━ 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗼𝗻𝗲. the odd calm

( the odd calm )



This isn't your fault and I should be the one who is sorry for ever making you feel like this is something you had to figure out. We were all blindly tricked and misguided. Ricky sent me a letter regarding your reaction to the news immediately after he found out and it pains my heart that you blame yourself. This occurred because Morgana is not a good person. She's sadistic and everything had to go her way, understood? Don't blame yourself, Spence. Even the best minds can get tricked... I should know. Any who, be careful around Hogwarts, alright? I think this is just the beginning. Take care.


Spencer rereads the letter over five times before sighing to herself. She understands what they mean— she does! And even so, it does not stop her from completely smacking her head repeatedly with a book. Dumb, dumb, dumb. No, this is not out of complete hatred, but seriously? Isn't she suppose to have some super photographic memory or something? Sure, it had not been a simple picture, book, or writing she had to look for, but Spencer can remember exact words coming out of people's mouth more than a few times. Morgana Montague, her sister, deceived her right under her nose. However, her thoughts soon began drifting elsewhere. Morgana must have been planning this since the summer... the perfect timing, the perfect escape. But why in that day? Would it be because Dumbledore was not there and majority of the sixth-year students were taking the Apparition test? Or... was something coming soon?

Immediately, she stands up from her own bed (Spencer just realized she never actually tends to hang out in her bed) and sits down in front of a desk. With parchment paper out and a quill, she begins writing down the possibilities on why that day. Ignoring the chattering voices of Cho and Marietta, her hand quickly lists a few turns before stopping midway as another thought crosses her. Spencer found Theodore crying in the kitchens that time for her detention... except he most likely had nothing to do with the Azkaban escape deal. So, where does that leave him and Malfoy? She crumbles up the parchment paper before exiting her dormitory.

Now she's starting to feel like Harry on wanting to stalk the two boys, Spencer rolls her eyes at herself. Instead of going through that plan, she goes up to Ricky who laid in the couch with one of his muggle comics in his hand. Once he catches sight of her, he grins in relief and throws the comic out (smacking a poor second-year boy). His brown hair somehow appearing longer as he goes to her face-to-face. "Are you feeling better?"

Spencer loves Ricky Adams more than any other person— and yes, that includes her brother and it is not anything against him because she loves Daniel. Yet, Ricky is the person who taught her what love feels like— someone she would not bare to lose in any circumstances. He became her first friend, first partner, first love (and not the romantic type). Let's get this straight... remember the Triwizard Tournament where it turns out that whoever was the most important person you could not bare to lose had to be underwater (for example, Harry and Ron)? For Spencer it would have been and still is Ricky.

"You know I love you, right?" Spencer does not answer his question and instead asks one of her own. Ricky raises his eyebrows in surprise before giving her a toothless smile. He wraps his arm around her as they begin walking down to the Great Hall. For the first time, her shoulders began to relax as another thing dawn to her. Morgana is no longer at Hogwarts. Yeah, she knows this fact already, but she is not there. Perhaps her sister is planning something more evil and crucial and yet Spencer feels a slight ease that for the first time (and perhaps only for a few days) she does not have to look over her shoulder.

Her attention diverts to her left side and feels her heart skip a beat as she recognizes the tall and handsome figure. Blaise is gazing at her in concern and he follows the two Ravenclaws to their own table rather than his. Truthfully, this surprised Spencer, but she does not question it since it is not like she minds. To calm his nerves, she gives a smile and while it is not big, it is real and he knows this as he returns it. Ricky nods at him as a greeting and then makes a face in fake disgust when the Slytherin sits beside her, placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"You guys make me sick," Ricky groans, pushing his food away from him. Blaise raises an eyebrow coolly while Spencer gives a glare of warning. She fixes her position and smirks while reminding him, "Says the guy who used to write 'Harry & Ricky' in a heart."

Blaise coughs in surprise and looks at them curiously. "Wait, you used to like Potter?"

Ricky blushes at the reminder and hides his face. "He's hot, alright? Even Spencer agrees with me!"

Spencer does not even deny the fact when Blaise looks at her expectantly. "Hey, don't stare at me like that! I have eyes and happen to admire my friends with them. I don't get crushes on all of them, however," she explains truthfully.

This seems to make Blaise remember something as he chuckles. "Tell me, Spencer... did you have a crush on me when you saw me in the changing room?"

Ricky gapes wide open at the two of them, his food long forgotten while he stares at them in confusion. "When she what?"

Spencer is the one who hides her face this time around. "That was an accident— I forced Theo to hang out with me before... well, yeah... but I may have almost seen Theo's muscles but I definitely noticed Blaise's," Spencer admits embarrassingly.

