15 - quitting cold koala

{Journey is back in this episode only reason why she wasn't in 'punch dump love' is because i didn't know where to put her, between Taylor and Samira. That and I didn't want to overwhelm myself. Don't be surprised if either Taylor or Journey aren't in a chapter}
{quitting cold koala}
{season two; episode twenty one}

Third Person's POV

It's been a few days since the dance and, things between Luke and Mira have been going great. They sorta act like a couple even if they aren't dating yet. Luke has been pestering Mira about that, as she's flattered about it actually. Each time Luke asks if they can start dating, Mira always says 'no', because just because what happened at the dance doesn't mean that they'll automatically start dating.

Zuri isn't the happiest because Stuart was at the penthouse. His parents are away doing surgery and left their child in the hands of Jessie, so Zuri's mood drastically changed when he showed up. Stuart is sweet, at least in Mira's opinion.

Jessie had to pick him up from a sleepover he had at a friends house. It was because Luke missed Kenny the Koala. Mira finds it cute that Luke has a stuffie (stuffed animal), as she has one too called Ellie the Elephant.Β 

Everyone was eating breakfast and Stuart was occupying Ravi's chair which he wasn't a fan of at all. "I believe you are in my chair." Ravi tells him.

"Sorry, but the convergence of air streams from the vents is creating a dangerous draft on the guest chair." Stuart explains as Mira and Journey look at him confused.

"Fine." Ravi reluctantly agrees, sitting down. "But if I catch a cold, and start sneezing uncontrollably, it will be on you. Literally." Stuart was taken back by Ravi's threat as Mira and Journey grins.

"Here you go!" Stuart says pulling out a gift basket and pushed it towards Zuri. "Sweet-smelling soaps for my Sweetie!"

"You call me 'Sweetie' again, and you're gonna be eating some knuckles!" Zuri warns making a fist, as Stuart takes the gift back.

"So you don't want the gift?" Stuart asked her.

"Oh, I'm taking the gift!" Zuri says as she snatched the gift and Mira and Journey noticed Luke walk in the kitchen but he seems different.

He had something coming out of his lower back as Journey and Mira looked concerned for a moment as they are having a mental conversation to each other about what the bulge could be.

"Luke." Jessie says stopping him. "I think we should talk about the Koala problem."

Luke scoffs at hearing that. "What problem? There's no problem."

Jessie turns him around and pats the bulge in his back. "I'm thinking there might be. You can't sleep without Kenny, and now, he's a stowaway in your pants." Jessie pulls out Kenny and Luke faces her.

"Okay, last night was kind of rough." Luke mentions, taking Kenny as Mira takes a bite out of her cereal that she's eating. "So, of course, I need some extra Kenny-time."

"I checked out this great new nanny website and I think it could help." Jessie remarks as Luke now becomes unsure as Journey shakes her head as she takes a bite out of her waffle that she made from the waffle maker.

"What did the website say?" Mira asked curiously.

"That the best way to overcome separation anxiety is to start small." Jessie explains. "How about giving Kenny up for a week?"

"No way!" Luke exclaims. "Two hours!"

"Three days."

"An hour!"

"Two days."

"Half an hour!"

Jessie quit trying to negotiate with Luke as it obviously wasn't doing her any good at the moment. "Yeah, I don't think you're getting the hang of this. Here's what we're gonna do, I'm gonna keep Kenny until tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? I'll never make it!" Luke cries as Mira gives him a sad look.

"That is pathetic, it's just a stuffed animal?" Zuri berates definitely not helping in the situation at hand.

"Oh, yeah?" Luke asks. "And, uh, what's Chubby the Bear?"

"Hey, I'm eight! On me, it's cute!" Zuri protests.

"I'll say." Stuart agrees with a creepy smirk at least it's creepy to Mira.

"Uh, Luke?" Jessie says,

"Yeah?" Luke asks.

"You gonna leave the bear?" Jessie asks.

"Of course." Luke says as he smiles as he hands Jessie Kenny. He refuses to let go and they play tug-a-war with Kenny, until Luke eventually lets go.

time skip

"I can't do this!" Jessie was shot awake when she heard Luke screaming and pounding on the door. Jessie opened the door and Jessie stood there, rubbing her eyes.

"Kenny, daddy's here! Hang on, buddy!" Luke cries out and Jessie sighs with tiredness.

