Ch. 48 Attempted Revenge
Within seconds Reve's house had become a huge brawling arena. Foot ninjas charge at them. Raph punches an incoming ninja as Mikey dodges an up coming foot ninja. Shinigami punches a foot soilder away from Mikey.
"We need to get Renet !" Vexy shouts trying to reach Renet.
"No ! We need to my Aunt out of here !" Renet shouts back trying to protect her Aunt.
"No your friends are right you need to get out of here" Reve said.
"No I can't leave you again !" Renet crys.
"Renet come on girl, we gotta get you out of here" Mika said as she protects her and Reve from another attacker.
"How are we gonna get out here !?" Vexy shouts as stands next to Mika.
Akira backflips a guard as Rai runs up to Mika and Vexy.
"Mika you still got a match on you ?" Rai asks.
Mika grins bring out a match box full of matches.
"Never leave home without them" Mika smirks as Akira gives her a look.
"Okay I got a plan" Rai said with a smirk.
Karasu, Termone, Kushi,Akane and Shinigami stood back to back as incoming foot soilders attack them. The team kick them back the ninjas.
"I think that's the last of them" Kushi said.
Suddenly Iku lunges herself at Shinigami who blockes her attack.
"I'm going to make you wish you stayed in that cage" Iku growls.
Shinigami narrows her eyes bringing her moon sythes closer to her. Termone points her arrow at Iku while Akane, Kushi, and Karasu stands thire grand. Karasu looks at Maddie holding her tightly.
"Stay where you are !" Termone warns.
"I'm going to make you pay for hurting Maddie" Karasu snares as he holds his Maddie tight.
Akane unleashes her claws. "I'm going to make you pay for everything you've you did to my family and I" Akane snares.
"Oh please you fit perfectly with all the freaks in New York, besides a thief like you couldn't fit in Society anyway" Iku laugh because Akane and Shinigami tackles her to the ground.
"Why did you just sit there and let our mother be killed !" Shinigami shouts holding her down.
Kushi points his staff at her. "You told me she died protecting others, That's true isn't" Kushi said glaring at Iku.
"She sealed her own grave voulneetring to be killed by Tatasu, she never expected to be poison" Iku snares.
"You stood there and let it happen why ?" Kushi asks.
Iku let's out an insane laughter.
"I honestly don't know anymore, it happened in a blurr... that's when my mind went black and I felt nothing but darkness" Iku said darkly.
Shinigami glares at her. She was nothing but insane physoholpath beyond saving at this point but she was still her sister. Shinigami knows she told Iku she never saw Iku as her sister but truth was she wanted Iku to change and be a big sister but that was a fantasy Shinigami lived when she was younger believing Iku change but she can't change she's far lost. Shinigami relized Iku turned crazy when thire mother died. Tatasu caused this to happen to her.
Suddenly Shinigami hears Renet screaming. Shinigami turns her head to see Tatasu inching towards Renet. Shinigami growls as she charges at Tatasu.
Iku laughs. "Coward" Iku laughs.
Akane slams Iku's head into the wooden floor.
"Your going to pay for everything you've done to us" Akane snares as she puts her blades to Iku's neck.
"No Akane don't !" Termone shouts.
"So this is how I die by the hands of an Alopex" Iku laugh.
Akane pauses at the name Alopex. In Japanese Alopex means fox. Her dad always told her she was smart like a fox. Akane grints her teeth as she bares out her claws.
"Well you and that god damn tiger turned me into this" Akane snares about to strike Iku with her claws.
Suddenly Ariri runs up to her sister and grabs her arm. Ariri shackes her head no repidal before hugging Akane.
"This is what she wants, Akane don't give in to her" Termone whispers.
"She did this me, not only that she hurt Maddie" Akane snares.
"I can help you, there's other ways than revenge" Termone whiseprs.
Akane looks at Maddie who slept in Karasu's arms. Termone was right this wasn't the way. Akane gets off Iku and turns her back on her, Iku smiles evilly before lunging at Akane.
Suddenly Karasu strikes Iku with his claws, knocking her out cold.
