70, hospitals and bionic soldiers
CHAPTER SEVENTY, bionic houseparty
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The next day, Bree was alone in the lab taking selfies after Chase disappeared again, with the brunette reckoning he was in Emilia's room, wanting time to himself.
Hearing footsteps approaching, Bree looked over to see Leo walking in with a bright smile on his face. "Good news, Bree! My mom called from the hospital and said Emilia's doing much better. She's gonna make it."
"Awesome! I'm happy now." Bree said, smiling at the news Leo had given her.
"Yep. Soon she'll be back here making her sassy remarks, making me wish she was unconscious a little bit longer." Leo joked, earning a pointed look from Bree.
"I really miss her." Bree sighed. "Although, it has been nice having the hair spray all to myself."
Leo chuckled. "Actually, Adam's been using it, too. According to Chase, he's developing new hairstyles for his armpits. You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute."
"You know, we should have traded Adam for one of Krane's bionic soldiers when we had the chance." Bree snorted, before her face fell into realisation. "Oh, no. The soldiers. I was so worried about Emilia, I completely forgot about them."
"Relax. I'm sure they're fine. Now that the Triton app is deactivated, they're just normal teenagers." Leo reassured the brunette. "Normal teenagers roaming the streets with deadly bionic abilities. We need to find them!"
The two were about to leave the lab when Adam walked in, furrowing his brows in question. "Find who?" He asked.
"Krane's soldiers." Bree answered.
"Oh, I think I can help with that." Adam smiled through his response, with Bree and Leo looking at him confused.
"Adam." They heard Chase seeth from the elevators.
"Chase?" Bree and Leo both called out, frowning at how angry the boy looked. He wanted to be alone in Emilia's room but he couldn't keep himself calm after what he was hearing in the living room.
The three of them followed Chase upstairs with Bree and Leo looking in shock when they see the thirty bionic soldiers standing in their living room.
"They're right here." Adam stated.
Bree looked at Adam in disbelief. "You invited 30 bionic soldiers into our home?!"
"No, I invited one. The other 29 were hiding in the bushes and followed us home." Adam corrected.
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Adam stood beside them, looking at Chase and Bree as he went to introduce. "Chase, Bree, I don't think you guys have been formally introduced to our friends. This is S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8 and- Ha, I'm sorry, I forgot your name."
"Hi, I'm S-3." One of the soldiers introduced as he approached Chase, causing him to instantly scream, and back away from the soldier who he remembered fighting during the battle.
"I know who you are. You tried to kill me!" Chase told the soldier, earning a confused look.
Not remembering anything about that or who the boy was, S-3 responded. "Why would I do that? I don't even know you, friend."
"I am not your friend." Chase made sure to tell him, backing up into Bree. "You used your electro-fork thingy on me. And friends don't electro fork thingy friends."
S-3 furrowed his brows in confusion. "I don't remember that, but if I hurt you, I'm sorry."
Adam sent the boy a strange look before reminding him. "Whoa, dude. Never apologise for hurting Chase."
Chase gave his brother an annoyed look, already wanting to go back up to Emilia's room so he could be alone but he didn't want to leave Bree and Adam alone with the soldiers.
"Wait. So do you remember anything?" Bree asked.
The boy briefly shook his head through his answer. "I remember my name is S-3, these are my brothers and sisters, and we followed this smart guy here."
Chase tilted his head in question, turning to Bree who remarked. "Well, he obviously doesn't remember what the word 'smart' means."
"They don't remember anything. It's like they're bionic blank slates." Bree stated.
Adam smiled at them in excitement. "Can we keep 'em? Most of them are potty trained. S-27's still a work in progress."
"No, we can't keep them. Just twenty four hours ago, they were trying to destroy us." Chase told his brother, giving him a reminder.
Bree sighed before chiming in. "Plus, Emilia and Mr Davenport would freak out if they came home to thirty bionic soldiers."
"All right." Adam nodded before turning to the soldiers. "S-30, take a hike. S's 1 through 29, welcome home."
