Two days Abhi busy with Radhika for some reason, he not giving his time to Pragya, he only reply her messages, she irks by his ignores, she rang the doorbell of Abhi's house with frustration, Abhi's mother open the door, Pragya's frustrated face turn to smile, she look Abhi's mom ready to go somewhere, she ask her..
Pragya- aunty are you going somewhere..
Abhi's mom says- haan..
Pragya- where is Abhi..
Abhi's mom- at Radhika's place, for engagement..
Pragya with confuse tone- engagement..
Abhi’s mom- haan, Radhika or Abhi didn't invite you..
Pragya nodded in no with shock..
Abhi's mom- come, I'm going there, come with me..
Pragya- no aunty, you go, I meet Abhi after he free from engagement, & she turn to go..
Evening Pragya sit in apartment's park, she deep thinking on Abhi, she forget all the world, only Abhi's mom words echoing in her ears, she trying to ignore but her mind's train again stop on Abhi..
In Pragya's mind- how Abhi gets engage with Radhika, stop it Pragya, don't think about him, start to remember song, “yeh kya hua, kuch pata na chala, kiu hadsa, ban gaya silsila” tch! This song suits on my current situation, change the song, “ve maahi manue chadyon na, ke tere bin dil nayo lagda” again Pragya, but why he engage with Radhika, he didn't share it with me, with his best friend, “Mai tenu samjhava ki” shut up yaar, she close her eyes, rubbed her both palms & hide her face in palms..
A jerk by person to Pragya, she looks up, Abhi stood there with naughty smile, Pragya search some stones & she start to throw on him, he save him from her, stones over & she get up from ground & start to hit him hard, he try to catch her hands but she not allowed him to catch her hands, he irks by her avatar, & try to hold her by waist, she start to hit on his hand, her back touch his chest, he hold her tight by waist, she try to free from his grips but he hold her tight, she looks him with anger, he wide his eyes in anger, he gritss his teeth with anger, he showing his irritates through his expression, she clam herself, he feels that she clam, he lose his grips from her waist but he hold her both hands, he start to look her, but she looks to ground, he lose his one hand grip from her one hand, he touch her chin, & up her face to him, he looks tears rolling down from her close eyes, he tapping his three fingers on her forehead with upset mind, she looks him with red eyes..
Abhi with upset mind sign her- why are you crying!
Pragya sign him- show me your fingers..
Abhi shows his fingers to her, she checks his fingers with upset mind, she didn't find any ring in his finger, she looks him, he up his right eyebrow with sign- what happened!
Pragya says- where is your ring..
Abhi read her lips & with confuse he sign- which ring?
Pragya sign him- your engagement ring..
Abhi indicates his index finger towards him, & he sign- mine engagement, with whom..
A fresh tears roll down from her eyes, & she says- your & Radhika's..
Abhi start to laugh on her, she slapped him hard on his arm, he control his laugh, he looks her in tears & again start to laugh, she says- you're so insensitive, & she stamps her foot on floor..
Abhi stop his laugh, & pull her cheeks, she again slapped on his hand, he pull her near him, he wrap his arm on her neck & kiss on her head, she abruptly away from him, & start to look him with irks..
Abhi pull her with him, but she stood at place with stubborn face, he sign her- now what!
Pragya- you started to date Radhika, right!
Abhi nodded in no & sign- I was kidding! Just wanted to irritates you..
Pragya- what about engagement..
Abhi smiles & sign- she engage with her soulmate, I was helping her for preparation..
Pragya hit him hard & hugged him without think, she wet his shirt with her tears, he rubbed her back, after she clam her down, Abhi part her from hugged & ask her- why are you so upset, why you hit me, slapped me without reason..
Pragya- I was thinking you taking revenge, you ignoring me like I ignore you in past days, and I'm possessive towards you lot, I can't see you with anyone..
Abhi sign with naughty grin- tum kisi aur ke liye mujhe ignore kar sakti ho..
Pragya- hey it's my past, & I apologise you..
