Chapter 7 - Thorns.
When life gives you roses, get rid of it's thorns. I've pricked my finger a thousand times, got a few splinters and a few blood spilled out. Sadly, roses are so pretty, so attractive, so loveable... But its thorns aren't so pretty, and neither are they loveable.
I told her the truth. I didn't hold back, and I never dared to look her in the eye. You know why? 'Cause every time I did, it felt like I was drawn into a nuthouse, created by my mind. I felt so emotionally strangled, and I wondered if it was too late to change the hand of time and simply pretend like everything was simply okay again. I wished I hadn't told her the truth, because I was certain she couldn't handle it. And I couldn't even blame her for it, not even if I tried.
And when she spoke. I swear, it felt like my heart was dragged right into a snake pit. I nearly, almost, cried. Call me a wimp, a sick arse or whatever... But I almost cried because I knew that my sister was trying her very best, just so this family didn't have to fall apart. She was trying. But I wasn't. I never even dared. In the end, all that effort of hers, proved to be so useless.
"So... So dad's really the villain?" I didn't answer that. I couldn't even dare. In fact, I still couldn't even afford to look her in the eye. Gawd! It almost felt like those eyes of hers would burn me. The hurt. The betrayal she felt. It felt as though I could feel it, too. However, her final question threw me off the edge. I stumbled with my words, choked on them, and wheezed at the hazardous effect.
"Does this mean that... That—" she gulped. "Does this mean that dad actually killed mom? You—you weren't lying?" Her voice shook, and I could see that those words felt like titanium on her tongue. I finally took the risk, and glanced at her, and I realised that my potential answer already shredded her to pieces, shattered the bits of hope left in her, and ripped every piece of her into bits and bits of piled-up rubbish.
I gagged myself, inwardly, feeling so stupid. She was messed up, the truth was hurting her mentally and emotionally— I could tell. But, no matter how much I wanted to lie to her and simply keep her in the dark; I just couldn't. I figured she deserved to know the truth. She had a right to the truth. I felt it was time she knew the truth. She had been fed so much lies, that she was so certain she was in the right, not knowing she been in the dark, all this time.
"Yes." That was all it took to rip a sob out of her.
"How— how could he? How could he do that to her? She loved him so much. I don't understand why he could have..." She trembled, shook her head, buried her head in her palms and slowly slid to the floor. It was then that I had to act fast. I had to get us out of Alisa's room. I couldn't risk anyone finding out that we were in there. How was I going to explain it?
And so, with a heavy heart, I led my distraught sister out of the room. I wanted — more than anything — for Kambili and I to talk. But I couldn't dare to speak to her while she was clearly devastated. I decided we'd talk some other time. For now? She needed to rest for a bit.
"How could he, Kamsi?" She kept saying, as I led her back to her own room.
"It's okay, Bili. Please don't cry." But she wouldn't stop crying. Instead, it felt like I worsened it by telling her to stop.
Although my heart crumpled painfully within my chest, and felt as though blood was being wrung out of my heart, I still felt the need to act like I was put-together; for Kambili's sake. It felt as though a major burn-out had occurred right there in my chest, and I found it difficult to normalize my breathing. How could I, when my sister was heartbroken because of me? That hurt in a million ways than one.
* * *
Kambili had been in her room nearly almost all day. I was worried about her, and even tried talking to her on the phone. She hadn't answered any of my calls, and that only had me pissed off. I should've known that the truth would have such massive effects on her. She couldn't take it. I knew that from the onset, yet I chose to tell her anyway. But that was by the way.
Y'know? I could be a fool sometimes. And by 'sometimes', I meant right now. And why? Because I was sparing a nincompoop, a piece of my extremely precious time. Know what that meant? No? Well, it meant that I was being irrational right now. I should've walked away the minute I bumped into said moron, but I didn't. Another reason why I felt like such a fool.
It was Wednesday today. Which meant I had school, and which equally meant I had to be in school. And I was. At least Kambili agreed to come to school, and was surprisingly acting like she didn't just almost give me a heart attack yesterday, with her major breakdown. However, I chose to act like I equally wasn't bothered by yesterday's fiasco, since the victim wasn't acting affected by it, anymore.
Sadly, today became a living nightmare for me. And although I knew most days were in fact, living nightmares; today was the worst of them all. And know why? Two words:
Krysta Mayorkun. The b*tch herself.
