Chapter 103 - Lin and Daveed

No one else testified Friday in court. Just me. After my testimony, they reviewed the pictures taken of my bruises after what happened. It was pretty boring, I felt bad for the jury.

The next day we were supposed to be in court at 10 again, so at 9:50, I was back in the courtroom, sitting between my lawyer and Lin. I was wearing a black dress, but I kept pulling it down because of what Nicks lawyer said to me. Speaking of Nick, he was glaring at me, across the courtroom, I can feel it.

"You ok?" Lin asked me, I mean, I was sitting stiffly trying not to look over at Nick.

"Oh, um, yeah, it's just, Nick." I replied, sighing.

"Degenerate punk." I heard Lin say under his breath, as he turned to look at Nick, who was, admittedly glaring at me. "On the bright side, you don't have to do anything today!" He said, turning back to me. "You don't have to testify, I do, and Daveed does, but, that's it. You're off the hook."

Daveed was here. He was the only person from the group who had to testify, because he was the one who was with Lin when Lin went Puerto Rican. I didn't know he was here yesterday, he told me afterwards at the show.

"The prosecution calls Mr. Lin-Manuel Miranda to the stand." My lawyer said, once court was in session. He stood up next to me, and walked up to the stand.

"Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The bailiff asked.

"I do." Lin said, and sat down.

"Were you on 51st street at 12:30 on Tuesday March 22nd?" My lawyer asked, starting again with base questions.


"And were you with my client?"

"I was."

"When did you realize my client went missing?" He asked.

"About 2 or 3 minutes after she did." He replied.

"And what did you do when you realized she was missing?" He asked.

"I called her, and she did not respond."

"What happened after that?"

"I went to look for her, with Daveed Diggs, and we found her in an alley, getting backed into a wall by the defendant."

"Is this when you intervened?" My lawyer asked.

"No. I called the cops." He replied. "After I called the cops, I heard her scream, and I saw him punch her, after he did that, I ran in and kicked him off of her. Then, I pulled her up and pushed her behind me. The defendant punched me twice, the second time, it caught me off guard a little, and he grabbed Abi and punched her, which is when the police got there, and took him into custody." He concluded.

"Is that all?" My lawyer asked.

"Yes." Lin responded.

"No further questions your Honor."

"It's your witness Mr. Defazio." The judge said to Nicks lawyer, who then approached the stand.

"Mr. Miranda, are you aware of the choices your daughter made with her clothing on Tuesday March 22nd?" He asked, and I immediately dropped my head, staring at my lap. Not this again.

"I am, and I don't see how this is relevant." He replied, and I smiled a little.

"Were you aware that her clothing was provocative, and made it more probable that she would be assaulted?"

"I don't think I know how to answer that." He replied.

"Yes or no Mr. Miranda. It's very simple." I fumed a little.

"I guess, no, I wasn't aware that my 15 year old daughter wearing a skirt made it ok for a guy to assault her."

"So, would you say that as a parent, you're ignorant, letting your daughter dress however she wants."

"Objection!" My lawyer said.

"On what grounds Mr. Martin?" The judge asked.

"Irrelevance." He replied.

"Sustained. Mr. Miranda, you may step down." The judge ruled.

"Thank you." Lin said to the judge, then came back over to the table.

"We're going to take an hour long recess for lunch, reconvene at 2:30." The judge said, and everyone in the courtroom started to leave.

"Do you guys want to go out for lunch?" Vanessa asked Lin and I.

"Sure, I'm down for it." Lin responded, "one second, DAVEED!" He yelled over to Daveed who was leaving the courtroom with the masses. "Lunch?" He asked, once he had Daveed's attention.

"Yeah, sure!" He said, "meet you outside!" He said, and left the courtroom.

"Ok, come along child." Lin said, walking out of the room as well, I rolled my eyes a little and followed.

"How you holding up?" Vanessa asked me as we walked out.

"I don't know, I'm still pretty annoyed about that argument. It was just a skirt, I mean, I guess that the shirt was kind of tight? I mean, it went well with the skirt, I wasn't trying to get attention." I was trying to dissect the argument.

"Ok, well, what he's arguing is that the attack is your fault for, well, essentially, turning Nick on. He's saying that the clothes you wore were the reason you got attacked. Firstly, that's not true, you could of been wearing a nun's habit and he still would of done this, also, it's not your fault. People who think it's your fault, need to get an education. Any education. I mean, literally, a pre-schooler can tell you that it's not your fault."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Anytime." She said, as we made it outside to Lin and Daveed.

"Mexican?" Lin asked, pointing to Vanessa, who nodded, "Mexican?" He pointed to me, and I nodded. "Mexican." He confirmed.

"Puerto Rican." I pointed to him.

"European." He pointed to me.

"Where in Europe?" Vanessa asked, trying to pull us away from this conversation.

"I don't know where, I mean, I know who." I said.

"What do you mean by who?" She asked.

"My ancestors. They're famous." I smiled.

"Of course, famous dead white men." Lin said.

"Who?" Vanessa asked, "who were they?"

"You're going to hate me for this, um..." I trailed off. "Well, on my dads side, Aaron Burr." I said, honestly. "And on my mom's side Charles Lee." I finished.

"Wait, seriously?" Lin asked.

"Yep. I'm a Burr descendant." I shrugged.

"Wait, to clarify, at the point in my show where Anthony shoots Jon in the side and doesn't kill him, if he aimed a little more to the right you wouldn't be alive?" Lin asked.

"I guess not." I realized.

"That's creepy." Daveed said, opening the door to a Mexican place near the courthouse.

"Agreed." I smiled.


"Why is my quesadilla so big?" I asked, looking at the food in front of me.

"Because there's a lot of cheese and meat in it." Lin said, through a bite of a burrito.

"I got that, I just, ok." I said, giving in and taking a giant bite out of the quesadilla. "There's a lot of cheese and meat in this." I said through my food, "I love it."


Once we were back in the court room, my lawyer called up Daveed as his 3rd witness.

"I do." Daveed responded to the bailiff after being sworn in. My lawyer asked him the base questions, and then he started to tell the story of what happened from his point of view which was the same as Lin's essentially. He confirmed everything I said, and everything Lin said, and Nicks lawyer had no questions for him. Thank goodness, that made for a pretty simple day in court for me. Now, all I had left was tomorrow.


Thanks for reading!

I want to make a little jar of comments, so, anything you comment on this little note, will be written down on a piece of paper, and re-opened in a year.

- Abi

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