5 - Star Wars
[Star Wars]
Third Person's POV
Samira was refilling the orange juice as everyone was eating on the terrace beside Jessie and Luke as they weren't downstairs and out onto the terrace yet. As Samira was coming out of the kitchen she kept the door opened for Bertram who was carrying a tray of food.
"Bertram?" Jessie asks as Bertram and Samira walk past Jessie who is making her way downstairs.
"Working." Bertram replied back as Samira made her way around Bertram and putting the orange juice back on the table before making her way back over to Jessie and Luke.
"Bertram working? I must be dreaming, somebody pinch me." Jessie says with Luke behind her with his hand on the railing.
"I'm on it." Luke says as he went to pinch Jessie's hand but she grabbed his hand and turned around.
"Hands off it!" Jessie says as Journey gets up from the couch as she was reading a book as Samira waved a little at the little sister of Jessie.
"Jess found the strangest thing." Samira says as Jesssie turned back around to her sister. Journey looked at Samira confused.
"What, Bertram working, and or Luke wanting to pinch her." Journey says as Luke suddenly got excited as he ran out to the terrace.
"Well that was weird but let's see what got him hyped up." Samira says as Jessie and her sister followed Samira to the terrace.
"Dad!" Luke says from the terrace as Morgan also talked but Luke was too excited.
"Hey bud." Morgan says to Luke as Journey smiled a little at seeing the father and son. Morgan looked up and saw Jessie and Samira. "And Jessie and Samira! Great, you're all here."
"Hi, I'm Journey. Jessie's sister." Journey says introducing herself to Morgan as he brought her into a hug as she sat by Emma.
"Nice to meet you." Morgan says to Journey as he turned to Samira. "Mira how have you been?"
Samira swallows her piece of bacon that she ate, as she looked up at him. "Eh, going." She replies as he nods his head at her.
"I've missed you all so much. I thought my heart was gonna....was gonna.....explode." Morgan said after a moment of grunting and groaning a prop heart came out of chest and onto the table where the food was.
"Great one, Dad." Luke says as he tries to take Mira's bacon but she slapped his hand away.
"Mr. Daddy has a million of these shenanigans." Ravi says as he walks towards Jessie. "Word to the wise. If he asks you to pull his finger, say no." Ravi says as Journey nods and smiles.
"Noted." Journey says as Jessie nods her head agreeing with her sister.
"I actually do have something to tell you guys." Morgan says as he buttons his shirt back up. "You've seen Vampires in the Mist, right?" Morgan asked the kids as they all nodded their heads as Emma specifically got up all excited.
"Only a gajillion times. Jordan Taylor is my screen saver, my wallpaper and my password!" Emma says before looking at everyone. "Forget what I said about my password."
"Wouldn't dream of it honey." Samira says smirking at Emma as she was the only person to know what the password was as Emma has loaned her phone to Mira before especially when they're gossiping about boys.
"Well, try to stay calm. He might be in my next movie." Morgan says calmly as everyone but Mira was excited. She likes him but doesn't see the whole hype about it which Emma completely understands.
"O-M-G! Jordan Taylor! I gotta go text!" Emma says rushing to get up not knowing that the door is closed.
"Emma that door is....closed." Jessie says as it was too late as Emma had already crashed into the door and slid down.
"That calmed her right down." Luke says as Mira shakes her head at what he said as she took a sip from her juice.
"I'll take care of this sir." Bertram says as he starts cleaning the smudge that Emma had left on the door. "...and I'll bring back an ice pack."
"Jordan Taylor, huh?" Jessie says as Mira and Journey both nodded their heads.
"Unfortunately the one and only." Mira says with another shake of the head.
"Maybe Emma could meet him. I would go with her, of course, just to make sure she doesn't go all crazy." Jessie says as Journey and Mira raised their eyebrows at what she said.
"Well, were all going to meet him. He's gonna be staying here for the weekend." Morgan says as everyone gasped except for Samira.
"Here? With us? Room...getting...darker." Jessie says before she fainted and fell to the ground.
Mira looked down at the ground unamused as she looked back up. "Well, that happened." She says as she finished her breakfast.
"This is why I'm not looking forward to puberty," Zuri says as Mira grinned at what she said.
"Okay, listen, guys, this is really important. Okay? If Jordan decides to be in my next movie,Β this could be my first real shot at an Oscar." Morgan says as all of the kids are gathering around in the living room.
"...and high time too, sir. You should have won for Monkey Manic 2." Bertram says as Morgan smiles at what he said before turning back to the kids.
"Wow, that man could suck up Lake Michigan." Zuri says as Mira ruffles her hair a little as Zuri leans into Mira as she wraps her arm around her bringing her into her chest.
"Jordan has insisted on staying with us for the weekend because he wants to get to know me. He what's to make sure he can trust me." Morgan says telling everyone.