Blaise whistles, "Almost two boys in one day? Should I be jealous?" He smirks at her, his way of telling her that he is absolutely joking. Spencer rolls her eyes before letting a smile sit well on her face. Ricky still stays with his mouth open in shock before he begins blushing. It does not take long for the two others to realize why. He's thinking about Theodore shirtless— Spencer glances at Blaise and he shares the same look as her.

Then, her best friend begins frowning and her self-depriving thoughts she had earlier that morning vanishes. Spencer stares at Ricky with a concerned look and waits for him to say what's on his mind. Slowly, he parts his lips and asks Blaise, "Have you, uh, seen Theo? Or talk to him?"

Her boyfriend (she is still surprised that is actually his title?) turns to the Ravenclaw with an apologetic glance. It is actually quite amusing how Blaise always stares at everyone else with a bored look on his face and yet to the two of them he relaxes himself— it kind of reminds her of how Theodore acted with them. She is not surprised when Blaise answers, "Him and I are not friends, but not really, actually. He tends to be with Draco..."

The boy begins trailing off, a slight frown on his lips. Spencer lets her hand finds his and begins caressing it softly. Malfoy is his best friend and for this whole year they have been anything but. In fact, she has notice that Blaise seems to stick around more with Parkinson than Malfoy for the reason that the blond seems to vanish from sight.

"The last time we talked to him was to prank McLaggen," Ricky sighs disappointedly. Spencer furrows her brows before realizing she never did tell him about what happened during her detention. "Actually..."

Ricky and Blaise both stare at her in confusion, waiting for her to continue in whatever she was about to say. Spencer clears her throat awkwardly before saying, "I never had the chance to tell you, but when I got detention and work in the kitchens... Theo came in crying..." She purses her lips and fiddles with her own fingers. "I tried comforting him, you know? And then I told him to tell me what Vold— sorry, You-Know-Who wants him to do and we had a short argument..."

"I begged him to tell me and he that was when he—" Spencer stops herself from continuing, her eyebrows furrowing as she slowly connect a few loose thoughts. Morgana had to be that person, right? Since the beginning she warned Theodore not to hang out with them and then— that bitch... Voldemort threatened the two of them because of her.

"When he what?" Ricky's voice brings her focus back to them.

Spencer shakes her head and finishes, "When he told me why he had to do whatever he's planning."

Blaise tilts his head in surprise and waits for her to elaborate. She sighs tiredly in defeat. "Voldemort," Ricky flinches, "knows who I am. And Morgana told him of Theo's friendship with a muggleborn and a bloodtraitor." Spencer fakes a smile of happiness while the two boys seem to realize what that meant.

"Is that why you..." Blaise brings up the moment they had in the Astronomy Tower and about her question about Malfoy. Even with her nod, he knew the answer to that question. The Slytherin clenches his jaw and he cannot even make his face turn blank at the new information. Instead, he stares at the two Ravenclaw (being friends with any of those close to Harry just brings you drama, doesn't it?) and quietly mutters, "...shit"


FOR SOME TIME, EVERYTHING had been going extremely well. Spencer slowly focused on the good part in Morgana being gone from Hogwarts. She spends her time with her friends, goes to the library and read some books, even goes out by the Black Lake with Blaise and either talk about anything or quietly read among one another. Spencer never would have thought that there would be a time where she would be in his arms and yet... she is. Although, this does not make her forget about the fact that the world outside hers is fucked up. No one has heard of Morgana or the Azkaban escapees (Mordra has escaped along with Theodore's own father!) which can only mean they are under Voldemort's protection. Daniel has informed her of his continuous attempts to try and find them, but that whatever they are planning must be something having to go perfectly. Spencer fears the end plan includes Theodore and Malfoy.

Blaise could not get any information from his friends, and not just because he doesn't want to (she cannot blame him since he and Malfoy goes back like her and Ricky), but also because Malfoy avoids him at all cost. Which means that even if he tries, he would not be able to.

"Come on, let's do it again," Spencer repeats calmly, fixing his wand position and arm movement. Ever since they began to go out, the two hung out with each other more and not just at night. The Black Lake became another one of their spots (if you could call it that?) where they would be together. Currently, she thought it would be cool if she taught him what Harry did during their Dumbledore's Army meetings. Of course, Blaise is actually smart enough on his own, but when it comes to the Patronus Charm— that one is the most difficult one she's faced... even Unforgivable Curses are easier. Illegal, but quite easy since you just have to mean it like every other spell but with intensity.

Blaise grunts in response, his head tilting back in exasperation. "Some people can't do it. I'm one of those," he points out like if it is obvious.

