ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 7 。 ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴬᴿᴹᵞˢ ᴬᶜᶜᴱᴾᵀ ᴹᴱ? 。
I woke up the next day feeling warm arms wrapped around me. I sighed as I thought. "Jimin.." At first, I tried removing his hands off of me. Fail. Then, I tried wiggling out. Fail again. So, I decided to wake him up. I turned around to see him sleeping and shouted. "Jimin-oppa! Let me go!" As soon as I shouted that, his eyes shot open as he fell off the bed. "Yah.. Y/N! You could've just asked me softly! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Jimin got up and crossed him arms. I just chuckled and said. "Well, I tried doing that but you didn't let me go! So, I decided to wake you up. Why did you have your arms wrapped around me in the first place?" He blushed a bit as he looked away. "U-uh.. well.. it must've been my self-consciousness. When I sleep in a bed with someone.. I intend to hug them.. sorry about that h-heh.." I giggled as I said. "It's okay Jimin-oppa~ You felt so warm~" He blushed again as he said. "T-thanks.." I giggled again at his cute expression. "No problem Jimin-oppa~ Now, let's go downstairs shall we?" I asked as he nod and head downstairs. I followed him downstairs, to the dining room and found all the boys sitting on the table while Jin was finishing up his cooking.
"Good morning you two~ How did you sleep?" Jin asked us as he was putting all the food on plates. "Uh.. pretty well~ Thanks for asking Jin-oppa." I replied as I sat in between Yoongi and Hoseok. Jin nodded as he told Jimin to sit down. He then gave us our plates and cups full of.. red liquid? "Oh Jin-hyung, we're already getting this? It didn't even feel like a month." Namjoon asked as Jin nodded and replied. "It hasn't. PD-nim just gave it to us early." "Good, because I've been really thirsty nowadays. Just scared to kill someone in public you know?" Namjoon said as he started drinking the red liquid, everyone following him after. I just gave the boys a confused expression as I waited for them to explain what's going on. They didn't notice at first but then, they did and chuckled. "Oh Y/N, why are you so confused about everything?" Taehyung asked me as I shrugged. "I don't know Taehyung-oppa. Probably because I'm new to this lifestyle.." They all chuckled again as Namjoon started explaining. "Well Y/N, the red liquid in your cup is blood. We have to drink it at least once every single month. If we don't, we would die of thirst. Or, might accidentally go wild and kill the nearest human around us. We don't want that happening because, it would reveal our identity. So please, drink your blood Y/N. It tastes wonderful. Trust me." I just nodded and drank the blood in the cup. It tastes like.. strawberry syrup! I loved those when I was a kid. But then, I remembered. I had another question to ask.
"So uh guys.." I asked as I finished the cup of blood and licked my lips. "Yes Y/N?" Hoseok asked me in a worried tone. "You guys said that PD-nim gives you the blood..?" I asked as everyone looked at each other and looked at me again. "Well.. y-yeah.. he's kind of the reason why we uhm.. why we're v-vampires.." Jin said as I widened my eyes in shock. "So you mean, he t-turned.. YOU GUYS?!" "Y-yeah.. everyone who works for the bighit company are v-vampires.." Jin answered as my mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Oh also, one more question. I promise, this is the last one." They chuckled and nod. "So uh.. it's about school.. how about when we have comebacks and performances? Will we have to skip school?" "That's exactly what we'll have to do! Are you okay with it?" Jungkook said as I cheered. "Of course I'm okay with it! If we're going to have a lot of performances and comebacks, I DON'T HAVE TO SEE ANNOYING KIRA OFTEN! I'VE GOTTEN SO SICK OF HER AND HER GANG!" They chuckled and said. "We know.. that's kind of why we made you part of our group. You can skip school sometimes and.. not meet that girl often!" I giggled at how cute they are. "I love my oppas~" I thought to myself as they all stopped chuckling and looked at me.
