ARYA WAS SAT ON THE GRASS, bit further away from the group as she examined the flower in front of her. A soft smile formed on her lips as she just watched it sway in the wind. Something so delicate, yet so soothing. Maybe because it gave her the reminder that she was free. Well, semi-free. She wouldn't be truly out of harms way until Snow was dead. And that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.
She felt like she would finally be able to breathe once the man was gone. Arya hoped for the day to eventually come. But the rebellion wasn't really doing much. All they were doing was sitting around, using Katniss as their shield. They weren't even talking about rescuing the tributes and that's what made Arya angry. Would she have never gotten out if it wasnt for Ceila? Would her fate have been death because district Thirteen, because Coin only thought about themselves?
Hell, Arya has heard them call Peeta a traitor because of the things he supposedly said in his interviews. She hadnt seen them but she knew he wasn't a traitor. The way he treated her in the arena showed his character. And whatever he was or wasn't saying in those interviews, it was most likely being forced out of him.
The gravel behind her makes a noise as Finnick walks up. He sits down next to her on the grass, looking at the flower that Arya's eyes were drawn to. "It's beautiful." He says as he glances over at Arya. Arya nods her head slowly, her fingers moving away from the stem of the flower.
"Something you don't see everyday, being crammed between four walls." Arya retorts. She couldn't imagine someone willingly living like that. Barely any sunlight, not being able to see nature or even feel a breeze on your skin. Arya could never live like that unless she was forced to.
"Once the rebellion is over, you will never have to live like that again." Finnick assures her. He wasn't sure what she would do once they didn't have to hide anymore. Whether she would go back to district five, or somewhere else. But he didn't know whether or not her district brought up too many bad memories to stay there.
"Hm." Arya lets out a small hum. She wasn't sure if she should believe the rebellion would end or not. It was something you didn't really know the ending of. You just had to hope for best and hope you didn't die in the process.
"Have a garden, smell the fresh air everyday by a lake." She explains as she looks around. She wouldn't mind living away from the districts, not having to worry and just embracing the world around her.
"Away from civilization." Finnick adds with a chuckle. It did seem like an easy life. Especially since you didn't have to deal with anyone, especially with corrupt people in power.
"Sounds like a dream." Arya says quietly. Because it was a dream. Nothing indicated that it was the life she was going to get. It was nothing more than a fantasy created in their mind.
But Finnick thought the opposite. He knew the rebellion would end, he knew they would win. At what cost? He didn't know. But he would make sure Arya got the life she deserved. "It can become a reality." Finnick tells her. Arya just scoffs as she shakes her head. Her eyes move over to his.
"With who? I have no one left." Arya points out. Who would she even run away with? Who would she start a life with?
"You have me." Finnick states. Arya felt her heart flutter in that moment, but she knew it was just temporary. He was just being nice to her because she was held hostage and is scared to go around Thirteen by herself. Once she starts being okay with it, he wouldn't stay by her side.
"I don't expect you to stick around me forever, Finnick." Arya denies as she brings her arms to her chest, looking back out in front of her. Finnick furrows his eyebrows, wondering why she thought he would stay with her.
"Why not? I quite like you calling me names and hitting me in your sleep." He teases a bit, a small smile on his lips. Aryas jaw drops a little bit as she meets his gaze again, her eyes narrowing.
"I don't hit in my sleep." She denies. She was barely sleeping so how would he know that? He was probably just trying to cheer her up but honestly, she had heard from her brothers when they were younger that she would repeatedly kick them while they slept.
"So, you're saying you do it on purpose?" Finnick asks, tilting his head. Arya rolls her eyes playfully, shaking her head.
"You're such an idiot." Arya mumbles as she glances away from him. Finnick just smirks.
"You know, you're just proving my point, right?" He questions. Arya felt a small smile form but she was still doubtful, especially since they had only started to get to know each other after meeting years ago.
"You seriously want to be around the crazy girl for the rest of your life?"
"You're not crazy." He denies, hating how she kept referring to herself as that. "You're just a girl who's been through a traumatic life and are trying to cope with it." Finnick explains to her. Arya bites the inside of her cheek as her eyes drop momentarily.
Finnick just grabs the flower that was in front of her which caused her to become confused, especially since he moved slightly closer to her. "What are you doing?" Arya asks him curiously as she watches him. Finnick just tucks Aryas hair behind her ear before starting to adjust the flower within it.
Arya just gazed at him, his eyes focused on what he was doing. She felt her stomach twist with butterflies as the scent of him flooded her senses. "There." He says, pulling back slightly, a bright smile on his face as he looked at the flower before meeting her eyes. "Beautiful." Finnick's tone was flirtatious as he looked back at her. Arya could feel her cheeks heat up.