Now here's an interesting intro on Krysta: majorly, she was simply a b*tch from hell. Yeah, I meant that. Call me harsh, ruthless, or whatever... But Krysta Mayorkun? Will always be that to me.
And you may be wondering why. So here's why; we used to date each other. In fact, I was insanely crazy about her and all that sh*t. And I was so royally glad when she left the school last year. But seeing her now... In the school's uniform, and looking even way more b*tchier than ever - really made me angry and I seethed with pure, unrefined rage.
See, the thing was; Krysta and I broke up on a really bad note. The moment I turned into the icy human I was now referred to as, Krysta made up rumours about me. Yep, the same rumours that have, till date, been the biggest nightmares I've had to live with. She not only spread those rumours, but even dumped me with the sappy excuse that I was a bad person, a bad influence on her. A killer. A — what was it she said again?— yes... A murderer. That was Krysta being Krysta. She was just that selfish.
And just 'cause she was of mixed race, and happened to be a teen model, and actress, she suddenly felt she didn't belong in the same class as us regular humans. She made it seem like she was the frickin queen of frickin Jupiter.
Worse of all, was her brother. Her twin brother whom I never came to like, not even while we were still dating. Nope. Tryst was a plain bastard. There had always been some sort of unspoken bad-blood between us both, and — God forgive me — but I was darn happy about that. Know why? Well, that was because I knew Tryst was a bad person. A humongous, human-sized, blatant, hypocrite. And just when I thought no one could beat Krysta in being a b*tch, f*cking Tryst proved me effing wrong.
Tryst and I never got along. We always had beefs, and the idiot was always the reason behind all of said beefs. He was so self-centered and felt like every human deserved to be at his mercy, licking dirt off his expensive designer shoes. Be it Prada, Gucci, Versace, or whatever footwear he had on. The fool felt he had absolutely no reason to be questioned, and absolutely no reason to be conversing with mere humans. And just like his sister, he felt his good looks had him safe in the bag - popularity, girls, and whatever stupid thing he thought he could have.
Well, I'd like to think that he was an overall arse-kisser. He loved to get everyone on his side, just 'cause he felt he could. Normally, I didn't ever give two craps about animals like him, but I mainly started hating him when he happened to have been involved with Kambili last two years. I'd expected he'd know his boundaries, and know that he could mess with whatever slut he wanted to, but not my sister. She was definitely high-priced, and definitely off-limits for buttheads like him. But no. F*cker just had to make trouble, he just had to mess with me in more ways than he clearly should've.
He forgot, too soon, that I could take whatever darn insult from anyone, and that I could bear whatever effing sh*t people had to say about me, but, when it came to Kambili, I saw red. Literally. Or maybe not, but still, I could actually kill somebody. And I expected that although everyone — most especially, me — knew that Tryst wasn't exactly academically gifted, and didn't know crap about anything school-related and definitely didn't know the location of the library, and probably was allergic to books; I still expected that he'd be able to know his boundaries. I expected that he'd at least be able to differentiate between slutty highschool chics and my sister. Because, I knew for a fact, that my sister was no slut.
However, tiny-brained Tryst couldn't mark the difference. Instead, he went ahead and nearly took advantage of Kambili, in a party where she so happened to have been a little careless. As usual, I never liked attending parties and so I wasn't at that party either — although I'd been invited (because I was still the diamond boy, Kamsi, that everyone wanted at their party; as of that time). Long story short, Tryst had drugged Bili's drink and was about to make his move on her, forgetting the fact that I had my guys at that party, and they were on the lookout for Kambili, simply because I had asked them to.
Well, Tryst forgot that, and thought he could play Superman with my sister, and for one night only. But unfortunately for him, Tyrone had been the one to spot the idiot, and of course; Tyrone didn't miss the opportunity to beat sh*t out of the boozer, alongside the other guys.
Back then, I used to belong to a clique of guys which absolutely no one dared to mess with. I was the subtle one in the group, and I was tagged 'Slow Poison' because no one could really tell when I'd have it with them, and could strike like the speed of light. Tryst was a fool to have forgotten that, and like the Slow Poison I was fondly called, I did deal with him, without any mercy. And guess how?
I had him suspended.
