Chapter 14 👑

December 13, 2016

Kano, Nigeria.

Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

My heart was beating erratically fast, my mind was hazy, and my breathing was getting harder every second. My vision blurred as my hand trembles. I know this familiar feeling; I am having a panic attack.

"Get your act together woman! This isn't the time for you to be having a panic attack" Aaliyah shouted, swatting my arm with her hand violently.

I would've rained all sorts of insult on her, but I couldn't. I have to figure out how to steady my breath. I could barely see anything other than Aaliyah running her hands in her hair exasperatedly.

She released a sigh "Ok Adda Kubrah, listen to me. Breath in and out, just do what I do ok?" she said holding my hand in hers.

Well this is a first, is she actually being nice to me?

I barely nodded; all I could do was try to breathe well. A couple of tries later, my consciousness slowly regained and I could see clearer now.

Another car appeared out of nowhere, literally and over took us. It parked in a way that we had to stop. Our car jerked forward, and while doing that my head hit the front seat, same as Aaliyah's.

The pain is excruciating, my head kept on pounding but even with that I managed to look up as I held my hand with both my hands as if it will ease the pain.

Three buff men all dressed in black came out of the car that was in front of us. Their faces were covered with black masks but their arms which had lots of tattoos were uncovered. Their eyes were red, so red that it scared me. I've never met anyone with that red shade of eyes before. Any movement they make, their muscles show out.

One of them yanked the car door where Aaliyah sat. Using the same force he grabbed her arm despite her loud whimpers and pleads, he didn't let her go.

"Shut up bitch!!" he yelled but she didn't keep shut.

"Please, please let go of me, please" she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

My waterworks had already begun, so much that I barely had time to catch my breath. "Please!" I sobbed, "Let go of my sister" I pleaded merging my hands together.

Oga Samuel had already been dragged out by another man. His strength was no match to the man. But surprisingly, the person in the RV hasn't come out yet.

The man glared at me, so much that I felt as if the look is enough to kill. "If you don't shut that mouth of yours, I'll put a bullet right through this bitch's head!" he warned grabbing a fistful of her hair. This made her shout out of pain.

This was too much to take in; Oga Samuel is already being brutally beaten by the other man. He already has a black eye while my sister kept wailing on the top of her lungs.

"Please..." I pleaded, my voice coming out hoarse from all the crying. "Let go of my sister, take me instead...."

The man looked between the two of us, shaking his head slightly. Aaliyah took this opportunity to plead with him

"Mister, please take her not me! She's the black sheep of our family, daman everyone hates her please just take her instead" she pleaded sending me deathly glare.

Wow! What a lovely sister I have. Why not just throw me under a bus?

Note the sarcasm.

For a moment I felt like telling the man to just shoot her. But, no matter what sort of a bitch she is, she is still my sister and I'll do anything to get her out of this safely, even if it means risking my own life.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled, hitting her head with his gun so much that her eyes slowly closed, she had fainted.

I gasped seeing blood slowly dripping from the impact of how he used the gun, but he didn't seem to care about this.

"Man, take this girl to the van, she's so annoying" the man said taking her limp body to the other two men.

My vision blurred with unshed tears as I watch them take her away.

How the heck is it possible that there're no passer-bys?

With this small distraction, I rummaged all around for my phone, careful not to draw any attention to myself. I found it on the floor where it fell earlier. Hands shakily I turned it on and entered my contact log.

I heard the man's footsteps; hastily I dialed the first person on the contact list before throwing it under the chair near the door; where he was standing. So that if the person answers, he or she can hear what's happening and possibly come to help us.

I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but it's the only option I'm left with.

"Come out now!" The man said pointing his gun at me. His eyes scanned me to see if I'm trying to do something. His gaze travelled to where I threw my phone, my heartbeat accelerated mentally praying he doesn't see the phone. He slowly outstretched his hand to where the phone was, he was suspicious of the place already.

"Please let us go!!" I pleaded raising my voice intentionally so that I'll have his attention back on me.

