Chapter 44 👑
Ignore all typos.
Ozana hotkid.
So i be like oo mama
Mumcy your boy don dey global now
We dey go far now see the kind place we dey shut down now ehh
We started from instagram
Take a look at me now am a super star
We dey go far now
See the kind place we dey shut down now so i be like
Khadijah Daihaah's POV
It's funny how just a few years back I dreaded the day and here I am again, loathing it. It's a feeling of déjà vu in a way honestly. Once I woke up for subh, I didn't go back to sleep. Prince and I read the Quran together for almost an hour before I decided to pack for both of us since I didn't do that last night. All the regalia is with Samhah so I just picked out extra outfits that will suffice for four days and put them all in one suitcase along with shoes, bags, and the little make up I will need. I'm sure if they aren't enough Adda and Samhah will have enough to spare.
Those two are obsessed with makeup I tell you.
Afterwards I made breakfast, which comprises of red velvet waffles and sausage rolls. Plus, the usual being Earl gray tea and a latte for me. Prince is in the backyard just like every morning playing basket ball. The man even invited me to play with him, me that can't play a single sport. It's not my fault though; sports are just not my thing at all. Especially football, God knows my body isn't meant for any kind of sport.
He took a shower before joining me for breakfast which we ate making conversations here and there, mostly about the wedding. Apparently, it's Nabila's sister that's getting married.
The day just keeps getting better.
He didn't go that deep in telling me the details which I'm thankful for because I'm not interested in that at all. The only other thing he said is that the bride is not like Nabila and whatnot.
After breakfast, I went up and took a shower too seeing that we only have an hour left to nine. When I was done with the shower and putting on my outfit and all, I skipped the makeup part. I rather stay with my face austere not all baked up in makeup. Plus, I'm going to have to put on makeup later for the events so I spared myself the torture this time. And also, it saves time.
By the time I'm done, Prince is all dressed up too talking to someone on his phone. I went towards the bed and picked up my phone too and slipped into my flats before we made our way downstairs. Someone had already put the suitcase in the trunk so we didn't have to worry about that. Or more like I didn't have to worry about that because my dearest husband here has been on the phone since.
I brought out my phone and scrolled through my wattpad notifications looking for any new book update as the driver pulled out of the driveway. Sadly for me there wasn't any new book update so I logged out and swiped through till I found my instagram application . I spent the rest of the car ride watching wedding videos on Nate genius film and Galleria films. To say that their weddings are dope will be an understatement.
Sultan, Mami, Samhah and Afnaan were there already when we arrived so we just waited for Hermano and Adda who came about five minutes after we arrived. The first four people took the first four seats while Prince, Adda, Hermano and I took the other four in the back with their seats facing ours.
The whole forty five minutes was spent with business mostly since Adda too used to work there she knew a few things though it's not as deep as us. She still models but not like before. She only does that for a couple of brands having her new manager as Hermano who took over the job when they got married. It didn't come as a surprise when I found out, I kind of expected it. So, here we are as she helps us with.
I've managed to meet all the investors in the week and had someone from my team meet up with the people from media so that problem is now fixed and was no longer something to worry about.
I haven't seen tractor head since that day and I was more than grateful for that. I can't stand his presence anymore, it irritates me.
Maybe it was the fact that this time I was surrounded with people and we're talking all through the flight that's why I saw that we arrived in Katsina earlier than the last time. We split into four cars, each pair taking one car before we head to Daura. Sultan and Mami taking the first car, then that of Hermano and Adda Anee's, then Prince and I and lastly Samhah and Afnaan.
The cars were driving fast, but smoothly that unless you were paying real attention to it you wouldn't notice. Prince and I talked about almost everything and nothing and in no time we were in Daura in just an hour instead of an hour and a half which gives the men only fifteen minute to dress up and head to the mosque so as not to miss the nikah that's in fifteen minutes.
Just like the last time I was here, the house is crowded which actually makes sense because another wedding's taking place. It felt really good not to have the attention on you which give me little time to actually appreciate the traditions of these people on a special event like this.
Each car went their separate ways and ours only parked in front of our chambers. We got off and made our way inside with the keys Prince had with him. Surprisingly, the place is dust free and is spick-and-span. Someone must've cleaned it up lately.
