After securing the Junker, demolishing the gas station, and rescuing Cole, Baird, and Anthony from a relentless swarm of Grubs and Kryll, Delta Squad pressed forward. Their path led them into a dense forest, where the towering canopy cast eerie, shifting shadows. Moving cautiously through the underbrush, they remained on high alert—every rustling leaf a potential threat.
As Marcus navigated the vehicle through the winding terrain, Maverick caught a faint glow flickering between the trees. Narrowing his eyes, he leaned slightly forward, his instincts kicking in as the strange light pulsed within the shadows.
Baird: "The fuck are you doing?"
Maverick: "Thought I saw something."
Before he could say more, a sudden explosion ripped through the night, the shockwave rattling the squad. Dom spun around, his eyes widening as flames erupted from the rear of the Junker, thick smoke curling into the darkened sky.
Dom: "Hold up!"
Marcus hit the brakes, bringing the Junker to a stop. The team stepped off, weapons at the ready.
Marcus: "Okay, Delta—looks like we're walking."
Baird: "Are you kidding me?"
Maverick: "Oh, quit bitching, blondie."
Marcus: [gets on comms] "Control, this is Delta Squad. Our vehicle is DOA, and we're on foot. Please advise."
"Copy that, Delta. The pumping station lift is offline. You'll need to enter the mines through the factory. Continue down this road."
Marcus: [nods] "Affirmative."
Baird: [looks back at Junker, shakes head] "Stupid Junker. Piece of shit!"
Dom: "Can you fix it?"
Cole: [smirks] "Baird can fix anything, man. He just needs the right parts."
Maverick: [smirks] "Is an off-and-on switch for his mouth too much?"
Anthony chuckled softly, the sound barely audible over the eerie silence of the forest. Suddenly, a faint scuttling noise drew their attention upward. A pair of Wretches darted along the pipeline above them, their glowing yellow eyes and mouths casting an eerie light in the dim surroundings.
Dom: "What was that?"
Marcus: [gets on comms] "Control. We've got what looks like glowing Wretches out here."
"Copy that. We've had reports of Lambent Wretches before, possibly due to direct Emulsion exposure. Be advised, they are extremely volatile."
Anthony: "Uglier than the regular ones too."
Maverick: [smirks] "Nah, Baird is uglier."
Baird: "Fuck you, asshole."
Cole: "What the hell does 'Lambent' mean?"
Baird: "Means they glow in the dark."
Cole: "Hell yeah, they do."
They reached a large door, and Marcus and Dom immediately tried sawing and kicking it open.
Baird: "Open that door, will ya?"
Maverick: [rolls eyes] "How about instead of bitching, you give it a damn try? Or is that too much for you, princess?"
Baird opened his mouth to respond, but Marcus cut him off.
Marcus: "It's locked."
Dom: "Just get Jack to open it."
Jack decloaked, floating forward to cut the lock.
Marcus: "Won't work. These doors are too thick."
Jack whirred sadly, and Maverick patted his head before the bot cloaked again.
Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. We're at the factory, but the entrance is blocked."
"Copy that, Delta. Sorry, but I don't see any other options on my screen."
Marcus: [sighs] "All right. This'll go faster if we split up. Cole, Baird, Carmine—you head that way. We'll go right. Radio us when you find an entrance."
Cole: "Aw, man. I don't know... That sounds like a bad idea."
Marcus: "I'll be sure to take that under advisement, Cole. Now move it."
Cole: [salutes] "Yes, sir!"
Baird: [nods left] "Come on, guys. Let's move."
Marcus, Dom, and Maverick headed right.
Dom: "Damn, Marcus."
Marcus: [shrugs] "He'll get over it."
A Lambent Wretch darted up a nearby wall.
Dom: "Did you guys see that?"
Marcus: "Yep. Kinda wish I hadn't."
A Wretch suddenly dropped down, letting out a bone-chilling shriek. The sound echoed through the night, summoning more of them. Without hesitation, Maverick pulled out his dual Gorgon pistols.
Maverick: [cracks neck] "Let's do this."
