NOT MUCH COULD OCCUPY JAXON'S MIND BESIDES THE BOLD AND BLATANT FACT OF HIM BEING NOTHING BUT A CLONE. Nothing unique, but just another Ryan Hunt made to fight for people who didn't care about his well-being. Only used to further one's agenda and keep his boss in power. A horrible and harsh truth that would destroy anyone's world. It only turned out that it ruined only his world and made him wonder if anything he'd experienced was even real. If every decision in his life had already been made before he even decided upon it.
Something so small had been taken away that led to this moment in time. Everything harsh that comes with life, taken like it was had been something so small and useless. How was he supposed to have known if his decisions in the past were the wrong ones or right? Did every question he's ever asked already have an answer to it? Constructed and ready to be told? Jaxon was unsure, far beyond the land of knowing or understanding.
Did the love for Natasha already become fabricated by his genes? That was a question that was better left unanswered. The brutality of all it could bring to his world and the world around him. Because if the answer was the one he didn't want, Jaxon knows his heart would turn black with hate and vengefulness. Ready to bring chaos to whoever stood responsible for the thing they created; for creating him. Put an end to the monster they had successfully created.
Here we go. The voice alerted him, turning his head in the direction of Natasha whose feet faltered slightly. "I heard your voice." He muttered, looking away and towards the beautiful early morning sun that was slowly rising with each minute approaching the afternoon.
"Couldn't find you when I woke up," Natasha spoke up, coming to the man's side and sitting beside him on some old metal outside of the subway. The area was scattered with metal scrap, rusting away with a putrid stench of water dripping into old mud and other disgusting liquids. Not all welcoming, but better than the small enclosed space of the hideout. "I wasn't able to sleep for long. Needed time to think."
Natasha could understand, in some sort of way. Not at all what he was going through, but the fact that restlessness didn't allow the mind to seize. Wanting all the space to think clearly and freely.
She wasn't sure how to talk to him about the situation. Bringing it up would surely erupt into a burst of emotions from the man and the last thing she wanted him worrying about was his powers. So, all she could find herself doing was sitting silently beside him. Soaking up the sun and waiting patiently for him to say something.
"Did we ever get a dog?" The question had Natasha's eyes widening. Head snapping in the direction of Jaxon who didn't look at her. But a small tilt of his lips was able to be seen.
At first, it took a few moments to understand. But when she did, a smile formed on her lips as she bowed her head. "Yeah. We had one for maybe a week and soon learned we weren't the at taking care of it. So, we let a local family adopt him." She explained as Jaxon nodded.
"Sounds about right. What was his name?" He inquired, letting his brown orbs find hers as she smiled. "Milo."
A rumbling laugh shook itself free from Jaxon's chest as he bowed his head. "I named him, didn't I?" Natasha nodded with a small chuckle.
For a moment, Natasha just stared at Jaxon's side profile. Soaking in the smile and the seemingly heavy facts stacked upon him. Everything seemed to be going against him, but he still found something to smile and laugh about. It reminded her of all the times when they had travelled to a different country. In the face of his job, he still found the time to smile and embrace the happiness around him.
She didn't know or understand, but it had been because of her that things were right. That shared conversation all those years ago in bed had told her. But she had no idea the extent it went to. And even now, when he couldn't fully remember much, he still felt his heart swell and warm when around her.
"Well, at least something wasn't chosen already for me." Natasha could practically taste the bitterness in each word Jaxon spoke. "It wasn't chosen when we met." She countered, reaching over and holding his hand.
But she was met with the loss of his warmth when he pulled his hand away. Wringing them together as he looked down. "How do you know that's the truth?"
If Jaxon was right then way beyond his birth, he was already modified to make certain decisions. To have one sole goal in mind and to have one direct way of thinking. It all went towards battle and killing without a second thought until he was the one to catch a bullet. Who was to say he ever had any free will in the first place?
That single question had him questioning everything he had experienced with Natasha. And if it turned out that whatever he and Natasha had was fabricated, then why? What had been his goal or Catherine's goal with him being with Natasha?
Once again, his hand was taken by Natasha who encased it softly between her hands. "I wouldn't have fallen in love with a rather dirty guy who stared at me shamelessly across the bar." She quipped, earning a soft smile from Jaxon who turned halfway towards her. "Everything that happened between us was real and nothing created by the ones around you."