"Y/N, are you ready to make that announcement video?" Jungkook asked as he and the boys stand up. "Huh? Announcement video..? Oh! I completely forgot about it! I'm sorry.." I said as I stood up as well. "It's okay Y/N. Just get ready for the video and we can start making it." Jin said as I nod and went upstairs to Jimin's room. I found some clothes on the shelf and took it because, it looked like it wasn't used anymore. I changed into it and put on some makeup I found in the bathroom. I then went back downstairs and found myself getting stared at by the boys. "What?" I asked them curiously. "Is that m-my clothes a-and m-my makeup?" Jimin asked me as I put on an innocent face. "Y-yeah.. sorry for wearing it.. I have no clothes to wear so I found this and took it because it looked like it's not being used anymore. Sorry once again.." I said as the boys all looked at me pitifully. "Awww.. it's okay Y/N.. it looks really good on you to be honest. Also, no worries about the clothes. You're right. It's not being used anymore and since you don't have any clothes to wear.. why don't we go shopping tomorrow? All of us.. what do you say guys?" Jimin asked as everyone said yes. "Of course I'll say yes! I need to buy new Gucci clothing!" Taehyung said as all of the boys facepalmed. "You have enough Taehyung. This is for Y/N." Jin said as he crossed his arms. "Okay then, I'll buy Y/N Gucci clothing!" Taehyung said as he looked at me. "Wow, thanks guys. You don't need to buy clothing for me.. I have my own money. But if you guys insist.. I don't see why not. Just let me buy you all something as a thank you gift for saving my life." I said as they looked at me in honor. "Awww thanks Y/N!" "No problem guys." I smiled brightly at them as they smiled back at me.
"Okay, let's go film this video!" Namjoon said as he got the camera set up. The guys got into their position as I hid behind the guys. Namjoon started recording and got into his place. "Ha deul se. Hello we are, BTS!" Everyone clapped as I took a deep breath and got ready to appear in front of the camera. "So, you guys might be wondering.. 'Oh, why are BTS filming this video? What is so important?' Well.. we got an announcement for you guys~! A very exciting and wonderful announcement! I bet you all want o hear what's up so.. let's say it together shall we?" Namjoon asked everyone as all the guys nodded. "In 3.. 2.. 1." Suddenly everyone shouted. "WE HAVE AN 8TH MEMBER EVERYONE~~!" They all clapped again and cheered. "It's almost my queue.. you can do this Y/N! Don't worry~" I thought to myself as the boys started talking again. "I bet everyone wants to know who that lucky 8th member is so, get ready for this introduction ARMY! Because we'll introduce you to em. The member shall appear in 3.. 2.. 1." All the boys moved aside as I showed myself in front of the camera, waving my hands up in the air.
"Surprise~! Our 8th member is a girl! It might be weird for a couple of months but.. I'm sure all the ARMYs will get used to it soon. Let's do an introduction shall we? Are you ready?" Namjoon asked as I nodded and started talking. "Hi everyone~! My name is L/N/Y/N! But you all can just call me Y/N~! I am 18 years old and my positions in this group are Dancer, Vocalist and Maknae! I think that's the only information you need to know about me for now. No worries ARMY! I'll give out more information soon~" I smiled brightly at the camera. "We hope that you all will accept Y/N as the 8th member. Please treat her equally like all of us and please, don't hate on her. Thanks for watching this video! Saranghaeyo!" All the boys said as they smiled brightly and ended the recording. "You did a great introduction Y/N." Jin said as he gave me a thumbs up. "Thanks Jin-oppa.. I still have to work on saying more information though." I said as I looked at all of them. "You'll get used to it Y/N." Jimin patted my back as he went to sit at the couch. I decided to follow him since I was quite tired standing up. The boys followed too and soon enough, we were all sitting on the couch.
