[ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ: ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ 2]: (Chapter 1: Back to Normality)
A ship flies through the skies over Vale. Down on the streets of said city. The owner of the dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" is hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbs down from his ladder, he stumbles and falls. Emerald Sustrai appears next to him.
Emerald: *Giggles 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. (She helps him to his feet.) Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?
Emerald produces a piece of paper with writing on it, and the shopkeep looks it over.
Shopkeep: Hmm? Mm-hmm
Emerald walks away from the shop owner as both wave goodbye and passes Mercury Black at a corner.
Mercury: I knew you were lost
Emerald: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up
She produces a wallet with Lien and waves it on Mercury's face.
Mercury: That's not your money
Emerald: But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence
Mercury: Mmmm... no deal
Emerald: Fine
Emerald takes the Lien and tosses the wallet, turning to walk away.
Mercury: Whatever. You want me
Emerald: Sorry, but you're not my type, and never will be. I prefer my men -
More of the city is shown, including a café where two extras sit chatting. Mercury and Emerald are walking through the city.
Mercury: So, how much farther?
Emerald: A few blocks
Mercury: Ugh... this place is so dull
Emerald: Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...
Mercury: And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket
Emerald stops.
Emerald: That's every city
Mercury: (Mercury play acts as a victim) Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!
Emerald glares at him, groaning angrily. She then walks away from him.
Mercury: Ugh... you're no fun today
Mercury follows behind Emerald. The scene shifts to Emerald and Mercury entering a shop full of books.
The shop owner can be heard humming a tune. Mercury stops near the door to look at books while Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell.
Tukson: Be right there!
Emerald looks back at Mercury. The shop owner is seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backwards and out toward the counter.
Tukson: Welcome to "Tukson's Book Trade." Home to every book under the sun! (He sets the stacks down.) How may I...
Turning around, he gasps and hesitates upon recognizing the two of them. Mercury is now holding a book.
Tukson: How may I help you?
Mercury: (Although the book is open, Mercury is looking at Tukson.) Just browsing...
He shuts the book.
Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?
Tukson: Yes, we do
Emerald: (Excitedly) That's great!
Tukson: Would you... like a copy?
Emerald: No, I'm just wondering. (Mercury closes another book.) Oh, oh! What about "Violet's Garden"? In paperback?
Mercury: He's got it. Hardback, too.
Mercury produces a book.
Emerald: Ooh, options are nice.
Mercury: Eh, no pictures. (Closes the book) Hey! Do you have any comics?
Tukson: Near the front
Emerald: Oh, no, wait!
The atmosphere becomes decidedly more menacing.
Emerald: What... about... "Third Crusade"?
Tukson: (Hesitates, visibly unnerved.) Um... I... (Mercury and Emerald are eyeing him carefully) ...don't believe we carry that one
Mercury: (Slams another book shut.) Oh...
Emerald: What was this place called again?
Tukson: Tukson's Book Trade
Emerald: And you're Tukson?
Tukson: That's right
Emerald: So then I take it that you're the one that came up with the catchphrase?
Tukson: Yes
Mercury: And, what was it again?
Tukson: "Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun."
Mercury: Except the Third Crusade
Tukson: It's just a catchphrase
Mercury: It's false advertising!
Emerald: You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep, Tukson
Mercury activates a switch near the entrance, causing a front window to darken.
Emerald: I hear that you're planning on leaving. Moving all the way to Vacuo
Mercury activates another switch, and the window in the front door darkens.
Emerald: Your brothers in the White Fang won't be happy to hear that...
Mercury activates the third and final switch, darkening the last window as he smiles creepily at Tukson.
Emerald: And neither are we... you know who we are, don't you?
Tukson: Yes
Emerald: And you know why we're here?
Tukson: Yes
Emerald: So... are you going to fight back?
Tukson: Yes! (Tukson produces claws from his fingers.) Yaargh!
Tukson leaps atop his counter in a threatening manner. Mercury and Emerald back up slightly, and he leaps at Emerald and slashes at her, but she dodges.
He looks forward and is surprised at Mercury as he raises one leg for a kick with his shotgun-greaves... however, that is stopped by a hand.