Spencer rolls her eyes at his dramatics. "With that attitude, no. However, I believe you definitely can seeing as I was able to conjure one," she dictates otherwise, leaning toward his hands to gently allow hers to move in the way he is suppose to.

The Slytherin male stares at her quietly before asking, "What's yours?"

Just as she is about to answer him, the words do not form and instead Spencer suggests, "How about I show you after you do yours?"

Blaise scowls at her words before letting out a sigh as he notices her raised eyebrow— clearly she is not going to change her mind any soon. Well, he did choose to date her (and he is quite proud of this too). He looks down at their hands, noticing how gentle they are while hers were on top of his. A small glare appears on his face when she lets go before realizing he is a bit too possessive for his liking. He blinks repeatedly and then turns to her with a questioning look. "Any advice?"

Spencer takes a step back and shrugs. "Think of the moment where you were the happiest... when your smile was so wide and genuine. It's a moment you could replay in your mind to ease you up," she explains, her eyes zoning out as she thinks about how being friends with Ricky gave her the opportunity to cast a patronus. Spencer is still very much in awe of her own.

The taller boy stays silent in thought. He narrows his eyes carefully while trying to find a memory like that. Blaise lets himself wander around the area before they fall right at the person beside him. She stands there patiently, arms crossed to her chest while a benevolent smile on her lips. He can tell that she truthfully believes in him and despite it all— he lets his mind wander to each time he is with her and despite how annoyed or angry he has been with her... she is the reason for the time he laughed or smiled. Like that day in the party Slughorn had done... it was the first time he grinned at her in public and it was for something completely dumb and yet so beautiful. Spencer Montague just makes him happy even in his worst times.

And so, with full confidence this time, Blaise quietly casts, "Expecto Patronum."

He surprises himself as a jolt of light escapes his wand and while he feels like time has gone slow (he knows it doesn't actually), a form finally begins to take shape. Spencer squeals in excitement before making her way toward his side, watching with the same look on his eye as it begins to form. His brows furrow in confusion as he expects something rather huge and quiet and yet... a small spotty cat takes its form. Blaise hides his face within his hands— and here he was hoping for something macho to impress Spencer. However, noticing how quiet she has gotten, he lets his hand fall to his sides and tilts his head in concern while she gapes openly at the cat.

"Spencer...?" Blaise questions confusingly. The young Montague turns to him with her eyes wide and a slight blush on her cheeks. When he is about to finish asking his question, she raises her finger and then takes out her own wand, gently waving it around before the spell is casted. His own widen in return as he takes notice of her patronus's shape and how immediately, his and hers begin gently walking around each other before Spencer's jumps right at his patient and serious-looking one. Right away, the two run after the other. Oh...

Spencer clears her throat and then out of nervousness stammers, "I think yours is an Egyptian Mau. They tend to be athletic and appear serious, but also, the marks all around its body is similar to it. Just like how mine is a Tonkinese cat, which is like totally normal and uh— yeah?"

Instead of pointing out how her tone of voice went up high when trying to describe how the two of them had similar cats with different personalities and shapes, he brings her in close and presses a slight kiss on her temple.

Remember when Spencer mentioned that for some time everything was good? Yeah, well...

"Spencer! Spencer!" Ricky comes running from the castle, his breath out of place and a grimace-looking expression in his face. She turns around in alarm and stares at him questioningly— why did he come running all the way here? Blaise begins picking up the supplies they brought outside while she waits for her best friend to catch his breath. "Harry— he and Malfoy— blood," the Ravenclaw struggles to say in between.

Spencer furrows her brows only understanding about three words together and yet not knowing the context. "Slowly, Ricky," she warns in confusion.

"Malfoy and Harry started a small duel and— and Harry casted a spell that caused Malfoy's skin to have continuous cuts," Ricky practically exhales out in one breath. Spencer widens her eyes in shock and then turns to Blaise. Her boyfriend has the same surprise look on his face before he frowns at the thought.

"How do you know this?" Spencer asks nervously.

Ricky makes a disgruntled expression. "Moaning Myrtle began screaming 'murder' and you know, this is Hogwarts. Gossip travels fast and as does stories," he explains, passing by Blaise to stand beside Spencer.

She bites her lip with a certain amount of anxiety in her stomach and inquires, "Do you reckon we can sneak in the Gryffindor's dorms?"

"We just need a password," Ricky replies with a nod. He takes a quick glimpse to the Slytherin before motioning to him in concern. "He's alright?"

Spencer frowns noticing the worry etched into Blaise's forehead. She takes a few steps toward him and carefully places her hand in his arms. "Blaise?" She whispers softly, letting their eyes meet for some time.