Leo turned to Chase and Bree. "Forgot Big D and Emilia, it's my mom I'm worried about. She's still not sold on you three living here." He said, gesturing to the three siblings. "But you didn't hear it from me."
Chase and Bree simply rolled their eyes at the boy when Adam sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll get rid of them. Come on dude, I'll help you pack your stuff."
S-3 shrugged. "We don't have any stuff."
Adam looked back at his siblings with a look of sympathy before turning back to S-3 when an idea popped into his head. "Don't worry. I got you covered."
It turned out that Adam's idea was to steal some of Chase's clothes to give to the soldiers. "Here you go. Take as much as you want." He said, passing some shirts to the soldiers.
"Thank you." S-3 smiled at Adam in gratitude as he grabbed the shirt.
Chase turned around from talking to Bree, and his eyes widened when he saw Adam passing the soldiers his t-shirts. "Hey, those are mine!"
"Yeah, I hope you're all a boy's small." Adam said, grinning at the soldiers.
Chase huffed in annoyance before starting to go around and grabbing his shirts back from the soldiers. "Hey! That's my girlfriend's favourite one! Give it." He huffed, grabbing another flannel shirt from a soldier that Emilia once told Chase was her favourite one that he wore.
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After a while, Leo left the house, leaving the soldiers with the bionic trio as he wanted to go to the hospital to visit Emilia, bringing some gifts that he bought for her with him.
Opening the door to the room, Leo turned around at the sound of his mom's voice. "Leo! What are you doing here?"
Leo looked between his mother and Donald who wore a look of worry, standing in front of the bed that Emilia was laying in.
"It's time for my 12:30 sponge bath. What do you think I'm doing here?" Leo asked, sarcasm evident in his tone. The two adults merely rolled their eyes, letting out a sigh as they glanced behind them.
Stepping past them slightly, Leo's eyes widened in shock seeing Emilia still unconscious in the bed. "What's going on? You said she was doing better. That doesn't look better." Leo said, worried for his best friend.
"Of course she's better." Tasha smiled nervously at her son. "Look at her, she's pale, lifeless, surrounded by technology. That's the girl I consider my daughter."
Leo simply looked between the two adults before Donald sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry, Leo. I just didn't want you guys to worry. They're doing everything they can."
The Dooley teen sighed, walking over to the bed and placed the gifts on a nearby table before staring at his unconscious friend. "Hey, Emilia. It's me, your buddy Leo. I hope I'll be able to talk to you soon when you're actually conscious but I'm glad to see you're still fighting."
"Please wake up, Em." Leo said, gently grabbing her hand. "All of us miss you. We aren't doing so well with you in this position, especially Chase. He's not coping without you by his side, neither of us are. We need you to be the Emilia that we know and keep on fighting. So please, wake up."
Donald and Tasha stared at the two best friends with teary eyes. Emilia was too important to them and if she died, it would break them all.
While he was still in the hospital, Leo went on to ramble to Emilia about anything. It might have not been the same since she was unconscious, but that's what he was doing to past the time.
"Then Adam, Bree and Chase shot Krane into the sky. He looked like a big bald evil bird. Ooh! And I used my energy transference ability to finish off S-1." Leo rambled on to Emilia, gushing about the things she didn't see at the battle while Tasha and Donald were sat in the chairs asleep.
"Got to say, sorry you're sick but this is the most I've talked without you interrupting me with your sarcastic remarks." Leo chuckled lightly.
Suddenly, beeping sounds came from the machines surrounding Emilia making Leo stare down at his best friend in worry. "Mom, Big D, what's happening?" He called out to the adults.
Both waking up from their naps, they were quick to get to their feet seeing the position Emilia was in, along with the beeping sounds ringing through their ears.
"I don't know." Tasha told him. "Stay with her, we'll get the doctor."
Donald and Tasha soon left the room, leaving Leo with an unconscious Emilia who began to twitch as the beeping sound increased in volume.
Leo quickly got up to his feet and slammed his fist on one of the machines, exclaiming. "Stop beeping!" As he went to walk away, Leo started to panic when the beeping stopped, however it was flatlining. "Oh, no. Start beeping! Start beeping! Somebody help!" He desperately yelled, stepping towards the direction of the door.