Prince didn't waste time in taking the suitcase that was brought in by one of the guards and walked to the walk in closet to change which only too him five minutes. When he came out he is dressed in a pearl white kaftan and a babbar riga in his hand along with his cap in the other.
Why do men look so damn good in Kaftans please?
I've seen him in a lot of Kaftans but there's just something about the way white Kaftans look on him. I think it has something to do with the similitude between the color and his skin color.
That is definitely it.
"You have a phone, take a picture. It lasts way longer" his voice brought me out of my mini trance. I expected to see him with a smirk on his face but rather there is a smile, a sincere one for that matter etched on his face. "Help me with this please" he gestured to the cap and the babbar riga.
I nodded and kept my phone on the bed before making my way to him. I kept the black Zanna Bukar aside which matches his Patek Philippe and helped him put on the babbar riga and folding the sides. Afterwards, the cap followed suit and lastly his cologne. All the while, he kept his gaze on me. At first I kind of pretended to not notice, but it was getting harder when the man wouldn't even hide it.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I raised a brow as I attempted to take a step back away from him.
Keyword; attempted.
But, there's always a 'but'; you ought to know that by now.
He put his arms around me keeping me in place, "Nothing. Everything just feels so right" he answered with a smile now dancing on his lips.
"Really now?" I chuckled.
"Yes. My wife helping me dress up while she is looking exceptionally beautiful" he leaned down and placed a peck on my forehead. "Wait, when was the last time you complimented me seff" he pulled back a bit, his hold not loosening one bit as he now raised his brow like I did just a minute or so ago.
I shrugged and tried to stop myself from laughing when I saw his eyes narrow at me.
"That's it, I'm not letting you go till I get my compliment" he said seriously as he glared at me.
This time, I laughed without attempting to hold it back in, "In da rabon we'll not leave then..." I trailed off shrugging my shoulders.
His lips part a bit as he stared in shock at me before a smirk took over his features.
"What are you thinking of?" I asked cautiously as I tried to pry his arms off me again. I knew that mischievous glint in his eyes; it only meant that he's up to something. Something that might not be in my favor.
Who am I kidding?
Obviously it won't be in my favor.
His smile only became wider.
"Prin-" I couldn't finish because the next second I was laughing hysterically as he tickles me. I'm extremely ticklish so I just couldn't stop laughing.
"S-stop pl-" And I continued laughing irrepressibly as tears well up in my eyes from laughing so much.
"Say it" he taunt not stopping.
"Say what?" I asked in between laughter as I take a crack at getting his hands away but he just won't dislodge no matter how hard I try.
"Oya compliment me now now"
This time I didn't even try to get away knowing it was of no use, so I agve in, "You are handsome"
"Just handsome?" he raised a bow again for second or third time I can't really remember.
I giggled, freaking giggled! Like some high school girl, "Please..."
"Nope. Just say it"
"Fine! You are the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on" And that quite did the trick because he stop making my laughter died down. When I looked at him he had a small grin on his face.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" he asked making me narrow my eyes at him a bit.
"I'm never saying that again"
"We'll see" was his only reply as his put his hand in his pocket and pulled out something.
A small midnight blue box.
He took my left hand in his before opening it with his other free hand and took out what was inside. His eyes were fixated on what he was doing while I just stared at him as he slid the ring in my finger.
I gasped, "That's an Etsy" I said staring at the dainty ring on my finger. There's no way I wouldn't recognize an Etsy ring. It was simple yet so beautiful. Probably a Joylen design because it looks like something from their brand.
He nodded, "It's a CZ five stone ring in sterling silver" he explained as if that's supposed to make me understand something.
It doesn't.
All I heard was him speaking gibberish.
I don't speak that thing he just explained at all. The only thing I'm staring that which has my complete attention is a beautiful ring.
"It's beautiful" I said pulling back my hand to examine the ring, "I like it"
He smiled a full blown smile, "I'm glad you do. Figured you will want a simple one, nothing too extravagant"
I finally looked up from my now new favorite thing and smiled, "Thank you"
"You're always welcome" He looked down at his watch, "I have to go now, else I'll be late" he said returning his gaze back on me making me nod, "Samhah will be here any minute from now so that you can get ready together. I'll see you later" he leaned down again and placed a lingering kiss on my temple, offered me another smile before walking away.
