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The next day, the trio went to visit Hermione again in the Hospital Wing. Nora was sitting on the bed, holding on to Hermione's left hand, Ron was sitting on the chair next to her bed, opposite of Nora and Harry took the old dried up flowers out of the vase from the nightstand and put in some new beautiful white flowers before sitting down on the chair on Nora's side of Hermione's hospital bed.
"Wish you were here, Mione." Nora whispered to her, but she was well heard by the boys. "We need you. Now more than ever." She continued, staring at her best friends glossy facial expression but when the girl moved her hand over Hermione's she looked away because she felt something in her best friend's hand.
Looking down at her hand before taking her own hand away from Hermione's so that she could take the crumpled piece of paper out of her stiffed hand.
"What's that?" Ron asked his best friend, glancing up at her as the girl opened the paper and tried to straighten it as much as possible so that they could read it.
"A piece of paper, obviously." Damon rolled his eyes. Even a kid that was four could see that.
"Guys, this is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attack." She said, reading through the page. "Come on!" The three started running away from the Hospital Wing, Nora shortly running back to tell Hermione that they will be back. She knew that her friend couldn't hear her, but it felt good to say it too her. It gave her a feeling that Hermione was not completely gone.
Running back to the boys, she started to read the page out loud for them as they walked through the corridors of the castle. "Of many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it... Guys, this is it." Nora looked up at them. "The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why me and Harry can hear it speak. It's a snake."
"A snake has been petrifying these poor kids?" Bonnie asked, horrified.
Just like Bonnie, Elena wasn't sure what she had expected to be the cause of all these attacks, but she hadn't expect a snake.
"A fucking snake?" Caroline commented.
"Literally anything is possible in that world, isn't it?" Rebekah asked her brother.
"Apparently." Elijah answered back, shaking his head at the screen.
"But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead?" Ron asked after a moment. He had to process the information he just had heard.
"That's what I was thinking." Jeremy said. It was not possible that none of these kids didn't look the monster in the eyes.
"Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly, at least." Nora answered his question, looking at the window in front of them. They walk further, discussing the victims. "Colin saw it through his camera."
"Justin must have seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick. Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost, so he couldn't die again." Harry continued with the second and third victim.
"And Hermione had your mirror." Ron said, pointing at Nora.
"I bet you anything she was using to look around corners in case it came along." Harry said and Nora and Ron nodded.
"And Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror."
"The water." Finn said. "There was water on the ground that evening."
"The water." Nora said, remembering how the floor was drenched that night because of Moaning Myrtle. "There was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection." The two boys nodded at her, also remembering the water.
Nora looked at the page again and walked over to a torch to read what was written on the paper better. "Spiders flee before it. It all fits."
"But how's the Basilisk been getting around? A dirty giant snake, someone would've seen it."
"Indeed." Klaus said. "A snake going around the corridors and no one noticing is just not possible."
"Hermione's answered that too." Harry said, pointing with his finger at the bottom of the page where the word 'pipes' was written down in Hermione's handwriting.
"Pipes?" Ron asked. "It's using the plumbing." He looked up.
"Remember what Aragog said about that girl fifty years ago. She died in a bathroom? What if she never left?" Harry asked his friend and his sister.
"Moaning Myrtle." Nora and Ron replied at the same time and Harry nodded.
"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once." Professor McGonagall's voice came from the speakers and the three shared a look with each other in surprise, all three of them wondering what brought her announcement on. "All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."
"There we go again." Stefan said. Another student was attacked again.
"They're gonna break a record if the attacks keep happening this fast after each other." Rebekah added.
And of course, the three started running towards the second floor instantly.
"As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message." McGonagall said as the other teachers and staff members came rushing to the corridor. "Our worst fear has been realized. A student has been taken by the monster into the Chamber itself. The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."
"Oh, that poor student." Elena muttered, feeling sorry for the boy or girl who was taken in the Chamber.
