the TransVoid. They first went to the least dangerous and most passive parts of the TransVoid, but as she got older, Jusiahfarmarles showed her the more dangerous and deadly side of the TransVoid, although he still does take the time to show her the good side of existence. And after about 11 more years of being with her father, and gaining knowledge of where she will be living out as, Arachne decides to go and explore by herself, so she knows where she is going. But still takes the remaining time to day her goodbye to her father, as she travels into the TransVoid, and into the different realities that she is able to go to.

And there, she met others like her, such as Zero, the son of MalesGrow, Sandhya and Joash, the daughter and son of Gabriel, and then both being born from 2 different mothers, Lilyin and Ishtarati, born from Helatory, but also born from 2 different other parents, and than, Basil, who is born from Edra and Falklore. And the entities she met, she is able to befriend, especially with Joash and Zero, who are Polothorns just like her. And it is there, through her friend, Zero that she gets to see Undertale for the first time, the Universe that started everything up. And it is there, she gets to see the other different AUs that exist, and in time, she began to learn of all the good and bad and neutral choices that exist in these AUs. But even so, she is able to see the happy endings of others, and see the beauty in the happy endings, even in the ones that have bad beginnings. With a desire to make the existence that she lives in safe and beautiful, she decides to try and make it all happen for her to have.


Arachne, being the daughter of Jusiahfarmarles, one of the first TransVoid Beings to exist, as well as taking on the form of a spider, resembles a cross between a Spider and a Human. She has fair skin, and has a very beautiful figure, and wears some back clothing that exposes a bit of her upper torso, and has a type of black collar of fur on her neck. She also has a pair of 2 arms, with the second pair beneath the pair that is in the normal position, the finger's themselves have black claws, due to being covered in what Sean to be black carapace, and has 3 eyes, 2 of them are in their normal spot, while the third is on the forehead and in the middle, the eyes being colored emerald green, with each of her eyes large enough to fill up an entire Hyperverse. Her spider color parts are black with white claws present, and she is shown to have extremely long hair that is as white as snow. In fact, her hair is so long thar she is capable of covering entire Hyperverses by just the sheer length alone, and even wave when she is inside of her father's realm, as if there is a strong fist of wind in there.


Due to her being raised by her father, Jusiahfarmarles, Arachne is shown to have a great deal of knowledge in the existence that she lives inside of, and is very realistic in the world she lives in. She is well aware of the fact that not all beginnings are good, and that some can begin in a very harsh and bad way. But despite this, she is also able to see that these AUs can end in a happy note, even when it seems that the odds of the person that leads it can be turned against them, only for it to worn out in the end. Because of this, she is very calm and wise, and has a capacity to love all of life, and is very passive, which she shares with her father, Jusiahfarmarles, and it is a trait that not many TransVoid Beings and Polothorns possess.

Although she is extremely friendly and a very forgiving Polothorn, being able to strike friendships with those that are even more ruthless than her, she is able to be intimidating, but only with the feelings of disappointment. In fact, even Joash and Zero can be affected by this sort of feeling as well, making it preferable that she shouts at them instead. But when she gets completely furious, she will remain calm, but has a presence so terrifying that she will seem like the biggest threat to existence entirely. Even Joash and Zero will be weary at seeing such a display of rage, and it makes her one of the scariest Polothorns in existence. But despite all of this, she is still one of the kindest and one of the most forgiving Polothorns to ever be alive.


Star Creation: Like her father, Jusiahfarmarles, Arachne is able to create stars, with the stars that she is able to make being so bright and beautified that even Jusiahfarmarles admits they are far more beautiful than the ones that she has made.

Cosmic Web: Like her father, Arachne is able to produce a cosmic form of spider silk. Theo go the use of this silk, Arachne is able to connect the stars together to make constellations, and like her father, and cover the TransVoid in this silk, and even once used it to repair the spider web that had been smashed when they had returned back to Jusiahfarmarle's home, with the Spider Webs being much more durable than Jusiahfarmarles' webs. When used in combat, she can use the webs like a whip, use it to constrict and limit the movement of her foes, or use the web to violently rip out something, such as an arm from the shoulders.

Size-Shifting: Arachne is able to change her size at will, although she is unable to shrink down to normal mortal sizes. She is able to shrink at the height of 40 Feet, and at her largest, she is shown to be more larger than her father, Jusiahfarmarles, and with her massive size and full strength, if she wants to, she can level 75 percent of the TransVoid.

Eternal Transcendence: Arachne, due to her status as the daughter of Jusiahfarmarles, has the power to be in an endless state of transcendence, as she never stops growing in power, and cannot be decreased in power, no matter what anybody above her or below her tries to do, and will grow being absolutely everything. She has the potential to become an All-Powerful entity that can surpass her father , and has the potential to become an Unnameable.