Mercury: What the - (sees who it is) Oh no...
Mercury and Emerald's eyes widened when it was revealed that F/N had caught Mercury's foot with ease. Both of them immediately tensed up as the adult Viltrumite glared at them.
F/N: Are you okay, Tukson? I'm glad I was here to help out in the back today
Tukson: Y-Yes, I am. Thank you, Superior...
F/N: Just doing my job. I'll see to it that these two are punished fairly for this (let's go of Mercury's foot as he backs away in fear). You two. With me. Now
Mercury, Emerald, and F/N exit "Tukson's Book Trade." Emerald and Mercury were completely tensed, fear having filled their bodies as F/N closed the door behind him.
Emerald: F/N, I- (turns around to look at him, but completely shuts up when he's right in front of her, glaring daggers down at her) I-I... I-...
F/N: Shut up. Not another word. Follow me. Now
F/N walked away as Emerald and Mercury looked at each other fearfully before quickly following after him.
In the Beacon Academy cafeteria, Team RWBY is sitting together as Blake looks over some notes, bo longer wearing a bow as her cat ears were on full display. Yang then slides up next to her partner.
Yang: Whatcha doing?
Blake: Nothing. (Closes her book) I'm just going over notes from last semester
Yang catches a grape in her mouth.
Yang: Lame
Nora giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Nora the thumbs up.
Ruby, giving an enormous heave, slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard.
On the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee." This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities," has been written underneath.
Ruby: (Clearing her throat, She gestures to everyone at the table.) Sisters... friends... Weiss!
Weiss (Voice-only): Hey!
Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream
Yang: This ought to be good
She catches another berry in her mouth.
Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!
Weiss: Did you steal my binder?
Ruby: (She makes "peace" signs with both hands.) I am not a crook
Blake: What are you talking about?
Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!
She points her finger at Blake.
Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?
An apple is tossed at Yang and hits her in the face. She glares at Nora.
Nora (Voice-only): Boooooooooooooooo!
Ruby: Look, guys, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! This is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today
Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store
Yang, still glaring, picks up an apple and tosses it across the room. As an unfamiliar voice shouts, "Hey!" and Nora can be heard giggling.
Blake: I don't know. I think I might sit this one out
Weiss: Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!
Nora: (Voice-only, shouting positively) I got it!
Weiss: I, for one, think that...
Weiss is interrupted by a pie landing on her face.
Nora is shown to be the one who threw the pie. She sits down and points at Ren, who has his head in his palm. Pyrrha's hand is over her mouth, and Jaune simply sits, staring wide-eyed while covering his ear with his palm.
Outside the cafeteria, Sun and Neptune Vasilias are walking together as Sun relates the events prior.
Neptune: Man, that's harsh
Sun: I know, we were fighting side by side. She was super fast, and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome
Neptune: Nice!
Sun: Right? And the best part is, she's a Faunus! A cat one too! Been thinking about asking her out on a date
Neptune: Nice!
Sun leans in close in order to stress the importance of his point.
Sun: I'm serious here, man. I think she might be the one. Opposites attract and all that stuff. Got it?
Neptune: Whoa, chill out, man, okay? I got it (almost whispering) I got it!
Sun: You better
In the windows into the cafeteria where food splatters into the panes as students are now running around. At one point, Jaune is the one splattered into the window.
Sun: I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offence to you guys
Neptune: None taken
Sun: They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?
Neptune: Dude
Neptune's teeth gleam as he smiles, pulling a cool pose off while doing so.
Sun: Good point
Sun and Neptune enter the cafeteria where students are heard screaming.
Beacon Student (Voice-only): Food fight!
Many students are shown stampeding out the door past Sun and Neptune, the latter of whom is looking quite worried.
Nora: Ahahahaha!
Team JNPR is shown to be standing atop a tower of tables stacked in a ramshackle manner.
Nora: (In sing-song) I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!
Ruby: (Stomping her foot on a table and pointing at Team JNPR.) Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful!
Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.
Ruby: It will be delicious!
Team WBY: (Raising their fists simultaneously) Yeah!