"Luke, I can't give you Kenny. I hate doing this, but it's for your own good." Jessie explains as little does Luke know is that Kenny is actually in Mira's room, not Jessie's room as Jessie knew that Luke would go to her room, thinking that Kenny is there, but in all reality he is in Mira's room.

Just then, Emma, Journey, Ravi and Zuri had all woken up, beside Mira who was sound asleep, as she's a heavy sleeper, given the fact that Jessie has to literally shake her awake in the morning.Β 

"You woke up Mrs. Kipling." Ravi glares at his brother. "And I'm too tired to make another cup of warm milk with tiny frogs floating on top." Ravi says making Jessie wrinkle her nose a little.

"You interrupted my dream about a shoe store owned and operated by One Direction!" Emma complains and pouts at Luke. "Harry was about to size my foot!"

"I was at a Fall Out Boy concert and Taylor Swift was the opener for them. She was about to do an encore for the fourth time." Journey says with a small pout.

"Long Live, Tay-Tay." Emma says shaking her head as her and Journey lowered their heads a little, to pay remembrance of Journey's dream.

"Everything okay?" Stuart says walking out of Luke's room.

"What were you doing in my room?" Luke asked as Stuart walks up to him.

"I couldn't sleep in the guest room. The bed has dust mites." Stuart explains, more like complains actually.

"I've got my noise machine set to whale song extra loud, and I can still hear you people!" Bertram says as he enters the conversation with clear irritation.

"Huh. I wonder if whales listen to sounds of you complaining to get to sleep?" Jessie jokes with a tiny glare as Bertram frowns a little at her.

"Just keep quiet, like Mira, and we do not have dustΒ  mites!" Bertram says as he turns away, scratching his bottom.

"Mite bite! Mite bite!" Stuart points out following Bertram who hurried down the stairs.

"This is torture!" Luke exclaims as he groans and marches back to his room.

"Not just for you!" Emma fires back and returns to her room, Jessie sighs before shutting the door and going back to sleep.


The next day Mira and Journey were in the kitchen with Jessie as Mira was keeping Kenny from Luke, but he doesn't know that Mira has him, and that Jessie doesn't technically have him. He's struggling to say the least.

Luke suddenly bursts in with his pajamas on yawning. "Boy, I am beat! Time for bed!"

"It's three in the afternoon." Journey reminds him as she hops off the stool at the island.

"Is it?" Luke asks, pretending to have forgotten the time as Journey rolled her eyes as Mira takes a sip from her soda..

"Nice try, but you don't get Kenny back for six more hours." Jessie informs him.

Luke sighs at that. "Please, I just want to make sure he's okay."

"Luke, we made a deal, and you've been doing really well." Jessie praises him as Mira nods her head at what she's saying as it's the truth. "Except for ransacking my room, looking for Kenny."

"I wasn't looking for Kenny! I was looking for a book to read." Luke corrects himself as Mira scoffs as she shakes her head.

"Oh, really? Spell 'book'." Jessie remarks with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't have time for a pop quiz!" Luke snaps before he softens his face. "I just want to know if Kenny's alright."

"He is absolutely, 100% perfectly fine." Mira says to him, as he pouts.

"Why don't you hang with Mira to keep your mind off it?" Jessie suggests as Mira looks at her.

"All I do is listen to Taylor Swift and cry in 'All Too Well'." Mira says as Jessie went to say a remark but then nodded her head.

"Yeah, because Jake Gyllenhaal is a jerk, and what he did to Taylor is a crime." Jessie says as Mira nods her head as Luke shrugs his shoulders.

"Sounds fun, I can cry about Kenny, while you cry about the song." Luke says.

"Or....we could do a Taylor Swift Karaoke." Mira says as Luke nods his head before the two go upstairs.


It was officially time for Luke to get Kenny back and he was excited about it. Given the fact he was dragging Mira's arm and nearly pulling it off. He dragged her downstairs to find Jessie and retrieve his koala.

"It's Kenny-time! Give me that bear!" Luke grins eagerly as he flops onto the couch and Jessie smiles.

Jessie sits up from her place next to Zuri. "Kenny's outside drying. I gave him a little bath."

Luke then became confused and Mira sighs. "It's a thing where you pour water on yourself to get clean." Mira says as Luke gives her a look.

