16 - throwing momma from the terrace
{season two; episode two}
Third Person's POV
"Hey, why are you touching my utensils? They only like me or Mira to touch them!" Bertram says, coming into the kitchen. Jessie and the kids (besides two sleeping teenagers named Mira and Journey) are making breakfast for Bertram for his birthday. "Their rules, not mine!"
"Bertram, we're making you breakfast because it's your birthday weekend." Jessie says to the Butler who turns to give her a look.
"Oh, no thanks. I already have a reservation at pancake palace." Bertram says which resulted in all the Ross kids exclaiming happily, which woke Mira up suddenly.
"What the heck?" Mira asked looking around, before she slowly got up, which revealed she was wearing actual clothes.
"Why are you dressed?" Jessie asked Mira as the teenager shrugs her shoulders.
"I convinced Mira to come with me." Bertram says to Jessie and the other kids, as Journey was still sleeping in her pajamas, and using her stuffed animal as a pillow.
"So, she's going, and not any of us." Zuri asked the Butler, who only nodded his head as a response.
"Well, to be fair he likes me more than you, and secondly he adopted me, so thirdly, of course I'm going." Mira says which made everyone give her a look which she just smiled at.
"See ya." Bertram says as then him and Mira walked out of the kitchen and towards the elevator.
"What are you all giving Bertram for his birthday?" Jessie asked, as she refilled her orange juice.
"A gently used lip balm." Emma says.
"A free hug." Zuri says.
"My profound admiration." Ravi says.
"This salt shaker." Luke says, as he holds up a salt shaker.
"Guys! Put in a little effort. I got Bertram the most thoughtful gift ever." Jessie says.
"Food deodorant?" Ravi asked.
"No, but you can get him that for my birthday. Look, Bertram hasn't seen his mother in years. So I asked your parents to fly Mrs. Winkle in for his party as a surprise." Jessie says.
"Ooh, I cannot wait to meet Bertram's mother." Ravi says.
"Yeah! She's got a lot of explaining to do." Luke says.
Journey's POV
"Where did all these eggs come from?" Jessie asked as she saw cracked eggs on the ground and just then an egg fell on her head. "Just my luck it's raining hens, not men."
"Yeah, cause in your case men want to get away from you, and at least the hen's like you." I joked as she turns to me and gives me a look.
"We're doing an egg drop competition for science class." Luke says.
"We must build a contraption which will protect an egg dropped from a great height." Ravi says,
"What do you do for extra credit? Toilet paper someone's house?" Jessie said sarcastically.
"That would be more fun. Ravi shut down my idea. Dropping the egg while it's still inside the chicken." Luke says.
"When you speak, it makes me sad." Ravi says putting a hand on Luke's shoulder.
"Hey, Luke, maybe let Ravi take the lead on this. Science is his thing. After all, he wouldn't tell you how to dance or play sports, or be cool." Jessie says.
"Thank you, Jessie. Wait a minute..." Ravi says, then he realized what she said.
"Hey, I could be good at science. I just choose to be popular."
"Spell science." Journey says as Luke gives her a look.
"I'm beginning to feel your sadness." Jessie says.
"Do not worry, my spring cushioned egg container will get us a top grade." Ravi says.
"Grade? I thought this was for money!" Luke says.
"If knowledge is money, then yes, we shall be rich." Ravi says.
"Aren't you two already rich." Journey says.
"You two make me sick." Luke groans which made the younger Prescott roll her eyes.
Ravi dropped the contraption and the egg went flying but ended up dropping on Journey's head which made Luke laugh.
"Seriously?" Journey says as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Haha." Luke says as he points at Journey as he laughed.
"Okay, I promise this one will work. Three...two...." Ravi says, then the egg fell out.
"Welcome to Fail City. Population Ravi." Luke says.
"Why will nothing work?" Ravi says as he then starts to sob loudly.
Jessie comes rushing in. "Luke! Did you chase Ravi up onto the island again? You know he can't get down by himself." Jessie says, blaming Luke.
"I didn't do anything." Luke says.
"Ravi's just frustrated because his scientific ideas aren't working." Journey says as she was drinking her orange juice.