"I... I'm going to the Hospital Wing to check on Draco," Blaise gulps, his hands filled with the supplies they brought outside. Spencer nods in understanding and lets him walk opposite of them. She knows why he reacted awfully concerned— Malfoy is his best friend and despite the slight issues this whole year has been, he is still his friend. Spencer watches him leave before returning to Ricky's side.

"Wanna sneak in the Gryffindor room and wait for Harry there? If he even comes there at all?" Spencer wonders out loud, wrapping her arm around his. Ricky nods without hesitation and yet again, the two Ravenclaws smartly enter back into the castle with the intention of sneaking past the painting that guards the entrance to the Gryffindor dorms. They stop in front of it and blink not knowing what else to do. Huh, Spencer acknowledges in her own mind. Why does she prefer riddles?

"Do you know the password?"

"Nope, you?"

"Haven't got a clue," she answers with a sigh. Her hopes brighten up as she notices Ginny walking toward them with a puzzled smile. "Ginny!" Spencer exclaims, hugging the redhead for a few seconds before letting go.

The freckled-redheaded girl returns the smile before asking, "What are you two doing?"

Spencer and Ricky share a similar glance before telling her, "Well, we were trying to get inside the dormitory. We heard something happened with Harry."

Ginny appears surprise by the new information before telling the painting the password. She lets the two Ravenclaws go in first before heading inside. Amongst their view they notice Hermione and Ron seated together with a look of concern. Ron sights them first and gives a nod as a greeting before doing a whole double take and gapes at them in confusion. Hermione notices his reaction and then raises her eyebrows instead of reacting like the redhead.

"Harry?" Hermione offers with a knowing look after Ron had caused an outburst saying he saw Harry with blood.

"Harry," they nod in agreement.

When Harry arrives to the Gryffindor's common room (personally, she likes Ravenclaw's better and she knows Ricky agrees with her), he begins telling his side of the story in what actually occurred between Malfoy and him. Spencer stays quiet and listens at how he describes the way Malfoy almost casted an Unforgivable Curse at him and how in response he crucially fucked up. The spell Sectumsempra is not one she has heard or read about and it makes sense why when he told them he received it from the Potion book of his. Hermione kept a 'I told you so' look on her face and while Spencer agrees wholeheartedly that he should have been smarter, she does not speak against him.

"I told you there was something wrong with that Prince person," Hermione finally blurts out after trying to hide her face from him. Evidently, by the looks of it, she had been unable to stop herself. Harry glares at her and stubbornly responds, "No, I don't think you were."

Spencer clears her throat and makes the two stare at her. "First of all, while I agree that the Prince does not have good intentions— and before you fight on me with this, Potter, realize what you have just caused unintentionally— I don't think it is meant to be a book of Dark Arts. Probably some kid who adored potions and been bullied or something? What are the reasons for someone to write on a textbook rather than a journal?"

Harry stays silent and clenches his jaw. "I'm going to go back for the book," he claims defensively. Beside him, Ricky rolls his eyes obviously not agreeing that it was a good idea.

"Bad idea," Spencer retorts as it is, finally choosing to be blunt than friendly. At their mixed reactions, she shrugs her shoulders and simply adds, "Relying on this book is not good for you. At least, not without understanding the context behind it— did this person write it out of the goodness of their heart? Why is this spell even on its work and yet not a approved one?"

"You're speaking to me like I'm Umbridge," Harry mutters with a frown, his eyes avoiding hers in turn. Spencer softens her gaze (and she visibly scrunches up her nose— how upsetting it is to be at the end of her Umbridge tone) and cautiously places her hand on his shoulder. He slowly looks up at her and she meets his green-colored eyes, regret and tiredness filled within them. "The book made me complete things I didn't know I could do... it helped me win the Felix Felicis, save Ron from being poisoned, I'd never—"

"— get a reputation for Potions brilliance you don't deserve," Hermione cuts in harshly. Spencer gives her a sharp glance before letting them rest calmly on Harry.

She gently rubs his arm and comforts, "Harry, you don't need that stuff to depend on. You have said before that when going against something all you need is your mind and instincts. This book won't be there all the time to help you in those situations. You're Harry Potter— and I don't meant the Chosen One— I truthfully believe that with a heart like yours... you can do much more than whatever a bloody book says."

"He still doesn't—"

Ginny sighs and defends, "Give it a rest, Hermione! By the sound of what he told us, Malfoy had been ready to use an Unforgivable Curse. You should be glad Harry had something good up his sleeves."

"Of course I'm glad Harry wasn't cursed!" Hermione exclaims, clearly stung by what and how Ginny defended Harry. "But you can't call that Sectumsempra spell good, Ginny, look where it landed him! And I'd thought you would be angry at how this has done to your chances at—"

"Oh, don't start acting as though you understand Quidditch," Ginny snaps, "you'll only embarrass yourself."

