Untouchable Sonic and Brody

Third Person's POV

Brody and Sonic have been running all over Mobius with Tails flying behind them "I hate to say it, but we are starting to slow down!" Sonic said referring to himself and Brody "Me too, guys! We've covered all of Mobius since breakfast!" Tails said "How else are we g9nna find out where R9botnik's striking next?" Brody asks "Couldn't we look for a chili dog first?"  Tails asks "Where are you gonna find a chili dog out here in the stiffs?" Sonic asks and the three screech to a halt "Whoa!" The trio said seeing the town of Mobius Corners near them "I'm glad you asked!" Brody said and the three run into the town "Now, if we were a chili dog stand, where would we be?" Sonic asks "Hey guys, look!" Tails said as they see all the citizens lock themselves in their houses scared.

"What's everybody afraid of?" Tails asks confused "Yeah! You'd think they never saw a blue hedgehog or a yellow wolf before!" Brody said "Whoa, scope it out!" Sonic said pointing at a diner and the three run there " 'Bert's diner' " Tails said "Foot-lonh chili dogs!" Brody and Sonic said reading the sign "Let's eat!" Tails said and the three went inside.

"Yeow!" A waitress named Rosy said seeing the trio and an owl named Bert Whoo sees them "By jings, I told the others no and I mean no!" Bert said "The other ones?" Sonic asks "What are you talking about?" Brody asks "Sorry, I thought at first you was robots!" Bert said "Not us!" Sonic said "No way!" Brody said "Nuh-uh!" Tails said "If we were robots would we be ordering sixteen chili digs?" Brody asks as the three sit on the stools next to the bar.

"I'll take sixteen chili dogs!" Sonic said "Me too!" Brody said "Me three!" Tails said "Mobius Corners ain't a safe place to be in right now, young fella! You'd best be moving on!" Bert said "Gosh Bert, these folks do look kinda hungry!" Roxy said "Huh, yeah, Bert!" A robot named Ball Hog said entering along a robot named Roller "Feed em'!" Ball Hog said "Yeah, it'll be the last meal you'll cook!" Roller said "That is, unless you gotten smart and decided to pay up!" Ball Hog said "I've sunk every Mobium I own in this place, and I'm not gonna hand it over to a bunch of good for nothing robots!" Bert said "Oh yeah?" Ball Hog asks "Show him we mean business Roller!" He said "You got it Ball Hog!" Roller said turning into a bowling ball and rolls into a wall creating a hole in it. Sonic and Brody run through the hole and Ball Hog looks at Tails "Hey! Where'd that blue guy and that yellow guy go?" Ball Hog asks "What blue and yellow guys?" Tails asks as Sonic and Brody return disguised as health inspectors and the two end up trashing and breaking the robots.

"Nice work, youg fellas! You put those robo-hoods right where they belong!" Bert said and Tails catches a piece of paper from the robots "Hey, Sonic! Brody! Guess what?" Tails asks and shows them the paper "We might have known!" Sonic said "Dr. Robotnik's 'Or else' Protection Service.  Pay me now or I'll pound ya later" Brody read and Tails tosses the paper on the floor "So this is what Robotnik's up to!" Tails said "Uh-huh, and Mr. Whoo is the only one who wouldn't pay, so they said they'd bust up his diner!" Roxy said "I'm the mayor of Mobius Corners. Somebody had to stand up to them!" Bert said "Well now you got us to stand with you!" Sonic said as they hear a ringing sound from the trash can and Tails runs up to it and pulls out a robocom phone picking it up "Hello? Hello, Ball Hog? Roller?" Dr. Robotnik asks as Sonic ad Brody run up to Tails "This is Dr. Robotnik!" Robotnik said "The parties you are trying to reach have been disconnected, and so is your brain, Robotnik! Your protection racket is busted!" Tails said hanging up.

*At Robotnik's fortress*

"If that hedgehog and that wolf thinis they can stop me that easy, they're wrong! Scratch! Grounder!" Robotnik said and went to get them "You called, your repulsiveness?" Grounder asks "I can't reach Ball Hog and Roller, so I want you two to go to Mobius Corners at once!" Robotnik said "Right away your vileness! Uh, what are we supposed to do?" Scratch asks "I'm making you the chief enforcers for Robotnik's protection service! Get out and enforce!" Robotnik said and sends the two off.