"I know what it is. I just don't do it." Luke replies as the three approach the terrace to find Kenny attached to a clothing line.

"Oh,Β  there's my boy! How come you didn't put him in the dryer?" He asks.

"Oh, his label said not to." Jessie answers.

"It also says he's recommended for ages two to six." Zuri chimes in and Luke glares at her, before the three of them went onto the terrace.

"Oh, allow me to un-clip Kenny." Jessie offers and unclips Kenny from the line. "Luke, I'm so proud of you. You know, I always knew you could..."

Jessie trips and drops Kenny off the side of the terrace, as Mira gasped as Luke yells a blood curdling scream in terror.

"NO! KENNY!" Luke cries as he screams and runs back inside to find his fear.

"Nice job, Jessie. You just scarred him for life." Mira tells her as Jessie glares at her before they follow Luke to the lobby.

Everyone went searching for Kenny while, Jessie, Mira and Luke waited by the entrance to the building. Luke wouldn't let go of Mira as she held him in her arms as they waited.

"Oh...Kenny is such a tough little guy." Luke says. "I really hope he survived the fall."

"I think he did survive the fall." Jessie mentions but she trails off and they turn to see Bertram holding a headless Kenny with an antenna in his body.

"But not getting skewered by this taxi antenna." Bertram hands Luke, Kenny and he screams in shock, taking the bear.

"Or being squished by that garbage truck." Emma comes up to them with a squished Kenny head and two bags.

"Or getting trampled by that mounted policeman." Ravi adds, handing Luke a leg of Kenny.

"Or getting his leg chewed off by the horse." Zuri adds, handing another part to Luke as he was in shock and could barely speak.

"Somehow I feel like this is all my fault." Jessie states as Luke and Mira glare at her.

"That's because it is!" Luke scolds.

"Not the chewed leg. That's clearly on the horse." Jessie mentions.

"Luke, my condolences." Emma sincerely says. "I got an extra shopping bag to put the parts in."

"You went shopping at a time like this?" Luke asks in disbelief.

'It's better than what's going on right now'. Mira thought in her head as that wouldn't be appropriate in a time like this.

"Shopping is for the living." Emma mentions and Luke places his head onto Mira's shoulder.

Eventually they all return to the penthouse and Luke was still upset, as Mira stayed by his side. "I can fix Kenny again. If you want. If I could do a headless Kenny, I'm pretty sure I can do a mutilated Kenny."

"Are you sure? You don't have to." Luke says to Mira as she nods her head.

"I'm doing it, no debates." Mira says as she ran upstairs to get her sewing kit. When Mira came back down she had her sewing kit, and her secret stash of food to keep Luke company and preoccupied until she was done.Β 

"You sure, you can do this." Luke says as Mira shoved her candy stash that she had in her room.

"Shush, or you can't be in the operating room, and have to be in the waiting room." She says as she stuck her finger at him.

"Okay, sorry." He says as he already had a mouth full of her gummy bear stash.


Luke was chewing on his nails like they were his last meal, as Zuri had to look away because it was highly disturbing to watch. Mira hadn't looked up in two hours since she started the procedure of fixing Kenny. Luke was in the 'operating room' with Mira as it felt like she was play the board game, operation.

"It's done. It's a success, Kenny's back in one piece." Mira says, as she gave Kenny a 'after surgery' hug, to complete it.

"So, Kenny's okay?" Luke asked as Mira nods her head.

"Lost a lot of stuffing, but I was able to save him. You're lucky I had a huge bag of stuffing." Mira says as Jessie gave her a look.

"Why that big of a bag?" Jessie asked as Mira looked at her.

"You never know when you have to do 'stuff animal surgery'." Mira says, as Jessie looked like she thought about it, but then she nods her head.

"Makes sense." Jessie says before sitting back on the couch. "Proceed."

"I really appreciate it, Mira." Luke says to Mira which made her cheeks flush a deep red.

"Of course, that goes for you too 'pig tails'." Mira says as Zuri saluted Mira.

Luke opened his arms and they hugged each other, which Mira wouldn't say no to. She secretly loves hugs especially Luke's.

Bertram came into the living room with an entire tray of hot chocolate, and chocolate milk for Mira as she doesn't like hot chocolate. Everyone took their mugs, and Mira's hot chocolate was in a Harry Potter coffee mug, because in her defense she thinks it's 'cute'.


hope you like this chapter!

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