Just like he said, it didn't take long before Samhah showed up. She said something about me dressing up in anything I like since the event is later. Now, we just have to dress up and head to Queen Dowager's chambers where the bride and her friends are.
I did as she said and quickly changed into a burgundy with light touches of viridian lace that was sewn into a ruffle hem blouse and wrapper.
Speaking of the impossibility happening.
Me and wrapper.
It's a miracle that I successfully tied it. Back then Ummi always scolds me about not being able to tie wrapper, or like the thing. It's not my fault though; I just never liked it, not one bit.
Samhah is dressed in a fuchsia with pearl white baubles lace sewn into an off shoulder gown with a flip which you might confound for being a wrapper from afar.
I wrapped my veil while she carelessly slung it on her shoulder as we made our way out of the chamber after picking out everything we might need.
"You know Ya Aamir will murder you if he sees you like that right" I said gesturing to her veil that she now held in her hand without caring that it's a wedding and there will be a lot of people, a lot of male. And there will be gossip mongers who don't have anything to do but spread fake news about people anyhow.
She sighed and wrapped the veil properly now covering her shoulders that were uncovered, "You're right. Harees is going to be here too" Harees is her boyfriend, soon to be fiancée soon to be husband; that should explain it. "And I'm sure he'll talk my ears off too" she rolled her eyes as we pass by group after groups of people, mostly women since the men all left for the nikah.
I chuckled, "You'll get used to it" I said remembering how Prince was back at the day when we first met. This reminds me of Baba Sarki's anniversary when he asked me to go and change, which I refused to. His reaction to that was hysterical. Serves him right though for thinking he can boss me around like that. "I got used to it eventually" I added as I turned and offered her a smile. It's true though, I did get used to it eventually. How can I not?
"You will not understand. Harees's overbearing is just something else" she complained while I internally laughed at her.
I'm sure he's nothing compared to Prince.
If only she knew, she wouldn't have said that.
Her brother seriously tops that list.
"But you do love him right?" I asked seriously as all trace of lark disappeared from my face. I know the answer is yes since their marriage is not an arranged one and all. I think if I remember well she told me that they have been together for four years now and they finally decided to tie the knot.
She nodded almost immediately, "of course I do"
"Then everything will be alright. You'll get through it. Also, you might want to make sure he doesn't get on the bad side of your brother else he might just murder the poor guy" I joked laughing which she joined.
"That sounds like something Ya Aamir will do for sure"
"I know right" I Know I already pity the poor guy. Before they get back from the nikah I'm sure Prince will find out about Harees and his intentions. Let's just hope he doesn't break the poor guy's legs. Hermano is another issue on his own though I'm sure he'll be more understanding than Prince.
It didn't take long before we arrived at the chamber which is the only place without much crowd, though there are still some people trooping in and out. They're just not as much as that of the other places around the house. Samhah and I greeted the people we met in the living room whom answered as if they're forced to. We walked further in away frok the people whom clearly don't like us to the room where the bride and her friends are.
Samhah threw the door open and walked in like the drama queen she is making our presence known. Immediately, all eyes turned to us. There were about ten people in the room to be precise, Adda Anee being one of them, Samhah and I being the eleventh and twelfth person. Nabeela is also here.
This should end well.
Note the sarcasm.
"Daihaah, this is my namesake, the bride. And namesake, I'm sure you already know her, Ya Aamir's wife Daihaah" Samhah introduced pointing to the lady that sat amidst of the girls in a black lafayah in contrast of her fair skin. Now looking closely she and Nabeela do look alike except that she's a little shade darker than Nabeela.
She smiled widely revealing her 32, one of it having the haqorin makkah prominent, "Khadijah! We've met during your wedding but I'm not sure you remember me" she said making me chuckle nervously because she is right.
I've met hell a lot of people because this family is big, I can't remember most of them.
"It's okay though" she waved it off, "I'm sorry for what transpired between you and Nabeela at the cocktail party" she apologized. This made Nabeela who is sitting on one of the couches with her head on her friend's lap hiss.
"Did I say I was sorry?" she glared at her sister who glared right back while I stood there awkwardly.
"Did I rope you in?" She raised a brow making Nabeela roll her eyes.