Abhi- come, I show you something..
Pragya- kya!
Abhi pull her with him, they enter in his house, he goes in his bedroom, she wants to go in with but he stops her in hall, she waits for him in hall, she waits for him for five minutes, & she gets bore, she start to marching in hall, she goes near book shelf, & pull out one book for read, she open's the book, she looks a number highlight by marker, she remembered their school time favorite game, when she doesn't understand his sign language, he speaks with her highlighting the words, she makes the sentence then she understands, what he wants speak with her, she turn the page & she finds minimum words are highlights, she found some interesting in book, she borrowed that book with her without Abhi's permission & she left his house with stick message on board for him..
Pragya reach to her house, & she takes the pen & notebook, & start to write highlighted words in her book with excitement..
Here, in Abhi's house, Abhi read Pragya's stick message & he sit on couch, he looks to books shelf, he found one book miss from his book shelf, he start to search the book with the stress..
Three days Pragya disappear from Abhi, she busy with Abhi's book, Abhi much upset on his own stupidity..
Three days later, Pragya wait for Abhi, at outside of his workplace, Abhi's working time over & he come out, he look Pragya sit on his scooty, he comes to her with surprise smile, she looks him & wave her hand to him..
Abhi sign her- what are you doing here..
Pragya with smile- come to pick you..
Abhi sign her- scooty is mine, & you sit on my scooty, then how you came to pick me up..
Pragya smile & says- so funny, now quickly start the scooty, we are getting late..
Abhi with confusing face, sign her- where we are going?
Pragya with irks face, & she sign to him- into hell, now start the scooty..
Abhi again question her- where you want to go..
Pragya- I'll slap you here, without further nonsense question, start the scooty & come with me, I'll tell you the way..
Abhi again sign her- just a moment, & he pull out his cell, Pragya snatch the cell from his hand, he start look her with irks..
Pragya- I already informed to Maa, she already gives me permission..
Abhi slapped on his forehead & quitely start the scooty, Pragya hold his shoulder & he look her through mirror, she smiles by her heart, he love to see her this smile, he smiles & start his scooty, she shows him her cell screen, he look it once, read the address & way towards the club, there anyone participate as a stand-up, he knows her, how much she crazy towards stand-up..
They reach to the club, they both take seat, Abhi full concentration on performer person, Pragya stare him & his laugh, Abhi unknowingly look her & up his eyebrows & gesture to her what, she shook her head in no, he sign her look towards stage, she only shook her neck in yes, again Abhi busy with show..
Pragya open her bag, she pull out the book from her bag with smile, keep it on table without disturb to him, she get up from the chair, & walks towards stage..
Performer's end their performance, Abhi turn him towards Pragya's chair, her chair found him empty, he looks for her, same time he found his book on the table, he open his book quickly, & he found some pencil's mark on it, he checks the important pages of the book, which one he highlighted by him, he with upset mind, hold his forehead in his palms, he not understand how to tackle the situation, because she knows the truth about his feeling's, same time someone tap on his shoulder, he turn to the person, person sign him, look towards the stage..
Pragya on stage with smile, she introduce her first, says to all, she use sign language for Abhi- I'm not come here for any performance, just I come here to express something to someone, please pay attention to me only for two minutes, after I confess, he will surely upset on himself first, then me, he knows everything about me, we are childhood friends, he click's my picture's for his collection, I never know, what he is up to with those pictures, but I read that book, he collect my those pictures, & write it down a moment, why he click that picture, why I'm smiling in that picture, in fact I never remember about myself, but he knows everything about me, these words only for him..
Pragya take a long pause & she take a deep breath & says- "kher sunn toh sabhi lenge.. samjh bhi sabhi lenge, par jiske liye hai, woh mahesus kar lega".. & she smiles..
