10 - say yes to the messy dress

[say yes to the messy dress]
{season two; episode 8}

Third Person's POV

Mira was at Central Park with Journey and the Ross Kids. Mira brought her cat Nala on a leash, as she likes to go outside but on her terms. Which is fine for Mira as it's a good day to be outside anyway.Β 

Luke came running up the group. "Jessie! Guess, who's in the park?" Luke exclaims excitedly.

"Chris Bosh, NBA All-Star?" Mira answers.

"No, Chris Bosh, NBA...Wait, how did you know?" Luke asked as Mira pointed to Chris Bosh.

"He's seven feet tall and he's standing right over there. It's either him or a really well-dressed tree." Mira says sarcastically.

"The Heat are in town to play the Knicks. I hate The Heat. They think they're so good just because they won the championship." Luke explains as Mira shakes her head.

"Well, I happen to know Chris. But I guess you don't want me to introduce you, since you hate The Heat." Jessie says as Journey looked up at her sister.

"You know, Chris Bosh. Since when?" Journey asked her sister as Jessie hushed her which made Journey stick out her tongue at her older sister.

"Ooh, ooh. I wanna meet Chris. Please, please, please, please, please?" Luke pleads excitedly.

"Okay, come on." Jessie says as they approach Chris and Jessie tapped his shoulder. "So, Chris, how the heck are ya? It's been a while."Β 

Journey gives her sister a look with a shake of her head. "Seriously." Journey muttered under her breath.

"Do I know you?" Chris asked.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all." Emma says.

"Jessie Prescott. When you went to Lincoln High in Dallas, your team played our hometown school. Remember. Maybe this will help." Jessie says before she started a chant. "Bosh, bosh, oh my gosh, our team's gonna kick your tosh!"

"That was you? That was the worst chant ever." Chris says.

"What is a tosh?" Journey asked.

"Well, I meant tush, but it's hard to find words that rhyme with Bosh." Jessie says.

"How about squash."



"Slosh." The kids listed.

"I was nine, okay. These little know-it-alls are Luke, Emma, Ravi, Journey my sister, Mira and Zuri." Jessie says introducing the kids to Chris.

"Don't you have any friends your own age?" Chris asked.

"I'm their nanny, and no." Jessie says.

"Well, nice to meet you guys." Chris says.

"You know, my Knicks are going to kick your butt tonight." Luke taunts as Mira hit his head.

"Do you really believe that?" Chris asked as Luke rubbed his head where Mira had hit him.

"Absolutely....not." Luke yells.

"I know I'm tall, but I can hear you."

"I know, but Jessie only lets me yell in the park." Luke says.

"You know, Chris. I have some advice for The Heat that I think will really help this season." Emma says.

"You don't even watch basketball, or sports." Mira says as Journey nods her head.

"Okay." Chris says kneeling down beside Emma.

"Pink piping on your basketball costumes." Emma says.

"Oh, okay. I'll tell coach." Chris says.

"So, Mr. Bosh...Basketball must be easy, for a man as...vertically gifted as yourself." Ravi says.

"Well, you'd think. But the other teams have tall guys who are really good too." Chris says.

"Hmm. Complain much." Ravi says getting off the bench.

"So, Chris, it must be exciting being a pro, traveling all over the country." Jessie says.

"Yeah, it's great. Except I can never get any sleep sharing a hotel room with LeBron." Chris says.

"Oh, does he keep you up partying?" Journey asked.

"No, singing in the shower. LeBron has a serious case of Bieber fever." Chris says.

"Nice." Mira says.

"Chris, why don't you come stay at our penthouse? We have plenty of room. Plus...I'd like to make it up to you for all that painful taunting." Jessie says playing with the basketball. "It was painful, right?" Jessie said.

"Extremely. But your taunting made me work harder, and it helped me make the NBA." Chris says.

"And yet you never sent me a thank you car." Jessie says handing the ball back to Chris.

"You mean card?" Chris asked.

Β "Oh, no, you're in the NBA. I meant car." Jessie says.