"Okay, but like how did a snake take a person? I mean like is that even possible?" Caroline asked the others, but they also had no idea.
When McGonagall said that Nora immediately looked at Harry with fear, not wanting to leave Hogwarts. It was their home. They had to find a way to stop the Basilisk and save the student which was taken into the Chamber.
"So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart's happy voice could be heard from the other side of the corridor as he joined the other staff members.
"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape said to the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
"My moment?" Lockhart asked him, stunned.
"Weren't you saying just last night you've known all along where the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape asked him.
Lockhart didn't answer, but just started at the Potions master, bewildered.
"That's settles. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend." Professor McGonagall said, slightly smirking at the thought of Gilderoy failing.
Lockhart smiled, unexpectedly. "Very well. I'll just be in my office, getting, uh, getting ready." He quickly turned his back to the two and walked away towards his office.
"Who is it that the monster's take, Minerva?" Poppy Pomfrey asked Professor McGonagall.
McGonagall glanced at her. "Ginny Weasley."
Most people in the room were silent as they sat in shock, remembering the youngest girl in Weasley family.
The three students around the corner straightened up in shock, Ron quavered at hearing the news about his sister. Nora grabbed his hand in hope of supporting him, but she wasn't sure that it was gonna do much. If it was Harry who was taken into the Chamber of Secrets, Nora would be going mental already.
Ginny being taken there was even more of a reason to find the chamber and kill the Basilisk.
When the teachers walked away, the message on the wall finally got revealed for the four.
"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever. Ginny." Ron spoke, looking very white right now.
"This not good." Jeremy said.
"You think so, huh?" Kol asked him with sarcasm.
"We are gonna bring her back, Ron." Nora said to him.
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"Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try to get into the Chamber. At least we can tell him what we know." Harry said to the two behind him as the three ran into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and up the stairs to Professor Lockhart's office. Not one of them trusted Lockhart to bring Ginny back, safely.
Harry opened the door of Lockhart's office and they all stepped inside. "Professor, we have some information for you." Harry said to him as they watched Lockhart stuff some of his clothes into a trunk, which he immediately closed when he heard Harry speaking. "Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked, looking confused at the professor who turned to them.
"Um, well, yes. Urgent Call. Unavoidable. Uh, got to go."
"What about my sister?" Ron asked the professor with anger.
"Uh, well, as to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I." Lockhart answered.
"You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You can't go now." Nora said in disbelief. Was their professor really this useless?
Lockhart kept stuffing his things in his handbag, moving around by his desk.
"Well, I must say, when I took the job, there was nothing in the job description about-" Lockhart said, moving to the door but Harry blocked his path.
"You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?" Harry asked him.
"Books can be misleading."
"He didn't do any of that stuff, did he?" Caroline asked, looking weirdly at the fraud on the screen.
"That would at least explain how in bloody hell he got the job."
"Indeed. Gadding with Ghouls, Holidays with Hags. My ass." James said, glaring at the man who would rather run than help a girl who could die.
"You wrote them!" Nora yelled.
"My dear girl, do use your common sense! My book wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things!" Lockhart said, putting his bag down on his desk.
"So you're a coward and a fraud. You've just been taking credit for what other wizards have done!" Nora replied, glaring at the professor with anger. Now that they needed a professor, he was a damn fraud.
"Is there anything you can do?" Ron asked as the Professor looked at him.
"That's indeed a good question, Ron." Finn said.
"Yes. Now you mention it. I'm rather gifted with memory charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would've gone blabbing, and I'd never have sold another book."
"So there is something you can do. Good for you." Nora said, rolling her eyes.
"In fact, I'm uh" Lockhart said, turning his back to the three and walked over towards his suitcase, choosing to ignore Nora's words. The three looked at each other as Ron nodded at the twins, who both understood what he meant. The three of them reach into their robes to pull out their wands. "going to have to do the same to you." Lockhart continued as he took his wand from his bag, turning back around to stand face to face to his three students, all three pointing their wands at him.