"I am all about trust, too. Jordan and I have so much in common." Jessie says taking Emma's magazine and sighing.
"But it has to be a complete secret that he's here, okay? Jordan is obsessed with his privacy." Morgan says as he continues.
"He likes privacy? I like privacy!" Emma says getting all excited again as Journey smiles a little as she sits back up so that she doesn't miss anything important. "It's like we're the same person!" Emma says getting her magazine back from Jessie.
"Now, while he's here, I need everyone to act natural. And to make sure that happens, here are some notes on how to act." Morgan says as he grabs something from his back pocket as he came prepared.
"I'm supposed to get alone with Emma? I'm not that good of an actor." Luke says reading off what his card says before talking to himself.
A buzzing could be heard as it was Tony. "Hey Rosses. There's someone here to see you. Says his name is Rufus T. Firefly." Tony says as Mira and Journey giggled at what his name was as everyone made their way to the elevator.
"Rufus is Jordan Taylor's codename." Morgan says as Journey has a slight smile on her face.
"I'll go bring him up!" Both Emma and Jessie says excitedly startling Samira as she jumped. They both fought who was going to being him up. Emma ended up winning.
"I'll take the service stairs!" Jessie says as everyone started making their way to the elevator but Mira as Journey already made her way there.
"They're acting like Rascal Flatts is down there." Zuri says as Luke, Ravi and Morgan is giving her weird looks. "So I'm into country. Sue me."
"I cannot wait to tell people that were hanging out with Jordan Taylor!" Luke says as Mira shakes her head at what he said.
"But Mr. Daddy said we are not supposed to tell anyone." Ravi says as Mira raised her eyebrow at him before nodding her head.
"Oh, please. I have to do something to impress people. Second grade is cutthroat." Zuri says as Mira starts making her way to the elevator.
"I'm leaving before you get me into trouble. Tootles Rosses."Β Samira says heading to the elevator. "If anyone asks I'm with Taylor."
"I'd say I could come with but I can't." Zuri says as Samira chuckles a little.
"Next time okay." Mira says as Zuri nods her head.
"Bring me back a donut and we have a deal." Zuri says as they do their little handshake that they've came up with since Zuri was little. Or since Mira started coming here more often and Zuri liked her.
Once Mira was gone and the elevator doors closed Luke continued with his master plan. "But we can't just say we hang with Jordan. We need proof. Maybe something cool might fall out of his suitcase." Luke says as he was pacing a little before turning back to Zuri and Ravi.
"And right into our sticky little fingers." Zuri says with a mischievous grin.
"I just polished my Audience Choice Award." Morgan says walking towards the piano with his award. He turned and none of the kids were standing by it. "Stand around the award."
The kids walk to the piano and stand around it just as the elevator door chimed. "Jordan! Welcome!" Morgan says as both Emma and Jessie are holding each of his arms.
"Morgan!" Jordan says as he went to shake Morgan's hand but Emma and Jessie hadn't let go for him to do so.
"Girls, please, give him some space." Morgan says as Jessie and Emma slowly let go as Morgan hugs him.
"Hmm, he's not as handsome as I thought he would be." Ravi says as Luke nods his head. "He resembles a goat Mr. Kipling once devoured."
"I'm sorry for this silly disguise." Jordan says taking off the facial mask. "Fame can....be a cage." Jordan says as Jessie and Emma sigh at what he said.
"Still not understanding all the hoopla." Ravi says as Journey comes from the kitchen as her mouth dropped at the sight at seeing Jordan.
"Ahem." Morgan says motioning the kids to Jordan as Luke was the first one.
"Hi. Jordan. I'm 12-year-old Luke, a loveable scamp who enjoys stamp collecting, homework, and behaving myself?" Luke says confusedly as he glances at his paper before he starts chuckling.
"I'll go get your suitcase." Luke says before walking away.
"Thanks, but it's heavy." Jordan points out to Luke.
"Well, lighten it up for you." Zuri says as Luke gives her a look. She looks awkwardly around everyone realizing what she had said. "I mean we'll take it to your room."
In the kitchen Jessie, Emma, Jordan, and Journey are at the table as there's a cake with Jordan's face on it. Journey isn't one to fangirl unless it's Taylor Swift.
"I'll take a nice big slice of Jordan." Jessie says as Journey gives her sister a weird look with a raised eyebrow at what she said.
"Me too. Dibs on the dimple!" Emma says as Journey shakes her head at the two as she thinks this is all silly.
"Guys all this fuss over me? Look, I'm no different from any other 19-year-old who makes 20 million dollars a film and kicks it with Coldplay." Jordan says as Journey shrugged her shoulders as she doesn't see the whole cuteness of Jordan. Well he is good looking just not her type of good looking.