Nora: Off with their heads!
Nora jumps down from the top of her tower, and the food fight begins.
Ruby: Yang! Turkey!
Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her.
After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out, and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.
Ruby: (Cradling Weiss) Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!
The fighting resumes, ending with JNPR slamming against a cracked wall painted with soda and food. Team JNPR slides off the wall, leaving only their outlines.
Sun: I love these guys
Unfortunately for Neptune, he was drenched with soda and is not pleased. The doors behind them open, and Glynda enters the room growling. She proceeds to use telekinesis to re-organize the room.
Glynda: Everyone, please. (She adjusts her glasses.) Do not play with your food!
Nora burps aloud as both Team JNPR and Team RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder.
Ozpin: Let it go...
Glynda: *Sighs* They're supposed to be the defenders of the world...
Ozpin: And they will be, but right now, let them enjoy their school life..
Team RWBY is shown laughing together. Ozpin walks away from Glynda.
Ozpin: After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever
In an old warehouse, the White Fang is moving crates as Emerald and Mercury enter with F/N behind them. Ilia sees this and approaches them but stops when she sees their expressions.
Ilia: What happened?
F/N: That's what we're about to find out
F/N produces a piece of paper from Emerald.
Emerald: F-F/N. I swear that -
F/N: Silence
Emerald immediately shuts her mouth as F/N looks at the pieces of paper before holding it up.
F/N: Why do you have this address?
Mercury: We've just been cleaning up problems, sir. Lighten the load, ya know?
Ilia: (Looks at the address F/N hands to her) I had that under control
Mercury: Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise
Ilia: Listen here, you filthy human. If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and...
??? (Voice-only): Do what, Ilia?
Cinder Fall appears on a platform above them. She steps onto an automated lift, riding it down to their level.
Ilia: Tch! Nothing... I'd do nothing...
F/N: Cinder
Seeing this, Cinder smiled before walking up to F/N as he took her into his arms.
Cinder: F/N, my love. Oh, how happy I am to see you again
F/N: As am I. You look as ravishing as ever
Cinder: Only for you~
The two then leaned in for a passionate kiss. Mercury looked away while Emerald and Ilia blushed on at the display, Emerald wishing to join in with them.
Soon pulling away, Cinder faced the trio as F/N wrapped his arms around her, gripping onto her plump breasts to softly knead them, watching on.
Cinder: I thought I made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway
Ilia: I was going to. He is one of ours, so we'll handle him
Emerald: He was going to escape to Vacuo!
Ilia: That still wasn't your call to make!
Emerald: Then actually do your job, you damn lizard!
Ilia: Oh, you insufferable little street ra -
Suddenly, appearing in front of the two, F/N placed his hands on their heads, stopping the two women in their tracks as he stared coldly down at them.
F/N: Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?
As F/N speaks, Cinder smirked on at her lover's display of dominance. Knowing that either one of them made one wrong move, F/N could easily crush their skulls into mush.
Emerald: I just thought that...
Mercury uses his fingers to mime having a slit throat.
F/N: Don't think, Emerald... obey
Emerald: (Apologetically) Yes, sir. I'm really sorry, sir. It won't happen again...
F/N: (Let's Emerald go as she steps back, and F/N looks at Ilia) And you. Why wasn't this job done sooner?
Ilia: I've been doing the job you gave me after you decided to put Roman behind bars, sir...
Mercury: You're an inspiration to every punk with a gun and a ski mask
Emerald laughs at the remark.
Ilia: (Glares at him) Look around. I've got this town running scared! Police camping out at every corner, Dust prices through the roof, and we're sitting pretty on an old warehouse with more Dust crystals, vials, and rounds than we know what to do with! Speaking of which, if you guys wouldn't mind filling me in on your grand master plan, it might actually make my next string of robberies go a little smoother!
She emphasizes the last word by clenching her fist.
Cinder: (Cinder approaches her as F/N lets her go) Oh, Ilia. Have a little faith
She places her hand on her face and leans in, their lips almost touching as Cinder stared deep into her eyes.
Cinder: You'll know what you need when you need to know it
Ilia seems entranced but then looks away with a grunt.