A gasp of air came from Emilia as she started to flat line, making Leo more scared than worried as he pleaded. "No, no, no, no, no." His attention was brought to his bionic hand with an idea popping into his mind. "Okay, that's it. If this doesn't work, I'm really sorry, Em."
He sighed deeply before placing his hand on his chest, draining some of the energy out of his body while using his new energy transference ability. Once enough energy was surrounded in his hand, he looked over at Emilia and placed his hand on top of her body before drawing his energy into her.
The lights began to twitch as Emilia arched her back as the energy was drawn into her. Leo soon retracted his hand away from Emilia who stopped twitching.
"Please work." Leo whispered, wanting his best friend to wake up. It was only a few seconds later before the girl's eyes suddenly shot open, sitting up on the bed with a gasp.
"Holy shit!" The Hunter banshee exclaimed as she took in her surroundings before her eyes stopped on Leo. "Hey, Leo. Did everything go well fighting Krane? What happened?"
"Thank god, you're okay." Leo sighed in relief before going to ask his friend. "Are you hurt or in any pain?"
"Nope, I feel good. A lot better." Emilia confirmed for him.
"Good. 'Cause I don't." Leo panted before dropping to the floor.
Emilia followed him with her eyes, a look of concern crossing over her face. "Whoa, buddy. Are you okay?"
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Just after Leo dropped to the floor, Donald and Tasha came running in with sighs of relief seeing Emilia awake and conscious. After running some tests, she was okay, but still needed to stay a few more hours for a few more tests, just to confirm when she was fit to go home.
Leo was slumped down on one of the chairs with Tasha looking at him in concern. "Honey, are you okay?"
Leo looked up at the woman to reassure. "I'm okay."
Emilia frowned at her friend. "Leo, are you sure? You didn't look okay." She spoke softly.
Leo pulled a playful look of offence. "Why thank you Em." He replied sarcastically, making Emilia raise a brow at him.
"You know what I mean." She chuckled at Leo who nodded.
Leo smiled slightly. "I'm fine Em, I promise. I should really be asking you that." He said, making Emilia smile.
Donald nodded, turning to the brunette. "Yeah, are you sure you're okay? You took a pretty bad hit from the blast."
"I feel a lot better than I did before, so I'm good. I promise." Emilia answered him, but reassured them all.
Donald sighed in relief before Tasha's phone rang, leading for her to pull it out of her pocket with a sigh. "Ooh, I better get this. I'll be right back." She announced before walking out the room, pressing the phone to her ear.
"Emilia, why did you push me out the way?" The man questioned, softening his face at the girl who huffed out a breath.
The brunette shrugged through her answer as she looked back at him. "I think my alias kind of sums it all up. Plus, I couldn't let that happen to you. I guess you're kinda okay..." Her face showed amusement at her last words, which got a look from Donald, causing her to laugh slightly.
Donald smiled softly at the Hunter before pulling her into a side hug, careful not to hurt her.
Emilia simply smiled, pulling away from the man with a chuckle. "I honestly thought I was done but I guess fate stepped in and thought I was too important and decided I should carry on living."
This earned a small chuckle from Donald, but the two looked over at Leo who looked at them nervously. "Look Emilia." He began to say as he got up to his feet and approached the bed. "fate didn't save you. I did."
Donald and Emilia looked at the boy strangely, lightly chuckling as the former remarked. "Yeah. Leo, I've seen your grades, you're no doctor."
"I'm serious." Leo told them. "I used my energy transference ability to transfer some of my energy into Emilia."
Emilia and Donald widened their eyes at the new information from Leo before Emilia asked. "You what?"
Donald looked at his step-son in worry before informing him. "Leo, the human body was not meant to be tapped as an energy source."
Leo briefly shook his head at the man. "It's not meant to be bleached, plucked, or tucked either, but that hasn't stopped you." He reminded.
Emilia sighed, although rolled her eyes slightly amused before asking him. "Leo, why did you do that? What if you could have gotten seriously hurt? You didn't know the outcome of it."