"Whatever! Don't waste your time apologizing because I'm not sorry, ba ita tana son ta aure a gidan kudi bah? She's welcome. Muna dai dai da ita" she said moving her glare from her sister to me.
I roll my eyes ignoring her and made my way to Adda Anee who is now sending daggers at the girl, "Keh Nabeela mind what you say to my sister" she warned but it didn't faze Nabeela; not one bit.
"Adda just ignore her" I said for the first time as I sat next to her on one of the numerous bean bags.
"Ignore her saboda ga mahukaciya ko?" The girl is simply looking for trouble. She wants to get an emotion out of me but unfortunately for her, she's not getting any because I'm not giving in. She can talk her and throw insults all she like I will simply ignore her.
On other days, I would've given her what she is asking of but not today.
"Nabeela shut up!" The bride hissed but her sister just glared at her.
"Beelah just leave them, they're not worth your time" The girl that Nabeela had her head on her laps said as she looked at us with distaste. I don't remember ever seeing the girl.
"If I give you back hand slap, your village people will come to retrieve you" Adda Anee said raising her hand mid air as she attempted to stand up but I held her hand back. She looked like she's about to murder someone. She's been in this family for long enough to know how they can be and I'm sure she has been in this situation too before.
Samhah stood hands akimbo, "Ke a wa? Kalan dangi" She said glaring at the girl that spoke earlier, "See if people in our family are talking, learn to keep that mouth of your shut" she point her finger at the girl who hissed loudly rolling her eyes muttering a 'whatever'.
Their whole bickering is annoying me but thank God they didn't say anything afterwards and rather we all talk, with the exception of Nabeela and her friends who have their own group as they talk amongst themselves but I really couldn't care less about them.
The bride is cool though, so unlike her sister. She is open-minded and talks a lot which is why she and I get along really well. Apparently her husband is from Katsina too and they'll reside here. I suspected that when the yodeling starts indicating that the tie has been knotted that she'll start crying or something like that but she didn't. The lady was grinning ear to ear as her friends tease her. She didn't even blush whatsoever.
That's a first.
It didn't take long before the men all came back from the masjid and that was when the yodeling starts much louder than before. The bride already changed into another outfit with turquoise lafaya and one of her friends already applied light makeup on her face.
We all left leaving her with two of her friends as we made our way to the other living room where the men are waiting. The groom accompanied by two of his friends went to the room and later came back leaving the newly wedded couple for a few minutes to themselves.
Adda disappeared to somewhere with her husband as she keeps complaining of her feet hurting. Prince was nowhere in sight so I stayed with the girls. A few minutes later he came in with a guy beside him that looks scared and judging by the look on Samhah's face he must be Harees. I've never seen the guy until today and not to lie he is quite good looking too. He is tan and a little bit shorter than Prince because he's a bit chubby.
Prince came to my side as everyone was engrossed in a conversation with the person next to them or the group they are around. The groom's friends occasionally exchanging glances with some of the bridesmaids who only blush and look away.
"You know about it don't you?" Prince asked as he leaned down to my height.
I raised a brow, "Know about what?"
He narrow his eyes at me slightly, "You know what I'm talking about"
Of course I do. He's talking about Harees's plans which I didn't tell him. It wasn't mine to share though so I couldn't. I chuckled, "You would've found out soon either way. She's bound to get married soon and you can't do anything about it. She can't be your unmarried baby sister for life you know" I said as my gaze moved to where the newly wedded couples are as they walked in together hand in hand.
He just shook his head as he glared at Harees again who is now talking to Samhah just a few feet from where we are standing.
My eyes met that of the bride's and she offered me a full blown smile before turning her gaze back to her friends as the people keep snapping pictures anyhow while some are just shooting videos.
"Tell me you didn't scare the guy" I raised my head to look at Prince who shrugged a bit.
"I now understand how Muhammad felt when we got married" was his reply.
I'm sure whatever he said to the guy is just empty threats because he won't hurt him. "Ya Moh wouldn't do anything; he was just trying to scare you"
He scoffed giving me the look that screams 'you don't know what you're talking about', "You don't know what he said. God I never knew he could be that serious in his life, he's always so carefree but the look on his face looked like he was about to murder me"
"That's Ya Moh for you" He's right. Ya Moh is always carefree and jovial. The only time he's serious is when something has to do with his family, like his sister getting married.