*Back at Bert's diner*

Brody is holding a chili dog in his hands "Three, two, one, go!" Tails said and Brody ate his chili dog suprisingly fast getting some chili on his face.

"Wow! I never saw anybody that could eat a chili dog that fast!" Roxy said "Yup, this handsome is really good!" Sonic said nuzzling Brody making the wolf purr and wag his tail "It takes a lot of practice" Brody said "All right, you mugs! Come and get it!" Scratch said from outside and the trio looks at each other "Is that who I think it is?" Tails asks as the three run to the window and look outside seeing Scratch and Grounder dressed as gangsters "You hear me? Come and get it" Scratch said "Yeah, if you don't come and get it, we're gonna keep it, then you'll be sorry!" Grounder said "D'oh, shut up and bring me the violin case!" Scratch said and Grounder did so "Eww! Who are those waldos?" Roxy asks "A couple more of Robotnik's goonbots!" Sonic said "Byjings, I've had enough! I'm gonna run em' out of town!" Bert said "Hang on, could be really dangerous out here!" Brody said "Won't cooperate, huh?" Scratch asks "They'll be sorry!" He said  and starts playing the violin "You ready to say, 'Uncle'?" Scratch asks and Sonic and Brody blow a raspberry in response "D'oh all right, they asked for it!" Scratch said and pulls out a dynamite pack and lights it with a match "I'm gibna let them have it with a time bomb set for 30 seconds!" Scratch said tossing the dynamite at the diner "What's that space case doing?" Brody asks "Uh, you forgot to attach the timing device!" Grounder said "Hmm. Then I guess it'll explode right away!" Scratch said as the two close their eyes and cover their ears but Sonic and Brody get out the diner and they jump in the air grabbing the dynamite  and put it behind Grounder and the dynamite blows up.

"Sure do thank you fellas for getting Robotnik's protection racket punks off our backs!" Bert said "Oh no! Here they come again!" Roxy said looking out the window where she sees Scratch and Grounder, whose clothes are now scorched walking wearily to the diner "Oh, don't those bozos ever give up?" Roxy asks and the boys look out the window "Hmmm. They do look like they need a rest, don't they?" Brody asks "Yeah, a long rest!" Sonic said "Someplace where they can't cause any more trouble!" Brody said "Good idea, young fellas, and I know just the spot!" Bert said and they all huddle up and whisper to each other and then they all run off in separate directions when Scratch enters.

"All right sister! Where are the hedgehog and wolf!" Scratch said "This place has a dress code you know!" Roxy said "Uh, we had a little accident" Scratch said "Oh, I'm sure!" Roxy said "Okay okay! Le...let me speak to your boss!" Scratch said and Sonic disguised as Bert tricked Scratch into going to a place where the real Bert was waiting.

"Come on, time's a-wasting!" Bert said and the two badniks follow Bert into a jail cell "Hurry up, they're right behind us!" Bert said "Who? Who's behind us?" Scratch asks as Bert closes the cell's door "Why Sonic, Brody and Tails, of course! Who else?" Bert asks.

"Yeah guys! We came to watch you rest!" Brody said "Besides being mayor and chief chili dog chef, I'm the sheriff of Mobius Corners!" Bert said "Don't worry, we'll tell Robotnik the good news!"  Sonic said "Yeah, your sentence is only 12000 years with time  off for stupid behavior!" Tails said "Well at least we can get time off!" Grounder said as Sonic, Brody, Tails and Bert walk away "Dr. Robotnik's gonna melt us down and turn us into toilets!" Grounder said "Not if we escape!" Scratch said "Escape?" Grounder asks "Look over there!" Scratch said and the two look outside the bars seeing a ring of keys hanging on the hook near the desk "I'll show that rotten hedgehog and wolf they can't make me look stupid!" Grounder said.

*Back with the trio*

"You fellas sure I can't fix you a couple of chili dogs?" Bert asks "Nope!" Sonic said "We gotta find Robotnik and see if we can get back the money he took fron your fellow citizens!" Brody said and the three run away "Gee I hope they'll be alright!" Roxy said "Robotnik's the one that ought to be worried! Be right back, I want to check on those jail bots!" Bert said walking away but when he got there he got captured by Scratch and Grounder and they informed the situation to Robotnik who told them to bring Bert over.