Donald nodded before telling the boy. "What Emilia is saying is right. By giving her energy, you depleted your own. There could be serious side effects."
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Leo reassured before he glanced over at Emilia. "But I had to do something. Emilia's life was on the line, she was starting to flatline and there was no way I was going to let her die. She may be my best friend but she's also my sister."
The Hunter girl smiled brightly. "Aw, thank you Leo. I think of you like a brother too. I love you buddy." She said, pulling him into a side hug.
"Love you too, Emmy."
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After a few more tests, the doctors had informed Emilia she was okay to go home. The brunette stood beside the bed, putting her jacket on as she listened to whatever Donald was talking to her about when Tasha and Leo walked through the door.
Tasha grinned at the Hunter, holding up what she had in her hands as she spoke. "Emilia, we've got your discharge papers."
"Yep, you're free to go." Leo nodded, chiming in as he looked at Emilia. "I'm sure the others will be very happy to see you when we get back."
Emilia smiled at that as Tasha furrowed her brows seeing something in Leo's hair, making her ask. "Honey, is that a grey hair?"
"Could be." Leo started to say. "I thought it was obvious, but you and Big D really stress me out."
This earned eye rolls from the adults as Emilia pursed her lips trying not to laugh. Leo turned around to leave, only to stop when he heard gasps coming from the three standing behind him.
"What's wrong?" Leo yelled, still facing the door as the three of them stared in shock at the back of Leo's head beginning to turn grey.
"Your whole head is turning grey." Tasha informed, panicking herself.
"Oh no. That must be a side effect of his energy transference ability." Donald reckoned, with worry evident in his tone.
This made Tasha turn around with a look of shock. "His what?"
Donald sighed, looking over at Emilia who went to answer for him. "The doctors didn't save me. Leo did. He transferred some of his energy into me. That must have sped up his aging process."
Tasha kept the shocked expression on her face before turning to glare at her husband, smacking his arm as she asked. "Donald, how could you let him do that?"
"I wasn't in the room when it happened!" Donald defended, looking at his wife. "And Emilia was unconscious!"
Emilia sighed before turning to Tasha. "Look, if I could give it back, I would, but it doesn't work that way."
Donald nodded, sighing deeply as he gestured to Leo while saying. "He must be aging years by the hour. I have to find a solution to this fast, or..."
"Or what?"
Donald pulled a nervous look, pointing his thumb at his wife as he answered. "Or Tasha may have found that gallbladder she's been looking for?"
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Since the group had left the hospital, Leo's side effects had started to kick in more, slowly making him turn into an old man, leading for the others' worry to grow.
They were walking up the front door of the house as Tasha glanced back at her son. "I'm really worried about you, Leo." The two adults along with Emilia turned to stop, watching as Leo slowly caught up with them. His whole head had now turned white, along with him wearing glasses and holding a cane to use when walking.
Emilia nodded, worried about her friend but also trying hard not to make fun of how funny Leo looks in those glasses. "Yeah, buddy. We had to stop seven times so you could go to the restroom."
Leo stared between Tasha and Emilia before looking at Donald, gesturing to the other two as he yelled quite loudly. "What did they say?"
Donald sighed, stepping past them to be closer to Leo before speaking as loud as he could. "They said you have a weak bladder."
"Why do they need a ladder?" Leo asked, yelling once again making them sigh in annoyance.
Donald shook his head before yelling towards Leo. "Never mind." He turned around to look at his wife and Emilia before telling them. "I'm gonna go down to the lab and see if I can work up a serum to reverse the aging."
The two nodded before Donald went to walk into the house, stopping to look at Leo who glanced around while saying. "I need to sit. Back in my day, places weren't so spread out."
"Buddy, 'your day' was this morning." Emilia deadpanned at her friend, earning a light chuckle from Tasha.
Donald started to guide Leo towards the bench who was waving him away. "No, I got it. Got it."
Just as Leo sat himself down on the bench, loud cheering noises was heard from the other side of the door.