"Guys..?" I started as all the boys looked at me. "Hmm?" They all asked. "Do you think the ARMYs will accept me..?" I said as I frowned. "Awh, don't worry about that Y/N. We already told them to treat you equally and give you no hate. I'm sure that the true ARMYs out there would follow what we say. But of course, some 'ARMYs' or just plain haters would still hate on you no matter what. We experienced that when we first debuted but we just didn't care about them. Look at where we're at now. So, just ignore the haters okay Y/N? But, if the hate goes too far. We'll make sure to make them regret saying that to you." Jungkook said as all of the boys smiled at me. "Thanks for the support oppas.. I.. love you.. oppas.." I said as I hugged all of them tightly. They were all shocked and confused at the same time. "We.. we love you too.. Y/N.." They replied as they hugged back. I smiled at all of them as I broke the hug and started crying. "Oh my god, what's wrong Y/N? My poor baby.." Jin said as he took me onto his arms and comforted me like he did before. "I-it's nothing.. it's j-just that.. I-I've never had s-someone or some p-people this caring in m-my life.." I said as all of the boys put their hands in their hearts. "We promise you Y/N, we won't leave you.. ever." "Thanks guys.. wait.. SCHOOL! I FORGOT ABOUT IT!" I shouted as I ruffled my hair in frustration. "Aish Y/N.. chill. Don't worry about it. We already told the principal that we're going to be absent today.." Taehyung said as I stopped ruffling my hair. "R-really..?" "Yup.. we told the principal we had some important family business and he said it's okay." Jungkook answered as he smiled at me. "Okay then.. good. I don't want us to get in trouble tomorrow for not coming today.." I said as Jin chuckled and said. "Yah Y/N.. you don't have to worry too much about everything. Even if we didn't tell the principal that we're going to be absent today and get in trouble, we'll still be able to explain to him why. So Y/N, chill okay? We got you.." "Yeah yeah, okay." I said as I gave him a small smile.
"Speaking of not going to school today.. what are we going to do for the rest of the day now that we're finished filming the announcement video?" I asked everyone as I gave them a confused look. "We're glad you asked. We got the whole day planned so don't worry about getting bored. First of all, we're going to show you the comeback songs for the album like, the lyrics and the beat. Then, we're going to record the whole album in the recording studio. After we're done doing all of that.. we're going to practice the dances of some songs from the album that Hoseok created a month ago." Namjoon answered me as all the boys nodded. "Wow, that's going to be.. exhausting." I said as I sighed. "Yeah we know but, you'll have to get used to it soon.. that's going to be your daily life from now on." Jin said as I widened my eyes. "Wait.. so we're going to do this whole routine that we're doing today.. DAILY?!?!" I shouted making the boys flinch. "Well.. not exactly daily.. more likely.. every comeback we have, variety shows, music shows and the list keeps going on and on and on.." Hoseok answered me as I sighed again. "Man, being an idol can be so tiring.. I didn't really realize how tiring it is until you guys told me what you do every comeback. Are you all okay?" I asked as everyone nodded. "Yeah, it can be tiring for a while but we got used to it after a couple of comebacks. You're going to be fine too after a few comebacks." Jimin said as he smiled. "Okay then.. should we start our practice..?" I asked as everyone nodded.
"Yup. Let's go to the recording studio. We'll show you the songs there." Namjoon said as I nod. He then went to the recording studio and we all followed. When we got in, my jaw dropped. This was my first time in a recording studio and it was huge. "Wow.." Was all that I could say before Jin noticed me being so amazed. "What's up Y/N? Haven't been to a recording studio before?" Jin chuckled as I nodded. "Actually, yeah. I have never been to a recording studio before and I never expected it to be.. this big." "Well, welcome to idol life Y/N." Jin said as he gestured me to follow him. I followed him to find Namjoon sitting on an office chair in the middle of the room with a pile of paper on his lap while the rest of the members were sitting on a sofa. I smiled at them before I sat next to Taehyung while Namjoon started talking. "Alright so.. which song shall we begin with? Ooh.. I know. We should start by the order of the album." Everyone nodded as I looked at all of them confused before I nod as well. Namjoon took a deep breath before taking a sheet of paper from the pile of it. "Okay so, this is our intro song. It's called Intro: Singularity. It is a solo song for Taehyung since the intros in our albums are usually solo songs." Namjoon said as he put down the piece of paper and took out another paper from the pile. "Moving on to the next song since, you all don't need to worry about the other one too much except for Taehyung. The next song is our title song, called Fake Love. It includes all of the members including you Y/N. I gave some of Jungkook's lines for you. Are you okay with that Jungkook?" Namjoon said as Jungkook smiled brightly and nod. "Of course! I'm totally fine with sharing my lines with Y/N!" "Very well then.." Namjoon said as he continued explaining all of the songs to us. To be honest, I didn't really pay attention to Namjoon because I was kind of thinking about how ARMYs would react when they see the announcement video. But, I decided to shake the thought off because the comeback is pretty soon and I really needed to pay attention. When I finally got the thought off my head, Namjoon was still explaining. Thank god. I started listening in to the explanation and realized that Namjoon was already talking about the outro. Damn, I missed a lot. "We're finally moving to our last song in our album~ My personal favourite, Outro: Tear! This outro only includes us rappers because I got to be honest. It has a lit beat. Anyways, that's all for the explanation of the songs in the album. Everyone got it?" Namjoon asked as all of us nod.