The trio opened fire, tearing through the Lambent Wretches. Each one collapsed into a grotesque pile of glowing yellow sludge. Maverick lined up his final shot, pulling the trigger and blasting the last Wretch into a violent burst of Emulsion. The glowing liquid surged toward him, but he reacted quickly, leaping out of the way just in time to avoid the searing wave.
Maverick: "Nice try. I ain't getting that shit on me—God knows what will happen."
They reached an elevator and stepped in.
Dom: "You guys know that nobody's been underground in years, right?"
Marcus: [nods] "I know."
Dom: "Look, man. It's enemy territory. I mean, it's bad enough when we're fighting these things outside, in broad daylight. But underground—in the dark—"
Marcus: "Yeah. Could be bad... But, hey, don't tell Baird that. He's scared shitless as it is."
Maverick: "Shit, you've got that right. My daughters are braver than the blonde princess."
Dom: "Shit, man, I gotta know—when was the last time you saw them?"
Maverick: "Several years ago, before I got thrown in prison."
Dom: "Shit, man. Must be hard on you."
Maverick remained silent, a fleeting look of sadness crossing his face. For a moment, it seemed as though the weight of unspoken memories lingered, but he quickly shook it off, replacing it with his signature smirk. Without a word, Marcus climbed through a shattered window, the glass crunching softly underfoot. Dom and Maverick followed closely behind, their focus shifting back to the task at hand.
Marcus: [taps comm] "Baird, Cole, Anthony. We're in."
Baird: "What took you so long? We've been here for at least two minutes."
Marcus: "Well, good for you, smartass. Give us your location?"
Baird: "The basement. And it's a dump."
Maverick: [taps comm] "Sounds like you should feel right at home, princess."
Baird: "Suck my nuts, asshole."
Maverick: "Aw, I always figured you were gay for me, princess~."
Before Baird could fire back, Marcus cut in.
Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. We're in."
"Copy that. Keep moving through the factory till you find the cart control room. I'll use the carts to get you to the mine."
Marcus: "Delta, let's not waste any time meeting up. Let's just find the cart control room."
Baird: [teases ominously] "Watch out for the Boogeyman."
Maverick: "I knew you had the heart to warn us, princess, but you're in the basement—he'd come for you first." [laughs eerily]
A chill ran through every member of Delta as Maverick's unsettling laugh echoed down the hallway, sending an involuntary shiver through them. Pressing forward, they entered a room heavy with the stench of death. Mangled bodies lay scattered across the floor, and blood streaked the walls in grotesque patterns. Maverick scanned the carnage, his expression hardening as he shook his head. The grim scene spoke for itself.
Maverick: "Fucking hell. Did Three Fingers and his brothers come to visit?"
Baird: "Hey! I think I got it!"
Marcus: "Yeah, Baird. You did."
Dom: "Yeah, turn 'em off, willya?"
Baird: [confused] "Huh? What?"
Maverick: "Don't worry about it. Dom's just overreacting."
Marcus pressed a button, and the door slid open with a mechanical hiss. Suddenly, a Stranded sprang up from behind a tattered couch, firing wildly. The shot struck the wall, narrowly missing the trio. Instinctively, they raised their weapons, eyes locking onto the target.
Marcus: "Cease fire!"
The Stranded hesitated before dropping his gun and raising his hands.
Maverick: "You've got some shitty fucking aim, dipshit."
Dipshit: [sighs in relief] "Finally! The rescue team!"
Dom: "What are you doing in here?"
Dipshit: "Waiting for you. I'm ready to go!"
Marcus: [steps forward] "We're looking for the cart control room. Where is it?"
Dipshit: "Well, uh, you have to get down to the factory floor, through that door. But it's locked."
Maverick: "How about you help us unlock it?"
Dipshit: "Who, me? Aren't we leaving?"
Marcus: "Not yet. Come on." [taps comm] "This is Delta-One. Still proceeding as planned. But we have a Stranded with us."
Baird: [over comms] "No shit! Ask him if he's seen any Geobots. I still need one for our Junker."
Maverick: "Who cares right now? We've gotta set off the Resonator—look for one later."