He retracted his hand back, "Come out now or I put this bullet right through that head of yours!" he threatened.

Seeing that I wasn't going to move anytime soon, he roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me out making me fall on my knees. I know this would definitely leave a bruise or two.

My eyes met with Oga Samuel's with were slowly closing on their own accord. With the state he's in, he looks like he might die anytime soon.

"Just finish him off already; we cannot risk leaving any witnesses behind" the man who pulled me out said to the other guy who nodded pulling out his gun.

Mercilessly, without wasting a second to spare he pointed the gun at Oga Samuel's head. My heart was beating as if it'll jump out of my ribcage. I can't see this, it' too much just to see it all happen in front of me.

And then.....


My hands flew to my ears as the sound kept playing over and over in my head, like a song on repeat. Except this time, it's not the kind of song I'd like to listen to.

Little droplets of blood stained my arms, the side of my face and clothes. My eyes couldn't even keep looking at the sight in front of me.

A lifeless body lay in front of me.

I just saw a person get killed, in front of my eyes.

A strained loud cry escaped my throat, my body shook violently as I cried for my dear life and everything that just happened. I cried, so much that my throat hurts. My mind completely shut and at the moment I couldn't care if they'll kill me at this instant. It's too much to take in.

The man behind me sighed, "Just great, we made pampered princess cry" he muttered but I heard him well enough. "Oh Cindrella, you'll get used to it. I promise" he whispered patting my head; his voice sickly sweet.

I couldn't care less about him. My body slumped on the floor; my hands flew to my mouth as if it'll help the situation. The loud resonating sound in my head didn't stop. I ran my fingers through my hair exasperatedly, I clench onto the roots all the while wailing for it to stop. It's slowly replaying everything that happened and drowning me in its misery.

He held my upper arm dragging me to where the car was but I keep fighting out of his grasp even though I was no match for him. I rather die right this instant than to spend another second with these bloody murderers. He tried to restrain me but I kept on fighting with every ounce of strength I have in me.

Eventually, like I said I was no match for him. He managed to have my arm twisted behind my back so I couldn't move. This time, I didn't try to fight because I am too exhausted. It was like my brain is paused; I couldn't do or feel anything.

He pushed me into the car just next to Aaliyah. He quickly brought out a rope from behind me. Using it he tied my hands and legs to the chair, and it hurts so much I could feel it cut right through my skin. I clench my eyes shot because of the pain, it was almost unbearable.

"Now you can't m---" he didn't finish when someone hit his head from behind with a plank of wood. I looked quickly away so that the pieces won't hurt me. It wasn't just that, I was afraid I'll be the next target.

Slightly opening my eyes, I peaked to see his eyes roll back, and slowly his body slumped to the ground revealing the person who hit him...

Ya Muhsin!

Ya ilahi!

The look on his face could kill, he looks so furious. Using the same plank, he hit the man multiple times until he couldn't move anymore. Even with that, he didn't stop. He kept going on and on and by then I'm sure the man will have paralysis.

But that wasn't what astonished me. It was the three other men fighting the two other men including the one who killed Oga Samuel. They were three against two, and believe me I couldn't believe my own eyes.

The El Khabirs!

All the three men were here. Sultan Kabir, Sultan Omar and.......Prince Aamir.

When he was satisfied that the man could no longer move, Ya Muhsin threw away the plank not minding when it fell. His eyes found mine and I felt the tears come back all over again.

His eyes soften at this and the next moment he was standing in front of me untying the ropes around my wrist hastily. I had to choke back the sob that threatened to escape. He didn't fumble much with the ropes before loosening it, and soon enough I was free from the torturous ropes on both my wrist and ankles.

Seeking the comfort that I so desperately needed; I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace which he reciprocated without wasting a second to spare. A small whimper escaped my throat before I could even fight it back, the tears rolled out of my eyes like a watercourse.

