The trio entered Peter's room. Madison was surprised at how plain his room was. There were no posters on the wall or any type of decorations. There was only a small twin bed and desk.
Once the boys were inside the room, Madison shut the door and then she locked it. Tony walked over to the garbage can to spit out the meatloaf that was in his mouth, "As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad."
"Whoa, what do we have here?" Madison asks, walking over to the collection of parts on Peter's desk, "Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?"
"Uh, the garbage, actually," Peter admits, looking down at his feet.
Madison nods her head, "You're a dumpster diver. Nice."
"Yeah, I was," Peter stated, "Anyway, look, um, I definitely did not apply for your grant."
"Ah-ah!" Tony interrupted, "Me first."
Peter gave a small nod, "Okay."
Tony looked to Madison as he spoke, "Quick question of the rhetorical variety."
The younger Stark then pulled up and projected a video from her phone. It was on a loop and showed Peter stopping a speeding car from crashing into a bus. Madison gave a smile, "That's you, right?"
Peter shook his head and tried to hide his shocked expression, "Um, no. What do you... What do you mean?"
"Yeah," Tony countered, "Look at you go. Wow! Nice catch. Three-thousand pounds, forty miles an hour."
"That's not easy. You got some mad skills," the girl agreed.
Madison put away the video as she sat on his bed, watching Peter as he walked over to the desk in front of her and started to mess with the devices on it.
The boy fiddled with a pen, "That's all- That's all on YouTube, though, right? I mean, that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer."
Tony mumbled to himself as he looked up at the ceiling, Madison noticed that something caught his eye.
"It's like that video. What is it?" Peter tried, wanting to cover up the fact that he was a hero.
Madison looked out the window as if she didn't have a care in the world, "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Oh you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?"
"Exactly, Peter agreed, giving her a smile.
Tony then picked up a stick and poked at a hatch in the roof, "Oh, what have we hear?"
The Spider-Man suit falls from the hatch and hangs, all tied up in rope. Peter instantly runs and takes it down, throwing it into his closet.
"Uh... That's a.." Peter tried, but he knew that he was caught and they knew his secret.
Madison moved on the bed to where she was facing the door and she was leaning her head on the wall. She gave Peter a innocent look as she spoke, "You know for some one who is at the top of their class, you should really be smarter with how you hide your suit."
Peter opened his mouth to speak but Tony beat him to it, "So. You're the.. Spider... ling. Crime-fighting Spider... You're Spider-Boy?"
"S...Spider-Man," Peter answered, looking down at the floor.
The older Stark shook his head, "Not in that onesie you're not."
"It's not a onesie," Peter stated. He gave Tony a look as he walked back over to his desk, "I don't believe this. I was actually having a real good day today, you know, Mr. Stark. Didn't miss my train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there and... Algebra test. Nailed it."
"Wow and here I thought you would be happy to see me," Madison huffed, dramatically putting her hand on her heart as if she was hurt.
Tony shot her a look, "Maddi this isn't the time, stay on topic please."
The girl looked at her father and then looked to Peter, "Who else knows? Anybody?"
"Nobody," Peter admitting, staring down at his desk.
"Not even your... unusually attractive aunt?" Tony questioned.
Peter then looked up and shook his head, "No. No, no. No, no. If she knew, she would freak out. And when she freaks out, I freak out."
Madison smiled at the statement. She admired how caring Peter seemed to be over his aunt. It was the same way Madison got every time a reporter would say something snarky about her father.
"You know what I think is really cool?" Tony said as he pulled out a small vile, "This webbing. That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?"
Tony tossed the vile over to Peter when he wasn't looking. The boy caught it with ease, not even bothering to look at where it was coming from. Madison made a mental note of his reflexes.
Peter looked at Tony, "I did." The brunette then tossed the webbing back into his closet.
Madison watched as her father started to go through the parts of Peter's suit. "Climbing walls how you doing that?" Tony asked, "Cohesive gloves."
"It's a long story. I was-" Peter tried to explain but Tony cut him off.
"Lordy can you even see in these," he said as he put the goggles up to his face, "Woah, whoa."
"Yes. Yes. I can! I can," Peter repeated as he took the suit away and put it back into his closet, "I can- I can see in those okay? It's just that when whatever happened, happened... it's like my senses have been dialed to eleven. There's way to much input, so... they just kinda help me focus."
Madison looked at the boy and spoke, "You're in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic, top to bottom. one hundred-point restoration. That's why we're here."
Peter sits on the bed next to Madison, never taking his eyes off of her as she speaks. He has one leg resting fully on the bed. The only time he looks away is when Tony speaks, "Why are you doing this? I gotta know. What's your MO? What gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?"
"Because..." Peter started as he fiddled with his fingers, "Because I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for six months."
Madison nodded her head as Peter continued to explain further, "I read books, I build computers... And- And yeah. I would love to play football. But I couldn't then so I shouldn't now."
"Sure, because you're different," the younger Stark agreed.
Peter gave a nod, "Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't... and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you."
A silence fell for a few moment and Peter looked away from both of the Stark's gazes, staring at the floor. Tony then leaned closer and spoke, "So you wanna look out for the little guy. You wanna do your part? Make the world a better place, all that, right?"
"Yeah. Yeah just looking out... for the little guy. That's- That's what it is," Peter agreed, nodding his head and giving a laugh of relief.
Tony then stood up and walked closer to where the two kids were sitting. He looks at Peter's leg, "I'm gonna sit here, so you move the leg."
The boy does as he's told and shifts to where he is sitting between Madison and Tony. The billionaire sits down and slowly puts a hand on Peter's shoulder, "You got a passport?"
"Uh, no. I don't even have a driver's license," Peter admitted. He looked down and gave another nervous laugh.
Madison then put her hand on Peter's arm, "You ever been to Germany?"
"No," Peter replied, shaking his head.
"Oh, you'll love it," Tony stated, giving a smile.
Peter then looked back and forth between the two Avengers, "I can't go to Germany."
Tony took his hand off of Peter's shoulder and asked, "Why?"
"I've got... homework," the boy answered.
Madison rolled her eyes and stood up, "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that."
"I'm- I'm being serious!" Peter said as Tony stood up as well, "I can't just drop out of school!"
Tony walked over to the door, "Might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a field trip."
Peter then stood up and shot a web at Tony. It landed on his target and stuck the billionaire's hand to the doorknob. "Don't tell Aunt May," he stated.
"Alright Spider-Man," Madison agreed, looking at her father and laughing.
Tony rolled his eyes at his daughter and stared at Peter. For a few moments no one moved and then Tony spoke, "Get me out of this."
"Sorry, I'll get the..." Peter stated as he walked over to his desk.
Madison crossed her arms, leaning against the wall. She watched Peter fiddle with desk, trying to find something sharp. The girl smiled to herself, knowing that Peter was going to enjoy his trip to Germany.
She knew there was something about Peter that she needed, whether it was for her or for others, she didn't quite know yet.
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