The squad reached the door, and the Dipshit nervously punched in the key code. The panel beeped, and the lock disengaged. As Delta-One and their reluctant companion stepped inside, a low, guttural growling echoed from the vents above. The unmistakable sound of Lambent Wretches sent a wave of tension through the group.
Marcus: [taps comm] "Delta-Two, come in. Watch the vents."
Baird: "Roger... You're not going to believe where we are."
Maverick: [taps comm] "Hey, sis. Where are they?"
"GID readings are faint. Looks like... the sewer system?"
Anthony: [groans] "It's fucking disgusting down here. I can smell it through my damn helmet."
Cole: [laughs] "C'mon, Carmine! Little bit of this is good for ya! Builds your immune system!"
Baird: "Yeah, it also builds disease. Delta-Two out."
Dom: "No way."
Marcus: "Sucks to be them."
The squad stepped into the next room, their boots echoing softly against the floor. At the center of the space was a massive metal grate, its bars offering a view of the level below. Suddenly, footsteps rang out beneath them. Peering down through the grate, they spotted familiar figures—Baird, Cole, and Anthony—moving below.
Marcus: [smirks] "Hi, boys."
Dom: [chuckles] "I can smell you three a mile away."
Baird: "Screw you, man. Get down here and see how much you like it! There's room for one more. It's a fucking party down here."
Maverick: "Nah, I think we're good. Hey, Anthony. You doing alright?"
Anthony: "Yeah, other than the terrible smell, I'm all good. Baird is hella annoying though."
Marcus: "Keep moving. We'll see you at the carts."
Baird, Cole, and Anthony kept moving down the pipelines as the rest of the squad advanced into the next room along the catwalk.
Stranded: "Can we please just leave?"
Marcus: "No. We've got work to do."
Stranded: "Please! If we stay here, they'll kill us for sure!"
Dom: "Relax, will ya?"
Stranded: "You relax! You Gears all suck—bunch of bloodthirsty, fascist pigs!"
A sharp crack echoed through the room as Maverick's patience finally snapped. In a blur, he seized the Stranded by the throat, hoisting him off the ground as if he weighed nothing. The man's breath hitched in his throat, his feet kicking uselessly in the air. Maverick didn't just slam him against the wall—he drove him into it, the impact rattling the catwalk. Dust and rust rained down from the ceiling as the Stranded clawed at Maverick's grip, his terrified eyes bulging.
Maverick leaned in, his voice low, venomous.
Maverick: "You listen, and you listen well, you spineless little shit. Say that again—call us bloodthirsty fascist pigs one more goddamn time—and I will rip your fucking arm off and ram it so far down your throat you'll be shitting fingers for a week."
The Stranded whimpered, choking as Maverick's grip tightened.
Maverick: "You think we fight for fun? You think we enjoy bleeding so ungrateful cowards like you can scurry around in the dark, too weak to even fight for your own survival? My mother died for the COG, and I swear on her grave, I will not let a worthless rat like you spit on her sacrifice. So if you value your pathetic excuse of a life, you will shut your goddamn mouth. Do you understand me?"
The Stranded's face turned red as he gasped desperately.
Stranded: [choking] "I—I understand! I swear!"
Maverick held him there a second longer, letting the fear sink deep, before flashing the ghost of a smirk.
Maverick: "Good boy."
With a flick of his wrist, he dropped the Stranded like garbage, letting him crumple to the ground in a coughing, gasping heap. The man scrambled away, his limbs shaking as he stumbled back to his feet, keeping as much distance as possible from Maverick. He didn't say another word.
Delta moved forward, descending to the lower level. The stench of old blood filled the air. A shattered floor, hastily covered with wooden planks, hinted at a violent past. The Stranded glanced at it, then at Maverick—then quickly looked away.
Dipshit: "If we cut through here, we'll be alright."
The Stranded cautiously stepped across the wooden boards, his movements tense and unsteady. Suddenly, one of the boards splintered beneath him with a loud crack. A panicked scream tore from his throat as he plummeted into the darkness below.
A split second later, the guttural growls of Wretches drowned out his cries. The creatures descended upon him in a frenzy, tearing into him with savage ferocity. His screams were short-lived, replaced by chilling silence.
Maverick: "Well... Saves me from killing him."