Her hands then roamed up his arms, soft and sensual. A calming act that shook away the uneasiness and questions floating in the air around them. The warm touch soon found his face cheeks and pulled him towards her. Resting their forehead against one another.
The small form of affection and love was enough. It wasn't a kiss or a hug, but something about this beat the two. Almost like the tension in the wire connecting them was relieved of its tension. Able to intertwine in a unique knot that would stay there, keeping them close to one another. No matter how hard they tugged or tried to break away. Nothing could snap or cut that connection.
An unbreakable bond that would stand for years on. But at the moment, although it didn't break, their touch had disconnected when Natasha pulled away. And for a moment, Jaxon got to see the first glimpse of anger ridden in her emerald eyes. A determination within them that swam in the sea of emotions she was holding back. "We need to figure out who killed Fury."
THEY HAD LEFT THE HARRY'S HIDEOUT WITHOUT A WORD SPARED TOWARDS THE MI6 AGENT. Along the car ride over to the hospital, Jaxon was filled in on the specifics and suspicions Natasha had about what was going on. When he heard the name of the Winter Soldier slip past her lips, a part of him told him he knew the person. Considering this soldier was a HYDRA soldier connects Jaxon in some way to this mystery man. And the extra piece of info given to him was a S.H.I.E.L.D. memory stick that Natasha saw Steve Rogers stash inside a vending machine. Which was the reason why they were at the hospital.
Jaxon stood down the hall that he had seen Natasha stand by, awaiting the arrival of Steve. His eyes cast out towards the window of the parking lot and front entrance below. Taking apart every single piece of detail, searching for any possible threats. Not even noticing the large figure that walked past him and down the hall towards the vending machine.
No, his attention was drawn to an old beat-up 2012 Chevrolet beige Impala parking. Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up at the sight of Ryan Hunt emerging from the driver seat. Adjusting his jacket and flipped up his hood over his head before striding across the parking lot and to the front entrance.
This couldn't have been more than worse timing and luck for Jaxon whose fingers itched to grab the gun in the back of his pants. For all Jaxon knew, Ryan could know he was here, but not know where. But a part of him wanted his original to know he was here. To finally have that battle they both were searching for.
An unbridled rage was coursing through Jaxon's veins as he pushed himself away from the window and walked down the hall. He wanted nothing more than to kill Ryan hunt in this hospital. Perhaps that would be the case, but Jaxon had a new way of thinking now. No innocence would be caught in the crossfire.
Passing by nurses who spared him small smiles, but no words. Approaching the vending machine, he stopped when he heard the faint voices to his left. Turning his head towards the room to see a man standing in front of Natasha.
"Let's find out what the ghost wants." The man, Jaxon guessed was Steve Rogers, stated. Taking the SD stick from Natasha and turning towards the open doorway to find Jaxon.
Neither Natasha nor Steve could get a word out before Jaxon spoke up. "Ryan's here. We need to move, now." He told them, grabbing Natasha's hand and pulling her towards him, exiting the room.
"Who's this?" Steve inquired, not at all harsh, but suspicious. Jaxon didn't blame him. After everything the two agents have been through in the past 24 hours, things have been eerie and confusing. So, for Steve to not put his trust in a stranger wasn't surprising.
"Jaxon Carter. I am searching for answers, just like you." Jaxon replied, not seeing the tiny crack in Steve's expression.
Moving down the hallway, the three came to the edge of the hall. About to round the corner before Jaxon stopped them. Seeing the hooded figure being revealed behind the metal doors of the elevator.
A dark look in Ryan's eyes, but it wasn't thought further upon as Jaxon pushed the pair back. "You two need to head down the stairway."
The moment Natasha had heard the lack of his presence not going to accompany them, she shook her head. "I am not leaving you here." She demanded and Jaxon had to remember the fact that this woman he cared for was stubborn. One of the things he loved and one of the things he hated.
Cupping her face, he shook his head. "And I am not putting you in any more danger." He could tell she was about to bite back, so he continued. "You can fight and stand on your own, but this is my fight." He paused, letting his thumb stroke her cheek with a small smile forming on his lips. "I'm not losing you a second time."