Now across Iku's face where three panther claws marked on her face. Akane looks back at her.
"That's for hurting Maddie" Karasu snares.
Kushi kneels down to where Iku was knocked out and begins to tie her up with thick ropes.
"Your not going to hurt anyone ever again" Kushi whispers.
Shinigami charges at Tatasu, leaving a cut on his arm. Tatasu whinces in pain, causing him to drop the time sypter. Shinigami punches repidly in his face and chest. She wanted to make him feel all the pain she caused her and her family.
She throws him into the wall pinning him there, holding her moon sythes to his neck.
"I'm going to make you pay !" Shinigami snares as she inches her sythes closer to his neck.
"Shini stop !" Mikey cries desperately as he runs up to her and tries to her away from him.
"He deserves this" Shinigami snares.
"Revange isn't going to solve anything" Mikey tries to resain.
"He killed my mother, destroyed my family just because he wanted Revenge on my grandmother !" Shinigami shouts.
"Shinigami please listen to me killing him won't bring you mother it won't fix anything your family" Mikey begs.
"But my mother will be avagned" Shinigami snares.
Mikey grabs Shinigami's arm. "But it's won't solve anything it won't fix your family, killing won't do anything but cause more pain" Mikey whispers as he hugs her side.
Shinigami glares at Tatasu for what seems like for ever before suddenly relesasing him. Tatasu falls to the ground.
Mikey smiles hugging her. Shinigami sighs in relife.
Suddenly Tatasu throws powder at Mikey and Shinigami and runs past them, grabbing the time sypter for a second, blinding them for a second. Mikey hears Renet screaming for help.
Mikey looks up and sees Tatasu taking Renet hostage, with a knife to her neck.
"You will take me back in time, girl !" Tatasu snares as he forced Renet to hold the time sypter as it glows. Maya grins walking up to Tatasu.
Suddenly a blue portal appears.
"Renet !!!!" Reve screams
"Fire in the hole !" Mika shouts as she throws 5 light match to the ground. Fire begins to spread everywhere around the house as burning debris fall to the ground .
"Everyone out !" Rai shouts as he leads memebers of the Bushi gang and Reve, who was screaming near the exit.
"This place is burning down !" Raph shouts as he follows the others as tugs Mikey's arm. "Mikey come on !" Raph shouts.
Mikey looks at Renet as she's dragged towards the portal. He had to help her. Without a second through Mikey bolts passes Raph and jumps into the portal after Tatasu and Maya.
"Mikey !!!!!!" Raph and Shinigami shouts.
Shinigami jumps into the portal after him. Suddenly a Masked figure with white furry skin runs into the house and jumps into the portal.
Raph tries to follow but more debris fall in front of him.
"No Mikey !!!!!" Raph screams.
Akane grabs Raph. "This place is burning down !" Akane shouts as she throws Tigerclaw into a window so they can escape.
"I can't leave my brother !" Raph shouts.
"Will find your brother I promise" Akane vows.
Raph feels his arm beging dragged as he still stares at where Mikey disappered.
Akane grabs Raph and jumps out the window before more debris fell on them. Raph looks up to see Toran yelling at Mika,Akira and Rai for lighting the houses on fire, Termone, and Kushi trying to comfort Reve who was crying. Vexy looks at the burning house as clenched her neckleaces. Karasu puts a comforting hand on her shoulder as he held Maddie who clunches tighter to Karasu's fur. Ariri looks at them with concern eyes,
Raph looks at the ground. "I'm sorry Mikey" Raph throught.
"Wait where's Rikki ?!" Akane asks noticing the now mutanted Rikki was not laying against a tree.
"Oh god that Masked figure must of been Rikki" Raph gasps.
"No !" Termone shouts as she tries to run inside but Akane grabs her.
"He jumped into the portal, he's safe, following the others" Akane whispers.
Suddenly through the broken window in burning house, Termone sees Iku escaping into the portal.
"Oh no" Termone whispers.
Note- This was so hard to write. Anyways we leave on a cliffhanger . What's going to happen next ?
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