Cinder: Besides, we're done with Dust
She begins to walk away with F/N by her side as she wrapped her arms around his, pressing it up against her breasts.
Ilia: O-Okay, then what now?
F/N: We're moving. Have your White Fang clear out this building. Cinder will send you details and coordinates tonight
Ilia: Coordinates?
F/N: (Looking back at Ilia.) We're proceeding to phase two...
F/N, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald begin to walk away. Ilia could only sigh, rubbing her forehead in frustration and relief.
Ilia: I did not sign up for this...
With F/N and the others, Cinder looked up at him with a seductive smirk.
Cinder: May we make up for lost time, my love? I've missed you ~
F/N: Of course (sees Emerald look down in sadness). I've missed you both
Hearing this, Emerald looked up at F/N as he gestured to his other arm. Emerald immediately latched onto it with a loving smile. All the while, Mercury looked on with envy but ultimately kept his mouth shut.
At Beacon Academy, a large unnerving ship as it descends upon a landing pad. Two Bullheads fly by, slowly lowering to show ant-like swarms of people on the paths around Beacon.
At the top of a tower veiled behind clouds. Ozpin, F/N and Glynda can be seen through the window into Ozpin's office.
Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels...
Ozpin: Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. (Three more Bullheads fly in.) But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore
A chirping beep sounds repeatedly. Ozpin turns to see a hollow message, "Access Requested," on his desk.
Ozpin: Come in
The doors to the elevator slide open to reveal James Ironwood as Ozpin approaches to greet him.
Ironwood: (Cordially) Ozpin!
Ozpin stands at attention.
Ozpin: Hello, General
Ironwood: Please drop the formalities. (Both approach and shake hands as F/N and Glynda also approaches.) It's been too long. And F/N! It has certainly been too long since we last met. Been seeing you on the news a lot. 'Superior', huh?
F/N: (Nods) General (to the others) I'll be outside
He walks away towards the elevator and gets in.
Glynda: (Follows after him) I'll make sure he's doing okay
Ironwood: (Watching them leave) Well, he hasn't changed a bit...
Ozpin: He never has been a fan of military forces. That I've picked up on
Ironwood: You and me both...
Ozpin: (As he turns to his desk...) So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?
He picks up a mug and a kettle, pouring as he speaks.
Ozpin: Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival...
He turns and offers the cup to Ironwood.
Ironwood: (Takes it) Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year
Ironwood produces a canteen from his inside coat pocket and pours its contents into his mug.
Ironwood: Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up
Ozpin walks around to his desk, kettle, and a new mug in hand.
Ozpin: (Sits and pours himself some coffee) I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends. However, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned
Ironwood: Well, concern is what brought them here
Ozpin: I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult. We all can't fly like Superior now, can we?
Ironwood: Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men...
Ozpin: (Takes a drink and sets down his mug.) We are in a time of peace thanks to Superior. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression
Ironwood: But if what Qrow said is true...
Ozpin: If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully
Ozpin emphasizes this as he holds up an index finger.
Ozpin: It's the Vytal Festival. It is a time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.
Ironwood: I'm just being cautious. Even with someone like Superior on our side, it doesn't mean everyone is safe
Ozpin: As am I. This is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can and Superior will continue to be the Symbol of Peace he's come to be
Ironwood: Believe me, I am
Ironwood turns and walks away. He stops near the door and looks back at Ozpin.
Ironwood: But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your students can follow in Superior's footsteps and win a war?
He continues on his way to the exit.
Ozpin: I hope they never have to...
In the Beacon Academy library, Team RWBY is shown playing Remnant: The Game.
Ruby (Voice-only): Hmmmmm.... All right... All right! (Points at Yang) Yang L/N, prepare your kingdom for battle!
Yang: (Thrusting her elbow down as she balls her fist.) Bring it on!
Ruby: I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet! (Slaps her card down on the table. Yang feigns a look of shock.) Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!
She makes noises like aeroplanes flying and bombing as she makes a bird with her hands.
Yang: (Feigning indignance as she points at Ruby.) You fiend!