Chris and Mira entered the Penthouse as Luke and Ravi came down the stairs.

"Hi, Chris." Luke says.

"Hey, guys. Nice place. We could play full court in here." Chris says.

Luke chuckles at what Chris said. "Uh, here Chris. Let me,Β  uh, take your bad." Luke says as he grabs the bag.

"Um, and I shall help." Ravi says.

"Thanks." Chris says.

Luke and Ravi fight over the bag and happened to rip the bag open. "Oh..." Luke, Mira and Ravi gasped and then gagged.

"No offense, Mr. Bosh, but your bag stinks." Ravi stinks. "Are you smuggling a skunk who ate burrito last night?"

Chris then held up a pair of dirty socks. "These are my lucky socks. I've been wearing then since the tenth grade."

"When was the last time you washed them?" Mira asked as she plugged her nose.

"Like I said, tenth grade. They're my secret weapon. I can't afford to wash the luck out of them." Chris says.

"I always thought it was your monster dunks that made the other team cry." Luke says as he sniffs and wipes his eyes. "Turns out, it's your socks."

"And sometimes...I pinch." Chris says in a scary tone.


Journey and Ravi had a bowl of grapes that they were eating for until Luke came into the kitchen with Chris Bosh's socks.

"Ugh! What are you doing with Mr. Bosh's socks?" Ravi asked.

"I have a plan to help the Knicks heat The Heat." Luke answers.

"Luke, you really shouldn't mess with other people's stuff, what if Chris doesn't play at all? That would be on you, not me or Ravi." Journey says trying to reason with Luke but he ignored her.

Bertram came into the kitchen and caught the awful smell of the socks. "Phew. Oh, it's that dead rodent or very expensive cheese?" He asked.

"Neither, it's the world's stinkest socks. Uh, could you wash everything out of them? Dirt sweat, fungus...luck." Luke says as the last bit to Ravi and Journey who both hit his arm.

"I'll put them in their own washing machine, then I'll burn the machine." Bertram says as he took the tongs that held the socks.

"Whoa!" Luke quickly bends down and the socks hit Ravi in the face, making him faint.


Journey found out that Chris' socks were washed and now he's not doing well with playing basketball. "Wow, Chris, when was the last time you missed a dunk?" Luke asked as him and Journey were watching him play the sport.

"Let's just say, it was because I had a full diaper. Ever since my socks got washed, I've lost my game." Chris says as he threw the ball and now it's gone. "And now my ball."

"Perfect, without Bosh, the Knicks are looking good to win." Luke says.

"Luke, I'm telling you, you should stop before Chris doesn't want to play at all." Journey says.

"Now, if I can only get my hands on LeBron's lucky Binky...the game's in the bag." Luke says as he ignored her and put his arms around her and Ravi's shoulders.


Journey went into the screening room where Jessie, Emma and Zuri were, as Mira is in her room doing who knows what. "Hey, Jess. First you look amazing and you're going to be angry with Luke." Journey says to her sister.

"Well, thank you and why?" Jessie asked but before Journey would answer Jessie's phone went off and she looked at the message as it was from Luke. "Luke, you are so dead."

Journey followed Jessie who was angry. "I just got a text from Chris Bosh, saying, 'thanks for letting me stay at the penthouse, B-T-dubs, my career is ruined." Luke reads.

"Luke, what did you do?" Jessie asked.

"All I did was wash the luck out of Chris Bosh's socks, stripping away his confidence and turning him into a shell of his former self. No big whoop." Luke says.

"Uh, actually it's a giant whoop. Look, forget about teams and rivalries. You may have destroyed a man's career." Jessie says.

"Well, when you say it like that...it doesn't sound as fun." Luke says.

"It's not, just fix it." Jessie says.

"Fix it? How am I supposed to make Chris' lucky socks, lucky again." Luke asked scoffing.

"Well, Chris thought they were lucky when they smelled like, egg salad threw up on a fart." Jessie says before leaving.