"Don't even think about it." Harry said, pointing downwards with his own wand, gesturing for their Professor to drop his wand.
When he didn't, Nora slapped the wand out of his hand.
Lockhart let out a gasp. "How dare you?"
"Oh, shut up!"
Despite being worried for Ginny, most of the people in the room let out a laugh at Nora's well deserved action.
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Moaning Myrtle was crying as she floating around between the bathroom stalls when the four entered her bathroom.
"Oh, who's there?" The ghost asked but then she saw them and upon the sight of Harry she started smiling at him. "Oh, hello, Harry. What do you want?" She asked him in a sweet tone that made Nora want to just collide her head with the wall. Out of all the people to have a crush on her brother, it had to be a ghost?
"To ask you how you died."
"Oh." Myrtle's smiled faded from her face, coming to a stop above one of the stalls. "It was dreadful. It happened right here, in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in."
"Who was it, Myrtle?" Harry asked her.
"I don't know. I was distraught!" She started floating towards them. "But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language, and I realized it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the door to tell him to go away, and I died."
"Just like that? How?"
"I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes, over there by that sink." Moaning Myrtle answered his question, pointing with her hand and her eyes at one of the sinks.
Myrtle floated off to one of the stall as the twins stepped forwards to examine the sink. Harry reached up to the stone above the sink Myrtle had pointed at, moving his hand downward. Nora tried to turn on the tap, but no water came out of it. When Nora was trying to get water to flow out of the sink, Harry noticed something as he came more closely to the tap.
A snake was carved beautifully on it. "This is it." Harry said, both of the Potters took a step away from the sink. "This is it. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.
The three missed how Lockhart glanced at the sink with surprise.
"Say something. One of you, say something in Parseltongue." Ron said to them.
"You go." Nora said, nodding her head at her brother.
Open up.
A click was heard from above them. The stone from the sink rose up high while the sins all started to move away from each other. Once they were all spread, the sink with the snake on the tap went down to the ground, a grating sliding over the empty space in which the sink had stood on.
Lockhart stepped towards the opening that lead to the Chamber, quickly stepping back to his spot once he saw the long black hole leading down. He sharply inhaled before turning to Harry with a grin on his face. "Excellent, Harry. Good wok. Well, then, I'll just be, uh, there's no need for me to stay." He tried to run, but the three blocked his path, by grabbing hold of him.
"Oh, yes there is!" Harry said and with all their strength they pushed Lockhart backwards towards the opening that lead to the Chamber. The Professor had probably fallen down if he hadn't grabbed the two sinks next to him.
"You first." Nora said, all three of them pointing their wands again at Lockhart.
"Now, boys, girl, what good will it do?" Lockhart asked them, nervously.
"Better you than them." Elijah said. He would much rather see the man seeing sacrificed than his precious daughter or Harry.
"Better you than us." Ron said and the twins nodded at that.
"Um, but, obviously, yes." He stood up straight, slowly turning around, still holding on to the two sinks as he looked down again, glancing over his shoulders at the three twelve-year-olds. "Sure you don't want to test it first?"
Ron, who was done with Lockhart's poor behavior as teacher, pushed him with his wand, catching the professor off guard, making him fall into the passage, screaming as he disappeared out of their sight. Not much later, a crash from the bottom of the passage was heard and the three walked up to the opening. "It's really quite filthy down here."
"All right." Harry muttered, turning towards the two others. "Let's go."
"Oh, Harry?" Moaning Myrtle's voice came from their left. "If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet." She giggled, making Ron and Nora uneasy.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna jump. Bye." Nora said before jumping in the passage.
"Uh, thank, Myrtle." Harry said, awkwardly smiling at her before also turning to the opening and following after his sister. And almost immediately Ron jumped in after him, not wanting to be alone with the ghost.
Nora screamed as she went down the slide, just like Harry and Ron. The slide lead to a small pit filled with bones.
"Ah, that's cozy." Damon commented. He always just dreamed of lying in a pit filled with bones.