"What on earth is that noise?" Tasha wondered, earning a shrug from Donald.
Emilia huffed in annoyance before telling the two adults. "If they threw a party while I was still in the hospital, I am going to scream." The brunette was the first one to push open the door with Donald and Tasha following behind her, the three of them staring in shock at what they were seeing before Emilia looked back at the adults behind with a huff. "Would you look at that? I was right."
"Hey!" Tasha yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.
The music had stopped as Adam turned to look at the woman with a smile. "Oh, hey Tasha."
The bionic soldiers surrounding Adam, followed his actions as they echoed. "Hey, Tasha!"
Bree nervously smiled at the banshee although relieved to see her alive. "Em, you're not dead. Yay!" She called.
Emilia simply smiled, although confused at what was going on and wanted to know where Chase was, who was currently in his own mind, sat on Emilia's bed trying not to go insane with Emilia not being there but the soldiers were.
Donald brushed past Emilia with his glare set on Adam and Bree as he questioned through gritted teeth. "What is going on? Why is the bionic army that tried to kill us in our house?"
"We had no choice." Bree gestured to the soldiers around them. "The government wants to lock them up."
"So?" Donald asked, not seeing the disagreement Bree was having to lock them up.
Before anyone could respond, someone knocked on the door along with the doorbell ringing making Bree sigh in irritation. "Oh goody, more people!"
Tasha sighed, turning around before opening the front door to see a few agents standing there before they stepped inside. "I'm Agent Reed. The President sent us to assist in the search for the criminals." One of the agents introduced before looking around, when she finally noticed the soldiers. "But it looks like you've already found them. Good work. We'll take it from here."
"No. Mr Davenport, this is not their fault. They were being controlled by the Triton app." Bree pointed out, earning a nod from Emilia who slightly agreed.
"They are just like us." Emilia interjected.
"They're right. We should all be arrested." Adam called out, earning annoyed looks from the others as Emilia just shook her head.
Donald sighed, turning around to approach the agents, looking at Agent Reed as he asked. "Is this necessary? I mean, what law have they actually broken?"
"Theft of government property, breaking and entering into the White House and launching a bionic war against humanity." Agent Reed explained before gesturing to Emilia. "Not to mention, Emilia was placed in the hospital, almost dying because of what their leader did."
Emilia hummed before shrugging in agreement, seeing the woman had a point. Donald glanced behind him as he answered. "Well I understand what happened with Emilia, but the others seem like a slap on the wrist kind of a thing to me."
"Cuff 'em!"
"Go!" S-3 called out to the other bionic soldiers before they all geo-leaped away.
Agent Reed stared in shock. "What just happened?"
"They geo-leaped away." Donald informed, his lips tugged up into a smile. "See, essentially they can manipulate their molecular structureโ"
Agent Reed was quick to cut him off as she told him. "Short answer."
Donald shrugged. "They're gone."
"Find them!" Agent Reed called before her and the other agents all left the house.
Leo had brushed past the agents walking into the house, earning looks of shock from Bree and Adam who looked at Emilia for answers who shrugged them off, not knowing how to explain.
"My knee's acting up. Must be rain. Either that or I'm starting to fall." Leo started to lean to the side as if he was going to fall. "Yup."
Emilia was the first one to catch him as she lightly chuckled. "Whoa there buddy. This is what happens when you try and save your best friend's life."
Donald shook his head, going over to help Emilia before guiding Leo down to the lab so he could look for a serum to reverse the aging process.
Tasha soon left the room leaving Emilia with Bree and Adam as the taller boy immediately lifted her up off the ground with a cheer. "I am so glad you're alive!"
Emilia giggled at the boy before telling him. "Me too, Adam. I've actually missed you chaotic siblings while I was gone."
Adam smiled, holding the girl for a few more seconds as he spun her around before placing her on the ground when Bree told him. "Adam, stop. It's my turn to hug her now."
Emilia giggled, approaching her girl best friend before she was engulfed in a hug. "Oh I am so glad you're okay. If you were gone any longer, I would have gone insane, having been stuck with the boys." Bree sighed in relief before the two pulled away.