Ricky widens his eyes and quietly stands up from his place. Spencer closes her eyes at their sudden choice in arguing before rubbing her temples. "Both of you, calm down. Get some rest or whatever, but Ricky and I are out of here," she orders strictly, standing up a few seconds later. Instead of giving them a kind goodnight of some sort, all she does is leave their dormitory without turning her back.

Her best friend waves goodbye and then catches up with her. "Yeah, Ravenclaws are better, aren't they?" Ricky jokes through the thick air.

"Definitely," Spencer agrees, straightening her back as she hopes her friends fix the tension they suddenly brought to themselves.


INTERESTING ENOUGH, RAVENCLAW LOST the match between Gryffindor and them even without Harry's undeniably good skills. Honestly, Spencer thought about ditching it altogether before realizing it would be best to support her friends and her own house. She is proud of them, however, because this time they are doing exceptionally well. Roger Davies even thank her for denying the request in joining the team. She was not sure whether to be insulted or not, but she simply smiled knowing he had good intentions.

The news about Harry almost murdering Malfoy did not last long because Ginny Weasley finally ended up kissing Harry— or the other way around supposedly— and this quickly spread. Spencer was not in any way surprise upon hearing those words immediately from the redhead's mouth. The two spent their time ogling one another during break and she slightly envies how easily the two of them decided to date one another. When Blaise and her kissed it ended up going into some weird road until he finally asked for her to be his girlfriend. Though, Spencer does not think much about it since the two are happily together. Last time he even informed her that Malfoy is doing better, but a whole idiot after listening to what she said Harry told her (which is the part that he was about to use an Unforgivable Curse).

Hermione sits across from her while reading some book most likely still doing research about who this Prince might be. Spencer just followed her along since... hello? It is the library and one of the places she adores (except for those nights in the Restricted Area when she looked everything about wands— needless to say, she rather hates seeing the word). Flipping through the pages of the book Daniel gave her for her birthday, she begins reading a bit about what made these philosophers famous and their theories... again.

"No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience' written by John Locke... talked about human's rights and the social contract—" Spencer mumbles to herself in recognition, raising an eyebrow at how his theories completely differs from Thomas Hobbes. She remembers reading about how Hobbes viewed humans as pure filth thinking they rather poison the world and only a monarch would be best. Meanwhile, Locke shared a different idea that humans should be the ones putting limits into the government's rule.

Her thoughts were cut off when Hermione clears her throat and then asks, "Why do you like reading about them? Don't you find the Hogwarts books more interesting?"

Spencer hums before letting the words being intercepted in her mind. "Well..." she starts off slow, "I grew up surrounded by them— whether it was about the Dark Arts, past famous wizards... they were the only form of entertainment I had until I found some old books in one of the unused rooms, though, now that I think about it had been Daniel's. I enjoy readings new books and when I finish them I determine whether I like them or not, but since my brother had a love for philosophy those are the type I read. Sometimes my father took me out to a library when mother wasn't there, but nothing usual."

Hermione gives her a pitiful look. "They should love you then. I mean... they did, right?"

The Ravenclaw notices her curious and innocent expression. Spencer immediately figures that she actually did grow up in a loving house. "I don't think it's possible for them to love. They think Morgana is the perfect child, but nothing intimate enough— they would not die for her or protect her like how Harry's parents did. And maybe Daniel did receive some love, but I... I got nothing," she shrugs indifferently toward the end, glancing back to the book she is reading.

Both stay quiet after Spencer's last words. Well, before Hermione gasps and then taps her shoulder repeatedly. "Look, look!" The bushy-haired girl exclaims loudly, pushing whatever book she is reading over Spencer's. The Ravenclaw gives her a glare before raising an eyebrow as she spots a familiar word: Prince.

"Eileen Prince?" Spencer repeats the name written down under a woman.

Hermione nods excitedly. "Do you think she may be..."

"The Prince...? Well, maybe, but I'm not sure. Harry could have a better guess," Spencer offers in turn. It definitely would make sense if this person wrote in the Potions book seeing as her last name is Prince. In fact, it might actually have a connection, but she is not the one with the book. A small frown reaches her lips before she asks Hermione, "Do you know how the book's writing looks like?"

The Gryffindor girl besides her gives another nod and reaches through her school bag for a few seconds before pulling off a ripped paper. Spencer raises an eyebrow in surprise at one, Hermione actually ripping a page out of a paper (the Ravenclaw would cry if she ever did that) and two, that Hermione even took one of the potion ingredients. How odd? She carefully grabs the ripped parchment before blinking repeatedly.