"Oh, please tell me these are not from humans." Nora yelled out as she stood up, brushing the dust off her robes. When Harry and Ron landed they also immediately got to their feet as well to point their wand at Lockhart. Nora as well when every little piece of dust was off her.
"Ugh." Ron said, looking down at the bones.
"Now, remember. Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away." Harry said, stepping on the bones towards another passageway behind him and stepping in it.
"Go on." Ron said to Lockhart, who followed after Nora hesitantly, Ron following right after him.
Harry and Nora saw another passageway on their right as they waited for the two others to follow them. "This way." Harry said.
They all walk into a cavern room, a massive snakeskin on the ground.
"What's this?" Ron asked the others at they all walked along the dead snake.
"It looks like a snake." Lockhart responded, nervously.
"It's a snake. But why is it so long?" Elena asked. She wouldn't wanna come face to face with a snake with that length.
"I hate snakes." Caroline said, no matter what size, they were not coming close to her.
"I have a bad feeling about this, brother." Elijah said to Finn as he glanced at the snakeskin on the screen.
"Me neither." Klaus said, having heard what Elijah had said to their oldest brother.
"It's a snakeskin." Nora said, correcting her professor as she walked further towards the end of the cavern, Harry following closely behind her, in case something happened they would still be close.
"Bloody hell." Ron said, staring at the snakeskin with wide eyes. "Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long. Or more."
Lockhart fainted from fear.
"Oh, my God. He really is not good for anything." Bonnie said.
"Oh, my God. Be more vain." Nora said, looking back at the Professor.
"Heart of a lion, this one." Ron said with sarcasm as Harry also turned his attention to Lockhart.
Suddenly Lockhart stood back up, grabbing Ron's wand in the process. He had a smile on his face as he pointed his wand at Nora. "The adventure ends here, kids. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl." He pointed his wand at Ron. "How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangles body. So" He pointed it to Harry. "you first, Mr. Potter." Nora started to move in front of Harry, but Harry had noticed her and pushed her back. "Say goodbye to your memories." He waved Ron's wand as he shouted: "Obliviate!" Out of Ron's wand a green light emitted and Lockhart flew backwards, his back slamming into one of the wall before falling to the ground.
Not even seconds after the man's fall, a rumbling above their head started. Rocks started to fall from the ceiling as the ground begin to shake, so that not one of the three stood stable on their feet. The rocks fell right in between the twins and Ron, separating them. If it wasn't for Harry shielding her, a rock would've landed on Nora. Meanwhile on the other side, Ron was backing away from all the stones.
"Harry! Nora!" Ron's voice was heard from the other side of the twins their side. He was clearly coughing from all the dust that came from the rocks.
"Ron!" The twins yelled back, both brushing off the dusk from their robes. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" Ron yelled back at the moment Lockhart groaned and sat up straight, looking even more confused than he does normally. "Hello, who are you?" He asked the redhead.
"Ron Weasley."
"Really?" Lockhart questioned and Ron nodded. "And, uh, who am I?"
"HA!" Damon let out a laugh, making the others look at him. "What? He got karma."
"Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a cue who he is!" Ron yelled, happily to the twins after he realized what was going on with their professor.
Lockhart picked up a rock as the twins watched him through a small opening. "It's an odd sort of place this is, isn't it?" He tossed the rock in his hand and looked up at Ron. "Do you live here?"
Ron took the rock from his hand. "No."
Ron hit Lockhart on the back of his head with the same rock, causing him to pass out and hit the ground.
"Yes, Ron!" The girls started cheering for him.
"Hope he does it again." Kol said, a smirk on his face.
"Awesome!" Nora commented, letting Ron know she totally supported his action.
"What do I do now?" Ron asked the twins.
"You wait here, and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. We'll go and fin Ginny." Harry told him before the two of them climbed down from the rocks, drawing their wands as they stepped onto the ground again and started walked away from the rocks and the snakeskin.