"Good. If everyone got it then, let's start recording our tracks. The comeback's in 2 days guys so, let's not waste our precious time left shall we?" Namjoon asked us again as we all nod again. Namjoon smiled at us before moving to the table where a computer is located. He then turned the computer on, entered his password and opened a file located on the right side of his computer screen. I noticed that there were instrumentals of all the songs in the album there. He moved his mouse to the track that said "Intro: Singularity" and told Taehyung to get ready. Taehyung nod as he took the lyrics of the song, moved to where the microphone was located and gave Namjoon a thumbs up. Namjoon then clicked the track and Taehyung began recording. Not long after, Taehyung finished recording his song and I was impressed. I clapped as he blushed and bowed. I giggled at his cuteness but was interrupted by Jin telling me to come to the microphone with everyone to record Fake Love. Basically, we just did the same thing with the other songs and after what felt like took ages, we were finally done. "Omg, yasss~ We are finally done." Jimin said as he started doing his victory dance. "Slow down Jimin, don't forget about our dance practice." Hoseok said as he laughed at Jimin's "aww" face. "How long did the recording take anyway?" I asked everyone as Yoongi took out his phone to look at the time. "Omg, it took.. 4 hours?!" Yoongi asked with a shook face. "Oh, I thought it took longer hehe.." I said as I rubbed my head. "Oh don't worry, I thought so too. I'll finish putting all of our tracks together by tomorrow. So for now, let's work on our choreography shall we?" Namjoon asked as everyone sighed and nod. There was a long awkward silence between us before Hoseok walked out of the room. We ended up following Hoseok outside to find out that he was going to the dance studio. As we entered, I couldn't be more shook in my life.
"OH. MY. GODDD~!" I screamed as I put my hands up in the air and twirled around the dance studio. "Let me guess, never been to a dance studio too?" Jin asked as he crossed his arms. "I have but.. it's never this BIG.. in fact, it's HUMONGOUS!" I answered as I started twirling around the studio again. "Aish Y/N, you didn't have to overreact though." Yoongi said as he slightly giggled at me. "Yeah, hehe sorry.." I said as I stopped twirling. "It's okay Y/N, let's get started now. Maybe we should start with positions, I mean we already got a position but.. since Y/N joined, we should make a new position." Hoseok said as he started placing all of us in a position. "Good, let's start with the choreography now." Hoseok said again as he started teaching us the moves one by one, very slowly. After he taught the dance moves, he checked us one by one, checking for details and other things. He then did the same thing again until we were done with the choreography of the whole song. "Okay, now that you've all learned the whole dance, why don't we do the whole dance together with the song on and after doing that for a couple of times, let's do this choreography one member at a time still with the song on. I want to check everyone's movement." Hoseok said as we nod. "I'll give all of you guys a 5 minute break before that so, spend it wisely everyone." Hoseok said again as we all nod again. We then went to sit down in the corner of the dance room. We ended up sitting in a circle as everyone took out their phones to check out social media. I looked at all of them and sighed.