Roxy later sees Scratch and Grounder carry Bert away "Hey, wait a minute! They've got Bert!" Roxy said "I'm not gonna let them get away with that!" She said jumping onto the back of their car as it drives away.

*Meanwhile with Sonic and Brody*

"Whoa, dudes! You hear that?" Sonic asks and they slow down seeing something ahead "That's gotta be one of Robotnik's destruction machines!" Brody said as Robotnik's tank starts firing at them but the three dodge. Sonic and Brody manage to get where Robotnik is in the tank and trick him disguised as grandmas that they'll call Momma Robotnik as a distraction while they cut off one cable and Robotnik pays them with the money from the town so the two leave and reunite with Tails.

"There. That ought to pay back everybody in Mobius corners and take care of fixing Bert's diner!" Sonic said as smoke emits from Robotnik's tank "Sounds like Robotnik's havin' engine trouble!" Tails said "Probably because I pulled a few wires on his control board!" Brody said as Robotnik's tank explodes "Huh, how about that?" Sonic asks as Robotnik goes to them on his Egg-O-Matic Tunnelizer and Town Terrorizer "It's payback time Hedgehog and Wolf! I've got a friend of yours in my dungeon!" Robotnik said.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Brody asks "That's right and he's going to stay there!" Robotnik said "Hold it, are we talking about Bert Whoo?" Sonic asks "I told you hedgehog and wolf. Bert Whoo is my prisoner!" Robotnik said and flies away "Come on, Tails! We can't have the best chili dog chef in Mobius cooped up in Robotnik's fortress!" Brody said as he and Sonic run away and Tails flies behind them.

*At Robotnik's Fortress*

"So that's how Bert got here! Scratch and Grounder escaped!" Sonic said as they saw Scratch and Grounder go in "If the duncebots are getting that smart, we'd better be careful!" Tails said as the three sneak up to the front door ad Roxy peers out from a bush "Hi guys!" Roxy said "Roxy!" Tails said "What are you doing here?" Brody asks "I'm trying to save Bert! Am I glad to see you guys!" Roxy said "Well if we're gonna save him, we'd better get started!" Sonic said and they all went inside.

"Hey guys, look!" Roxy said picking up Bert's badge as Sonic, Brody and Tails fall through a trap door "It's Bert's badge!" Roxy said and turns around to see no one "Hey guys, where'd you go?" She asks.

The trio falls down and land in Scratch and Grounder's arms as Robotnik laughs evilly and Bert is tied in a chair next to them "Welcome to my dungeon! Since you can't seem to get my message I thought I'd better hammer it in!" Robotnik said pulling a switch setting it to smash tuening on the hammer machine "Whoa doc!" Brody said "Your rhythm section rules!" Sonic said "We'll see how you two laugh when you're both a hedgehig and wolf pancake!" Robotnik said when pulls the lever and at the same time Roxy falls on him making Robotnik set it to smash again making the hammer ggo even faster as it runs towards Scratch and Grounder making them drop Sonic, Brody and Tails as the two badniks and Robotnik run away as the hammer machine chases him and them "I hate that hedgehog and that wolf!" Robotnik said "We owe you one Roxy!" Tails said "You'd better believe it" Sonic said "And I got just the way to pay you back! Tails, grab your tool kit!" Brody said.

*Later at the diner*

Tails has built a new robot using Ball Hog's head and Roller's head and limbs "I knew those old robot parts would come in hanfy. Just press this button!" Tails said and Roxy did "Welcome to Bert's diner. May I please take your order?" Ball Hog asks in a voice similar to Tails "Wow cool! Thanks to you, I can quit waiting tables and be Bert's partner!" Roxy said "Well, we gotta speed, keeds!" Sonic and Brody say to Bert "Remember, if you two ever get hungry or go on a date, you can always come back to Bert's diner for a free chili dog lunch!" Bert said "Thanks, Bert!" Sonic and Brody said and they run away as Bert waves goodbye to them.

Sonic and Brody then come back holding a fork and a knife "Well, it's got to be lunchtime somewhere and We are hungry!" Sonic said and jumps into Brody's arms and the two kiss on their lips lovingly as this chapter comes to an end.

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