"What?" Hermione questions, noticing how Spencer seems to have a certain look on her eye.

Spencer parts her lips for a few seconds before shaking her head. "No... it just looked... familiar," Spencer clears her throat awkwardly, her mind internally matching the letters and how it was written exactly to another person. Except, it could not be, right? Harry mentioned that the book is over fifty years old and Spencer knows Professor Snape is around thirty like Remus.

"Probably nothing," she laughs it off, giving the paper back to Hermione. The girl beside her shrugs before doing more research on the Prince. Spencer purses her lips and raises her book more up while her thoughts could not help but continue thinking, all the letters are almost the same...

Technically, it would make sense if Snape wrote it... he was the one who always wrote in the board and called the textbooks rightfully ignorant in their ingredients. That was where she learned the ankle spell— she knew it first than Harry too... could it be? Professor Snape is the one who wrote in the book? But if the book is from fifty years ago then why would it be Snape? Then again, Harry has the book and not under his name. Is Snape connected to this Prince in any way or what? Bloody hell... the answer feels right in the tip of her tongue and yet she does not know.

When someone touches her shoulder, Spencer jumps in surprise before letting out a sigh of relief. Blaise raises his eyebrows curiously, though, he sends a nod of greeting to the muggleborn first hand. Hermione places her lips into a thin smile and nods back awkwardly. If you couldn't tell, Spencer's friend still does not fully trust Slytherins.

"What's up with you, Montague?" Blaise asks coolly, leaning back on his chair. Spencer scrunches up her nose taking in the fact that he called her Montague rather than her first name which quite frankly is rude. Instead of normally calling him out, she brings her book closer while simply answering, "Nothing, Zabini."

Blaise chuckles amusingly before leaning toward her. "Sorry, Ricky told me to try it on you and I could not resist," her boyfriend smirks, giving her an apologetic glance for a total of five seconds before returning back to his neutral expression.

Spencer tilts her head and inquires, "You were with Ricky?"

The Slytherin stares at her oddly. "Well, he's like your brother, right? Thought it would be cool if we were... acquaintances," he tells her slowly and unsurely.

Spencer lets a smile grow on her face and from beside her she could hear Hermione actually 'awe' out loud. Blaise, the usual cocky boy, ignores the Gryffindor and stares down at the book she's reading. A knowing look crosses into his face. "Your love for philosophy interests me," he comments truthfully.

She lets her eyes wander to Hermione who busies herself by looking deeper into the book she was reading. "Yeah, so I've heard," Spencer snorts. She places her own back down and turns to him. "I like to read about the theories they had about the universe or ideas that were barely being created."

"Who's your favorite?" He questions.

Spencer shrugs. "None of them. Most had some own controversial opinion and some ideas are questionable," she answers truthfully. Blaise nods in understanding, staring at her while she gently scoots closer to him and began holding her book once more.

"Read to me?" Blaise mentions quietly. She raises an eyebrow before motioning to Hermione. However, the Gryffindor girl stands up from her seat and gives the two a kind look.

"That's alright, I'm gonna go check more on this Prince by the Potions awards," Hermione shrugs uncaringly, sending her a knowing smirk before dashing off. Spencer chuckles amusingly before opening her book again.

"—Edmund Burke best known for the founder of modern conservatism had wrote a book called Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. In this book, he wrote that "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle," Spencer continues reading, letting the quote easily come off her tongue. He leans his head on her shoulder and noticing that she reads faster than he could read on his own, Blaise closes his eyes and listens to her gentle and calming voice. And for that moment, it felt like it was just them.


LAST YEAR SPENCER HAD to worry about OWLs. Fortunately, this year they do not have exams, however, NEWT classes are still those she has to manage. Ginny spends most of her day in the library and Harry being the lovesick fool he is (okay, she can't really blame him or she'll be a hypocrite) accompanies her in the library and work on his own assignments. This, however, includes bringing Ron and Hermione and now even Spencer and Ricky.

A chessboard is placed neatly in the middle of Ron and Spencer. Harry and Ron are sitting in one side and Ricky and her on the other.

"Check," Ron mutters under his breath after moving a piece forward. Spencer challenged him to a game of chess having heard that he is actually one of the best ones. Truth be told, she knows Ron is pretty smart in his own way and based on their current situation— chess is his specialty. However, she has a process that makes her believe in five steps she will win him over.

Spencer moves one of her own pieces to the side and repeats, "Check." Four more to go. Ricky watches in interest at the two students having a go at each other. He smiles at the focused look on his friend's face (the two of them had played before and Spencer always ends up winning). However, Ron and her have been stuck in between since they both always manage to block themselves.