Ruby is now ducked at one end of the table.
Ruby: And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn
Ruby peaks her head up. She gives a look of surprise as, Yang can be heard laughing arrogantly.
Yang: (Raises a card.) Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card!
Ruby: (Visibly disturbed.) Whaaat?!
Yang: Giant Nevermore! (She slams the card down on the table.) If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!
A scene of a Nevermore flying over a field of swords impaled in the ground plays over the conversation.
Ruby: (Points at Yang.) But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!
The Nevermore is shown to be turning back toward Yang.
Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take
The two glare at each other. Yang is heard shouting triumphantly.
Team JNPR is shown as Yang and Ruby banter on about the game. Ren and Pyrrha are studying, and Nora's snot bubble inflates and deflates as she sleeps.
Ruby (Voice-only): Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!
Yang (Voice-only): Eh, most of them were probably androids
Ruby (Voice-only): Goodbye, my friends, you will be avenged
Yang (Voice-only): Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!
Ruby (Voice-only): Bah!
Nora: (Snores and talks in her sleep) Oh, yes, Mr. L/N, I'd love to have some of your whip cream on my pancakes...~
Yang (Voice-only): Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?
Pyrrha clears her throat and then confiscates a comic book Jaune is reading, trading it for a textbook.
Ruby (Voice-only): Bah! Bah, I say!
Yang (Voice-only): I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!
As Pyrrha reads Jaune's comic, a Nevermore player piece is tossed over Jaune's shoulder. Another piece bounces off of his head.
Ruby (Voice-only): Have you no heart? (She collapses on the table, groaning.) Nooo!
Yang: Well, Weiss, it's your turn
Weiss: I have... I absolutely have no idea what's going on
Yang: (Slides slides up beside her and puts her hand on her shoulder.) Look, it's easy! You're playing as a Vacuo, which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus
Weiss: That sounds dumb...
Yang: (Starts looking through Weiss' cards.) See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! (She pulls up a card to show Weiss.) Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet-
Ruby: (Crying) Nooo!
Yang: -and put it in your hand!
Weiss: Okay
Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!
Yang points a finger at Weiss.
Yang: Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war
She pulls away and returns to her seat.
Weiss: And that means...
Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!
Weiss stands and a thunder clap accompanies Weiss' overjoyed psychotic laughter.
Weiss: Y-Yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!
Yang (Voice-only): Trap card...
Yang's arm appears holding the card.
Weiss: Huh?
Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, Weiss' pieces disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Yang: Your armies have been destroyed
Weiss slumps in her chair, cries and whines.
Weiss: I hate this game of emotions we play!
Ruby hops into Weiss' lap.
Ruby: Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!
Weiss: Shut up! (Weiss hugs Ruby.) Don't touch me!
Yang: (Putting her arms up behind her head) Alright Blake, you're up!
Blake: Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?
Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!
Blake: Right....
Jaune: (Approaching the table) Hey! Can I play?
Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we've already got 4 people
Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess
Yang: Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet 2 turns ago.
Weiss makes an annoyed sound.
Jaune: Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!
Weiss: By who? Your mother?
Jaune: A-And Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: (Waving) Hello again!
Jaune: (Begging with both hands folded together.) Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!
Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!
Jaune: Why not?
Weiss: Because it's as Ruby said, only four people can play
Jaune: But Blake isn't playing...?
Weiss: (Waves her hand at him) Shoo, shoo
Jaune: Alright then. Ladies
He bows as he then walked back to to his team.
Sun (Voice-only): 'Sup losers
Sun appears, holding his fingers in a "peace" sign.
Ruby: Hey, Sun!
Sun and Neptune walked up to Team RWBY.
Sun: Ruby, Yang, Blake... Ice Queen
Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?
Ruby: Why not? I think it's a cute nickname
Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend
Neptune: Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?
Ren: (Throwing his arms up) Thank you!
Nora: (Popping her head up) Pancakes!
Sun: Shut up. Don't be a nerd
Neptune: (Shaking a finger at Sun.) Geh, geh, geh, geh! "Intellectual, okay? Thank you (waves) I'm Neptune
Weiss: So Neptune, where are you from?