"Speaking of boys," Emilia trailed off. "where's mine?" She asked, making Bree sigh.
Gesturing to upstairs, Bree had informed. "He's upstairs in your room. You might want to go up there before he goes insane. He's not been doing well."
Emilia simply frowned, nodding at the girl before making her way upstairs and to her room.
Quietly pushing open the door, the girl found her boyfriend sat cross legged near the end of her bed with his fingers in his ears as he hummed to a song. She smiled softly, slowly approaching the end of the bed before placing her hands on Chase's, pulling his fingers out of his ears.
This earned the boy to slowly open his eyes, only to see the sight of his alive girlfriend smiling brightly at him as she spoke. "Hey, cutie."
"Emilia?" The boy only managed to whisper, not knowing what he was seeing was real or not. "Are you real?"
"Of course I am silly." Emilia said, giggling at the boy. "Otherwise, how would I be able to touch you?"
"You're okay!" Chase exclaimed, sighing in relief as he immediately shot his arms forward to wrap around Emilia's waist and pull her onto the bed, the girl giggling at the boy's antics as she landed on top of him before he pulled her into a soft kiss.
The two pulled away with Chase staring into the girl's eyes as he muttered softly. "I've missed you a lot. It's been hell without you."
"So I've heard." Emilia sighed. "I'm sorry I broke your promise."
"I don't care about that anymore." Chase began to say. "I'm just glad that you're alive. And I am never letting you go." He told the brunette, gripping her tightly as he turned her around, earning a soft giggle from her.
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After catching up with the bionic trio, Emilia went with them to try and look for the soldiers, practically attached to Chase's hip who didn't want to let go of her hand.
Finding not one soldier in sight, the group of four returned home, running into the lab to see Donald stood beside Leo who was settled on a chair with a blanket wrapped around him.
Once noticing the group, Donald threw his arm out, sighing as he asked. "Any sign of the bionic army?"
Bree sighed. "No. They could be anywhere."
"How's Leo?" Chase asked.
The man threw his arms up in annoyance. "None of my anti-aging serums are working."
Adam chuckled before chiming in with his own remark. "That's pretty obvious. I mean, look at you."
Donald simply stared at him in annoyance before turning around to look at the monitor, hearing the sound that someone was calling, only to see the President on the screen. "Mr. President."
"Davenport, it's good to see you again." The man said, smiling through the screen before noticing Emilia who stood beside Chase. "And Emilia, I'm glad to see you back. Hope, you're doing okay."
Emilia smiled softly at the man before replying in a polite tone. "Thank you sir."
"Now." The President started. "Where are those bionic soldiers?"
Donald threw up his arms, showing that he didn't know as he informed. "I honestly have no idea, sir." At that, the bionic soldiers all geo-leaped back into the lab. "Way to make me look good, guys."
The Davenport turned back to the monitor as the President told him. "I'm sending my agents to collect them. You're responsible until they get here."
Donald sighed, gesturing behind him to the soldiers as he tried to defend them. "Mr President, these kids are harmless."
"We don't have proof of that." The President said, reminding him.
Emilia sighed, her brows twitching as she felt her eyes suddenly turn blue. This earned curious looks from Donald and the President before they all heard someone dropping to the floor behind them, turning around to see that person was Leo.
Emilia's face dropped, her eyes changing back to their normal blue colour as she rushed towards her best friend. "Leo!"
Everyone huddled around them, with Donald and Emilia crouched down beside Leo who turned to Emilia, weakly calling out. "Emilia."
"Yes, buddy?" Emilia asked softly.
"It should have been you." Leo told the brunette, who sighed, mentally rolling her eyes at him.
Worried, Adam glanced at Donald to ask. "What's going on?"
Donald raised his head to look at the older sibling before answering. "His time's running out."
Emilia looked down at Leo in worry. He was in this position because he was trying to save her, and there was no options left to save him. Her attention was brought to Bree who noticed a few of the soldiers had stepped forward, draining some red energy from them. "Hey, what are you doing?"