"That's right. Oh, but how am I supposed to put 13 years worth of stink back on those socks?" Luke asked.

"Considering, your underwear stands up by itself...I have faith in you brother." Ravi says.


"It's no use. I'm playing like a sixth grader." Chris says after failing to get the ball in the basket.

Ravi threw the basket and actually got it in. "I did it. I made a touchdown!"Β 

"Touchdowns are in football. You made a basket." Mira corrects him.

"Make that, worse than a sixth grader." Chris says.

Jessie got tickets to the park and was in a fancy dress, as Mira raised an eyebrow at seeing her. "Hey, Jessie. Uh, aren't you a bit overdressed for the park?" Chris asked as Mira nods her head.

"Uh, long story, I don't have time for this. Especially since my sweat is starting to loosen the duct tape." Jessie says.

"Well, it's fitting you here. You saw my career begin, and now you've seen it end." Chris says upset.

"Chris, you can't seriously consider quitting just because of a pair of socks. Look, you became a great player because of your hard work and talent. Not because of some stinky superstition." Jessie says.

"I appreciate that, but I haven't hit a shot all day. It's hopeless." Chris says sighing as he began to leave but Jessie had one thing up her sleeve.

Jessie started the cheer. "Bosh, bosh oh, my gosh, our team's gonna kick your tosh!"

"Not cool." Chris says frowning at her.

"Bosh, bosh, oh, my gosh, our team's gonna kick your tosh!" Jessie chants again.

"Quit it." Chris says pouting.

"Bosh, bosh, oh, my gosh..." Jessie and Chris both screamed as Jessie bends down and Chris slam dunked over Jessie and got the ball in the basket.

The crowd gasped at Chris' shot. "Now, was that so hard?" Jessie says.

"That was awesome!" Mira and Luke say in unison.

"Home run!" Ravi says earning Mira and Luke to give him a look.

"That's baseball." Mira corrects.

"Thanks, Jessie. How can I ever repay you?" Chris asked.

"Well, I still don't have a car." Jessie says but Chris shook his head. "I figured that was a long shot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a red carpet to rock."

"And I've got a game to win." Chris says as they both chuckle.

"Good job, Chris." Mira comments.

"Kudos, Mr. Chris Bosh." Ravi says.

"Not my uniform!" Chris exclaims and moves to the side but Jessie got splashed by the colored juice and the kids looked in shock.

"My dress." Jessie exclaims.

"Oh, that's terrible. Let me pay for it." Chris says.

"It costs sixty thousand dollars." Jessie answered.

"Ooh. I think I hear LeBron calling." Chris says and he ran off.

"Oh, no. I can't walk the red carpet like this. Now Darla is never gonna see a cool picture of me on the Internet. My life is just one big humiliation." Jessie gasps and groans.

"On, the bright side, I made a basket." Ravi says in excitement but stopped when he saw Jessie's look and Mira shaking her head. "Coming, Mr. LeBron." Ravi says then looked away.


"Give. It. Back." Jessie says as she glares at Luke.

"I. Didn't. Take. It." Luke says.

"Chris told me it was in his suitcase, when he came here, and now it's missing." Jessie says.

"Who else would have taken the NBA Championship trophy?" Mira asked as she ate a bowl of ice cream."

Just then Zuri walked into the living room with the NBA trophy in a wagon. "Emma, I think I got a real money maker, here. Everyone's a winner with Kitty Couture trophies." Zuri says as she then begins to walk away.

"I believe you owe me an apology." Luke says.

"Really? Zuri, where did you get that trophy?" Jessie asked as Zuri walked away.

"Luke's room." Zuri said as it made Luke's eyes widen.

"He stole it, from Chris' bag." Mira says as Jessie continued to glare at Luke.

"Mira! You're not supposed to say that!" Luke exclaims.

"Sorry, I can't lie while eating ice cream. It's how Jessie gets me to tell the truth." Mira says as Jessie nods her head at Mira.

"Luke you are so grounded." Jessie says to Luke.


here is a new chapter!

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