After a very long photo shoot session later, Samhah and I along with the girls left to eat food. By the time we returned back to the room we were in earlier, there were food warmers there already set out for us so all we did was pick up plates and dug in. this time, thankfully no one started any sort of argument as we all kept it to ourselves.
The bride was conveyed to her matrimonial home not long after Zuhr prayer where the Kamu event will kick in at four but I know there will be African time. We're Nigerians after all.
Samhah and I stayed back and went to Adda's place to change and get ready. Adda Anee was there waiting for us already and so together we all got ready.
This time there was no escape, Samhah forced to me to sit and cake my face all baked up after I prayed and that was exactly what happened. Adda having enough experience did her makeup by herself leaving Samhah who did hers lastly when Adda and I were dressing up.
The regalia Samhah picked up are a blue with touches of red and white atampha sowed into a blouse and skirt. I tied my headtie myself since the two other people are busy dressing up too. Now I have to admit, I look really beautiful much more thanks to the makeup. The red lipstick that matches my outfit is my favorite. I don't know why but I've always loved lipsticks most when it comes to makeup.
I waited for Samhah and Adda who finished dressing up not long after I did and together we made our way to the place where the event will take place which turns out to be in the backyard of the groom's parent's house. It is pretty big and very spacious. And the decorations were another matter because it was voguishly done.
Surprisingly though, there wasn't any African time because by time we got there the event has already started. Samhah said it's because they want to end it before six since there's dinner still afterwards which will kick in at eight.
I already pity myself.
I just wish there was a way I can ditch it, the flight, the nikah, now the Kamu and the dinner is just so tiring to do all in one day.
Boys weren't allowed in the Kamu so the event was exclusively females only. It was fun though, the whole traditions and everything. And there was the dancing part too which was the most fun. Now the thing I found funny about the dancing is the old women that were dancing when they were called out. The way those women were dancing will crease you up; I have a feeling that back in the day they were one of those energetic and carefree teenagers.
The groom's grandmother teased the bride about her stealing her husband away from her and so much more. The family are very welcoming and by the time the event was over we had a handful of souvenirs before they let us go back home to rest and get ready for another event.
By time we got back it was magrib time so we prayed, ate again before resting for a while then dressing up again. This time, Samhah let me did my makeup by myself as we were running out of time while they did theirs too before we dressed up again in another matching outfit. The only thing I had done for me was the head gear which Adda volunteered to do for me since she was done with hers already.
We met the men in the event center where they were waiting for us. Adda, Hermano, Prince and I along with two other strangers had the same table as we waited for the bride, her groom and her friends to show up. The men have changed too, Prince sporting a navy blue Kaftan and an identical cap while Hermnao had on a garnet Kaftan.
Soon enough as the latest couple in town made their grand entrance, the event was on full swing with people dancing, laughing and just enjoying the time of their lives. I got to know that the couple in our table are their cousins too that got married last year.
Hermano, the other guy and Prince disappeared in the crowd when some of their friends came and drag them saying that their wives have them wrapped around their fingers, this made us laugh. I didn't mind though because I like the other girl's company just as much as Adda too. She is cool and has no problem whatsoever.
A lot of minutes passed before my gaze fell on two people that were talking and laughing together. Prince stood laughing with a girl that I remember seeing her in the room we stayed in earlier with the bride. She's amongst one of her friends who looked at me with distaste just like Nabeela did but she didn't say anything. The was making gestures with her hands as she was talking making Prince nod.
The man was smiling widely like a goat that escaped the chances of being slaughtered on Eid.
Unknowingly my eyes narrowed at her making the attention of the other lady I was talking to earlier turn to them, "She will never change" she said gaining my attention.
My eyes snapped to her as my brows furrowed as a look of confusing wash over my features, "Huh?"
She point to the girl who was unaware of our gaze on her, "Her. She's been trying to get Prince to fall for her for a very long time now. She almost went crazy when you too got married and I thought she might've given up but it seems like she's not" She explained making me nod in understanding.
I looked at the girl that is in love with my husband and laughing with him too. "Does he know?" I asked not taking my eyes off them.