"Well, maybe you should let Luke take the lead on this project. You need an outside of the box thinker. And Luke is so outside, he doesn't know where the box is." Jessie says.
"Well, thank you."
"You do realize if Luke does this project, he's going to make him and Ravi fail, right?" Journey says as Luke looks at her offended that she would say that to him.
"Don't say the obvious." Luke says.
"Am I wrong?" Journey asked.
"I am ashamed I failed at accomplishing this scientific task. Now, I know how you feel when you walk out of every audition." Ravi says looking defeated and exhausted.
"Well, I was going to try and make you feel better but, now I'm going to go buy a bag of nuts." Jessie says.
"We're so sorry, Jessie. I'm just upset because Luke has completely cut me out of my project." Ravi says.
"Good luck., Luke, break an egg!" Jessie joked.
"Jessie, you do realize that the entire point of the project is to not break the egg." Ravi says.
"It was a joke!" Jessie exclaims.
"Not if you have to explain it." Ravi says. "Is it a vicious disaster."
The egg didn't break. "Ba-boosh!"
"It actually worked! Luke succeed in science." Journey says.
"It is snowing in Hades." Ravi says.
"I told you I had mad scientific skills! I got an A!" Luke says.
"Congratulations, brother. When you win the Nobel Prize, will you at least invite me to the after-party?" Ravi says.
"Only if I get a plus one, and you're the last person on Earth." Luke says.
"Thank you, brother!" Ravi says hugging Luke, which caused the egg to fell out of his hand.
"Okay, Luke, I'm no Einstein, but I'm pretty sure this is a hard-boiled egg." Jessie says.
"Hey, the project was to drop an egg without breaking it, and that's what I did." Luke says.
"So, you cheated?" Journey asks.
"No, I thought outside the box." Luke says as Journey gave her a look.
"And I thought Luke cheating on a math test was bad." Journey retorted.
"Jessie, do you know what this means?" Ravi asks.
"Yes. Luke is going to confess. Which, I'm afraid, means you're probably both gonna get an F." Jessie says.
"Who gives two soggy samosas? This means I am still better than Luke in science! Oh, I am happier than an ion sharing it's valence electron!" Ravi says happily
"What are you talking about?" Journey asks.
"Science, duh." Ravi says which earned him a small smile from Journey.
Luke and Journey came out of the kitchen when some butlers a tray of food presented kids to Luke and Journey. "Thank you." Journey says.
"Jessie, why did you hire so many waiters?" Luke asks.
"Oh, I didn't They're Bertram's Butler buddies. I wish they would eat the food instead of just offering it to each other." Jessie says.
"Thanks for the great party, Jessie. Now, if my mother doesn't show up to embarrass me, it'll be perfect." Bertram says.
"Bertram, give her a chance. Maybe she'll surprise you. After all, she's older now, and wiser..." Jessie says as just then the elevator door opens.
Emma and Zuri are pushing a big cake in a sparkly yellow vest with tops hats and a tutu. The cake then ripped open and Bertram's mother popped out. "Happy Birthday, Ber-tootchka!"
"And there is a person jumping out of a cake." Journey says.
"Kill me now." Bertram mumbles as Mira raised an eyebrow at Bertram's mother.
There was a big band music playing at Bertram's mother danced. "Hey, aren't you guys supposed to be dancing along?" Journey asks.
"Wanda said we weren't good enough, so she kicked us out of the act." Zuri says as Mira shook her head at what the little girl says.
"Literally kicked us! Those ex-Rockettes don't mess around." Emma says.
"I've never been so sad in a sparkly tutu." Zuri says frowning as Mira opened her arms and Zuri went by Mira.
"Okay, that's it! Nobody kicks my kids out of a gaudy, over the top dance routine!" Jessie says as she stopped the music. "Hold it right there, and on behalf of that boa, ew."
"I'm dancing here!" Wanda says.
"No one cares." Mira pipped up as Wanda gave Mira a dirty look, before she looked back at Jessie.
"So? Zuri and Emma were supposed to be dancing, too! They worked really hard at this, and they were looking forward to it." Jessie says.
"Well, it's not my fault they can't hack it." Wanda says, which made Emma and Zuri upset, as Zuri hugged Mira's side as the older girl had an arm around Zuri keeping her close.