Neptune: Haven. (Approaches Weiss.) And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel
Weiss: (Raises an eyebrow) Um, I'm Weiss...?
Jaune: Are you kidding me!?
Neptune: Pleasure to meet you
Sun: (To Blake) I never took you as the board game playing type
Blake: (As she speaks, she shoves Sun aside and leaves the room.) Right, well, I think I'm done playing, actually. I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna go see if Mr. L/N is available
Pyrrha: Oh! He should be doing his afternoon classes with some of the upper students!
Blake only nodded as she now knew where to go.
Nora: (Shrugs) Women...
Meanwhile F/N was in his afternoon classes, with Professor Peach and Professor Goodwitch being his assistants in this.
The three teachers stood in front of the classroom as the students who signed up watched on in intrude. All the students being female as Velvet and Coco were among the female only students.
Peach: Alright, everyone. This past week we have been learning the female anatomy, but today, we will be learning about the male anatomy. And luckily for us, Mr. L/N here will be helping us with just that
F/N nodded at this.
Glynda: Good. Now, ladies. We all have very common differences from our male counterpart, for example, we have breasts and vaginas
Peach: But for males, they have...
That's when both female professors undid the belt to F/N's pants and pulled them down along with his underwear to reveal his flaccid cock to the female students.
Female Students: Woah...
Peach: This, ladies (gently grabs his dick and lifts it up) is the male genitalia, or a penis, if you will
The female students admired F/N's cock while he stood there stoically.
Coco: (Riases her hand) Hey, Professor. It's difficult to see it from up here. Can't we get a closer look~?
Glynda: You are correct, Miss. Adel. Ladies, come forward
All the girls eagerly sprinted to the front, but Coco was the first to get close to F/N's dick.
Velvet: No fair, Coco!
Coco: Sorry, Velvet. You snooze, you lose. The cock feels so warm up close
Coco's breath would brush against F/N's member, causing it to harden in front of the girls.
Female Student 1: Woah...
Female Student 2: It's so big...
Coco: This is what mama wants ~
Peach: Oh my ~ but this can go into our next section about Sex Education. As you cab see, Mr. L/N has become horny and needs to be satisfied. Professor Goodwitch, can you show everyone how to give proper oral sex?
Glynda: Of course
Glynda would have Coco move out of the way as she squatted down in front of F/N and then lick the base to the tip of F/N's cock before completely taking it into her mouth, sending shocks of pleasure through F/N's body as F/N stood in place, letting this happen.
Peach: Professor L/N, I want you to focus on the pleasure that Professor Goodwitch is giving you. Focus on how deep she takes in your cock. How her tounge wraps around it
Coco: Velvet
Velvet looked at Coco as she leaned in to whisper something to her causing Velvet to blush before nodding.
That's when Coco amd Velvet got below Glynda and began to eagerly suck on his hanging balls. The three women working together to pleasure F/N as all the other female students watched on in horny curiosity, wanting to be in their place.
Meanwhile, Blake had made it to the classroom and looked in before freezing in place at the erotic display, now unable to look away as she watched Glynda suck on his cock, taking it all the way down her throat while Coco and Velvet had one of his balls in their mouths, swirling their tounges around them.
Blake: (Blushing) O-Oh good...
F/N soon tensed up, his balls tightening up in the girls mouths.
Peach: I think Professor L/N is about to release his first load. Girls please line up on your knees
All the girls stopped what they were doing as all of them sat close together on their knees in front of F/N and Peach as she began jerking him off.
Peach: Come on, Professor L/N. See all these beautiful women that want your warm seed? All of them are super horny with very few ways to relieve themselves. You're here to help them. So please cum for them ~
She continued jerking him off, increasing her pace of stroking before F/N finally came all over the women as they took his white load with glee.
Velvet: (Licks some off her lips) So thick and sticky...
Coco: Here, Velv. Let's share some ~
Coco then pulled Velvet into a heated kiss, swapping spit and semen. Some of the female students following in their footsteps and doing that also.
All the while F/N and Peach watched on as she gently stroked his cock bow while Glynda cleaned it up with her tounge.