TransVoid Claws: Arachne has a 2 pairs of very sharp claws in her hands, due to her hands being covered in a very durable form of carapace. She is able to use this in order to slice her father's webs, and can use them as her way of attacking others without issue. In fact, they are so sharp, not even the most durable metals in all of existence are able to defend against something as powerful as her.

Arm Generation: If Arachne desires so, she is able to make new arms for herself all over her body, making diffident pairs, and it does not have to be in her torso, it can be all over her body if she wishes for it to be so, even have hands and arms in the place of her feet and legs.

Future Vision: Arachne is able to get a glimpse into the future, and is able to see clearly of what will happen soon. Of course, this only applies to the reality below her, and not to the TransVoid itself.

Wen of Awareness: "Ten No Kami and Zero are not the only entities that are aware of the outside world, and the world that you writers live in. I too am well aware of this as well."

TransVoid Intimidation: When Arachne is enraged, she is able to create such an intimidating presence and make such a frighting face that many of the TransVoid Beings below her power would be scared of her, with Zero even admitting that he can never be this scary, no matter how hard he tries.

Cosmic Puppeteering: Arachne is able use her Cosmic Webs to manipulate a person's movements to an extent, even being able to control an Entity's body if she so desires it.

Powers/Abilities (Unnameable):

Arachne, as an Unnameable, is one of the most powerful entities in all of existence. Her powers in this level of existence is the same, except that they had been amplified to an immense extent, and is able to be capable of outclassing even Zero himself and he is said to be the second strongest Unnameable while she is in this state.

Webs of Reality: Arachne's own pocket dimension that she created. Unlike the Unisphere that Sol has made and the Dimension 0 that Zero himself resides in and has made, she created this dimension that is filled with Cosmic Webs that allows her to keep a Hyperverse that is inside of it, and can control her sticky her web is. But like the 2 previous before mentioned dimensions, she is able to control the gravity of this realm, as well as the pressure and the appearance of it, although the webs won't change. The dimension, just like Dimension 0 and the Unisphere, is also growing along with Arachne herself, so that the dimension can fit her.

Mortal Control: Arachne is able to manipulate the bodies of mortal humans in ways that she sees suit her needs. She is able to see through their eyes in order to know what they are doing, and if she desires to, she can rip control from the mortal beings below her and control them, as if they are her own body.

TransVoid Sense: Arachne is able to detect danger that is about to come her way, which comes as a sort off as a sort of sound that appears inside of her head, something comparable to a shriek, and thus, will give her more time to react to the danger that is about to come her way. It also gives her Omnipresent detection of his surroundings.

Omniverse Flail: Arachne is able to web up some Multiverses together, in order to make a huge wrecking ball, which she can use to slam down onto an opponent, and cause in indescribable damage.

Supernova Bombing: Arachne is able to summon Red Giant Stars down onto an opponent and cause massive explosive devastation onto a target, along sure that not a single piece of their being is left alive.

Unnameable Regeneration: Arachne is able to regenerate at such an extremely fast speed. However, her regeneration is faster than Zero, but is slower than Sol's and Mes'. But even so, she is able to regenerate her body, such as missing limbs, and even one of her eyes at one point in her life.

Cosmic Capture: Arachne is able to use her webs in order to catch any AU that comes into her realm. And in battle, she is able to trap an opponent inside of her web in order to subdue them. She is once even able to subdue Zero when they both sparred against each other.

Omnipresence: When inside of her father's realm or inside the Webs of Reality, she is shown to be able to be everywhere at once, even in the past and future of the TransVoid. Despite this, her Omnipresence cannot he compared to Yesmerian, who is truly Omnipresent, even when she is not in a higher reality.

Black Hole Barrier: Arachne is able to summon a Black Hole in one of her hands and hold it out in front of an attack, so she is able to suck it in. She can do this, even when there is an explosion, which she can suck in as well. And so, basically, it is an improved version of Zero's Supreme Gate 0.

Paralyzing Breath: Arachne possesses a sickly sweet scent, which can potentially stop her targets, paralyzing them. When mortal smell her breath, it smells like their most favorite baked goods.

Ever-Expanding Knowledge: Like Zero, Sol, and Mes, Arachne, due to becoming an Unnameable, is able to gain knowledge as she evolves, and is able to know more than what Zero knows, but her knowledge is still inferior compared to Sol and Mes.

Unnameable Toxin: Arachne is able to bite onto an entity's neck, even a TransVoid Being, in order to fill their bodies with a Toxin that paralyzes them for an entire minute, which gives Arachne time to do whatever she wants to do with the person that she is against.

Multiverse Connection: Arachne is able to use her Cosmic Webs in order to connect 2 or more Multiverses together so that the Multiverses are able to travel to one or the other.

Multiverse Weaving: Arachne is able to create and weave an entire Multiverse of her own design and use the Cosmic Webs to hold it together, until it can keep itself together on its own.