Everyone followed her gaze, seeing what the girls were looking at before Chase was the next one to protest. "No. Get away from him!"
"Wait." Emilia shared a look with Donald before grabbing Chase's hand to pulled herself up. "Let them do it."
The group took a step back, allowing the soldiers to surround Leo who nodded at each other before beginning to place the energy into the boy.
The lights began to flicker, just like it did at the hospital, with the President looking through the screen in worry. "Davenport, Emilia, what are they doing?"
Donald looked at the screen to tell the President what was going on. "They're saving my son's life."
Once they were done, the bionic soldiers stepped back to give Leo some space. Chase crouched down slightly to check on Leo, only to jump in surprise when Leo sat up, gasping awake as he was quick to get up to his feet. "Whoo-hoo! Ding dong. Leo's home! Whoo!"
"Buddy!" Emilia yelled, smiling brightly as she engulfed the boy into a hug who smiled, wrapping his arms around the girl before Donald soon joined in, hugging his step-son in relief to see that he was okay.
Once they pulled away, they turned to Bree who was looking at S-3 in confusion. "Wait. So what just happened?"
"We transferred some of the energy from our bodies into his." S-3 explained.
Still confused, Bree looked at the soldier in front of her, chiming in with another question. "But won't that make you all turn old, too?"
"Well, if it was just one of us, yes." S-3 began to explain, smiling down at Bree. "But since we all did it, the effect is minimal."
"Ah! That was awesome. It's like you brought him back to life." Adam interjected, smiling at the thought. Gasping, a thought came to Adam before he piped up. "Nobody move, I'm gonna go dig up my goldfish."
Leo looked at the bionic soldiers with a small smile, not having expected for them to be the ones to save him. "Wow. I can't believe you guys saved me. I can never repay you." The soldiers simply smiled at him before Leo turned to his best friend beside him. "But she can. Pony up, Emilia."
The brunette simply looked at Leo's hand with an unfazed expression, who had it held out as if he was expecting money.
Seeing the look from his friend, Leo was quick to retract his hand as he muttered. "Sorry, my mistake."
"I will pay you back, just not in money." Emilia made sure to tell him.
Donald smiled at the two teens amused, before turning to look at the President. "Mr President, I think this is all the proof you'll need."
The President sighed. "That was admirable... but I can't let these bionic kids roam free. I'm sending a transport to pick them up."
"But sir, they're notโ" Chase went to protest, turning his head to look at S-3 who placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay." S-3 reassured him. "You've helped us as much as you can. It's time for us to go. We won't run this time."
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The next day, Donald had come up with a plan to stop the soldiers from being put in jail and shared it with Emilia, since she was now basically their leader. After discussing with the President, the man happily agreed with the idea, leading for the two to run upstairs before the agents left with the soldiers.
Running into the living room, they were glad to see the soldiers were still there. "Stop! Nobody's going anywhere." Donald called out.
Tasha came up from behind them, looking at her husband skeptically. "Donald, if you try to take on a team of federal agents again, you'll be the one in the hospital next."
Emilia pursed her lips, letting out a light chuckle before pointing out. "No. We have a solution."
Donald and Emilia turned to see everyone was looking at them curiously, approaching the bionic trio as Donald began to explain. "These kids have proven they can save lives and change the world. We already know what you four can do with your bionics. Just think what a hundred bionic kids could do."
Confused, Adam sighed at the man, briefly shaking his head as he spoke. "Aw, don't make me think, just tell me."
Emilia shook her head at Adam, turning to the man beside her who continued. "With proper training and supervision, they could go on multiple missions, save thousands of lives."
Emilia smiled, looking at the bionic trio. "And the President is already on board. We just got off the phone with him." She informed them.
The two received looks of shock, excluding Agent Reed, who wore a stern look, not having heard about the idea. "Hold on. I didn't get anything about a changeโ" Her phone beeped, leading for the woman to pull it out, staring at the screen before correcting herself. "Oh. Okay, you're good."