She's secretly into nerds.
"Mention Fall Out Boy and then we have a deal." Journey says as now she's a little interested.
"You know who else is sensitive? And trustworthy? And a great director? Morgan." Bertram says as Journey smiles a little at what he said.
"Bertram, stop." Morgan says laughing. As he mouthed 'don't stop'. He says.
"And he also has great taste in nannies." Jordan says as Journey rolls her eyes playfully at Jordan flirting with her sister. As Jessie does a weird giggle as Emma gives her a look. Then Jessie starts grabbing his arm as Journey rolls her eyes at her sister.
"It's like half a grape fruit." Jessie says as Journey kicks her sisters leg to get this to stop. Then by the God's grace a phone rings, Journey hopes that it was hers so she could escape from whatever this is.
But atlas sadly it's not. It's Morgan's.
"Jordan, I am so sorry, but I have to take this." Morgan says as Journey hoped it was her phone. As he walks out of the kitchen and as Ravi enters the kitchen.
"Hey punk! Look out! Stop!" Was Jordan's voice on Ravi's tablet.
"Oh hey, are you watching my movie Tilt-a-Whirl of Terror?" Jordan asks Ravi as Journey finishes her peanut butter sandwich she made.
"Yes. I have been told you are an actor of subtle intensity." Ravi says as Journey smiles at him and his dorkiness. "...and yet all you do in this film is shout, 'hey punk, look out' and 'stop'".
"Yeah you see, I tried to give 'stop' a lot of layers. Like commanding, 'stop'. And compassionate, 'stop'. And desperate, yet cynical, 'stop". Jordan says before Ravi awkwardly points out that Jordan's face is on the cake as Journey hurriedly got up and finished her sandwich as he headed towards the movie room.
Morgan walks into the kitchen after his urgent phone call. "Jordan, I really hate to leave but the money guys just called an emergency meeting downtown about the movie." Morgan says as Jordan got up.
"Better you than ne. I'm not in it for the money. I wanna be an artist." Jordan says as Emma continues to smile at Jordan.
"You know what, my friend? The artists want to be you!" Morgan says as he walks to Jessie. "Listen, I'll be right back. Make sure they behave okay? My entire career is riding on this. So is yours." Morgan says as Jessie nods her head.
"Jordan you have a little bit of your nose on your cheek." Emma says as Jordan was eating the cake.
"She's just really excited to see you." Jessie says as she grabbed a napkin to wipe the frosting off of Jordan's face as she walked away and kissed it.
As the elevator door dinged as Mira came back from the donut shop.
Zuri grinned as she practically jumped from the couch just to see what Samira had gotten from the donut shop. Samira smiled at seeing Zuri being all excited. Then, again, she has a bag of sugar which is Zuri's favorite food. She giggled as Zuri had jumped onto her back.
"What is the loot?" Zuri asks practically jumping on Samira's back as they walked towards the desk that Christina has. As she set down the goodies that she had gotten.
"Someone is happy." She says as she stalls by taking off her flannel and putting it around her waist as she likes pestering Zuri sometimes when she's impatient. It just brings a smile on her face at seeing the little girl practically jumping up and down.
"What do you haaaavvvee?" Zuri asks as she went to reach for the bag but Samira beat her and grabbed it before the seven-year-old could grab it.
"Well, I got your favorite glazed donut with different sprinkles." She says giving Zuri the donut as she delicately grabbed it not wanting to drop a single sprinkle on the ground. Her eyes widened of happiness as she smelled the donut as it was still a little warm. "What else did you get?" She asks her as she picked off a sprinkle from the donut and smiled at the taste of the little speck of sugar.
"One of them is for Luke, so no touchy." She says pointing a finger in Zuri's direction as said little girl frowned when she heard that. But she obligated and nodded her head listening to Samira.
"...annnnnddd...." Zuri says as she took off another sprinkle from the donut before licking the frosting.
Samira smirked at the girl being impatient as she grabbed an ice cream sandwich that had sprinkles around the ice cream. It looked delicious just by looking at it. Zuri had to contain herself.
"Maybe if your good later, I can give this to Jessie." Samira says as Zuri looks at her like she's mentally crazy, before leaning her head back in exasperation.
"Fine, but I won't like it." Zuri says to Mira as said Mira smiles at the little girl as they have an amazing relationship as Zuri looks up to Mira much better than Emma, mainly because she is closer to Mira than she is to Emma.Β
author's note
i know it's weird right now as the episode isn't completed. but the app i was writing off of no longer has it and i don't have money to buy the episode off of youtube like i do for the later episodes.
but i have decided on ending the episode right here. i am deeply sorry, but it's better off that way.
on the other note some people have kindly asked me to update this book. well, here is thr update but not the one i was expecting to do, but it's still something.
hope you enjoy!
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