That made Bertram angry at what his mother said. "Okay, that is it! Mom, I'm going to talk, and for once you are going to listen!" Bertram says to his mother.
"Okay, gladly, but right after my big dance number." Wanda says as she insists on dancing versus listening to her own son and what he has to say as Mira growled underneath her breath.
"No! I am tired of you taking over my birthdays and ruining them!" Bertram says to his mother.
"I don't do that!" Wanda says deflecting.
"Oh, really? On Bertram's sixth birthday, you canceled the clown and insisted on doing your stupid stand-up act." Mira says as she stood up and walked towards Wanda.
"What's wrong with that?" Wanda asks not seeing the problem, as Mira has her arms crossed over her chest as she is glaring at the older woman in front of her.
"A prop comedy is not funny, and two didn't you charge everyone a two juice box thing or whatever." Mira says.
"That's how they get you." Zuri says under her breath.
"On his tenth birthday, you canceled the magician, and insisted on sawing him in half yourself." Mira says as Bertram stood beside the girl.
"I still have the scar! And we never did find Timmy Schwartz, after he stepped into the Box of Mystery!" Bertram says.
"He'll turn up." Wanda says as Mira rolled her eyes at the older woman.
"That was forty years ago!" Bertram and Mira exclaim to the older woman.
"Well, get over it, already! I'm sure, Timmy has, wherever he is!" Wanda says.
"I can't get over it, because you keep doing it! And I let you, but I draw the line when you start hurting the people I love!" Bertram says to his mother.
"Just stop shouting at me! This is why you're all alone!" Wanda says and everyone but Mira gasped in shock.
"He is not alone, he has us. He has me. I'm the one kid that he actually likes and will tolerate." Mira says before she turns to the Ross kids, and mutters a 'no offense', which none of them said anything beside nodding their heads agreeing with her.
"Even if he wants to be alone, we won't let him." Luke says.
"Because he's our best friend! What other butler would have a tea party with me?" Zuri asks.
"Or play paintball with me in the park?" Luke says.
"Or listen to my endless, boring, boyfriend stories? Or, as I consider them, cautionary tales." Jessie says which made Journey smirk at her sister.
"Or not get mad when I use him as a human science experiment?" Ravi says.
"Or listen to me play Taylor Swift and One Direction on repeat." Mira says.
"Thanks guys." Bertram says.
"Ber-tootchka, why didn't you just tell me you felt this way?" Wanda asks as Mira rolled her eyes at her.
"Mom, I love you, but it can't always be about you! Once in a while, you have to give someone else the spotlight." Bertram says to his mother.
"Look, Ber-tootchka, I realize now that I made a lot of mistakes, but I must've done something right, because obviously these kids really love you." Wanda says.
"We do."
"And who loves you the most? Me, and I always will." Wanda says.
"Oh, Mom-moochka!"
"Oh, Ber-tootchka." They hug each other. "Oh, this is the longest hug we've ever had."
"I'm licking icing off your shoulder."
"Whatever works." Wanda says as she is still hugging Bertram. "Okay, Ber-tootchka! Are you ready for a big dance number?" Wanda asks.
"I guess so. Why aren't you in it?" Bertram asks his mother.
"Oh, because a little Bertie told me that not everything has to be about me." Wanda says.
"Good, for you, Mom-moochka." Bertram says.
"Although, I did do the choreography, and the costumes, and the make-up, and..." Wanda says but she got cut off by Journey.
"Hit it, Mrs. Kipling!" Journey yells and the lizard played the Upbeat Jazz music.
The Ross kids, Jessie and Bertram and his mother dance to the music while Mira doesn't. She grabs her phone and heads upstairs to her bedroom. Yes, Mira and her mother Jana never really saw eye-to-eye in Mira's entire life, but Bertram did have some good advice, which he does but only when he wants to be wise.Β
She dialed a number on her phone, and waited for the other person to pick up, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before responding. "Hey, Mom. I know you are probably busy, but do you wanna like hang out on Saturday or something. I miss you, so much. I love you. Bye."
hey, sorry for the long wait for an update.
for a while i lost motivation to write for this chapter.
but here is an update.
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