Natasha bit her lip, grasping his wrist and giving it a soft squeeze. Nodding begrudgingly as Jaxon looked to Steve. "You two park a block down from the hospital. Give me 5 minutes from now and when you park. I'll be there." The blonde nodded, taking Natasha's arm gently and pulling her towards the stairwell.
"You better." She replied as Jaxon smiled with a wink before they pushed open the door to their escape.
With that dealt with, Jaxon peeked down the hall spotting Ryan talking to a nurse. A fake and welcoming aura surrounded him as the woman looked awestruck by him. Completely captured by his charm and good looks. At least they had one thing in common.
But that moment is cut short by the woman pointing down the hall towards where Jaxon stood around the corner. Ryan followed her finger and found Jaxon, a sinister smile forming on the man's lips. Jaxon didn't wait to find out what happened next as he spun around and took off down the hall.
The rapid steps behind him were acknowledged as he rounded the corner, nearly slamming into a nurse. "Hey, watch it!" Jaxon didn't pay the woman any mind, continuing his sprint and pulling his gun free from the back of his pants. Glancing over his shoulder to find Ryan sprinting after him.
So, with caution, Jaxon fired off a few shots towards the roof. Drywall falling from the ceiling and creating a small cloud of dust to fall on him. Screams filled the air from the sudden loud cracks of gunshots. It put the entire building in a state of panic, people rushing for exits as they saw Jaxon running for an exit.
Moving through the bodies of nurses and doctors, Jaxon entered a second stairway. The panic beyond the floors and walls from people could be heard as faint whispers with the door slamming. Its slam echoed off the walls with his rapid footsteps moving down the steps following it.
He made it down at least 2 flights of stairs before a door slammed shut with gunshots landing near his feet. Body jerking to the side and pressing himself against the wall. Taking a moment until Jaxon fired a few shots blindly upwards. A sudden silence blanketed over the stairway with a chuckle being heard above.
The sound bounced off the walls like a drum. "I will say this, Jax. Your skills haven't improved a single bit."
Jaxon clenched his jaw, leaning forward and through the cracks between each set of stairs to find a door 2 floors down. Not ground level, but at least something he could use. "Move through a crowd in a panic to try and escape the scene. It's all classic bullshit that is taught in the first few weeks, man."
"That just means we're in a levelled playing field," Jaxon replied, carefully moving down the steps with his back pressed against the wall. Cautious of every step he made and every sound that escaped him.
"Man," Ryan laughed, "did Hurly not teach you that things are never levelled until both you and the enemy are fighting hand to hand?" Ryan questioned with a thunderous voice that bounced off the concrete walls like a drum.
It took a moment for Jaxon to reply, his heart hammering against his chest as he let out a shaky breath. "Can't remember much, but I am sure he told me that if I was your clone," Jaxon replied, bitterness on his tongue as another set of gunshots flew down the stairwell. His body tensed as he kept himself pressed against the wall. Struck a nerve there.
This entire interaction wasn't how Jaxon envisioned it to happen. What he thought would be their fight and only fight. One of them coming out on top, not this foreplay bullshit that they were stuck in. Something about that told Jaxon that even if they fought now, they would see one another again. Under the same circumstances, just a different location and time.
Jaxon was Ryan's target, had been for years now. And even if Jaxon escaped, none of that would change and he would be hunted for as long as Ryan lived. Telling by how this man had killed his former agents, let a bomb go off killing innocence and didn't seem to stop hunting him, Ryan wasn't going to die anytime soon.
"So, is that what this is? You're hunting down your clones and killing them all? For what? What do you have to gain from this?" Jaxon questioned as soft and careful footsteps could be heard just above him. Eyes slightly widened as he sped down to the door to create a better distance. "I have a lot. You wouldn't understand." Ryan replied with a tiny laugh.
"But you will."
Suddenly jerking out from his spot, shooting Jaxon who flinched. Falling back at the sudden loss of strength in his legs and tumbling out of the door. Hot searing pain erupted all around his side. Jaw clenching with a groan slipping past gritted teeth. Fingers twitched as he pressed his hand against the wound, only being greeted by a sudden shot of pain. This pain was familiar but that didn't make it any better.