The lady shrugged, "Honestly I don't know. But it's impossible not to. I mean look at her, anyone can see it by seeing the way she is looking at him"
She is right. It's impossible not to notice by the way she was smiling widely and the way her eyes were on him.
And him, he just pretended not to see it or maybe he did, but he didn't do anything to stop it. Instead, he seemed to be enjoying her company.
"Don't murder him with your eyes Daihaah, clearly he doesn't like her" the woman chuckles making me look away immediately.
"I'm not jealous!" I exclaimed pouting a bit. This gained Adda Anee's attention whom was busy stuffing her face with samosas and spring rolls.
"Who is jealous?" she asked taking another bite of a samosa that's in her hand.
"No one" I muttered looking down not wanting to speak about but the woman didn't get that hint.
"She's jealous" The lady points to me chuckling at my expense before pointing to the two that are still talking about Allah knows what.
Adda's mouth formed an 'o' shape before she laughed too.
I can't see how these women find this interesting because it's really not.
"So that's why you look like you want to murder someone?" she asked with a mouthful of the snack. I'm beginning to wonder where her table manners went to. I rolled my eyes and looked away which only made them laugh more.
"I can assure you Aamir doesn't like her. She's his cousin that's why they're this close. Actually, they're not so close. It's a surprise that he even paid attention to her" Adda said as her eyes are now on the two too.
"Adda I really don't care" I said trying to convince her. Okay I was trying to convince myself that I don't care but that's a big fat lie. I do care. I care because my husband is talking to some woman that's obsessed with him.
But please, I've seen better.
I've seen Hannah.
Do women always have to be after him?!
"Well then, it's a good thing you don't because he is coming back so try not act like you want to kill him will you?" Adda said in a song like voice because she clearly finds this amusing.
I refuse to raise my head up to look at him, or acknowledge his presence when he sat beside me. His founds found mine which were under the table and he gave it a small squeeze, "Hey babe" he said trying to gain my attention.
I looked up and flashed him a fake wide smile which he noticed because he raised a brow, "Are you okay?" he asked making me nod making sure to stretch my fake smile.
He opened his mouth to say something again but was interrupted by a loud squeaky voice, "Ya Aamir!" she exclaimed as she came and stood beside him ignoring my presence. She still had the same smile she had on her face when they were talking just a few minutes ago.
"Hey" He flashed back the smile making me internally huff in annoyance and look away.
"Ya Faruk said to give you this" she extended her hand giving him his phone, "he said you forgot it with him"
He nodded taking it from her since the other hand is still holding mine. "I'm sure you know my wife Daihaah" he introduced tugging my hand a bit for me to look at her.
I flashed him a look of annoyance and a small glare which he ignored before looking at her. Her eyes finally left him and settled on me for a brief second before they went back to him.
"Baby this is my sister" he introduced turning to look at me with a smile on his face as he gestured to me with his our intertwined hands making sure she sees it.
Three things.
First, she looked like she's about to explode when she heard the endearment.
Two, her mouth hung open when he called her his sister.
Three, she shoot daggers with her cat eyes at me when she saw our hands together.
This only made a wide smile make it's a way on my face. Believe me, I felt like laughing in her face because of how she looks right now but I refrained myself from it.
"Nice to meet you" I said snapping her out of her trance.
She forced a smile on her face that anyone can tell it's fake before walking away without another word. It's alright though, her presence is annoying me.
All through the event afterwards I didn't see her which I was more than grateful for. Prince stayed by my side throughout not leaving till it was a little past eleven when he announced that we were leaving as it was getting late.
We bid them farewell before going back home. During the course of the drive, neither he nor I talked but were both rather enveloped by the peaceful silence. I laid my head back as he drive back home. Once we got back, I didn't waste another second in taking off the cloth and makeup and putting on my nightclothes.
Since I prayed isha before we left. I only made my way to the bed where Prince was already there and crashed in after bidding him goodnight because he wanted to cover up something. I tried to get him to leave it but he promised that he won't take long. I didn't have the energy to argue with him so I just slept off.
So it's another chapter.
It looks like Prince might just end up having another wife in katsina oo😁😉.
Lemme leave before Daihaah see this and decide to kill me🤣.
152K views people! Thank you!
Goodnight people.
Love, Jannah❤.
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