Chapter 7
The crashing in the kitchen continued. Liam got up but Rose grabbed his arm. "Stay here" she told both of us. We looked at her unsure but nodded slightly. Rose left the room after we nodded. Liam sighed and looked at me. "(Y/N) how are you feeling?" Liam asked me. "I'm feeling better thanks for asking me," I replied to him with a soft smile. Liam seemed to like the answer as he smiled. I seem to daze off while thinking. It must have been a while that I dozed off. I heard two voices outside the room I was staying in. I look at Liam to see him gone with a note saying he had to go to work. I sigh happily finding myself slowly falling for the demonic male. I soon started to pick up things that the two voices outside were saying. "You didn't have to give her such a harsh nightmare..." I heard Rose say. I heard a glitchy scoff. "It WaS pArT oF tHe DeAl RoSe." The glitchy voice said. I recognize it as the glitchy skeleton that slammed Gwen into a wall. I wondered why Rose was against her but shook off the thought when I heard the door open. Rose and the skeleton walked in. "Good Morning hunny, I want you to meet someone," Rose said to me. I nodded a bit dragging my attention to the skeleton. "(Y/N), this is Error, Error this is (Y/N)." Rose introduced us. "WhAtS tHe PoInT oF uS mEeTiNg? ItS not LiKe I wILl Be HeLp FuLl To HeR. I mIgHt EvEn HuRt HeR" Error stated, glitching slightly, messing with some strings. I flinched in fear, this skeleton supposably named Error reminds me too much of my father. Rose seemed to notice and was about to say something before I cut her off. "Nice meeting you Error" I said, not wanting to seem weak. I flash a small but fake smile. Error seemed to almost choke on his breath. He looks at me and huffs. "I'm GoInG tO gO dEsTrOy An AU," he muttered before disappearing. I sigh, feeling slightly better than he had left. I look toward Rose with the same and fake smile. Rose smiled a bit and gently hugged me. "Do you want to try to walk?" She asked me, causing me to nod. I move the covers from my body feeling the cool air hit my skin. I was clothed in red fuzzy socks as well as shorts and a tank top so it was easy to tend to my 'Stab Wound'. Something told me it wasn't a stab wound but I shrugged it off. Rose came to the left side of me and helped me stand. She walked with me around the room before letting go of me. My body seemed to enjoy walking around but I was a bit wobbly. I stabled myself slightly and started walking on my own. I smiled. "Hey mom, I'm hungry" I said to her. "Hi Hungry, I'm mom," Rose joked with me. I laughed slightly "Moooooom!!!" I dragged out the o. "I'm serious" I laughed. "Your serious? I thought you were hungry" She replied softly laughing as well. I laugh harder to the point I stopped breathing, I wheezed slightly while still laughing. Rose laughed harder. It took about 3 minutes to calm down. My cheeks warm from laughing. I smile happily, never being so happy. I hugged her before she left for the kitchen. I smile and sigh happily. I decided to change out of these clothes. I slipped off my clothes and put on my undergarments and shorts. I look at the bandages and started to reach for them before I heard my name being called. I shrug and pull away from them and put on a shirt. I started walking to the kitchen. I sat at the table and Rose placed a delicious looking meal in front of me as well as 2 Advil. "Take those after you eat, they will help with the pain" Rose said. I nodded slightly and started eating, my eyes light up happily at the flavor. I didn't know whether to believe that the flavor was true because it was so good. I sigh happily. I soon finished and a coke was placed in front of me. I smiled and thanked Rose, I took the Advil and downed my coke a cola. I smile and got off the chair and picked up my now empty plate. I took it to the kitchen and cleaned it. I looked at Rose who was now in her nurse uniform. "I got to go to work, love you see you soon hun," Rose said with a smile and kissed the top of my head. I watched her go and smile. I have the whole day to myself. Than I saw a note, I picked it up and read it. My eyes widening in fear.
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