A splice of pain erupted on his stomach, the wind whistling past him as his feet fell unsteady. Hearing the pants of the person ahead of him. It'd one crack of the gunshot that had stopped him from completing his mission. And in that single fraction of a moment, the impact and shock that it sent to his system plunged him through the air. Falling downwards with the sight of the bridge above becoming smaller and smaller until he was met with a cold rush hitting him before darkness.
His mind was blank, focused on the single and only thing that mattered. Getting to Natasha. Even standing to his feet, pain searing deep into his entire body, he still thought of only her. And limping down the hall, body weak, blood soaking his hand and staining, his mind still focused on the redhead waiting for him.
So, with one final push with the strength in his body, he sprinted towards a room down the hall. The door is wide open, vacant of any scared individuals trying to avoid the ensuing chaos happening between the clones. But right ahead of him, along the wall, was a large window.
And when he met the hard material, shattering the glass with the force of his body, he tumbled through the air. Not going far before his body met another piece of metal connecting another few sheets of glass at the entrance of the hospital. Shattering under his weight and sending him falling to the pavement with his head bouncing off the ground.
Natasha. Natasha. Natasha.
A thunderous and pounding ache smashed every corner of his skull. Groaning as he tilted his head, hissing when shattered glass nicked at his face and chin. His gaze was hazy and uneven as he could hear the faint sound of sirens in the distance. Every single part of his body begged for a chance to relax, to soak in the pain and then move.
But his stubbornness got the best and he forced himself to his feet. Grunting when the bullet in his stomach screamed for some relief of tension and his skull splitting in half from the throbbing headache appearing. Hobbling forward with a hand grasping his stomach tightly, ignoring the unbearable hot pain scorching his entire body.
He made his way across the parking lot, stopping at the back of the ambulance. Waving his left hand caused the doors to rip from their hinges and go flying to the side. Screeching across the concrete as he saw two cowering EMTs, eyes wide in tears. One was a man and the other was a woman, trembling under his gaze.
The look in their eyes; fear. Almost like they were staring at a monster. A complete and indescribable monster ready to feast upon them. Teeth barring, blood dripping from its lips, a feral snarl leaving it. That's what they saw.
Slowly, he reached inside and grasped the large white first aid kit and stepped down. "Thanks," He muttered without another word and made his way to the end of the parking lot and caught sight of the grey Jeep down the block from his right.
The strength in his body was slowly dwindling, ears perking up at the sound of the police sirens steadily approaching. Unsure of how close or how far they were, their sirens blared across the now seemingly quiet neighbourhood. Only leaving an eerie feeling in the air as Jaxon continued toward the vehicle with a stutter in his step.
It seemed like a grace from God that either Natasha or Steve had spotted him. The vehicle peeled from its spot on the curb and did a full u-turn in the middle of the street. Its engine growled loudly as it quickly approached him with a shaky smile. Lifting his right hand, momentarily removing it from his wound, and raising his thumb. Knowing damn well Natasha would scold him for being so dumb after being injured.
When the vehicle came to a screeching halt beside him, the back door was pushed open. "Fcuk, Jax," Natasha muttered, pushing herself to the farthest side in the back seat as the man lugged himself inside. Slamming the door shut and barely given a moment to relax before Steve slammed his foot on the gas and sent them jolting back.
"Lay down," Natasha ordered and Jaxon didn't protest, laying back in the rather comfortable leather seats. From beside him, the woman had skillfully leaned around to the front of the passenger seat and pushed it as far forward as possible. "Who was that back there?" Steve questioned, glancing over his shoulder to steal a glance between the two former assassins.
"Ryan Hunt, my original." Steve frowned.
"I'm his clone." The blonde's lips parted and that was all that was given as a response.
The idea of the ability to create clones was something people around the world were unaware of. Very few knew of it and Jaxon guessed it had been kept in a very, very tight circle of people. And something about that allowed Jaxon to feel like his very own person, somewhat. If everyone knew he was merely the creation from a tube, that's all they would ever see.
A groan escaped his lips when his shirt was lifted in a sudden jerk. Lifting his head to watch Natasha scanning the bullet wound closely as she opened the kit down by her knees. Take out some thread, a needle, gauze and some tweezers. Laying them in an orderly fashion and ready for the entire hellhole that was about to occur in the back of this Jeep.