"Hey, what's wrong Y/N..?" Jin asked as he realized I was sighing. After Jin asked, everyone put their phones away and looked at me. "Nothing guys.." I said as Jin shook his head. "That's a bad lie Y/N. I know something's up. Oh wait, I saw you staring at our phones.. that reminds me, we should've asked you this a long time time ago but we forgot about it so we're sorry. I'll just ask for them right now. Don't you have a phone Y/N..?" I sighed again shaking my head. "I.. I don't think so.. I can't remember.. maybe I did. But I think I dropped it somewhere at my house while I was running away from those 9 men. Oh well, I guess that means no." After I said that, everyone gasped as Jin replied. "Oh.. okay. Wait, I have an idea! We can buy you a new phone~" "Wait.. W-WHAT?!?!" I shouted as everyone flinched. "Oops.. sorry guys hehe.. but still.. what?!" Everyone laughed as Jin replied. "You know.. we can buy you a new phone. It's fine, the boys won't mind. Right boys?" Jin turned to the boys as all of them nod and smile. "O-okay then.. as long as you guys don't mind. You know I could just buy one with my own mo-" "Shh.. we know but, we insist to buy it for you." Jin cut me off as I chuckle. "Fine~" "Okay everyone~! The 5 minute break is over~ Let's get back to practice!" Hoseok said suddenly as I heard the members groan. I chuckled, got up and went to my position while the other members follow me.
Once we were all in our positions Hoseok started the music as he said. "5, 6, 7, 8~" After he said that, we all started dancing to the song for about 5 times before Hoseok said that he was satisfied. Hoseok then told us to dance one by one so, we did that and he said it was good enough. He then told us that practice was finished as we all sighed in relief. Hoseok chuckled and took out his phone to check the time. "Wow guys we practiced a lot today, it's like 10pm now." Hoseok said as everyone looked at him with a shook face. "We practiced for that long?!" Taehyung asked as Hoseok nodded. "Woah, I hope our hard work will pay off." Jungkook said as I giggled and nod. "Guys, speaking of time.. I think it's kinda late and tomorrow we have school so, let's go to sleep everyone!" Jin said as everyone nod and start to head out. "Wait, wait, wait. Guys, have you forgotten about me?! I don't have a room yet remember?" I asked as everyone turned their heads to me and looked at each other.
"You know what this means guys." Namjoon said as everyone nod. "Yup, it means she gets to sleep in my room tonight~" Jungkook said as everyone glared at him. "Uh.. no. She gets to sleep with me~" Jin said as he grabbed my wrist. "Nu uh Jin-hyung! I called it first!" Jungkook said as he grabbed my other wrist. Before I knew it, they were pulling me and fighting over me. "Omg Jin-hyung! Let her sleep with me tonight! Tomorrow night she can sleep in your room okay? Please, let her sleep in my room tonight~ She never went to my room before~ Come on Jin-hyung~!" Jungkook plead until Jin gave up. "Ugh, fine. Only because I feel bad for Y/N right now." Jin said as he let go of my wrist. Jungkook cheered as I giggled at his cute action. Everyone then giggled along with me as they said good night to us and left the dance studio.
Jungkook POV
"Omg~ She's finally going to share a room with me! It took me a while but it was worth it!" I thought to myself as I cheered again and heard Y/N giggle. Man, do I love her giggle. "Okay Y/N, let's go to sleep shall we?" I said as she stopped giggling and nod. I smiled at her as I grabbed her wrist and guided her to my room. I opened the door for her as she smiled brightly at me and got in. After she got in, I got in as well and closed the door. I then looked at her as she suddenly yawned. "She must be very exhausted.." I thought as she said. "Man, I did not realise I was this tired.." I chuckled as I said. "It's okay if you're feeling tired Y/N. It means you really worked hard. Let's just hope that the ARMY will appreciate your hard work. If they don't well, it's okay.. you still have us that appreciate you." She did the "aww" face and hugged me. I hugged her back as I patted her. After a few minutes, we pulled away and smiled at each other. "Now, go to sleep Y/N. You must be really exhausted. Remember that tomorrow we still have to deal with school and after that, we have our comeback." I said as she nod. "Thanks again for everything you and the guys did.." She said as she got in the bed and fell asleep. I watched her sleep for a while before I got in the bed with her and said. "Goodnight Y/N.. sweet dreams.." I stared at the ceiling and before I knew it, I fell asleep too.
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