chapter three
Third Person's POV
Kiana rolls her eyes as she notices a party going in the house. Of course the team was more interested in finding a hookup than wondering where she and Dom were.
"Take care." Brian calls as Kiana and Dom start making their way up to the house.
"He saved your ass, you could at least repay him with a beer." Kiana says to her ex-husband as Dom shrugs before he nods.
"Yo, Spilner." Dom calls causing the blonde man to look at him. "You want a beer? Or do you got to go home to your child?"
Brian thinks long and hard now that Dom mentioned Britney. Truth was he wanted to go back home to his daughter but yet he also didn't. He knows that his daughter is in good hands considering his friend is Spencer's brother.
"Hell, yeah. I'll take a beer." Brian says as Dom smiles, as he walks into the bar.
Dom walks into the house but stops as he notices Vince playing guitar, Letty playing a video game, and Leon with a girl in his lap, all without a care in the word as to where he had been. Leon freezes as he sees Dom before he starts to make his way over to Leon, causing Letty to look up at Dom.
"Yo, Dom. We were just about to go looking for you." Leon says quickly before Dom knocks his beer out of his hand. Dom starts making his way over to Vince.
"That was a lie, Uncle Dom." Desireè says as she reads a book called 'how to speak russian'. She wants to learn how to speak it so if she comes into a situation and the other person speaks Russian she wants to know how to talk back to them. Dom looks at his niece before looking back at Vince.
"Where the hell were you?" Dom asks Vince as he sets the guitar to the side.
"There were mass cops there. They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated." Vince answers him.
"Yeah, but your dumbass could've went after him. Just saying." Desiree says to the two adults as Dom ignores his niece and what she said.
"This your beer?" Dom asks as he grabs the beer in front of Vince.
"Yeah, that's my beer." Vince answers as Dom walks away.
"You alright?" Letty asks Dom as he goes pass her. "Am I alright?" Dom asks sarcastically. "It was just a question, jeez." Letty retorts as Vince notices Brian by the door. "Hey, Auntie Letty." Desireè says as Letty grins at the girl.
"Yo, Dom. Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince asks. "Because the buster keeps me out of handcuffs." Dom yells back causing Vince to shut up. "He didn't just run back to the fort. The buster brought me back." Desireè snickers at what her Uncle says as Letty fixes her braid, that was coming apart.
"You can have any brew you want as long as it's a Corona." Dom says as he holds out some beers to Brian who takes a beer.
"That's Vince, so enjoy it." Vince gives Dom a 'really' look before they watch Brian clean the top of the bottle with his shirt then taking a drink.
"Hey, buddy. You got a bathroom?" Brian asks as Vince glares at them. "Yeah, upstairs. First door on the right." Dom answers him. Brian disappears upstairs as Dom sits down. Brian gets his phone from his back pocket and calls Joseph Madden (Spencer's brother). He picked up right away, as it sounded like he was sleeping and Brian woke him up.
"Yeah. What's up?" Joseph says as his voice is raspy as he was in deed sleeping when Brian woke him up.
"How's Brit?" Brian asks his friend, as Joseph groaned at hearing that.
"You called me at three in the morning just to ask me how your daughter is? Are you out of your god dang mind." Joseph whisper shouts to Brian, as said Brian brushes his hand through his hair.
"Precisely. Just tell me how my child is? Please." Brian says to his friend wanting to get out of the bathroom before anyone think he left the party.
"She's alright, hotshot. She's in a dead sleep. She fell asleep about four hours ago, after she was done crying because you bailed on her." Joseph says explaining on the status on Britney as the father smiles hearing that. "Where are you anyway?"
"I told you I had plans and don't question my life. I am an adult, Joe." Brian says as said Joseph shakes his head at his friend.
"Stop acting like a child, and tell me where the heckie doodah you are at. Before I come over there and knock some sense into you." Joseph says to Brian.
"Fine, I'll tell you later, when I get back." Brian says as Joseph gives his phone the finger meant at Brian, but he's not here. "I know you just flipped me off, man. I'm not stupid." He says with a little chuckle.
Britney turned around in her bed as Joseph is laying on the floor beside her bed. She turns to Joseph wide open awake. "Who you 'alking 'o." Britney mumbled as her hair is messed up like a bees nest. Joseph groans at Britney being awake.
"Your dang father who is being stubborn and not telling Uncle Joe where he is." Joseph says giving the toddler a update of her father that he wants to strangle. Joe is pretty good of not using bad language around Britney, as he works around the words he wants to say to Brian all the time. At least when Britney is around her father but when she isn't Joe is cussing up a storm.
Joe knew he shouldn't have said Brian because Britney's face brightened as bright as it could. She leaned closer to his ear that doesn't have his phone by his ear. "HIIIIIIIIIII DADDDDYYYY!!!" Britney yelled into Joe's ear causing him to jump and yelp at the little girl screaming into his ear.
"Hey pumpkin. How are you?" Brian says holding in his laughter at Britney yelling in Joe's ear and said Joe making sound affects from it. "I'm good 'addy. Uncle Jo Jo is being silly and making noizes." Britney says giving her father an update of her uncle as he let out his laughter that he was trying to hold in. What made it more cuter was Britney pronouncing the words as she is still learning how to talk as she is a little delayed on that, but she is doing pretty good as far as Brian thinks she is.
"Oh really. Princess aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Brian asks Britney as she frowned when he said that she was supposed to be in bed. As it's way ahead of her bedtime, of when she's supposed to be in bed, as she normally stays up with Brian for a while. He'll put her to sleep when she starts dozing, as it ranges on different days. If she goes to bed earlier than she half-assly typically does, she'll be awake after 2 am.