The way her heart pounded as he just gazed back at her, his eyes searching hers as she felt the flower in her hair. They were very close to each other, a few centimeters and they would be physically touching. And with the close space, Aryas eyes drop to Finnick's lips. Of course it had crossed her mind, leaning in and connecting them. Feeling how his lips would on hers, melting into his touch and forgetting about everyone else around.
But what she didn't know is that Finnick was thinking of the exact same thing. He hadn't meant to land them in this position when he placed the flower in her hair. But now that he was sat in front of her, with her so close to him, it did make him wonder if he should make a move. Finnick wasn't sure what she was thinking though. Her eyes were moving across his face although his were completely stopped on her lips.
He felt himself leaning ever so slightly toward her and Arya's breath hitches in her throat. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it, him coming closer to her. His eyes on her lips. But she wasnt exactly denying it. It seemed like Finnick was slightly hesitating though, probably trying to figure out if she wanted him to kiss her. But Arya was at the point where she was ready to make the first move.
That was until they heard a voice beside them. "Hey." They both were a bit startled as they moved away from each other slightly. Their heads turned and they saw Katniss standing above them. "We need to head back now." She tells them as her eyes flicker between the pair. Finnick rubbed the back of his neck as he nodded his head.
"Yeah, we're coming." Finnick responds with a nod. Katniss glances between them once more, clearly figuring out that she had interrupted something. But she just turns and heads back to the group. When Finnick looked back at Arya, she was just staring down at her hands.
He lets out a sigh as he stands up from the ground, brushing the dirt off of himself before offering a hand to Arya. She glances up at him, her eyes landing on his hand. She was hesitant but she took it and allowed for him to pull her up. Finnick gazed at her, their bodies touching ever so slightly.
He clears his throat, going to turn and pull his hand away when Arya just tightened her grip and began walking alongside him. Finnick looks back down at their hands, trying not to smile as they made their way to the group.
KATNISS WATCHED AS FINNICK GOT OFF OF THE HOVERCRAFT BEHIND ARYA. Her eyes were watching him closely and when he finally got over to her, she stopped him before he could get too far. Finnick looks at her a bit confused. Katniss just smirks as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Was I interrupting something back there?" She asks him curiously, her eyes drifting to Arya who was listening to something Cressida was saying.
"No." Finnick immediately denies as he looks away from her. Katniss only laughs as she raises her eyebrows. She didn't believe him for one second.
"Really? Cause it seemed like you were gonna kiss her." Katniss points out. She could see the way they were looking at each other and it was clear she stopped it.
"I wasn't." He states. Katniss just scoffs as she rolls her eyes a little bit.
"Mhm." She hums as she looks away from him to glance toward Arya. "That's why you were looking at her lips." Katniss says. Finnick just crosses his arms.
"Don't you have anywhere else to be?" Finnick asks her, not wanting her to ask these questions, especially when Arya could easily overhear them.
"Nope. Annoying you is my task for the day." She states with a smirk on her lips. Finnick didn't seem impressed, just looking away from her. His eyes stop on Arya for a second.
"Did I want to kiss her? Well, obviously, who wouldn't?" Finnick would be an idiot if he didnt think Arya was attractive. He did want to make a move on her, he was just afraid. "She doesn't...." He stops himself for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I don't know, I just feel like it would either be amazing or it would create this weird tension between us." He explains to her and Katniss nods her head slowly.
"Ahh, you don't think she'll kiss you back and then think you're a creep." Katniss retorts with a laugh. Finnick rolls his eyes a little bit.
"You really are annoying, you know that?" Finnick replied, going to move past her but Katniss stops him.
"Sorry, sorry. I just had to." Katniss admits before just letting out a sigh. "Look, Arya likes you. Anyone with eyes can see that." She points out.
"She just likes me because I'm the only one she really knows." Finnick corrects her.
"I know her and she doesn't look at me with hearts in her eyes." Katniss points out with a little snort. Finnick just sighs as he shrugs his shoulders.
"I don't want to ruin it with her." Finnick denies. He would make a move if he knew for sure he wouldn't lose her or make things awkward between them. He had that fear and it wasn't going away anytime soon.
"You won't." Katniss states, tilting her head a bit. "Finnick, I promise, if you made a move on her, it wouldn't do anything other than get you laid." She explains to the man. She wasn't a hundred percent sure but she was like 85% sure that Arya liked him.
Finnick didn't seem too amused by her comment. "Katniss." He says in a stern tone. Katniss just smirks a little bit.