Ron leans forward and brightens up, "Check." Spencer furrows her brows at how he kept his Queen open when he moved the knight. If she gets rid of the Queen... Spencer moves one of her pieces and the Queen is out— one more move.

"Checkmate!" Ron partially shouts in excitement, Madam Pince shushing him up immediately. The redhead whoops with a huge grin and Spencer stares at the board with wide eyes before returning it.

"Ron, you are the best person to play with," Spencer laughs, giving him a high five at his successfulness. She turns to Ricky with an apologetic glance, "No offense, Ricky."

Ricky shrugs at her statement before his eyes fall at Hermione. Spencer is sure she is still searching about Eileen Prince and she wonders if the Gryffindor girl has told him about her yet. Her thoughts are answered as Hermione slams the picture of the woman she showed her and slides it toward Harry.

"I've been trying to find out a bit about who might make a hobby of inventing Dark spells—" Hermione starts off firmly before being cut off by Harry. "He didn't make a hobby of it—"

"He? Who says it's a he?" The brilliant girl huffs in annoyance, her cheeks reddening. Spencer makes eye contact with Ron and Ricky before quietly whispering to them, "Any who, that was incredible, Ron! How do you know how to play so good?"

Ron's cheeks redden at the compliment and he shrugs to make himself see modest. "My grandfather gave Bill the chessboard and before he passed taught me the basics of how to play. Started pretty bad against Bill and Percy, but then got the hang of it. Seems natural, you know?"

Spencer shakes her head. "No, but that's brilliant! I tend to rely on mathematical knowledge, though, you truly have some cool gifts in your side," she compliments dearly. The three of them chat for some time until it feels like Hermione's and Harry's argument is almost over.

"I'm telling you, Harry! I have looked through the records of old Potions awards and she had one," Hermione informs him, pointing to the pale-looking woman. Harry rolls his eyes at her words, "One doesn't make her an automatic genius."

The young Montague continues staring at the woman. Maybe... she tries imagining Snape in that picture and slowly, her brain starting pointing out some similarities: the nose, the dark black hair, a serious look on their face— no way. She smacks Harry's arms in order to shut him up and gain their attention.

"Hey," she calls out with a gentle voice which does not match her smack on Harry's arm. "Haven't you notice that the Prince's writing is similar to Snape's?"

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ricky all silence up as she blurts out those words. Noticing their doubtful looks, she raises her finger and continues, "I learned the spell 'levicorpus' from Snape's class two years ago. For some reason he had it up on the board and put 'dangling' beside it."

Hermione gapes at her in surprise. "He did?"

"Yeah," Spencer tells them with an obvious tone. "That's how I helped Sir— how Mordra had been caught. Cause I remembered it," she stops herself from saying Sirius's name, noticing the pained look on Harry's face. "You know what... it's probably nothing," she waves off knowing they do not believe her.

Ron eyes them awkwardly before clearing his throat and saying, "You all wanna go to our common room?"

The Gryffindors nods before glancing at the two Ravenclaws. Spencer and Ricky smile back at them. "Sure, why not?" They agree, cleaning their area before standing up.

Once they are ready to leave, Spencer tugs Ricky's arms and whispers, "I'll go over there after doing something first, alright?" Ricky nods assuredly before following the three Gryffindors to their place.

Spencer smiles warmly before moving the opposite side. She heads to the Ravenclaw dorms and finds her wand resting on the side. Her head tilts in wonder before grabbing it and placing it inside her pockets. She heads back to where the library is (how amazing is it that she left her philosophy book there)— or at least... she tried to. That is until Theodore appears right in front of her with a terrified and panic-struck expression.

"Theo, are you okay?" She questions in concern. He glances behind him before grabbing her arms tightly. Spencer widens her eyes in alert and analyzes him closely. What is happening? She wonders to herself. Everyone else around them seems calm so why— "Theo... what did you do?"

He closes his eyes in what seems like regret. Then, he reopens them and orders, "You have to run, Spence. Run, hide. I can't— Where's Ricky?"

"What did you do?" She repeats scarily. Theo sobs in his own hands before shaking his head.

"I did something horrible— I- you need to run," Theodore stammers. He seems to remember what he is doing and pushes her a different way. Spencer struggles in his arms not knowing what is going on, but also that she cannot run when her friend is panicking. "No, I'm not running. If something is happening— Theodore!"

The Slytherin pushes her in some broom closet and closes it. Spencer slams the door in anger and yells, "Theodore, what the fuck?"

She grabs out her wand and casts, "Alohomora!" Spencer tries to open the the door but it does not budge.