Jaxon didn't say a word as Natasha took the tweezers between her fingers and inched closer towards the open bullet wound. "Want me to countdown?" She inquired, not looking up at Jaxon who chuckled. "There is no- Son of a bitch!"
She had plunged the two metal arms into the wound and carefully moved further, searching for the bullet lodged into his stomach.
"Okay. No foreplay? I can get down to this." He tried to quip, only his smile is replaced with a wince and groan of pain. Natasha on the other hand smiled, but something in her eyes also showed.
No further words were exchanged from the three. All sitting in a heavy silence with the occasional groan and curse coming from Jaxon. Having to put up with the metal inside him pulling out slowly, the pain pulsating all around the wound and sending waves throughout his body. When they exited his wound, a bullet could be seen clamped around the tips of the tweezers. Covered in his blood that tripped off the end of it.
That then led to Natasha placing the thread through the loop, tying it before scooting closer to Jaxon. Not saying any warning when she suddenly pierced his skin. Glancing up at the man inhaled sharply, gritting his teeth as he didn't make any noise. This wasn't new, for either of them. On many occasions long ago, Natasha would be patching him up. Sticking up the worse of his wounds and him doing the same for her. Sometimes, they would deal with it themselves.
But this was by no means new for Natasha who had been through this process and knew almost everything Jaxon would say or do to try and forget the pain. Even if it was for a mere moment. It had been so long that the sight alone shouldn't have made the faintest sting of tears appear. Except, they did and Natasha but her bottom lip, continuing to sew the wound up the best she could.
Soon enough, the Jeep made its way through a parking lot. Driving slowly before slipping into a parking spot and the vehicle shutting down. Just as Natasha bit the thread, tearing it and tying it off and grabbing the bandage.
Not making it far before Jaxon sat up, jaw clenching uncontrollably as he pulled his shirt off. "Wait, Jax," Nat muttered, pursing her lips when the man popped open the door. Tossing it under the driver seat and moving around to the back of the vehicle and popping the trunk.
Natasha followed his every movement like a hawk. This weird feeling bundled up in her stomach and gave off a sudden cold chill. She watched as he slipped a shirt on from his bag and then grabbed a jacket, shrugging that on and putting his pistol in the back of his pants.
None of them shared any words, only moving towards the mall and entering the crowded space. As much as Jaxon wanted to look around, spot any possible hostiles, he stopped himself. Deciding to keep himself chilled out as Natasha subtly let her hand wrap around his wrist.
A small action that was meant for comfort. Reassure him that, at the moment, they were in a safe space and he could relax for a few moments. And it worked as he just moved along, keeping his eyes planted forwards and not letting anything stop him.
Steve, on the other hand, wasn't as calm. Continuously looking around anxiously, his pace quick in long strides. "First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk," Natasha stated. "If I run in these shoes they're gonna fall off." Steve countered.
They soon made it to a computer store that Jaxon didn't care much about finding out the name for. Only adjusting his shirt and jacket to hide the pistol just in the back of his pants.
"The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up S.H.I.E.L.D. will know exactly where we are," Natasha stated. "How much time will we have?" Steve asked.
"About nine minutes from now." She plugged in the drive to the computer. "That won't be enough time," Jaxon spoke up.
"You only say that because you're nervous," she replied. "Well, I would be after I have a whole corporation and a clone hunting me down." Jaxon countered.
"Can we talk about that for a sec?" Steve cut in. "How exactly is he your clone?"
"Well, I am his clone," Jaxon corrected. "But I don't know. Must've been something Catherine planned a while back when Ryan joined up with Quantum."
"And now S.H.I.E.L.D. is hunting you?" Steve continued. "Yeah," Jaxon confirmed. "First people I came in contact with after the helicopter crash were S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers and they were hunting me."
"Which means HYDRA has been on the inside this entire time," Steve sighed. "How long have they been hunting you?"
Jaxon glanced towards him for a moment before looking away. "If I had my memories, I would tell you," he stated. "But all I know is her-" Jaxon pointed to Natasha. "-and now these."
With a tiny swivel of his right hand, a faint orange tendril extended out from his fingertips. And it made him wince slightly, keening in on some of the people's thoughts around him. As the tendril reached out, it touched someone's temple as they froze. Run.