Dom: "You're a fucked-up man, Maverick."
Maverick: "I know. That's why Alex married me."
Marcus: "Careful! We need to keep moving. Just watch your step."
They cautiously made their way across the unstable boards, stepping carefully to avoid the same fate. As they reached the next area, Maverick's sharp eyes caught a glint of metal among the debris.
He bent down, retrieving a set of COG tags from the bloodstained ground. Turning them over in his hand, he paused for a moment before reading the name etched into the tags, his voice steady but laced with solemnity.
Maverick: "I'll make sure these get back to your family, Nektarios Lestrange."
The trio had a brief but intense skirmish with a few more Lambent Wretches, swiftly dispatching them before regrouping.
As Marcus led them down a dimly lit hallway, a Lambent Wretch lunged from the shadows, its glowing form streaking toward him. Before he could react, Maverick shoved him aside, his hidden blade snapping into place with a metallic hiss.
In one fluid motion, he decapitated the Wretch, its headless body crumpling to the ground. Without hesitation, he followed up with a powerful kick, sending the corpse flying just as it exploded—sparing the squad from a deadly Emulsion blast. As his blade retracted with a sharp click, Maverick glanced at Marcus.
Maverick: [smirks] "You're welcome."
The trio pressed forward, their footsteps echoing in the heavy silence. Suddenly, the door on the far side of the room burst open with a loud crash. Instinctively, they raised their weapons, only to lower them moments later as Cole, Baird, and Anthony stormed in, weapons at the ready. They were battered but standing strong.
Cole: [laughs] "Can't stop the train, baby!"
Dom: [chuckles] "You guys look good... ugh, smell good too."
Baird: "I don't wanna hear it, man. Not a word."
Maverick: [smirks] "Always knew shit would be your color, Princess."
Baird flipped Maverick off, grumbling under his breath. Maverick just chuckled.
Marcus: "What about the Resonator, Cole? Still in one piece?"
Cole: "You know it! The train is a smooth ride."
Maverick strode over to the control wheel, gripping it tightly before turning it with deliberate force. The metal groaned in protest as the heavy gates began to rise. As the gap widened, Dom's eyes flicked to the shadows—a flicker of movement catching his attention.
Dom: "I saw something."
Baird: [glances up] "Up high!"
Maverick: "Cart control room's that way!"
Before anyone could react, Lambent Wretches screeched as they dropped from above, their glowing bodies illuminating the dim room. Marcus and Maverick were the first to fire, their weapons barking as they tore into the incoming wave. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad pushed forward, slicing through the horde with relentless gunfire.
Dom reached the door first and delivered a forceful kick. It didn't budge. Frustration flickered across his face as more Wretches screeched behind them.
Dom: "It won't open!"
Marcus: "Jack! Rip the door!"
Jack decloaked with a faint hum, floating toward the lock and getting to work. The squad kept their weapons raised, the air thick with tension. Then, from somewhere beyond the door, the grinding sound of machinery echoed through the chamber. They turned just in time to see an elevator descending, its rusted metal cage rattling under the weight of something massive.
Anthony: "Boomer!"
Maverick calmly loaded his Torque Bow, leveling it at the towering Boomer. With a precise shot, the explosive arrow struck dead center, detonating on impact and sending the massive creature crashing to the ground. Without hesitation, he reloaded in one seamless motion, firing two more arrows in rapid succession. Both found their marks, erupting in fiery explosions that obliterated the two nearby Drones.
For a moment, Delta Squad stood in stunned silence, barely able to process the sheer speed and efficiency with which Maverick handled the Torque Bow.
Dom: "Damn."
Maverick: [mocking] "Oh, look at me, I'm a big Locust with a big boom stick." [regular voice] "You're pathetic, you know that."
Marcus: [shakes off his surprise] "Let's move, Delta."
Pushing forward, they arrived at the cart control room.
Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. We're at the cart control room."
"Copy that, Delta."
Marcus: "Everybody, grab some ammo."
He activated the carts.
Dom: "Man, you shitheads need to get in your own carts. No way am I standing next to you."
Cole: "What?"
Baird: "Let's just get this over with."