Abhi's jaws drop down, she actually confess her feelings through poetry, Pragya continue with smile- "ke bas itni si baat hai.. bas itni si baat hai.. ke tum saath hote ho jab mere, khush tab rehte hai gam mere.. tum saath hote ho jab mere, khush tab rehte hai gam mere.. tum shamil rehte ho, meri haar baat mein, aise khaas nahi hai sab mere"..
Public start claps with whistle, Pragya thanks to all & comes to Abhi, Abhi shows his both thumbs up, Abhi behaves like, he not understand that she indicates him, Pragya look him with confusion & she sit on her chair..
Abhi up his right eyebrow & sign her- for whom! It was fantastic!
Pragya- really you don't get it, for whom I performed..
Abhi twisted his lips, shrugged of his shoulder's, & shook his neck in no..
Pragya with layer of anger- wow! Great! & She get up from chair, she leaves the club with anger..
Abhi too follow her, he knows she understands his act, but he boost himself for lying to her, for her good sake, he come out from club, look she stood near her scooty, he comes to his scooty..
Abhi sign her- back to home..
Pragya glare him with furious face..
Abhi sit on scooty, start it, Pragya sit back, & he way towards the apartment..
They reach to the apartment, Pragya harshly get up from scooty's seat & walks towards the park, he park his scooty & follow her to park..
He found her, she sit on bench, he take a sit beside her, & tap her on shoulder, she looks him..
Abhi sign her- look we both are not meant for each other..
Pragya with panic tone- why?
Abhi- that's just my feelings, don't give any importance to it..
Pragya only stare him..
Abhi- just be a the friends forever..
Pragya chuckle on him & grab his arm, pull him with her, without look him back, he quietly walks with her..
They both reach to her house, her parents & Abhi's Mom there..
Disha wave her hand to him, she look dull face & sign him- why are you so sad..
Pragya leave his hand, & he sing back to Disha- you're sister gonna mad..
Disha laugh & sing- she lost her nuts time of birth..
Pragya forcefully smile & says- very funny!
Pragya to boths parents- if I say Abhi loves me & today I know he loves me, & I accept his love for me, any problem you guys..
Pragya's Mom- we don't have any problem..
Pragya's father with worried face ask to Abhi- will you handle her for lifetime?
Abhi sign him back- but it's just a feeling's, we have no future uncle..
Abhi's mom agree with Abhi- Abhi is right, I'm not agree with it..
Pragya- aunty but!
Abhi's mom cut her mid- Pragya love is other thing, think practically, in future when you both wants to talk with each other, he read your lips first, you have to wait for his signs, for some years you will be happy with him, but what next, somehow you feel suffocation with your relation..
Pragya- but aunty we know each other from childhood, I always wait for his sign, he always read my lips, just our relation change into husband & wife, we both remain same for lifetime..
Abhi's mom look to Abhi & Pragya once & says- Abhi told you about his feeling's..
Abhi quickly shook his head in no..
Pragya says- I read his book..
Abhi's mom look to Abhi- which book..
Pragya- I borrowed one book from his bookshelf..
Abhi look once Pragya then his mom, & he mimes- sorry..
Abhi's mom- sorry Abhi it's out of my order now..
Pragya smile & says- it's yes from you..
Pragya's Mom- congratulations! We don't have any problem..
Pragya to Abhi- now turn is your..
Abhi look to Disha, Disha sign him- go ahead stupid..
Abhi gulp dry throat & sign to Pragya- in future, if you find, our relationship is not working, you have full rights to leave me..
Pragya with teary eyes- done, now propose me..
Abhi make his face, & sign her- go to hell..
Pragya with pouted face- Maa tell him to propose me..
Abhi's mom- Abhi please..
Abhi sign his Mom for relax & he sit on his one knee- Ms. Pragya, my sweet & cute joker, would you like to spend the rest of your life with this abnormal person, & he forward his hand to her..
Pragya hold his hand & shook her neck in yes, he stood up & give a side hugged to her..
Pragya mimes him- I love you..
Abhi smiles & he mimes too- love you too..
The End
Note: poetry from Instagram video, it's by original person, I don't know the person name
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