I actually did the brainless fool a favour, since he hated school and basically wasn't even destined to excel academically. But, oh well... The moron held an edging grudge. However sad that was, it was quite an easy feat, given that the dude clearly had no brains, and so I had made sure to report his nuisances to the school's authorities, and with solid evidence. Ever since, Tryst had a silent, untold fear for me, and I did love that. But, I also knew his hatred for me equally quintupled.
Now the sickest part of this all — and definitely not the good kind of sick — was the fact that Krysta and Kambili happened to be besties before the she-demon left our school, last year. And guess what? I didn't give a f*ck about that either.
Fast-forward to the present, Krysta and I were staring at each other, dead in the eyes. For real, with no added bluff, we both looked like we were already tearing each other apart in our heads. At least I knew that was what I was doing. If she hated me, then she most certainly didn't know the meaning of that word, because I more than hated her. In fact, I still hate her with every friggin thing I've got.
It was bad enough that she had to come back to the school, but did dumb-arse Tryst have to come back with her, as well?
"Well, well, well," Krysta's lips curled into a menacing smirk. In reply to the hideous look on her face, I scowled at her. I knew she was aware that I definitely wasn't a fan of hers. And so, I expected she'd take the hint, and hurriedly take a hike before things would really get majorly sh*tty between us. Sadly, what could I expect from a Mayorkun? Just like her brother, Krysta was as dumb as a rock.
"If it isn't potential murderer, Kamsi Ekwegh. Not so nice to see you again. I seriously thought you'd would've been in jail by now, but I guess the system's slower than I thought." Her words ticked me off, and her presence entirely simply felt like thorns on my flesh. I had pure hate for this demonic witch of a girl. I couldn't even believe I was into this plain, slut with the big boobs and booty.
Must've been what had me fooled.
"Whatever stupid, unintelligent thing you have to say, I suggest you save it just so you don't waste the scarce amount of brain cells you managed to have borrowed. School's about to start properly, and sadly for you, we have Math for first period. Sorry not sorry, but it'd be better you save your brain energy for when the real Math problems are given. Otherwise, you might just pass out, since your brain is so fibble it'd probably shrink seven sizes too small." I snapped at her, really ripping the inner demon I had in me, out in the open.
Thing was, I never really took time to reply anyone or dish out comebacks. But I guessed Krysta really did bring out the worst in me. And I'd say that was a real killer factor, ain't that right?
Krysta hung her mouth open, and it seemed as though her reservoir of comebacks had instantly run out. No surprise there, she wasn't the smartest person there was, after all, and it was already much of a miracle that she could even come up with comebacks in the first place.
"Dumbstruck?" I grinned at her, taking threatening steps towards her. With each step I took forward, she took three steps backwards. "You should be. Now remember this, and have it stuck real good in that pea-sized brain of yours: I, Kamsi Ekwegh, do not have your time, Krysta Mayorkun. And I'd strongly suggest you stay out of my way while you're back here for the second time. Otherwise, you'd really be begging for brutal, and unnerving trouble. You have been warned." With that, I shoved her aside and walked past her.
"F*ck you, Kamsi! F*ck. You!" She yelled, like the ordained maniac she was. Not that I was surprised.
It was a good thing, however, that Tryst wasn't with her then. Otherwise, I was sure a fight would've broken out immediately. Wherever that moron was, I hoped it'd better not be with my sister. Else, he'd be digging his own grave with his own two, lousy hands.
Krysta and Tryst back to Eagle's Prep? This should be fun.
Mm-hmm, I strongly agree, Kamsi. This should be fun. Don't you think?
Anyway, thoughts on the new characters? There's Angel, Krysta, AND now... Frickin Tryst! Woohoo, major drama cooking. I know, I know, I'm such a great chef. Mind voting for the chapter? And leaving a comment, too? *insert puppy dog eyes here*
Anyways, thank you so much for getting me book this far❤❤❤❤
I'm so high on gratitude rn, and equally high on apologies too. I've not been the best at updating frequently lately. Please forgive me for that. The problem is:
Please, please, please don't give up on my book. I'm working hard to make it better, but I rarely ever get comments on what you guys think. Let's talk, guys. Please. I won't ever know what you think of my book, not until you tell me in the comment section. I can't read minds, y'know?😩 Please comment, don't read only and simply leave. If there's one thing I love more than writing, then it's reading y'all's comments. Pleaseeeeee🐭
Hope my emojiⓢ are convincing you🐹
Okay then, love y'all❤
Next chapter awaits... Equally the last 🐿🐾
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