Uncuffing the soldiers, who were now free, the agents began to follow after Agent Reed out of the house. Chase smiled, turning to look at his girlfriend and Donald before asking. "Well, Mr Davenport, Lia, this all sounds great but how are you supposed to train hundreds of bionic kids?"
Donald and Emilia shared a smile before turning their gazes back to the trio with Donald informing them, "I'm not. We are." Emilia nodded, smiling brightly at the trio as Donald continued. "Since you're the first of your kind, you'll be their mentors. As well as Emilia." The bionic siblings shared a smile, excited by the news. "You'll train them, socialise them and introduce them to the world, just like Emilia and Leo did with you."
Adam shrugged, his lips tugging up into a grin as he chimed in. "Only we'll do a better job than Leo."
Emilia stifled her laugh, seeing the glare Leo held on his face towards Adam as he scoffed. "Excuse me?"
Bree raised her brows, giving the boy a look of disbelief. "Don't act shocked, you found us five friends in three years. Emilia did a better job than you."
Emilia snickered, reaching her hand over to cover her mouth. Tasha smiled at the girl before chiming in to the conversation. "So where is all this training gonna take place?"
Donald smiled down at Emilia, pulling her into a side hug before glancing around the soldiers to announce. "At the worlds first, 'Davenport Hunter Bionic Academy'."
Emilia gaped at Donald in awe. "Really?"
Donald nodded with a smile.
Everyone smiled, liking the name excluding Leo who chuckled, resting his arm on Emilia's shoulder. "I think you mean 'Davenport Hunter and Son Bionic Academy'."
Emilia shook her head, smiling at Leo amused, quick to come up with a remark. "And I think you still have a touch of grandpa brain."
Donald pulled out the glasses Leo had on during the side effect process, and put them on his face as he mocked. "What'd you say?"
โโโ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พโ: *.โฝ .* :โ๏พ. โโโ
The next day, Donald had everyone stood in the lab, including S-3 as him and Emilia wanted to show them the displays of the Bionic Academy.
The man smiled, standing in front of the screen as he announced. "Behold the worlds first ever bionic academy."
"Tada!" Tasha smiled, doing jazz hands as the others stared at the display of what the academy would look like on the outside.
Donald reached his arm out, quick to hush his wife away. "Yeah, back up. This is mine and Emilia's moment. Tada!"
The man looked at the brunette offended who didn't copy his actions, making the girl sigh who then repeated his actions unenthusiastically.
Chase smiled at his girlfriend, looking between her and Donald as he complimented. "Wow, Mr Davenport, Lia, that place looks amazing."
Donald nodded at the youngest sibling. "Yeah. It's a man-made island. Here's the combat training area." He began to explain, turning the slides to show them the blueprints. "And the capsule dormitory."
"Luckily, I get to sleep in a normal bed." Emilia chimed in, smiling at the thought before turning to the other bionic teens. "Sorry, guys."
"And," Donald said, shaking his head at Emilia amused. "the hydraloop."
S-3 who stood beside Leo, wore a grin on his face, intrigued by the name and the blueprint on the screen. "Oh. What's a hydraloop?"
Chase began to laugh, pointing at S-3 with a mock. "This guy. 'What's a hydraloop'?"
Confused, Adam stared at his brother with his brows furrowed before pretending to act as he joined in with the mocking. "Yeah. This guy." He turned to look at Emilia before genuinely asking her. "What's a hydraloop?"
Emilia smiled, ruffling his hair before she turned to explain to everyone. "It's an ultra-modern high-speed transport system that works like a pneumatic tube to and from the island. You hop in on one side and it spits you out on the mainland in minutes."
Donald nodded, smiling at the girl's explanation before speaking up. "That alone cost me 50 million dollars."
S-3 smiled, waving at everyone. "Great. See you on the island," He said before geo-leaping away.
This earned a look of shock from Leo who sighed, turning to his step father with a huff. "You couldn't spend 50 million dollars to make us do that?"
โโโ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พโ: *.โฝ .* :โ๏พ. โโโ
hope you enjoyed reading this
chapter! soon, it's bionic island.
you guys are not ready for the last
season!! thanks for reading, i love you
all!! <33
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