Peach: What a great class we had today. Wouldn't you say, Professor L/N?
F/N: Indeed
Peach: We still have a few hours before our lesson ends, and Professor L/N here still has enough sperms for everyone, so let's continue on, shall we?
As the lesson continued on, Blake took this opportunity to finally leave. A blush on her face and her panties wet from what she had just experienced.
Blake: That's what will be in store for me? I honestly can't wait now ~
Blake soon enters her dorm to see the rest of her team already inside. Any sign of smile or blush leaving her face.
Yang: Ugh, we should have never let him play!
Ruby: You're just mad cuz' the new guy beat you! See, if you had just attacked when I told you, none of this would have happened
They turned to see Blake while she quickly turned around to leave again.
Weiss: Stop
She points at Blake. Blake's hand retracts from the door knob.
Weiss: Lately, you've been quiet, antisocial, and moody!
Yang: Uh, have you met Blake?
Weiss: Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which, quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong!
She flips through the air as six copies of her emblem fly through the air.
Weiss: So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!?
She points her finger at Blake again.
Weiss is shown to be balancing precariously on a chair's back feet. She quickly puts the chair away and returns to stand near the girls.
Blake: I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm...
Ruby: (Approaching Blake) You're still thinking about Ilia?
Blake: Ilia, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening, and no one is doing anything about it!
Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it
Blake: Well, I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!
Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells
Ruby (Voice-only): Uh, who?
Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!
Ruby: Well, yeah, but...
Weiss: We're not ready!
Blake: And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day. (Pointing toward the door) They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!
Ruby raises her hand and does other random gestures, while looking manic.
Ruby: Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye.
Yang: (Pumps her fist enthusiastically and points at Blake.) Yes! I love it when you're feisty!
Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun...
Ruby: None of you said aye...
Blake: (Smiles) Alright then, we're in this together!
Ruby: (Gesturing) Let's hatch a plan!
Yang: ("Double-guns" at Ruby) Yeah!
Weiss: I think it is also in our best interest that we bring Mr. L/N along. It would be wise to have a professional with us on this
Blake: I can agree with you there
Ruby: (Gasps as she freaks out) I left my board game at the library!
Weiss: (Places her hand to her head) We're doomed
Ruby: (Running out of the room and down the hallway) I'll be right back!
Once Ruby was gone, Weiss looked at Yang and Blake.
Weiss: What should we do now? I suggest we take this time to study
Yang: We could do that. Or...
Weiss: Or what?
Smirking, Yang quickly grabbed Weiss' shoulders and pulled her into a deep kiss, Weiss was caught off guard at first before kissing Yang back.
Blake: (Shrugs shoulders) Guess we know what we're doing now
The three women then began to remove their clothing, ready to engage in a WBY Threesome.
Meanwhile, as Ruby ran down the hallway, she unfortunately slams into someone and falls on her butt.
Ruby: Oo-oof! Oh, g-! (looking up) Sorry. Are you okay?
Looking up, Ruby saw that she had bumped into Emerald.
Emerald: I'm fine. (She offers her hand.) Just watch where you're going
Ruby takes Emerald's hand. Mercury stands beside them.
Ruby: Oh, right, sorry. (She continues to speak as Emerald helps her to her feet.) Um, I'm Ruby! Ruby L/N. Are you new?
Emerald steps aside to reveal Cinder as she approaches.
Cinder: Visiting from Haven, actually
Emerald turns to look at her.
Ruby stares for a moment, and Cinder stares back.
Ruby: Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory
Mercury: I guess we just got turned around
Ruby: Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time
Mercury and Emerald walk past Ruby.
Ruby: Uh, your building is just east of here
Cinder (Voice-only): Thanks
Cinder walks past Ruby, gesturing in acknowledgement.
Cinder: Maybe we'll see you around
Ruby: Yeah, maybe!
The trio continues to walk away. Behind them, Ruby can be seen waving.
Ruby: Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!
As Cinder walked away, a sly smirk appeared on her face.
Cinder: So she's one of the daughters you've mentioned, my love? How interesting ~
___________[To Be Continued]___________
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