Chapter 3

     This had to be the worst night of his life, Sean grumbled to himself as he stood in the crowded ballroom. 
     On his way here his horse had lost a shoe.  He had to walk the poor animal three miles to the nearest posting house, as he didnt want him to suffer further.  The incident set him back two hours.  Fortunately, he was able to trade horses and set out again.  Unfortunately, he ran straight into a torrential downpour.  
      By the time he reached Paris, he was soaked to the skin and frozen to the core.  Luckily for him, he was able to procur a decent room and a hot bath.   
     He had pulled his formal wear from his attache case when he arrived, it was not in the best condition, as it had been rolled up and stuffed into the small bag. He prayed the staff at the hotel could set it to rights, or he would have improvise his plans.
     His plan was to take Marioselle aside at the ball, and warn her of the danger he had exposed her too, then put her on the first ship to London.  He would accompany her of course, that is if she wished to speak to him ever again.   He would have to tell her all, and he didn't know how she would accept his deception of who he really was.
     A waiter passed by with a tray of champagne, he took one and drank it down quickly.  It would do for now, although he would prefer something stronger.  He still felt a chill from his  journey here.  Perhaps, he thought in hindsight,  he should have taken the blasted train.  At least he would've stayed dry, and saved himself some time to prepare. 
     "Mr. O'Brien, pleasure to see you as always.  I was under the impression you wouldn't be attending tonight."
     "Count Durand."  Sean bowed in  greeting.  "I hadn't intended too,  however my schedule was open after all.  I thought I would surprise Marioselle.  She is family as you know."
     "I believe she is your brother-in-law's half sister, am I correct?"
     "Yes, that is correct, your excellency."
     "Then I am certain you have heard the wonderful news from your family?"
      "I'm afraid I haven't been in contact with them of late.  What news would that be? If I may ask?"
      "Why our engagement, Marioselle's grandfather has given me his blessing.  Of course, it hasn't been formally announced as the young lady has yet to give me her answer.  However, I am looking forward to making an announcement tonight.  I am quite certain Miss Sutton is ready to accept.  A man can usually tell these things, do you not agree, Mr. O'Brien?"
     Sean wanted nothing more than to punch the smug look off the Count's face.  And the way he emphasized 'Mr' in his address only confirmed the man's snobbery.  He as others in society didn't care for those who attained their money through hard work, regardless of how much they were worth.  They referred to Sean's class as bourgeois, and it wasn't meant as a compliment.     
     He could never understand how a man could justify his worth by a mere title.  To Sean it was a sad existence to have everything handed to you, and never have accomplished anything on ones own.  He felt sorry for the Count, and even sorrier if Marioselle was truly considering his proposal.  He would make her life miserable. She was too good for him.
     "Dear God! No wife of mine..."
     The Counts words were drowned out by the crowds reaction to Marioselle's grand entrance.  She was a vision of loveliness in the long flowing gown.  The fuschia silk highlighted her dark shimmering locks and enhanced her flawless ivory complexion.  And the curves? By God! He had a sudden urge to carry her off, which in reality he had already intended on doing.  Looking around him, and hearing the comments from the gentleman nearby, only intensified that urge. 
     Sean had never been the jealous sort however, if he heard one more salacious word he would likely show the offender the door.  He shot the group of dandies next to him a look so intense, they scurried off to the other side of the ballroom.  He hadn't realized he was clenching his jaw, and showing his anger until a familiar voice came up beside him.
     "Smile dear, you are frightening the young pups off."
     "Lady Boulet" He almost screeched, as she had somehow managed to sneak up behind him.  It was a little off putting for a secret agent to be caught off guard, but he managed to regain his composure.  "Its a pleasure to see you.  You're looking lovely as always." He said as he bowed and kissed her hand in greeting.  "Might I add congratulations on your recent marriage to the general."
     "Merci, Sean.  It is a pleasure to see you as well," she said as she placed a kiss on each of his cheeks.  "Marioselle will be elated.  She was quite brokenhearted when she recieved your letter of condolence.  May I ask what changed?"
     "You may.  I am in Paris on business, I'm afraid.  Since I am here, I thought I would come and wish Marioselle happy birthday.  I can see now however, I may not get an opportunity to speak with her.  She is quite the belle of the ball." He said as he pointed in the young womans direction.  She was surrounded by a group of men all vying for her attention.  Would it be too much to ask for a favor."
      "Certainment, what would you like for me to do?"
      "Do you suppose you could arrange for a moment alone.  There is something of great importance, that I wish discuss with her in private."
     Albine looked at the young man and smiled at him in an all knowing manner, she knew exactly what Sean wished to speak to her daughter about.  "I shall see what I can do.  Wait until after the first set, however. Otherwise people will talk.   I will send a footman to escort you to the parlour when we are ready."  She then gave him a conspiratorial wink, as she walked off towards her daughter.


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