I don't even know whether I'm crying because he is here and we're finally saved or because seeing him brought back all the earlier events.

"Shhh" he cooed, "I'm here, and you're safe. I promised I'll always take care of you remember?"

I tightened my grip around him, hiding my face in his torso. His familiar cologne; spice, lotus flower and oudh. It was comforting, and filled with gusto.

"I was so scared..." I choked on my own words. "I...i thought I'd never see you again"

"I'd never let that happen" he pulled back, cupping my face with his palm.

Using his thumb, he wiped away the tears that are left. I'm pretty sure because of all the crying I look a mess; obnoxious. But, I couldn't care less. By now, I've long gone forgotten Aaliyah and the El Khabirs.

"Khadijah, I love you. Always remember that" he whispered; a small smile form on his lips.

I couldn't help but smile too, despite my glossy eyes and running nose. Honestly, my head throbs so badly that I felt like the world's spinning. Desperately fighting the urge to give into the darkness, a loud resonating familiar sound filled the atmosphere.

From there on, everything went in slow motion.

Or at least to me it did.

My eyes wide as saucers as I tried so hard to figure out what just happened. My breath hitched but my heart was back to beating at its abnormal rate once again. I knew that sound, and I think I've heard it enough already.

I look up at Ya Muhsin who still had a smile on his face; but by the second it slowly disappeared.

Limb, his body fell.

I just sat there, shocked. I couldn't think or do anything as my brain is trying to figure out what just happened. Only when I looked at my palms my dumb brain put two on two together. My eyes are already subconsciously glossy.


My breathing hitched once again, black dots blurred my vision. I didn't try to fight it back this time. Soon enough, I gave into the darkness that consumed me.

At least it would be better than to actually believe what just happened.


The figure stood and watch Muhsin's body fall on the ground. They were all in shock so no one yet recovered from the shock. The person brought the gun back down, releasing a deep sigh as she watched Daihaah watch his body in shock. She had to fight the urge to go over there to her, she didn't want to do this but it had to be done.

Prince Aamir was the first to recover; he flicked his head to where she stood. Granted, he couldn't see her face because of the mask, but because of the black outfit and figure he figured it was a lady.

The distance between them was a little bit far. He knew he couldn't fight her; she is a lady after all but they can take her into custody.

The moment she saw the look on his face, she knew he will charge for her so; she sprinted to the RV at the fastest rate she could run.

Once she's in, she turned on the car hastily and drove off in an abnormal speed before Prince could even reach her, she was long gone.

She looked back when she made sure she maintained a good distance between them, she placed her hand on the hem of the mask before peeling it off.

Layla pushed back the strands of hair that fell on her face, wiping away the small beads of sweat that formed on her forehead. The broken look on Daihaah's face will forever haunt her knowing she's the cause of it.

She didn't have much choice; Lamido is already making his move so she needed to act fast. That's why for the first time, she stepped a foot in Kano after 18 years. For sure she'll get an earful from Susu about this bizarre plan of hers but she'll make him understand.

Now that things are going down, she needed him by her side all the time not part time. It might sound selfish but it's true.

With that thought, she drove straight to the airport not leaving a trace behind.

Back at the place where it all went down, Prince closed his eyes momentarily to calm his anger. Frustrated, he ran his long slender finger through his silky hair messing it up.

This definitely has to be his doing. But then who is helping him?

"Aamir!" Sultan Omar called, getting him out of his trance.

His head flicked to where his brother and father crouched to Muhsin's limp body, he has lost a lot of blood already. He ran to where they are to assist them but was stopped by Sultan Kabir.

"Aamir go to Khadijah, she fainted. I called an ambulance already, they're on their way"

He didn't need to be told twice because the next second he was beside her. His heart broke seeing how broken she looks even in her blacked out state. It was too much for him. Remembering all she went through that day, he felt his blood boil. There were bruises around her wrists and her beautiful face looks puff; strands of her now messy hair stick to her face because of the sweat beads.

He knows,

One thing is for sure,

It has started.