A bit ahead of them, the two of them noticed a door in the form of a circle. The door was decorated with seven snake-shaped locks.
"Your turn this time." Harry said to his sister, who stepped towards the door.
"Hesha-Hassah." The girl muttered in Parseltongue.
Open up.
"It still amazeses me that my daughter and your son can talk to snake." Elijah spoke to Lily and James.
"Believe me, us too." Lily replied.
An extra snake slithered out from the door's mechanical hinge and slithered along the edge. The seven other snake heads slid back so that the eight snake could go on.
When the snake had made a full circle, the door opened.
Nora stepped towards the Chamber of Secrets first, closely followed by her brother, both using the ladder in the doorway to enter the Chamber, landing softly on the ground of the room. The twins shared a look with each other before walking down the corridor.
Looking ahead of them, Nora saw a person lying on the ground. A person with red hair so it couldn't be anyone else than Ginny Weasley, but the young girl was lying quite motionless at the end of their path.
Nora nudged Harry's side as he kept looking around them and she nodded at Ginny's body. The twins started running towards her, both kneeling down by her side as they reached her. The girl was holding Tom Riddle's diary close by her.
The two didn't even realize that they had both let go of their wands as they tried to wake her up. "No, Ginny, please don't be dead." Nora said, shaking her again.
"Wake up, Ginny. Please wake up."
"She won't wake." A voice said from behind Harry and Nora looked up to see Tom Riddle standing in a nearby doorway.
"Stalker." Caroline said, looking at Riddle.
"Tom?" Harry and Nora said at the same time, looking at the guy from the memory as he walked closer to them.
"Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not-?"
Tom cut him off. "She's still alive, but only just."
"Are you a ghost?" Nora asked him.
"A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years." Tom Riddle answered her question.
"She's as cold as ice." Harry said to Nora as he reached out and touched Ginny's hand. "Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up." As the twins were busy again with waking up Ginny, Riddle bend down and picked up their wands from where they had fallen. "You've got to help us, Tom. There's a Basilisk."
"It won't come until it's called."
Nora and Harry looked up at Tom with suspicion and that got only bigger when they noticed their wands in his wand, making them stand up.
"Give us our wands, Tom." Nora said to him, holding out her hand.
"You won't be needing it." Tom said and like the time Nora thought he was ignoring their questions in the memory, Nora got annoyed with him.
"Listen, dude, we've got to go so that we can save our friend."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Nora. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger." Harry and Nora looked at him, confused. "Yes, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets."
"GINNY?" Surprised yells came from all over the living room.
"No, she wouldn't hurt Hermione and the others like that." Rebekah said, denying it.
"No, she couldn't. She wouldn't." Harry said, denying it.
"It was Ginny who set the Basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat, Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls."
"But why?" Nora asked.
"Because I told her too, Nora. You'll find I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still, the power of the diary began to scare her. And she tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom. And then, who should find it but you two? The very I was most anxious to meet."
"You're sounding a bit like a stalker right now, Tommy." Nora said, giving him a weird look.
"To be honest, he's been sounding like a stalker the entire time." Rebekah said.
"I don't like him." Elijah muttered. He had a really bad feeling about this.
"And why did you want to meet us?" Harry asked.
"I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid to gain your trust."
"Hagrids our friend! And you framed him, didn't you?" Harry asked him.
"It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent." Tom explained, rolling his eyes as he remembered the day.
Harry started smirking at him. "I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you."
"He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that." Tom said, walking around the twins as he spoke his words. "I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in its pages, so that one day, I would be able to lead another, to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."
"It's just a room." Nora said, not understanding why it was so important for him to do everything he has done. What did it matter if someone didn't have two wizards as parents. They still got the gift of magic and they be able to learn it without getting weird looks from people like him.
"That's my niece!" Lily said with proud in her voice.
"Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the Mandrake draught will be ready. And everyone who was Petrified will be all right again." Harry said as he stepped closer to Riddle.