The team climbed into their mine carts, bracing themselves as the doors creaked open. The carts rumbled forward, carrying them over rivers of glowing Emulsion. Along the way, waves of Locust attacked, forcing them to fight relentlessly to keep the tracks clear. Their weapons blazed, cutting through the enemies until the carts finally screeched to a halt at the end of the line.
As Maverick and Marcus climbed out, a distant yell caught their attention. They turned just in time to see another cart barreling down the track at full speed. It slammed into Maverick's cart with a thunderous crash, sending Baird flying through the air. He landed awkwardly in Marcus's cart before quickly scrambling out, shaking his head.
Baird: [shakes head] "Oh, that was fun."
Maverick: [laughs quietly] "It was."
Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. Do you read?"
"I copy. You're almost there. The drilling platform is straight ahead in the core room."
Marcus: "You guys hear that?"
Dom: "Yup."
Anthony: "Can we get this shit over with? My legs are killing me."
The two squads advanced toward the core room, clearing out a few Lambent Wretches along the way.
Marcus: [taps comm] "Control, this is Delta. We've entered the core room."
"Stand by, Delta. I'm raising the platforms for you."
Maverick: "While my sister does that, let's check our ammo and weapons."
Baird: "And why would we do that?"
Before Maverick could respond, a Boomshot round whistled past, narrowly missing him and Baird. The explosive shell rocketed between them, forcing both Gears to dive for cover just before it smashed into the wall behind them, erupting in a deafening explosion. Shrapnel and debris rained down as the rest of the squad scrambled for cover.
Maverick: "You were wondering why, Princess? That's why!"
Baird: "I get it! Hop off my fucking dick, you cocksucker!"
Springing to their feet, Baird and Maverick unleashed a relentless barrage of fire on the Boomer ahead of them. Marcus quickly joined in, his shots precise and controlled. Meanwhile, on the opposite catwalk, Cole, Dom, and Anthony engaged another Boomer, their combined firepower hammering into the hulking Locust as they worked to bring it down.
Maverick: "Keep me covered!"
But he didn't wait for an answer.
With a raw, animalistic snarl, Maverick vaulted over cover and charged straight for the Boomer. Bullets whizzed past him but he didn't care.
He slammed into the Boomer like a battering ram, the sheer force sending the massive creature stumbling backward before it crashed to the ground with a seismic thud.
But Maverick wasn't done.
He pounced onto the downed Locust, fists swinging before the creature even had a chance to react. His first punch shattered its nose with a sickening crunch. His second caved in part of its skull. Then came the third. And the fourth. And the fifth.
His furious, guttural screams drowned out everything else as his fists became a blur, pounding the Boomer's head into something unrecognizable. Blood splattered his face, his armor—his hands slick and dripping—but he kept going, slamming his fists down again and again and again.
The Boomer's skull finally collapsed with a grotesque, wet pop, blood and brain matter spraying across the catwalk in thick, pulpy chunks. Maverick didn't even flinch.
He stayed there, straddling the mangled corpse, chest heaving, fists trembling. His breath came in ragged, uneven bursts—like a caged animal that had just tasted freedom and wasn't ready to be chained again.
Slowly, deliberately, he wiped a bloodied hand against his armor. Then, without a word, he drove his boot into what was left of the Boomer's face with a forceful crack, sending the mutilated corpse rolling off the platform. It tumbled into the abyss below, vanishing into the void.
Marcus and Baird climbed onto the platform beside him, weapons still at the ready. Across the way, Cole, Anthony, and Dom secured their own position, regrouping on the adjacent platform.
Marcus: "You gonna be alright, Mav?"
Maverick didn't answer. His gaze remained locked on the abyss where the Boomer had disappeared, his expression unreadable. He stood motionless, lost in thought, as the weight of the moment settled over him.
Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. We're on the drilling platforms."
"Copy that. Sending the platforms down now. Once you're in the mine, you'll need to find the pumping station and plant the Resonator. Get it done before dawn—you don't want to be there when the Kryll come back."
Marcus: "Copy that, Anya. We'll probably lose contact, so we'll hear from you soon."
"Copy that. Keep safe down there."
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