"What? You are literally so tense all the time, a little sex wouldn't hurt." She points out, touching his arm and he just slaps her hand away from him.
"I don't want to have sex with her." Finnick denies, a bit annoyed. Katniss just raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, that wouldn't be a bad thing but that's not why I like her or want to be around her." He loved her company and honestly, they had a lot in common. They just didn't realize because neither of them wanted to be in the same room as the other prior to being in thirteen.
"Mm." Katniss narrows her eyes a bit before just shaking her head. "Well, man up or you'll just watch her get stolen by somebody else." She points out, patting his shoulder before moving past him. Finnick was just left standing there. Arya didn't seem to be interested in anyone else but honesty, he could never tell what she was thinking.
Maybe she did like someone, and maybe that someone wasn't him.
MATTHEW WAS NERVOUS AS HE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR TO ARYA'S ROOM. He opens it after a moment and noticed Arya sitting by the desk. Her head turns to look at him and she just stares for a second. "Hey, uh, can I come in?" He asks her cautiously and she just nods her head. Matthew shuts the door behind him before walking over to her. "I don't know uh-- My names Matthew. I'm not sure if Finnick has mentioned me." He explains as he just stands near the table.
Arya just stares, her eyes running over him. She knew she knew him, she just didnt remember. It was like he was wiped from existence in her brain. "You were in the picture." She says softly. Matthew nods his head as he slightly sighed. That was who he was to her now. The man who was all but a face in a picture.
"Yeah, I was."
"Why?" Arya asks, wanting to know why he was there and how they knew each other. Matthew just sits down on the chair in front of her, resting his arms on the table.
"Because we've known each other a long time. And I looked after you." Matthew tells her. Arya bites the inside of her cheek as she fiddles with her fingers.
"So, you're from district five." She questions.
"Why can't I remember you?" Arya asks. She wouldn't believe that Snow could just take memories like that but maybe he had someone who was able to. Maybe it was on her own volition. Either way, the man in front of her was a stranger.
"Snow must've had someone twisting your memories. Is there other things you can't remember or remember differently?" Matthew asks. Wondering if it was just him but when she nodded her head, he felt just a tiny bit of relief.
Arya was quiet for a second as she just analyzed him. "So, what? You were like my boyfriend?" She asks him. Matthew's eyes go wide as he all but gaped at her.
"What?" Matthews voice was loud as he just stared back at her. "No, no, no." He immediately denies, shaking his head as a shiver of disgust runs over him. "No, oh my God, no i was not your boyfriend." He states. Matthew blinks a few times, trying to even process her saying something like that.
"Oh." Arya thought that was what he and finnick had meant. But apparently it was something else.
"I was uh... more of a guardian and close friend. I'm more close to your father's age then yours." Matthew explains to her, clearing his throat. He was a bit repulsed with her suggestion that there was something more.
"Men like younger girls." Arya states with a shrug of his shoulders and Matthew chokes on the breath in his throat.
"Well, that's not-- We weren't together, okay?" He firmly states and she just nods. "But I do love you. And I hate that Snow took you away from me." Matthew was more sentimental with this sentence as his eyes showed nothing but hurt.
"I didn't have many friends." Arya knew that even with her brain being a scramble.
"But you had me." Matthew states. Arya felt pain fill her heart and her eyes as she looked back at him. She knew how much it was killing him to talk about this, knowing their memories were gone in her mind.
"And that's why Snow took you away." Arya put the pieces together. She didn't remember him because he was the last person she had. And Snow wanted her to feel completely alone.
"Look, I understand that you don't remember me and you're probably cautious of me. But I want you to know that no matter what you remember or think about me, I will always be here for you and I will always protect you." Matthew tells her, leaning forward slightly. Arya felt like she could trust him, the things he said. That picture proved that he had truly known her.
"Can I ask you a question?" Arya asks him softly. Matthew furrows his eyebrows but nods his head.
"Since you knew me..." She trails off for a moment. Her eyes drift around the room. "Well, I mean, I know I never really had a relationship. The only person I ever had any sort of feelings for was ... Nova." Arya says, her voice cracking slightly.
She didn't think she'd love anyone as she loved Nova. That was a special bond that could never be recreated. Arya was glad to have not lost the memory of Nova. Although it was hard to think of, she'd rather the pain then the distant remembrance.
"But, how do you know, that what you feel isn't just for someone as a friend?" Arya asks him curiously. Matthew wasn't blind. He saw that Finnick and her were getting close and there was no other person she would be asking this question about.
"You know." Matthew answers her with a light smile on his face. Arya didnt really know what he meant though. "It's different when loving someone as a friend rather than something more." He explains to her and she just nods her head. "The way you look at them, the way you think about them, even the way your heart beats when they're around." Matthew smiles as he looks down at the ground.