"Haven't I told you? Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new target has been you two." Harry looked from Tom to Nora with surprise. "How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you two escape with nothing but a scar while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?" He asked them as he pushed back Nora's hair to look at her scar.
"Why do you care how we escaped? Voldemort was after your time." Harry said.
Riddle gave him a little, but wicked smile. "Voldemort is my past, present and future." Tom turned towards the statue and used Nora's wand to write in the air, the letters of his name appeared in flames.
Tom Marvolo Riddle
After writing the last letter, he flicked Nora's wand so that the letters rearranged themselves.
I am Lord Voldemort.
"I don't know if I ever said this before, but if I meet this man in the future, I will kill him." Klaus told his family.
"I think we'll all help you for once." Finn said.
"You. You're the Heir of Slytherin." Harry spoke in an accusing sort of way as the letters were gone and Tom Riddle faced them again. "You're Voldemort."
"Surely, you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name? No. I fashioned myself a new name, a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!"
"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world." Harry said and Nora nodded her head at that, agreeing with her brother.
"Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" Tom yelled.
"He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him." Harry and Riddle glared at each other until a sound it heard nearby. Down the corridor Fawkes the bird was flying towards them, carrying something.
The bird dropped the object in Harry's hand, flying over them so that he could fly back through the corridor.
Harry was quick to unroll the object Fawkes had given to him, but disappointment hit the twins when it turned out to be the Sorthing Hat.
"So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender. A songbird and an old hat." Tom let out a laugh as he backed away from Harry and Nora and walked over to the statue, extending his left hand. "Shearhas- Samnathas- SΓ©lithaeine."
Speak to me. Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four.
"Yeah, Dumbledore could have done a little bit more for them after everything they did for the school last year." Kol said.
The statue's mouth opened and Riddle turned back to the Potter twins. "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry and Nora Potter."
Both of them gulped as the rumbling inside the statue continued. Then a snarling noise came. Tom turned to the statue as the Basilisk's head came out of the statue from Slytherin, growling harder than Nora had expected him too.
"Oh, hell no! There is something seriously wrong with your people, no offence to you tho." Caroline said, looking at the Basilisk as if it was gonna come slithering out of the screen, out of Nora's memory.
Harry threw the Sorting Hat on the floor in front of Ginny as soon as he saw the head.
Nora and him started to race back to the door in which they came from as more of the Basilisk's long body came out of the statue, lowering itself into the water.
Riddle muttered something to the Basilisk in Parseltongue but both of the Potters were too busy running to even pretend to be interested in what he ordered from the snake.
"Parseltongue won't save you two now, Potters! It only obeys me!" Riddle said, looking at the fleeing Potters as the Basilisk went after them.
"Setting a snake after kids is not the way to get attention."
"I don't think he wants attention, Jer, I think he really wants them dead." Elena said.
"Why is it so big?" Bonnie asked.
"I hadn't expected it to be this long when they found out the monster was a Basilisk." Rebekah said.
"How did they never know that room was there?" Finn asked. "I mean, a student died in that room, surely they searched it?"
"Dumbledore probably didn't." Regulus answered.
Than Harry tripped over the slippery floor, causing Nora to stop as well, not wanting to leaver her brother behind. She would rather get eaten by that gigantic snake than leave Harry here to die alone. His glasses had fell on the ground, making a crack appear in them. He quickly put them back on, but when his sister helped him stand back up, the two realized that the Basilisk had caught up with them.
At the moment that the Basilisk was planning on attacking them, a cry caught the snake's attention. Fawkes flew back into the Chamber, towards the Basilisk, attacking the head.
"No!" Tom Riddle's angry yell came from the place they had stood a few minutes before. "Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you."
"I like that bird." Elijah managed to speak as he looked worried at the screen, being scared for Nora and Harry, feeling like he was going to faint again soon if they weren't okay soon.
When Riddle was finally done talking, the twins saw Fawkes fly away again and the could finally see what he had done to the snake. The Basilisk's normally yellow eyes, were now a red color.