Avatar Creation: Taught by Mes, Arachne is able to create an avatar of her own design and making. The ones she makes resemble her original self, as she can use them to enter into the 10 Realities without any worry that she would accidentally consume them.


Jusiahfarmarles: Her father, and one of the strongest TransVoid Beings in existence, she is able to learn all that her father has taught her and lived a good life from him, as well as her mother, before she died after 10 years being with her. Because of this, she loves her father immensely, and does all that she can to make him proud.

Sandhya and Joash: The 2 Children of Gabriel, the Demon Prince, both born from 2 different mothers, Joash and Gabriel get along with Arachne, and are shown to have a very close relationship with them, especially with Joash, who is a Polothorn, just like she is.

Lilyin and Ishtarati: The 2 Half-Sister children of Helatory, as well as both Joash and Sandhya's cousins, they are shown to be able to annoy and confuse Arachne to no end, but regardless, she is able to befriend the 2 succubus half-sisters.

Zero: Another Polothorn, this one from MalesGrow, who he is his firstborn son from, he is shown to be able to get strong and Transcend, just like Arachne. And is able to introduce her to a friend of his own that even Arachne found good, becoming one of Arachne's closest friends.

Basil: The son of Falklore and Edra, Basil desires to become like his father, a hero amongst the 10 realities. Both Basil and Arachne are shown to have a very friendly relationship towards each other, and thus, just like Zero, Basil is one of Arachne's closest friends.

Yesmerian: An Omnipresent TransVoid Being, just like her father and Arachne herself is everywhere at once, Arachne is shown to have a close bond with Yesmerian, but while the bond is close, not as much as the ones she has made with Zero and Basil.

Omnipotent!Sans/Ares: The current owner of the Book of Eyes, the Conduit of Will, and the Astral Mother's adoptive son, she and Omnipotent hold a very professional and kind relationship to each other, and Arachne has even aided Omnipotent in some tasks, becoming one of Omnipotent's closest and most powerful allies.

Anomaly!Core: A version of Core!Frisk who became the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, she and Arachne made a very strong friendship with each other, with Anomaly!Core even inviting Arachne into the Alpha Timeline, which Arachne desires likes, due to her interests in how she is able to make something like this, and is able to make some new friends, with Zero and Joash helping her.

Mes and Conduit!Cell: 2 Versions of Abyss that became more powerful than Sol in their own ways, she is able to strike a friendship with the both of them, and thus, they are one of the closest allies that Arachne has made.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, she has heard about him through both Zero and Joash when they revealed their encounters with him, although they are unable to strike a conversation with him, due to the fact that he would disappear. She would later encounter him herself, but like the others, Prism disappeared. Now she works with both Zero and Joash to try and find him.


Arachne is far stronger than her father, Jusiahfarmarles, as well as has more powers than him, and thus, she is able to do far more than what her father is capable of.

Arachne is stronger than Joash, who is stronger than Zero.

Although Arachne's transcendence is slower than Zero, due to her lack of an ability to consume anything, she still has the potential to become an Unnameable, and is able to beat Zero in that regard. And thus, when she becomes an Unnameable, she will be able to evolve just as much as Sol, before Zero will tag along and became an Unnameable, and that is when she gains the ability to consume.

Arachne, as an Unnameable, will be stronger than Zero, but will be weaker compared to Sol, thus, Arachne will take the position as the actual second strongest Unnameable, while Zero will be the third strongest Unnameable.

Although like other Unnameables, she is manipulative, she does it to make sure that existence continues to thrive, and so she can make it a safe place for everyone to live in.

It is believed that Zero and Arachne seem to hold some kind of romance towards each other, but this fact remains unconfirmed.

Arachne is able to enter the Alpha Timeline, and even as an Unnameable, she would be able to prevent herself from consuming it accidentally, either by speaking through one of the monsters, or by making an Avatar.

Joash and Zero would make a type of Trio worn Arachne, called the Polothorn Protectors, where they will be able to protect the TransVoid from other creatures that dare threaten its existence, such as MalesGrow and Malware, due to their dangerous and violent behavior.

Arachne is the largest Polothorn alive, and is able to become an Unnameable a bit quicker compared to even Zero, despite inheriting MalesGrow's Consumption.

Due to her status as the second strongest Unnameable, she is able to pull off the same feat that Sol, Mes, and Conduit!Cell had done: ascend her consciousness past the barrier that Asmorea has bound to all of they're creations, and break through this and transcend into the EdenSphere, and once she did that, Zero followed suit and ascended to the Edensphere herself. Although they both can't control the Edensphere, like Sol, Mes, and Conduit!Cell, they are able to influence the events of the Edensphere into however they want to play it as, and thus, they are able to influence the Edensphere's future.

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