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the rave'n.
Blake inhaled deeply as she stared at her dead body, Thing just getting the coffin open. She looked at him. "This is it, Thing. I wish I knew how to prepare for disappointment."
Thing backed off, holding the little tube of the dark green liquid. Blake inhaled as she floated above her body, sinking back down as her spirit laid within her dead body. Thing knew she wasn't looking forward to this, using a finger to open Blake's dead body's mouth and pour the liquid in. He backed off as Blake's spirit stayed within her body, counting to a hundred like the note told her to.
She opened her eyes. "One hundred."
Thing jumped off the coffin as Blake sat up, her hands coming up and realizing she was able to touch herself. She touched her hair, her face, her boobs and laughed loudly. "Holy shit! It worked!"
Thing did a dance on the floor for her as Blake's bones all popped and snapped as she got out of the coffin, falling to the ground with a yelp. "Sat still for too long."
Thing laid on her head and hugged what he could with one hand. Blake smiled, holding him in her arms as she stood up with a grunt. She gripped the coffin and winced, limping toward the door. "Time to eat!"
"Blake." Ajax gaped as he met her at the doors, taken off guard by the fact that she was able to change. She wore a red and black dress, not sticking to the white attire that was insisted. "How did you-"
She cut him off with a tight hug. Her first real hug that wasn't with just a hand, arms locked tightly around his body. Ajax yanked back. "What happening?"
"I got a Fairy Godmother!" she explained with a wide smile. "It's just until midnight!"
"Oh my god!" he cheered, hugging her again. "How? Who?"
"I don't know, they didn't tell me." Blake smiled as she shook his shoulders. "I ate literally everything and changed my clothes fifteen times!"
"Well, you landed on a good one." he laughed and took her arm as they headed in. "Does Xavier know?"
"Not yet, I've been shopping and eating in town all day." she rubbed her mouth to make sure she got all the tooth paste off her lips. "Have you seen Enid?"
"Not-" he began, stopping as they saw bits of pink hair sticking out from behind Lucas. "Enid?"
Lucas turned and revealed Enid on her knees right infront of him. Ajax nodded. "Huh. Thought that was you. Is that your date?"
Lucas gave a wave as Enid stood. "Yes, and he's having the best time with me. We are both loving this dance...together."
"Sweet." Ajax nodded, pulling Blake off with him.
"You totally got her." Blake grinned as she nudged him harshly, not realizing how rough she was. "That was so over the top, even for Enid. She's definitely trying to make you jealous."
"You think so?" he blinked in shock.
"Absolutely think so." they paused, Blake looked over to see Xavier frantically talking to Wednesday as his eyes kept shifting toward Tyler. "Can you get me a drink? And a lot more. Want to soak up what I can before the nights over."
"You bet." Ajax nodded, walking off to leave Blake to try and wait to see when Xavier would stop telling Wednesday what happened with Tyler last year, Blake looked over at Tyler as he gave her a small wave and a half smile. Blake hesitated, turning around entirely. She jumped when Wednesday stood right informt of her, looking back where she was just seconds before.
"That was fast." Blake blinked at her as Wednesday stated. "You look great."
"Thanks." she said back motionlessly. "Why aren't you a ghost girl anymore?"
"It's just for tonight." Blake said as Wednesday tried to put her hand through Blake's face, making her grin when she failed. Blake grabbed Wednesday hand and removed it, shocking she'd genuinely been able to touch her. "Kinda cool right?"
"Perhaps." she held her head up higher. "I liked you more before."
"So, I can't even get one smile as Human Blake?" she asked hopefully, Wednesday rose an eyebrow at her. "Not just one?"
"Smiling isn't really my thing." she said back, Blake nodded. "Enjoy your night."
"You-" Blake started, but she was already turning and walking away. "-too."
"Blake?" Xavier stood behind her as she turned around, seeing a shocked look on her face. "What-"
Despite still being upset with him, she threw her arms around him tightly and squeezed. Xavier leaned down some and hugged her back, laughing. "How'd this happen?"
"Not enough time to explain." she shook her hand and smiling widely. "I only have until midnight."
"Okay." he looked around the dance. "What do you wanna do then?"
A smile spread across Blake's face, meeting Ajax eye from across the room as he gave her a thumbs up. Blake grasped Xavier's hand. "Come on."
Blake pulled him toward the opening to the remaining of the hallway, leading into the school. "Where are we-"
He was cut off by Blake pulling him around the corner and shoving his back against the wall, cupping is face and shoving her lips onto his.
Xavier's eyes widened, not expecting it at first but kissing her back as he place his hands on her hips. He pulled her in closer as Blake leaned as close to his as she could with her hands running down his neck, turning her head to kiss him at a different angle. Thinking about something happening was one thing, but having it actually happen was something completely different. "Blake..."
"Yeah?" she hummed, barley pulling her lips off his. "Is it okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay." he cupped her face this time to kiss her, Blake's hand rubbing the waist of his pants while the other forcefully shoved his lips off hers, taken his off guard before realizing she had been shoving his head to the side so she could pull him down and kiss him on the neck. Xavier shut his eyes and didn't even mind the uncomfortable angle he'd been leaning down on, praying he'd be able to lift her up without embarrassing himself. Blake laughed as his hands grasped the back of her thighs and lifted her up so they'd be back on the same level. He was shocked he'd been able to do it with the lack of strength he had in his arms, so was she but she didn't say it. She's been impressed.
They turned so Blake's back was to the wall this time, helping him hold her up. She breathed heavy at the new angle, holding his face and tightening her legs around his waist so he's push in closer to her and hum against her lips. Blake leaned her head back so Xavier could put his lips onto her neck this time, her head hitting the wall rather hard at the sudden force but didn't even bother to feel the pain from it, too obsessed with shutting her eyes and whinning at the feeling of his lips across her actual pulse in her neck.
The sound of screaming made them pull apart from each other. "What was that?"
Blake was dropped to the ground as they leaned around the corner, seeing blood splatter from the ceiling and coat everyone in it. "Is that blood?"
"Seems find to me." Blake shrug after everyone began to slip and hit the ground, he looked down at her with a laugh. "What time is it?"
He pulled his phone from his pocket "11:36."
Blake grasped his hand and hurried down the hallway. "Come on, there's still time!"
kylie speaks
if y'all read my other
wednesday drafts MAKE
SURE you always pay close
attention to the chapters
names "the rave'n" bc
something really interesting
and plot-twisting happens in
every one! ESPECIALLY in my
tyler one! just a fair warning!
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