December 20, 2018.

Abuja, Nigeria.

"What was that all about?! How can you pull a stunt like that?" Susu asked, livid.

Layla sighed; she looked down and fixated her eyes on her hand. She hates it when Susu is angry; at times he ended up saying things he didn't mean.

"Susu calm down" she breathed out, "I only did what was necessary. Besides it's for the best"

"How is it that shooting a person a good thing?!"

"I needed to get Muhsin out of her life" she whispered

"Well guess what? It was irrational of you to do that. Someone could've died" he said pacing around the room.

She looked away resisting the urge to roll he eyes, "Well you're still alive" she muttered "Besides, the bullets were ersatz, they could only do faint damages not permanent ones, and they wouldn't kill" she clarified but that wasn't enough to calm his rage. Rather; it angered him more.

"So it was ok for someone to get hurt if you get to go on with that plan of yours?!" he asked, eyes bloodshot red with anger.

His endless blames and accusations were vexing her "No! You should know better that I won't ever do that"

"But you did!"

"Wait! Will you just stand there yelling at me and throwing all sorts of accusations when you know I didn't actually mean that?!" she asked, standing up from her seated position.

"Yes I would because you are not thinking straight anymore. For one you are careless, just how could travel all the way to Kano for that? You didn't only threaten your identity you also put your life in danger. If Prince caught you what do you think would've happened?" he yelled. How can she just not understand that he's just worried about her?

"Well he didn't so can you just forget about that and stop being paranoid" her voice raised a bit. Her stubbornness made it that she never backed out whenever one raises his voice at her.

"Oh God" he murmured running his hand in his neatly trimmed supple hair. "Layla for once! Listen to me! I'm just worried about you and I'm being like this because I'm crazy about you can't you see that?!"

"I really can't!"

"You're unbelievable" he muttered lowly. When did she turn into this person? The Layla he knew, loved, cherished and adored isn't the one standing in front of him now.

"You really don't understand it do you?" she asked calmly, though her voice is filled with disbelief.

He looked away exhausted by all the bickering, "Understand what Layla?"

She felt the lump form in her throat but she refused to let it out. She never lets anyone see her weakness, not even her dearest Susu "I'll put my life on stake for Daihaah a thousand times without doubt."

"And I'll put my life a million times on stake for you" his breathing now back to normal unlike earlier when it was ragged.

"It's not the same Susu! Now, all I have is her, she alone! Do you know much it hurts for me to stay away from her? Whatever she's going through, it hurts me as well. 5 years Susu! Five years I've been planning this from the moment I found out about her; I was so young then and yet I had to act like the mature one. Right now, all I know is her. I've lost it all already" her voice was hoarse, yet her eyes weren't glossy.

Susu's eyes softened; only now he remembered all she went through. And from day one, he has been there with her giving her the comfort she needed anytime. To everyone she has everything anyone could ever wish for but he; he knows what's behind that calm and collected façade of hers.

He moved closer to her, extending his arms when he was within arm's length, and she walked right in; locked in the embrace. Her head lay on his torso, arms around him while his were securely wrapped around her too. It was surprising how one minute they'll argue and the next make up without much effort.

"It has started" she whispered; afraid if she said it any louder it'll make it more badly than it already is.

"I know" his tone matched hers.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be"

"I love you Susu" she muttered closing her eyes briefly.

"I love you too Layl" he said, and from the bottom of his heart it was the truth. He loves her with everything of his, more than his own life.

But they know,

This is just the beginning.


Soooooo, who wants to kill me?

Hehehe, this is just za beginning.

But hold up, something good will comes out of all these y'know. There's always a light after the darkness.

And today, I'm soooooo heartbroken, Ya ilahi I feel like crying. Someone should pass me a tissue box please....

Before I start saying unnecessary things, lemme leave y'all like this.

Love, heartbroken Jannah!

So you want to know what happened ehn? Lemme tell you.....

Just drop a comment if you wanna know!


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