"I'm sorry, Spencer," Theodore murmurs quietly and it does not take her long to realize he managed to put one of those Ministry type of lock in the door. Most easy way to open it is by an actual muggle key or device and then casting a spell. Fuck, she curses internally. That means she cannot easily get out of there.

"Help!" She uses her second option and slams the door repeatedly.

"I'm trying to help you!" Theodore shouts, "Muffliato!"

Even though she continues crying for help, Spencer knows damn well no one can hear her. After a while, she leans back into the wall and tugs in her hair. A sudden realization occurs to her... Theodore would not have done this if something was not happening today. She glances at the locks in the door (did he put those as well?) and notices that it had ten of them. Spencer slides down against the wall and lets herself think for a minute.

She had a lock back at the manor... except she actually had the keys to it. Well, what about actually yanking the knob off? No, that would not work. In order for the spell to come off it would have to be unlocked the muggle way and then with the Unlocking Charm. Her hand runs through her hair before a thought crosses her mind. She goes through her own pockets and robes before finding a small bobbypin— Luna gave it to her last time saying it was for hair (a bit different than one she has seen). Spencer remembers reading about how to put on a lock, but also what to do if the key is lost and the knob is locked. Apparently, something small and twist wise would be useful to pick through it and disarm it.

Without having the slightest clue on how to do it, Spencer begins struggling with the first one. Case in point, the young Montague is absolutely useless when it comes to do with muggle creations. The nice bobby pin Luna gave her is easily destroyed and crooked making her sigh in disappointment. She is not sure how much time passed, but she tired and slightly sweaty for being locked inside. For some time, Spencer rests her head against the wall. She wonders if her friends are questioning why she is taking so long? Or whether how much time had passed? Maybe Spencer should start wearing a watch...

Her eyes fall to the broken pin before in her head thinking, Reparo. The small device fixes itself and she grabs it once more. Okay... she can do this. Right? She is Spencer Montague, best friend of Ricky Adams, Blaise Zabini's girlfriend, sister to Daniel Gray— one of the best FBI agents and wizard profiler... all of them incredibly smart as well.

Just... imagine the inside of a door lock. Look at those metal parts all surrounding it. Which one is the one that unlocks and locks the door? Spencer pictures the image from the book she read. First, it is blurry, but then it begins to clear up and she notices each metal apart of it. Her eyes close in relaxation as she brings up the pin and starts to stick it inside. Which part does it help you? Keeping the same mindset, she slightly shifts the pin around until it is where she imagines it to be. Turn it left. Her hand twists toward the left and a small click is heard. Spencer reopens her eyes and grins triumphantly. That is until she glances up at the nine of them more to go.

This might take some more time, Spencer sighs before repeating the steps again and again. The difficult part comes in more as she realizes the last lock is all the way on top. She always compliments herself that she has a tall slender body— it's great, you know? Boys don't intimidate her much and she gets a better view than others. And yet, not even her tallness is able to help in this situation which quite frankly is rude and disappointing. Fortunately, she is in a broom closet and it is quite thrilling that a simple bucket is out in the corner. Bringing it up close to the door, she carefully stands on top of it and tiptoes to meet the lock. With her mind now focused on whatever is to come, she finally unlocks the last one yet.

"Alohomora," she casts once more, sighing in relief when the door finally butchers open. Spencer steps outside carefully and notices the utter silence. It is late and she can easily tell by the way the windows are barely shining light and it is it is not a bright yellow but rather a shadow.

The fact that it is late is not what slowly makes Spencer hold her wand tightly. There is something occurring within the dark sky. A sudden chill runs up her spine and her gut screams, 'Run! Run!' Spencer looks around the empty halls before choosing to head closer toward the ground outside. She makes her way by the edge of a rail, a small frown on her lips as she realizes nothing has happened. It is just the chilly air and wind breezing about, the stars shimmering brightly like every other day and the leaves swaying one way. Everything seems normal—

And suddenly, the bright sky is taken over by a cloud of fog and Spencer steps back from the rail when she notices a dreadfully familiar mark forming in the sky. Her hand goes up her mouth in realization and that is when she heard it... Fighting, Spencer realizes, remembering that Dumbledore had guards outside the school. That means Tonks and whoever else accompanies her are currently fighting Death Eaters and Hogwarts is—

"Hello again," a familiar drawling voice is heard from behind.


how serious can this be that i didn't
even put any parenthesis 😳 💔💔

the way i treat you guys with a lil bit
of love before adding in some conflict
like that's my trademark 😌💅

n e way you guys should watch lucifer if
u havenot because that's one of my favorite
shows and s5a came out yesterday 😁👍
have not finished it tho 🧍🏽‍♀️🔫

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