Ch.36 Foot Run

Mikey didn't want to admit it but this was probably the most dangerous rescue mission he's ever been. Sure he did run away from missiles by Stockman bot about a year ago but being chased by the entire FOOT CLAN ELITE just seemed alot worse right now !

Mikey breathed heavily as he ran next to Shinigami, Termone, Rikki and Akane who held Maddie. As Mikey runs into someone.

"Ow !" He hears.

Mikey looks up to see Renet, Vexy and Ariri. Renet holds her head having bump into Mikey.

"Girls your alright !" Mikey said in relife.

"And we go the time key" Vexy said as Ariri gives Renet the time key.

Rikki hears the foot behind them.

"There gaining up on us !" Akane snares as she holds Maddie tighter than before.

"We have to split up that way we can confuse them" Termone said.

"Ariri, Shinigami,Mikey you go with Termone and head that way, Akane, you will protect Renet and Maddie and head into the opposite direction" Rikki explains.

"Wait what about you and Vexy !?" Renet asks.

"Will hold them off !" Rikki replies taking out his tanto as Vexy holds her lasso.

"Alone ! are you insaning ?" Akane exclaims.

"Akane I'm asking you as a friend to protect her !" Rikki states firmly.

"Fine !" Akane said as she takes Renet's hand and heads into the forest.

Mikey looks at him, he feels Shinigami tugging on his arm. The foot nearing closer

"Mikey we need to go !" Shinigami said tugging his arm.

"We can't just leave them !" Mikey said.

"Go will be fine go now !" Rikki shouts as a foot soilder charges at him and he blocks.

Shinigami pulls Mikey and they run as fast as they can deep into the forest, Foot soilders chasing after them.

Mikey breathes heavily once again as he runs as fast he can next Shini, Termone and Ariri. As they run a foot soilder tries to attack Mikey but Shinigami punches him.

Suddenly dark beams shoots at them hitting a large tree, causing into timber separating Mikey and Shinigami from Termone and Ariri.

"No !" Mikey shouts.

"You and your boyfriend won't escape from us again !" Maya snares her hands glowing black as Iku slithers next to her.

"Well we can't have your little friends escaping too" Iku laughs as she chases after Termone and Ariri.

Shinigami tries to stop her but more dark beams shoot at them. Having no choice they run, Maya hot on thire trail.


Meanwhile with Akane's group,

Akane runs as she holds Maddie with Renet besides her. She grabs Renet's arm and pulls her behind a tree.

"Oh god there gonna get us" Renet whimpers.

"No there not, you have the time key on you right ?" Akane asks as she sets Maddie to her feet.

Renet nods taking out the time key.

"Take it and head somewhere safe" Akane instructs.

"I have to head to my Aunt Reve's house up a couple of miles from here she's the one who's keeping the time sypeter safe" Renet explains.

"Then go I'll give you enough time" Akane said taking out her blades.

"Thank you" Renet said.

"Just go !" Akane said.

Renet runs deep into the forest. Akane turns to Maddie.

"Stay hidden here !" Akane said before charging at Foot soilders.

Maddie peeks at the fight which causes a foot soilder to spot her. She screams as he charges at her she tries to run but a rope snare is tangled up in her feet.

"Going somewhere cub ?!" Tiger claw laughs evilly.

Maddie screams in terror.

"Get away from her you bitch !!!" Akane shouts charging at Tigerclaw, who growls in response.


Termone and Ariri run until they hit a dead.

"Oh no !" Termone gasps.

Iku laughs evilly.

"No where to run girls" Iku smirks.

Termone takes out her bow and arrow and Ariri takes out her dagger.

"I'm not afraid of you !" Termone said.

Iku laughs in responses before trying to lunge at them, however she's kicked to the ground.

Termone gasps at thire saver.

"Karasu you came back !" Termone said.

"Next time don't tie me up" Karasu said directing his comment towards Ariri, who rolls her eyes in respones.

Iku gets back up.

"Traitor !" Iku shouts in anger.

"News flash snake girl, I was never loyal to the foot clan" Karasu smirks.

Iku screams in anger as she attacks him, but he dodges taking out a knife in respones. Termone and Ariri hold thire defensive poses.


Rikki punches two foot soilders down as Vexy kicks one down.

"I don't know how long we can keep this up !" Vexy said, almost out of breath.

"Don't give up the others our counting on us" Rikki shouts holding his ground.

He wasn't going to let the foot hurt innocents again.

"RIKKI MY OLD PUPIL !" growls a voice all to fimilar to Rikki.

"Tatasu !" Rikki snares pointing his tanto a the mask man.

"It's been a long time hasn't Rikki ?" Tatasu asks him.

Note- What's gonna happen four matches all at one ! Former student vs master !

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