Without as much of a whisper, this man under the effect of Jaxon's powers took off running. A smirk tugged at Jaxon's lips as he clenched his hand, seizing the powers. Shaking his hand slightly as Steve sent him a scolding look.
"What?" Jaxon questioned innocently. "It was funny, wasn't it? You need to smile more, Steve."
"Fury was right about that ship," Natasha spoke up, cutting the pair's conversation. "Somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI. It keeps writing itself to counter my commands."
"Can you override it?" Steve inquired.
"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me." She glanced at Jaxon, seeing the teasing smile on his lips. "Slightly."
After a few more times of trial and error, Natasha sighed. "I'm going to try running a tracer," she announced. "This is a program S.H.I.E.L.D. developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from."
"Can I help you guys with anything?"
The sudden new voice had Jaxon jumping in surprise. "Holy fuck." His whisper earned a swift jab in the stomach by Natasha. Clearing her throat as Jaxon groaned in pain.
"Oh, no." Natasha wrapped an arm around Jaxon's shoulders as he inhaled deeply. "My fiance was just helping me with some honeymoon destination. Brought his Uncle along for a third opinion."
"We were looking at Iceland, right?" Jaxon looked at Natasha, playing along with the lie. "I told you about Fjallsarlon and the icebergs and everything."
"Yeah," Steve said. "They're getting married."
His awkward reply didn't go noticed by the worker who smiled. "Congratulations," he said. "I heard Iceland is a great place to go. I went when I was a kid."
He then looked at Steve, a smile slowly building on his face. "I have the exact same glasses."
"Wow, you two are practically twins." Natasha's comment earned a subtle elbow in the arm by Jaxon. Earning a mischievous grin by the woman.
As soon as the worker walked away, the trio turned towards the laptop. "You said nine minutes," Steve reminded. "Come on."
"Relax," Natasha muttered. "Got it."
On the screen, the scan zoomed in on New Jersey, specifically, Wheaton, New Jersey. Both assassins saw the look of confusion on Steve's face as he leaned in closer. "You know it?" Natasha mused.
"I used to," he replied. "Let's go."
They quickly took the drive and made their way out of the store. Quickly blending into the massive crowds of people. Jaxon's sense kicked in as he scanned his surroundings subtly.
Where are they? "They're here," Jaxon spoke up. "I see two on the third level."
"Standard tac team," Steve said. "Two behind, two across, and two coming straight towards us."
"Split off," Jaxon spoke up. "Grab only what we need from the jeep and take a vehicle."
Steve nodded, breaking off from the pair and moving with a large group of civilians. Natasha wrapped an arm around Jason's shoulder and pulled him down slightly to her level.
"I remember you always saying you hated working alone." They passed the two HYDRA agents. "Turns out you do have some teamwork."
"Well, I think that's only because I have to deal with you," he countered. "You're a loose cannon that has to be watched."
Stepping onto the escalator's, Jaxon kept his power's on idle. Listening to the thoughts of the hundreds of people within the mall. Trying to key in on the ones that seemed to stand out the most to him. A painful process that was tiring him out each second they were in use.
But before he could even think of anything remotely comprehensible, two hands cupped his cheeks and a pair of lips slammed against his. It was a momentary shock that froze his body, but he quickly grabbed Natasha by the hips and pulled him flush against him. Her lips tasted like strawberries.
This all felt so familiar that he couldn't help but remove a hand from her hip and place it against the railing of the escalator. Pressing his body against hers as she pulled away with a gasp. Rolling her head back as Jaxon nibbled on her neck. She was sure that he could feel her heart hammering against her chest. She sure could when her hand grabbed his collar and pulled him closer. Her wrist resting against the centre of his chest, the faint heartbeat felt against his skin.
"We're in the clear," she breathed. "Now stop before you start something you can't finish."
"Oh, but Natasha that's where you've got it wrong," Jaxon whispered. "You've got it all backwards. You started something you can't finish."
The woman bit her bottom lip, containing the mewl's and moans wishing to escape. Thanking whatever otherworldly being watching over her for Jaxon to finally pull away with a grin.
"But I'll let you go," he told her. "But don't expect me to be so keen on doing so again."
And without so much as another whisper, Jaxon pulled away with Natasha following in tow. Clearing her throat and doing her best to hide the warm flush of her cheeks. "He's going to be the death of me."
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