Arya felt that way for Finnick, she didn't want to. She didn't want to allow someone else in like that and lose them. But she couldn't control it. Her heart was so full when he was around her. Matthew just gets up from the chair, looking down at her.
"You'll know."
FINNICK WAS WALKING NEXT TO ARYA AS THEY JUST WANDERED DOWN THE HALL. He kept glancing toward her, wondering if he should actually say something. He knew if he didnt, katniss would accidentally end up saying something about it in front of her. Or honestly, she'd probably say it on purpose to get Finnick to actually speak up. But he was still hesitant, not wanting to just spring it on her.
He clears his throat a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. Arya looked toward him, furrowing her eyebrows as she noticed his gaze on her. "Hey, so uh, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Finnick says, deciding to just take the leap. Arya stops in her step, looking up at the man.
"About what?" She asks him curiously. Finnick seemed quiet at that question, stumbling over his words as he really tried to find the right thing to actually say.
"Well, um..." Finnick starts as he looks away for a moment, seeing the numerous people around them. "It's kind of a private thing." He admits. Arya just looks around, a bit skeptical.
"Okay?" Her ears pick up the sound of someone else's voice and she glances around. She knew she recognized it she just couldn't figure out who it was. Finnick didn't seem to notice her attention had drifted elsewhere.
"Do you want to go somewhere to talk?" Finnick asks her but she just turns away from him.
"Wait." She says, furrowing her eyebrows. Finnick just gazed down at her.
"What is it?" He asks her, a bit confused. But she just starts to walk to the room beside them, opening the door slowly. When she stepped in, she instantly noticed Katniss by Haymitch. She wondered what they were doing as they all turned to look at the door that had opened.
The voice was more clear now, and she knew who it was without even having to see. "She shouldn't be in here." Coin denies as she stares over at Arya. Finnick instantly glares at her.
"It's fine." Haymitch says, allowing Arya into the room in order to see. Aryas eyes immediately go to the screen in front of her. She saw Peeta talking to Caesar but with the way his skin looked a sickly pale, the purple under his eyes and the countless bruises, it was clear he wasn't in a good condition.
"Peeta..." Her voice was gentle, cracking as she said his name. Her eyes filled with pain as she just stared at the man. He had gotten worse since she had left and it was probably her fault.
The screen suddenly distorts and it switches to Katniss and her singing the hanging tree song. "That's it, that's our footage." Coin points out.
"Beetees in." Plutarch says as he was somewhat surprised that it even worked.
"Katniss?" Peeta asks as the screen turns back to him. He looked confused yet hopeful as he tried to look at the screen.
"He's sees our propo."
"Katniss, are you there?" Peeta questions as he sits up a bit in his seat. Katniss moves closer to the screen, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Peeta, please continue." Caesar says, trying to bring his eyes away from the screen."You were telling us about these savage attacks." He states. Arya shakes her head as she looks away, closing her eyes.
"Yeah. The attack on the dam was a callous and inhumane act of destruction." Peeta didnt even sound like himself, the way his eyes kept flickering around the screen, he was scared. The screen switches to Katniss once again and this time Peeta looks straight into the camera.
Arya felt tears fill her eyes. "Think about it. How can this end? What will be left? No one can survive this. No one is safe now. Not here in the Capitol, not in any of the districts." Peeta explains to them. Finnick glances toward Arya, seeing her emotions. She most likely remembered her time in the Capitol vividly now that she's seen Peeta. "They're coming, Katniss. They're gonna kill everyone. And in District Thirteen you'll be dead by morning!" The screen was cut off abruptly.
"He's warning us. That was a warning." Haymitch states as he looks around the room. Arya blinks a few times, her eyes going down to the floor.
"We have to get him out before they kill him." Katniss tells them, staring at Coin who doesn't even glance toward her.
"He was in the mansion, he couldve overheard something." Coin tells the others. Arya could only glare over toward her. Of course he knew something, they didn't care about what you heard because they would just torture it out of you anywhere.
"Possibly." Plutarch mutters as he just stares at the now black screen.
"It's time for an air raid drill." Coin tells them, signaling to someone who starts the alarm.
Arya glances around, her hands going to her ears momentarily. Finnick instantly moves over to her, his hand going to her shoulders. She just wraps her arms around him and he holds her close, his grip tight. Knowing that Peeta was alive but that he would get beaten for that small comment, it made her feel sick to her stomach.
The only reason he was still there was because of her. The only reason any of them were still held hostage is because of her.
Authors note;
Bro we hit 90k what!! So close to 100k that's insane.
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