"Yes she is supposed to be asleep." Joe says stating the obvious while glaring at Britney as she blew raspberries at him. Of course it's with her germs as she hasn't gotten the hang of it without her spit. "Man she spit on me." Joe says as he wiped the toddler's spit from his face.
"Well, it's your fault that she's awake." Brian says stating the obvious continuing the banter between him and Joe, and also with the cuteness of Britney.
"Actuelly, 'ada, I had a 'ightmare." Britney says as she now had tears welling up in her eyes at the very thought of her nightmare that she had of her father.
"What happened, Princess?" Brian asks her as Kiana walks into the bathroom as she knew that Brian wasn't going to the bathroom. But talking to his daughter because she heard Britney scream into Joe's ear. Brian smiled at the woman.
"You weft and you didn't come 'ack." Britney says as her lip starts quivering at the very thought. Brian had a sad look on his face at hearing what she said.
"Oh, baby girl. I would always come back. I wouldn't ever leave you." Brian says as that didn't make Britney feel any better, as at this point she started crying. Brian immediately hung up and looked at Kiana. "I gotta go, duty calls." Brian says as he rushed out of the party of course with Dom following him.
"Buster, where you going?" Dom says sarcastically as Brian doesn't even stop and turn to him as he got into his car and raced to his house, leaving Dom in a cloud of dust.
Once Brian got home he turned off his car and ran inside and went to Britney's room where Joe was attempting to calm down the crying child. "It's okay. Daddy's here, Princess." Brian says picking up Britney as she clung onto his neck. "I'm scared, Daddy."
"It's okay baby girl. I'm here." Brian says as Britney played with the ends of his hair at the curly hairs, as it's something that she always does. He likes it actually because it feels like she is giving his head a massage.
"What else was it about, Brit?" Brian asks Britney as he walked to his room knowing that she'd want to sleep with him the rest of the night. He already knows her when she has a nightmare. She will sleep with him. He's her comfort and also with her being in his arms when she's sleeping she knows that he's 'racing' the nightmares away.
That's what he always calls it he is also chasing the nightmares as he pretends that he'll race them away. It makes her feel better so that's a bonus.
Brian played with a strain of her blonde hair that matches his. "I know what will make you feel better...." Brian says but before Britney could reply there was a knock on the door that caught the three's attention. As Joe was still there but he was drinking a beer that Brian had.
The said father walked to the front door and looked through the pee-hole and it looked like...Mia?
Why was Mia at the house? Without hesitation he opened the door with a smiling Mia. She must've saw Britney as she lightly pinched the girls nose.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to he with your brother?" Brian asks as Britney made grabbed hands to Mia and the woman picked her up from Brian's arms and held the girl at her hips. That's how she knows that Britney is used to her.
"Like he needs to know every where I go. He'll get over it. Two he's playing pool with the guys to even notice." Mia says as Brian offered her inside his house.
"Excuse the mess that Brit made she was playing dolls with Joe." Brian says as Mia knew who Joe was because sometimes Brian would talk about him.
"Isn't he Spencer's brother?" Mia asked as Brian nodded his head before leading Mia to the kitchen. He offered her a beer, as she gladly took it.
"Yeah, he's great actually." Brian says as Joe smiles satisfied with Brian's answer. Before he shook his head without Joe noticing. Joe was about three years younger than Brian as Spencer was a year older than Brian.
Brian turned to Mia. "Why are you actually here? Not to be rude or anything. After all, it's almost four in the morning." Brian says to Mia as she got something from her back pocket and handed it to Brian.
"It was from earlier, you dropped it after you and Vince were fighting." Mia says as Brian smiles as it was a picture of Spencer, him and baby Britney before Spencer overdosed with drugs and alcohol.
A week more specifically. That was the best week of Brian's life as it pains him more even looking at it as Spencer was his best friend. Spencer was into cars just like Brian which is why the two bonded right away.
"Thanks." Was all what Brian had said as Mia gave him a sad smile.
"What happened to her?" Mia asked as Brian shook his head not really wanted to talk about it. But he didn't want to lie to Mia either.
"She went to heaven." Britney says as she sits on top of the counter ad Mia gives her a sad look before looking at Brian.
"She um when Brit was a baby her mom had drug and alcohol issues and one day I got home and found her on the floor of Brit's room with Brit sleeping." Brian explains to Mia as she nods her head sadly.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Mia says as Brian sadly looked at Mia at the memory of finding Britney sleeping while her mother was dead from the overdose.
"It's okay, Daddy doesn't really talk about it because it makes him sad about mama. I don't want him to be sad and then I'll be sad." Britney says as she wiped a little tear from Brian's cheek.
"Yeah no one likes being sad." Mia says as she sadly smiles at the little girl.
"I really am sorry about what happened to your mom." Mia says as Brian nodded his head as he took a nice long swig from his beer.
"Thank you I appreciate it." He says as Mia said goodbye to the two before heading to the door ad walking out.
"Bye bye Mia." Britney calls out as Mia turns around and bends down to Britney's level as she dashed to the older woman's arms and Mia hugged the girl. Brian smiled from the front door as Mia looked up at the father.
"Get in here too...hotshot." Mia says to Brian as he didn't argue to Mia and walked to the two girls and joined them in the hug.
Brian whispered in Mia's ear as she felt herself blushing before giving Britney, to Brian and walked off to her car and leaving.
"She's nice, and pretty." Britney says as Brian kissed her cheek before he walked back into the house with his daughter and calling it a night.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to put in some cute scenes between Brian and Britney. It will only get cuter from now. So I look forward to writing this book for you all.
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