Nora and Harry started going backwards, away from the snake, but one of the two stepped in a water, causing a sound heard by the Basilisk. Both the twins watched in silence as the snake stopped wiggeling his head around and stared at them. Well it looked like it was staring, but Nora figured out since he was now blind, he wasn't actually looking at them, since he didn't see anything.
Nora grabbed Harry's hand and ran into a passageway on their right. The Basilisk rocked his head forwards, to lung at the kids, but they were gone. The moment they saw a tunnel, they stepped into it. Once again just in time when the Basilisk attacked once more, his head landing in deep water as the twins run further.
They slowed themselves down by looking back to see if the snake was following them, but they couldn't help themselves by doing so. They turned to their left in another part of the tunnel, the rest of the path blocked by a grate. They struggled, trying to open or even move it, but when the twins heard the Basilisk coming into their tunnel, they moved as far as they could with their back against the grate.
The Basilisk hissed as his head came close to Harry and Nora, his mouth open as he came even closer.
Harry had noticed something lying by his feet, so he picked the rock up and threw it away from their side of the tunnel. When the Basilisk heard the rock falling to the ground, he slithered his head away from the twins before the rest of his body followed him, thinking that the Potters were ahead of him.
As soon as the entire snake was out of sight, Nora and Harry ran back into the Chamber where a still unconscious Ginny and a pissed off Riddle were.
"Yes, Potters. The process is nearly complete." Tom Riddle couldn't help but smirk as he looked at their faces when they sat by Ginny's side again. "In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory." Harry put his hand on Ginny's as he looked up at Tom with his sister. "Lord Voldemort will return very much alive."
"Ginny." Harry whispered, glancing back at the girl again.
Out of nowhere, the Basilisk burst out of the water surrounding the statue, catching the Potters of guard. Harry turned towards the Sorting Hat, seeing something appear in it from the corner of his eye. Harry stood up and grabbed the sword out of the Hat, holding it up defensively as the snake came towards him.
Harry made a run for the statue and started to climb it. The Basilisk followed Harry's steps, using its tongue to find the boys location, lifting it body up as they went higher.
Meanwhile by Ginny's body, Nora saw her brother's wand on the ground and figured that Tom must have dropped it when they were off fighting the snake. She quickly grabbed it now that his back was towards her, watching her brother fight the Basilisk with a sick smirk on his face.
Harry swung the sword from the Sorting Hat at the Basilisk. The snake rocked his head forwards again, lunging directly at Harry but the Potter dodged it, causing the Basilisk to smash his head against the statue of Slytherin.
"Incarcerous." Nora yelled, pointing Harry's wand at Tom, causing ropes to be expelled from the wand and bound tightly around the memory of Voldemort.
Meanwhile as the snake removed his head from the statue, Harry used his time to climb higher but the Basilisk lunged again, but he also missed again. Harry climbed to the top of the statue while the Basilisk was lunging at his repeatedly.
Nora had started to fire spells at the Basilisk (Incendio, Bombarda, ..). They seemed to hurt him a bit, but not enough to move away from his target on the statue.
"Harry fell backwards, causing him to loose the sword, which was slowly started to slide off the top of the statue. "No." Harry muttered before hurrying up the top of the statue again.
Harry grabbed it right as the Basilisk striked again at him, and he slammed it right through the Basilisk's mouth, making the sword come out on the top of it head, through his nose. The Basilisk bellowed in pain until Harry pulled the sword out. But when the head of the Basilisk fell back, one of the fangs of the Basilisk went into his arm.
"No!" Lily and James said at the same time. They also too forgot sometimes that it already happened and they knew that he would be fine, but it still wasn't pleasant to watch.
He quickly pulled it out as he watched the Basilisk going around in pain before collapsing under his weight, falling on its back on the floor, letting the three know that it was dead.
Harry slowly let himself of the statue before limping next to the Basilisk's corpse over to his sister and Ginny. He was quite happy that Nora hadn't seen the wound yet. He didn't want to worry her when they had to get Ginny out of here first. Harry dropped the sword and the fang as he fell to his knees, struggling as he crawled next to Nora and Ginny.
"Harry." Nora said, confused and worried.
"Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry." Tom Riddle said, somehow he had managed to get free, and Nora immediately looked down at Harry's arm. "Funny, the damage a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl." Tom continued, looking at his diary in Ginny's hand.
Nora also looked at it and came up with an idea. She carefully pulled it out of Ginny's grasp and placed it open on the floor between her and Harry, before leaning back to grab hold of the Basilisk fang, which lay behind her brother. "What are you doing?" Riddle asked her, every emotion of fun wiped off his face. Nora picked the fang up and held it up, staring at Riddle, who immediately realized what she was going to do. "Stop!" He demanded of her, but she just glared at him before stabbing the fang in one the pages of the diary. Riddle stepped forwards to try and stop her but his body started to crumble and gave yellow light from his stomach as ink started to flow out of the diary. Nora turned the page, stabbing it again, but with more anger right now and Riddle started to fade even more.
Lastly, Nora closed the fifty year old diary, looking up at Riddle once more with a smirk on his face as she stabbed the diary one last time, letting Riddle screams of agony welcome her ears as he exploded into yellow sparkles.
"That's one hell of a way to die." Damon said.
NoraΒ instantlyΒ threw the fang of the Basilisk down and turned towards her brother, looking down at his wound on his arm again. "We need to get to Madame Pomfrey, now." Nora said to him, having missed the moment when Ginny gasped awake.
"Ginny." Harry said, noticing that the redhead had woken up.
"Nora, Harry, it was me. But, I swear, I didn't meant to. Riddle made me. And-" The girl kept talking until she saw what Nora had been staring at the entire time. "Harry, you're hurt."
Harry covered his wound from the girls sight. "Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber, and you'll find Ron."
"Fawkes." Nora screamed, looking around everywhere for the bird, not having being so desperate to ever see a bird before. "Fawkes!" Nora yelled again, crying now as she saw how weak her brother was getting. Relief came over her as Fawkes came flying back to them, singing his song again, landing in front of Harry.
"You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Harry said as Fawkes lowered his head to Harry's wound and letting a few drops of his tears land on it while they all looked at Harry's wound with hope.
Nora wiped her tears away, almost directly as the wound on his arm healed. She didn't like to let her guard down like that in front of other people than her brother.
"Oh, thank God." Elijah muttered now that he finally could breath normally again now that he knew all three of the kids were okay.
Ginny and Harry were both looking at the wound, amazed. "Of course!" Harry spoke out, lifting his healed arm. "Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks." He said to the bird, who grunted affirmatively as Harry looked at him.
"It's all right, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory." Nora said to the young girl, trying to reassure her, but she knew it would take a long time for the girl to forgot what happened during her first year at Hogwarts.
The screen than turned to Fawkes flying with Ron, Nora and Harry, who was holding Ginny with him, out of the Chamber of Secrets. And Nora hoped she would never have to return their ever again.
"Amazing! This is just like magic!" Lockhart said to them, happily as the bird kept carrying the four of them towards the opening of a cave, the moon shining bright above them.
When they landed on the ground and Ginny let go of Harry, Nora walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "I am never letting you close to a snake ever again, you hear me?"
"Sure, Nory." Harry said, hugging her back.
"Please, do Nora." Lily said, even though she knew he would came into contact with a snake in a few years.
π₯ έ ΛΦ΄ ΰ£ͺββ βΉΛ
Just found out that Nora's entire time line doesn't count for my plot so you'll probably see updates of that later of me trying to fix it, like I literally counted one year wrong π
One more chapter from act 2 to go!
Words: 7105
Posted: July 10, 2024
Be sure to comment. I love reading them and it keeps me motivated!
xoxo Kat <3
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